Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Ace of Cups tarot card meaning could be summed up as a packet of pure and innocuous love, bringing joy and happiness into your life. This card is incredibly flattering for your romantic relationships, but it is also a vitamin of positivity to all life-areas. When this Minor Arcana card appears in a tarot reading, you can be sure that great things are coming your way. 

The Ace of Cups is the starting point on our journey through the Cups, which is a suit associated with the element of water.  It’s an element of emotions, intuition, and creativity. As with all Aces in the Tarot deck, this Ace embodies a window of opportunity that you need to pay attention to. It is up to you to grab on to the chance and enjoy it to the fullest. 

Ace of Cups visual description and symbolism

There is a hand emerging from the cloud on the center of the card canvas, just like in other Aces. This time it’s holding a cup that’s overflowing with five streams of water, which is a significant element of the Ace of Cups. 

  • Water symbolizes emotion, empathy, visions, and second sight.
  • The overflowing water symbolizes the abundance of emotion from joy and happiness entering your life.
  •  Each stream of water represents the five senses; smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch. They are a reminder of the importance of listening to your inner voice – intuition. 
  • The hand holding the cup is a symbol of your awareness of the spiritual energy and influence within. 
  • The cup or a chalice is a symbol of the human soul and the subconsciousness.

On the top part of the image, a white dove is descending towards the chalice. On the bottom, there is a pool of water, which is covered with lotus blossoms. 

  • The white dove represents purity, peace, and fulfillment. 
  • The lotus blossom is symbolizing the awakening of the human spirit.

Ace of Cups Keywords

Keywords play a big part in learning to read Tarot, so before we jump into the cards’ more profound connotations, let’s look at them here. 

UPRIGHT Keywords: Love, new relationships, compassion, creativity

REVERSED Keywords: Loss of love, unhappiness, frustration, lack of creativity, disappointment, social distancing

Now that the visual elements and keywords are down, let’s dive deep into the Ace of Cups’ meanings in love, relationships, career, money, health, and spirituality. 

Ace of Cups Upright meaning

When The Ace of Cups appears upright in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you are ready to both give and receive unreserved love. So prepare your heart to be overflowing with love and happiness. Seeing this card is a signal to let go of whatever emotional burden you have had in the past and start experiencing the rich flow of emotion available to you right now. 

Once you get on the Ace of Cups bandwagon, the cheery glow won’t go unnoticed by others. It will grant you good things from all walks of life, be it your relationships, money, or health. There will be loving connections, creative opportunities, and deep compassion with everything around you. 

Love & Relationship

When it comes to love and relationships, the Ace of Cups is one of the most positive omens in the tarot deck. It is a card of pure and innocent love and symbolizes new beginnings. So if you are single, get out there with an open heart. Embrace your social side as Ace of Cups is an indicator of opportunities for both friendships and love. 

For the ones already in a relationship, the Ace of Cups comes an omen of deepening connection. Your relationship is ready to move to a new stage, and you will feel closer than ever. The question about pregnancy is very positive with the Ace of Cups. 

If your relationship has been going through some pumps, this card is a sign of relief. Things are going to be turning for the better, and your relationship will strengthen.

Money and Career

The Ace of Cups is also a token of positivity for money related inquiries. It is a sign that your finances will be better in balance, and you’ll be able to stress less about money. It could even suggest such things as loan approval going through or getting an extra bonus from work well done. 

Regarding your career, the Ace of cups is a sign of new and fresh opportunities coming your way. Whether you are looking for work, or have already established yourself within an organization, good things are on the horizon. This can come in the form of a new job, promotion, or overall recognition from your colleagues. It also signals that you feel good and creative so use this new energy to boost your career. 

Health and Spirituality 

Ace of Cups being the card of new beginnings it is definitely a positive sign regarding your health. It comes with a bundle of energy and positivity, which will help you with your physical well-being. It is also a sign of fertility, so be aware of parenthood possibilities when this card is on the table. 

The Ace of Cups is also a very spiritual card. It is an indication of a growing spiritual connection with the divine. You are ready to open your heart to the love of the Universe and take in all that it offers. 

Ace of Cups Yes Or No Upright

Aces are portals between the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana realms and are interpreted as beneficial, positive, and life-enhancing. The Ace of Cups represents joy and happiness with every aspect of life and is definitely a YES card when upright. 

Ace of Cups Reversed meaning

The Ace of Cups reversed is equally unwelcoming as it is welcoming in the upright position. When the Ace of Cups shows up reversed, it generally represents sadness, loss of love, frustration, and disappointment. It is a bearer of bad news to all issues at hand, be it your career, relationships, or anything in your current situation. This card can also indicate that you are feeling anxiety about everything in your life at the moment, and others might have negative perceptions towards you.

Love & Relationship

In love and relationship context, the Ace of Cups reversed is an omen of emotional upset. You may be repressing your emotions, or you are not able to connect with others. It can also be an indication of insecurities about yourself, which reflects on your relationships. So, if you are single, you may be finding it difficult to find or maintain a relationship at this time. 

If you are in a relationship, the Ace of Cups reversed could be a sign of frustration or trouble connecting with your partner. If this resonates with you, take a close look at your insecurities and try to observe what is holding you back? In the worst-case scenario, the Ace of Cups reversed can also indicate a breakup or divorce.

Money and Career

In its reversed position, the career meaning of Ace of Cups indicates that you are feeling unhappy with where you are at the moment. There might be a creative block, or you feel uninspired, preventing you from performing your best. You might feel frustrated with your career choices, or your current job might feel meaningless, which hurts your motivation to do your job. If you are looking for a job, the Ace of Cups reversed might indicate bad news in the form of rejection. 

Regarding your financials, there is a danger that you are not going to receive good news. It might come in the form of a rejected mortgage application or some other unexpected expenses. It’s also a reminder that it’s better to be always prepared for the bad news.  

Health and Spirituality 

The reversed Ace of Cups card indicates the opposite from the upright card. Instead of feeling full of energy that rises from positivity, you feel tired due to the emotional issues you could be going through. If you keep repressing them, this could have an impact on your health. If you are inquiring about pregnancy, The Ace of Cups reversed could be a sign of challenges. 

The reversed Ace of Cups in the spiritual context indicates that you are not listening to your intuition. For some reason, you are blocking or repressing it. You might be losing faith with your spirituality, and you are feeling more and more disconnected from the Universe. 

Ace of Cups YES or NO Reversed

Aces are the beginning of the suits themes, and with the Ace of Cups, we are looking at emotional and spiritual energy. When the card is reversed, it is a bearer of bad news and represents sadness, loss of love, frustration, and disappointment. Therefore the Ace of Cups reversed is No. 

Ace of Cups Combinations

Ace is always a strong indicator that you are going to be setting out to a new beginning. The Cups being a suit of emotions; they represent emotional intelligence over logical thought. And Ace being in the frontline of this suit, there is a burst of energy in your personal realm. 

Ace of Cups and Star

Having the Star and Ace of Cups appear on the same spread is a tricky combination. The Star is the symbol of hopes and dreams, and the Ace of Cups the seed of emotions. They both offer positivity but let’s say that concrete action is missing, which would clarify this combination. I see this combination as a reminder of the hope that lies in front of every new beginning. Don’t lose hope because the next person coming to your life could be the one. 

Ace of Cups and Lovers

The Lovers is a card of unions between opposing forces. Adding the Ace of Cups to the same spread with the Lovers makes a powerful combination for a deep and spiritual connection with someone. I see this as one of the best two-card combinations when it comes to love and relationship readings. It could sign a relationship with great potential or an old relationship bursting into a passion again. 

Ace of Cups and Death

This is an interesting combination. Death reminds us that all things eventually end, while the Ace of Cups a very positive card of positive emotional beginnings. I see this as reinforcing the message that every ending is a new beginning for something even better.

Ace of Cups and Strength

Having Strength and the Ace of Cups combine on the same spread, I see the Strenght giving advice on your new emotional beginning. You will need patience and mental strength on your unique personal journey. Take notice and remind yourself along the way. 

Ace of Cups – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are the principal associations with the Ace of Cups.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Astrological signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Kabbalah: Kether of Briah
  • Key dates: Spring
  • Yes / No upright: Yes
  • Yes / No reversed: No

Ace of Cups as Personality types

The Ace of Cups personality type could be summoned as an emotionally intelligent, romantic, spiritual, and connected person. It is truly a blessing to have a person like this close to you. These types of people care for others sincerely and want to make others feel good. They are intuitive and creative personalities who always listen and give you personal advice when you need support. The romantic side of them is continuously thinking ways to surprise you. 

Ace of Cups as Feelings

There is a great need to allow yourself to love and share all the feelings you carry within yourself with the other. It is the will to surrender, reconcile, rescue what one day experienced and make an effort to enhance relationships of any kind. Feelings that once hurt, today are worked to bring positivity, energy and love.

General questions about the Ace of Cups tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Ace of Cups tarot card.

What does the Ace of Cups tarot card mean?

The Ace of Hearts card features new beginnings. Now is the time to leave the past behind and commit to building a bright future. You must replace previously experienced emotions, especially those that carry with them sad memories and great hurts, for feelings that will sprout in this new phase that begins in your life. It is important to be open to new things and start from scratch if necessary, knowing how to take advantage of all the opportunities that life has to offer, freeing yourself from what is negative. Also take the opportunity to socialize more, meet people, celebrate the company of your friends and family, as they are very important to bring you positivity, energy and emotional and spiritual growth in your life.

What does the inverted Ace of Cups tarot card mean?

When in the inverted position, the Ace of Cups brings with it feelings such as sadness, pain, heartache and loneliness. You have been experiencing moments of emotional instability and this has been negatively influencing all areas of your life, preventing you from growing and moving forward. It is possible that you are blocking these feelings for fear of facing what really hurts you and not knowing how to heal the open wounds in your path, nurturing them for too long. In another reading, the Ace of Cups in the inverted position, can indicate a creativity block that is generating stagnation in projects and activities. Maybe you need some time to rest your mind. Meditating and reconnecting with your inner self will help you discover what is blocking you and relieve the pressure you feel for not being able to move forward. This will definitely help the creativity flow again. Don’t let despair overwhelm you.

What does the Ace of Cups tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, awakening new feelings and rescuing pleasant memories will help renew and grow your relationship. The intimacy between you rose to new heights that made it possible to open your heart to each other and share ideas, plans and projects for the future without judgment or incompatibility. You are more united than ever and this can be seen in the complicity between you. Keep working together to achieve all your wishes and desires. If you are single, this card indicates new romances and loves appearing in your life, bringing excitement and renewing energy. Take the opportunity to socialize more and meet new people, this will expand your alternatives.

When in the reversed position, the Ace of Cups shows a relationship where there is no total delivery. You may be influenced by past hurts that make it impossible for you to truly give to the relationship. You need to resolve emotional issues and heal wounds before moving forward with your partner so that your relationship doesn’t end up suffering. If you’re single, you need to let go of the past if you want to start building a future, either with someone else or even alone. Letting the ghosts of the past haunt you will only pull you deeper into an abyss that is difficult to get out of.

Is the Ace of Cups a Tarot Card Yes or No?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Two of Cups – Tarot meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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