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9th House and the Signs

9th House in Astrology plays a crucial role in the search for meaning, the expansion of consciousness and spiritual development. Often called the "House of Philosophy" or "House of God", it reflects...

8th House and the Signs

House 08 represents a deeply complex area, addressing psychological and emotional aspects, and is the place of secret transformations that transmute the essence of being. In this house, the...

7th House (Descendant) and the Signs

The descendant sign, located in the 7th House, is the sign that defines our most intimate interactions and significant partnerships throughout life. Thus, while the ascendant sign reveals who we are...

6th House and the Signs

6th House in Astrology is one of the most relevant areas of the astral chart, as it represents our practical knowledge, the adjustments we make throughout life and our ability to deal with adversity....

5th House and the Signs

5th House marks a transitional phase in the astrological journey, where identity begins to manifest itself in a more individual and unique way, being the stage for self-affirmation, where we seek to...