House 06 in Astrology is one of the most relevant areas of the birth chart, as it represents our practical knowledge, the adjustments we make throughout life and our ability to deal with adversity....
Category: Astrology
House 05 marks a transition phase in the astrological journey, where identity begins to manifest itself in a more individual and unique way, being the stage for self-affirmation, where we seek to...
House 04, represented by the "Bottom of the Sky", is one of the angular houses in the birth chart and plays a crucial role in analyzing a person's origins, roots and emotional experiences. Located in...
The 3rd House is a crucial point in our development, representing our first perception of the world and the beginning of the process of differentiation between ourselves and the environment around...
House 2 of the astral chart is where we begin to concretize and fix what we started in House 1. Here we come into contact with our resources, values and possessions, dealing with the...
House 1, often called the "House of the Self", is the starting point in the astral chart, representing the Ascendant, which is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It...