Categories: Astrology

1st House (Ascendant) and the Signs

The rising sign is located in house 01 of the birth chart and is considered the key to understanding the complexities of a person’s personality, being responsible for representing the first impression we leave in our relationship with the outside world.

It is the ascendant sign that will reveal the so-called “social mask” that we all have, that is, the way in which we allow ourselves to be seen by others, being an important complement to our solar sign, where the ascendant can be seen as the the way we dress and the sun sign, the way we feel. 

Many astrologers consider the rising sign to be one of the most complex aspects of the birth chart, as it not only indicates the way we show ourselves to the world, but also marks the beginning of our contact with it. This means that it will be the rising sign that will guide us in self-knowledge, allowing us to realize our values ​​and our ability to interact with those around us.

By revealing our public identity, the rising sign reveals a lot about the emotional, intellectual and physical aspects that we use throughout life and how we express ourselves within different contexts, being, therefore, the first piece of the astrological puzzle that reveals the multiple facets of our personality and the complexity of our interaction with the outside world.

Ascendente em Áries

People with an Aries rising sign are characterized by showing great impulsiveness when interacting with the world around them, demonstrating immense proactivity and predisposition to act, regardless of the area of ​​their life.

It is as if a supernatural force drives them to react to any challenge with a feline and unstoppable ferocity, that is, when she takes action, nothing is able to stop her, making many admire her assertive nature, being influenced by it.

However, just as this impulsiveness fascinates, it can also end up pushing people away, making these Aries people seen as someone who is selfish and only thinks about their own achievements. This is because the intensity of Aries’ focus can leave him blind to things around him, making him unintentionally ignore some points that are important to others.

Therefore, the person with this ascendant must learn to balance their energies so as not to run over everyone without any kind of care. This way, he will be able to achieve all his goals without hurting those he loves.

Ascendente em Touro

People with the rising sign in Taurus convey an aura of peace and contemplation, being characterized by the patience with which they face their own journey in life, appreciating each and every sensory pleasure that the world has to offer them.

This means that, at first glance, they may appear to be very quiet people who are content with very little, however, this need to experience the pleasures of life soon dispels this image, making them be seen as people who are determined in what they want, since they are very persevering and dedicated when it comes to achieving their goals.

Because they have this duality between calmness and perseverance, people with this ascendant must be careful not to fall into the trap of procrastination or excessive rigidity, especially when faced with sudden changes.

This is because the familiarity and comfort they find in stability can end up leading them to postpone the necessary adaptation to new circumstances, while excessive focus on one point hinders flexibility and the ability to adjust to the demands of the moment. That’s why it’s so important to find the balance point.

Ascendente em Gêmeos

People with the Gemini rising sign experience a world of stimuli, intimately navigating through life with lightness and a sense of humor, which gives them the ability to find creative solutions to any challenge that the world puts at their feet.

Their extroverted nature causes them to be seen as somewhat superficial and negligent people, especially when it comes to maintaining a higher level of intimate connection, this is because people with this ascendant are naturally sociable and free-spirited, which ends up making them to be more dispersive in relation to the other’s feelings.

Despite this, this dispersion can also be seen as a strong point when directed towards the search for learning and discovery, after all, experimenting is the essence of life for these Geminis, although, most of the time, this experimentation with the world is shallow. Therefore, it is necessary that they learn to concentrate their energy on a specific focus in order to appreciate things in their depth.

Ascendente em Câncer

People with Cancer ascendant are at a much more intense level when it comes to sensitivity and protection, using the characteristic Cancerian softness as armor that hides a fierce determination. 

This sensitivity means that, at first glance, they can be seen as calm people, who navigate life with caution and adaptability, but over time it becomes possible to see how their deep emotions shape their actions towards the goals they desire. 

Because of this emotional depth, people with Cancer ascendant tend to be sensitive to the environment around them, being easily disturbed in public situations, which makes them seek refuge in their own world, making them shy in new situations. 

In addition, these Cancerians are guided by the tides, demonstrating mood swings that can make some people see them as dramatic or fickle, so it is important that they learn to nurture emotional self-control in order to be able to deal with people and situations that may provoke them beyond their limits.

Ascendente em Leão

People with Leo rising have an aura of vitality and determination that radiates confidence and tenacity wherever they go, so much so that their strong presence is felt by everyone from the first second they set foot somewhere. 

This strong presence is a consequence of the courage and self-confidence that people with this ascendant carry with them and that allows them to face their fears and challenges with bravery. This bravery contributes to this imposing posture that inspires others to fight alongside them against any adversity. 

However, this self-confident energy and the way they manage to build a status in the world makes them very proud people, and it is important for them to learn to balance their constant desire for recognition with humility, before this belief in their own superiority drives away the people who are important to them. 

Being able to cultivate this humility will provide them with valuable advice that will allow them to learn and grow from the experiences of others as much as from their own experiences.

Ascendente em Virgem

People with Virgo rising have a natural ability to adapt to different people and situations, always presenting an initially discreet but deeply observant attitude. 

This observant attitude ends up making them harsher and more critical of those around them, expressing their opinions almost always automatically and without awareness of the consequences that this can have on the person being criticized. 

Although their criticisms are intended to bring out the best in others, these people end up being seen as arrogant and overbearing, especially when they do not exercise tact before expressing their opinion. Because of this, it is very important that they learn to digest mistakes and accept human imperfection, recognizing that what is best for them may not be for others. 

Another striking point in those with Virgo rising is the contradiction in their approach to life: while they are extremely organized and attentive to details in some areas, they can be completely disorganized in others, which can irritate those who cannot understand this Virgo duality.

Ascendente em Libra

People with a Libra rising sign radiate an aura of harmony and diplomacy, being easily appreciated by others, mainly because they present a friendly and balanced attitude from the first meeting, contributing to this instant positive impression.

Their taste for comparisons and thoughtful discussions reflects their search for justice and mutual understanding, making them skilled at reconciling divergent interests, forming lasting alliances and expanding their network of contacts with maturity and politeness, especially as they are extremely adaptable and sociable beings. .

Furthermore, the care they take with their appearance, seeking to dress appropriately for each occasion, ends up showing others a natural and charming charisma, with this charisma being their weapon to persuade people to act and think in accordance with their beliefs and values.

However, it is worth highlighting that if this Libra man is unable to manage these persuasive attitudes, even if they are subtle and may seem innocent, he may end up being seen as manipulative and undesirable, alienating people who would have a lot to add to his journey.

Ascendente em Escorpião

People with a Scorpio rising sign have an innate ability to penetrate the depths of the human soul, which makes them seen as enigmatic, endowed with an aura of mystery that captivates even the most skeptical, mainly because they highly value their privacy, at times. sometimes to the point of paranoia. 

Ruled by a passionate and transformative nature, they are people who dedicate themselves body and soul to their desires and goals, which can take them to extremes to the point of making them seen as controlling and intransigent, especially when we talk about more serious relationships. intimate.

Despite this, when the other manages to penetrate the layers of this Scorpio, he finds a committed and extremely loyal person, capable of understanding what the other feels without the need for words.

This occurs because they are perceptive observers, capable of reading between the lines of situations and people, seeking at all times to understand the “how” and “why” of things. In fact, this characteristic also helps them to be able to distinguish when something will be good for them or not, avoiding falling into traps.

Ascendente em Sagitário

People with a rising sign in Sagittarius have the energy of adventure pulsing through their veins in such a way and with such intensity that it makes them overflow with enthusiasm and excitement whenever they come across something new or an unknown path ready to be explored. 

Even if they don’t always realize it, their thirst for new things and their free spirit are their trademarks, brands that don’t go unnoticed wherever they are, making them people who are greatly admired for the enthusiasm and positivity with which they approach life, being a inspiration for everyone around you.

However, this incessant search for new experiences can lead them to occasional dispersion, making it difficult to maintain concentration on trivial things, which can end up making them seen by some as negligent or even irresponsible people, especially if they are faced with situations that require greater focus.

Furthermore, because they are very direct and frank, people with this ascendant often find themselves facing harsh criticism regarding the sincerity with which they express themselves, making it necessary to learn to be a little more tactful in their relationships with others.

Ascendente em Capricórnio

People with a rising sign in Capricorn present a posture marked by seriousness and unshakable determination to achieve their goals, being recognized for their unquestionable ethics and the meticulous way in which they approach their responsibilities. 

By always maintaining their unwavering focus when it comes to achieving goals and plans, people with this ascendant have a public image linked to competence and reliability, mainly due to the way they adopt a pragmatic and direct approach to life, although sometimes they can be perceived as tense and reserved.

Furthermore, their great need for security and stability drives them to overcome challenges, giving them an inflexible determination that can make them seen by others as impassive and cold, as this focus on the future can make them leave their emotions stored inside.

Despite this serious view, they do value the importance of moments of relaxation and sociability, being able to demonstrate their deepest feelings to those they really care about, managing to create intimate connections that are much more valuable than all the money in the world.

Ascendente em Aquário

People with an Aquarius rising sign are endowed with an expansive worldview, capable of seeing beyond trivialities and understanding processes from a higher perspective, which makes them integrate experiences into their lives that transcend the trivial.

Equipped with an eccentric temperament, they are people who stand out in the eyes of others for the originality and versatility with which they express themselves, where their opinions always reflect a mind free from imposed paradigms, which ends up fueling the curiosity of others towards them.

Despite having the image of being indifferent, distant and cold, they are very empathetic people, capable of connecting with the collective unconscious and thinking about the well-being of others above their own, creating a fusion between eccentricity and kindness that captivates and attracts attention from aliens.

It is worth noting that people with this ascendant carry with them the typical stubbornness of the sign, which makes them challenge their own progressive nature, if they believe it is against their values ​​and convictions, and can become so inflexible that many may see them as fractious and capricious. .

Ascendente em Peixes

People with a rising sign in Pisces have a unique sensitivity and an aura of compassion that permeates their interactions with the world, making them masters at capturing the emotional nuances of others, which ends up attracting confidence and shared feelings.

With a changeable nature and a restlessness that drives them in search of something more, people with this ascendant are able to adapt to different situations, revealing to others a fluid and charming personality that arouses the curiosity of others.

Endowed with an intense inner life, they are people prone to reflection and artistic expression, finding in art ways to transcend reality and delve into their own soul, which ends up leading them to daydream, something that can make them be seen as dispersed or even distant people.

Despite this, it is this triad – creativity, sensitivity and compassion – that will serve as a basis for facing the harshness of reality and resolving practical life issues, because, even though they may seem scattered, it is this daydreaming that helps them resolve the challenges in hand. your path.

Enjoy your reading and see you in the next article, 2nd House and the Signs 

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

Published by
Eliana Sousa

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