The Five of Cups card is part of the Minor Arcana group, and like all cards in the tarot deck, the Five of Cups will have a different reading as it appears in combination with other cards, and in accordance with the querent’s question. But overall it’s a card loaded with negative emotions, or excessive focus on negative things. However, let’s understand better about the Five of Cups, below.
Visual description and Symbology of the Five of Cups

In the Tarot Rider Waite Smith, the Five of Cups depicts a man wearing a very long black cape, looking down at the ground where three overturned cups have spilled their contents. Behind him, there are two standing bowls. What can have its symbolism interpreted from the following aspects:
The spilled bowls represent your regrets, and focus on something negative or that didn’t work out;
Meanwhile, cups standing behind the man signify good opportunities that are being ignored, deliberately or not;
Therefore, the man’s posture of negativity and his dark clothes convey regret and lack of positive attitudes, focusing on what he has lost and not on what he may still have.
Five of Cups Keywords
To better understand the interpretations related to the Five of Cups card, let’s list the keywords related to it.
Keywords: negative emotions, focus on losses, emotional instability, anger.
Reversed keywords: acceptance, releasing emotions, overcoming, healing, accepting help.
Five of cups meaning
The Five of Cups card is a card that symbolises sadness, loneliness, losses and moments that mark our lives in a bad way, but which are necessary for growth and maturation, when revised and remodelled.
You’ve gone through very difficult times that continue to directly influence your decision-making. It could have been the loss of someone, an abandonment, a trauma, an accident or even a deep hurt for not being able to get where you wanted to be, regardless, it’s something so strong that it managed to install ghosts in your mind that rule without pity or mercy. your actions.
It is necessary to start getting rid of these ghosts in order to progress, not allowing the anger, mourning and remorse of the past to interfere with your future and, for that, you have to free yourself from the emotional instability in which you find yourself. It is important not to let this instability evolve and end up turning into something deeper to the point of making you withdraw from everyone and close yourself in your cocoon.
The Five of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it will be pointing out negative aspects regarding your attitudes, focusing on losses and bad emotions.
Love and Relationships
If you are in a relationship, the Five of Cups is a card that brings bad omens, as it indicates separation, abandonment, sadness, sorrows and friction. You feel a huge fear of being exchanged for another or left aside by your partner who ends up suffocating him with your advances and actions to avoid something that might not even have crossed his mind. Something is stimulating this mistrust and it could be a simple feeling of insecurity that you bring with you from past relationships, regardless of what makes you act like that, what you must realize is that your attitudes are pushing you away and they will end up materialising what you fear so much will happen. Review your behaviour and try not to pull your partner so much for fear of abandonment, otherwise you’ll end up alone.
On the other hand, you may be stuck in your old relationship, which makes you not so dedicated to the relationship you are currently in. Thinking a lot about how your ex was with you or what you lost after the separation does not help at all in building your future alongside who you are with today. It takes an extreme change of attitude if you really want to stay with who you are today.
Five of Cups has a meaning of emotional instability. For those who are already in a relationship, it can warn of the loss of a loved one, or divorce.
It’s also a sign that you may be focusing too much on the negative aspects of your relationship, which is hurting you.
If you are single, you find yourself frustrated and hurt by past relationships, which prevents you from opening up to meeting new people and becoming emotionally involved with them. Your heart is very hurt and you can’t see the point or reason to get involved again and that’s okay. It is very important to go through this period of grief and sadness. Each phase of our life must be experienced in all its details, so don’t worry about taking the time necessary to restructure yourself and get back involved with someone. Everyone has their time to recover, live yours, but don’t live it alone, stay with friends and family, their warmth will help you get through this moment and prepare to find love again.
Five of Cups can mean that the person is consumed with frustration and sadness over a past love that didn’t work out. There is also a feeling of abandonment and fear of new relationships, but the querent must surround himself with friends and loved ones, and pay attention to the good things that the future can bring in the form of new opportunities.
Money and Career
The Five of Cups card is, in essence, a loss-related card, so it could literally mean the loss of a job, an opportunity, a project or the bankruptcy of a business.
In the case of the bankruptcy of a business, the ruin can come through someone who leaves the company for personal reasons, leaving you in the lurch and, consequently, unable to run the business alone, or because you are no longer able to deal with the high demand for problems, choosing to abandon the dream plan of having their own business.
Despite the fact that the end of a cycle seems dramatic, it is necessary to understand that any change, no matter how painful, that occurs in our lives can be used to strengthen and mature us, if we keep our heads centred and our feelings calm, without let yourself be dominated by resentment, anger or frustration.
In the financial field, it is possible that a great loss of money will occur in your path, which could be with you or someone close to you, so avoid carrying out any dubious financial procedure or investment and stay away from people with easy promises or dubious natures. . Be suspicious when the alms are too much.
This card also indicates a great lack of planning, which ends up causing you to get involved in a lot of debt and not be able to see light at the end of the tunnel. If this is the case, know that it’s never too late to start getting financially organised. If necessary, seek help from a professional.
The Five of Cups card is essentially a loss-related card. That is, it could mean the loss of a job, or the bankruptcy of a business. Either way, the letter will point to a difficult change in circumstances for the querent.
So, in a reading about money and work, it signals negative aspects in both areas. The querent needs to be careful with his investments and his finances.
In general, the Five of Cups will indicate in these aspects of money and work negative elements such as financial and professional instability.
Health and Spirituality
When it comes to health, the Five of Cups is a card that symbolises emotional instability.
You’ve been feeling powerless in the face of everyday challenges, because you’ve arrived at a time that seems to be carrying the world on your shoulders. The feeling you have is of suffocation, the throat closes, the heart flutters out of rhythm and despair takes over every part of your body for not being able to see a way to get rid of so much pressure. It could be because of projects that don’t come off the drawing board, because of fear of the unknown, because of everyday stress or because of deeper feelings caused by abandoning someone or mourning a loved one. Regardless, you need to find ways to get this out before illnesses like depression, panic disorder and anxiety develop. It’s time to seek help from friends, open your heart to someone willing to listen to you and, if necessary, seek help from a professional.
Five of Cups signals the querent negatively. The card indicates instability and great emotional baggage that can affect the consultant’s mental health. For example, it could be an alert for depression, or social isolation.
On a spiritual level, you are holding on to negative feelings such as anger, remorse, and resentments so much that you cannot allow yourself to be embraced by the positivity that the universe brings to you. You need to start working on forgiveness towards others and yourself.
Five of Cups signals that the querent may be holding on to negative feelings such as anger, remorse, and resentment. You need to work your spirituality towards forgiveness, and free yourself from the pain you may be clinging to.
Five of Cups Reversed

The Five of Cups in the inverted position symbolises the end of the negative feelings that held you back, bringing a more positive look at things, helping you to get back on your feet and be able to move forward, even if it is still with timid steps. You managed to forgive yourself for past situations and forgave the other. This cure was able to turn whatever was dragging him into a chasm into a rope to help him get out of it.
Even if you spent a lot of time suffering, you allowed yourself to cry, scream and suffer, and it was this attitude that pushed you to know the right moment to dry your tears and return to life with new expectations and inspirations. It’s not that you forgot what happened in the past, but that you learned from it and gave more value to life and the beautiful things it still has to offer you. Take the opportunity to seize the new opportunities that lie ahead.
On the other hand, this card may be intensifying the negativity presented in your reading. But, that doesn’t mean that you will sink deeper into your sadness and heartache, but that you still need more time to assimilate everything that happened. Maybe you still haven’t been able to get through this negativity, because you still haven’t managed to find a way out of it and you need the help of others, especially professionals, to overcome this moment and find happiness again. The important thing is to take the first step: become aware that sadness is fleeting and you are capable of overcoming it.
But we know that the reading can vary according to the context in which the card is drawn, and it can have an opposite side, or inverted, in the reading of the same card. The Reversed Five of Cups can signify a positive outlook and the end of negative emotions that held you back. Thus, the consultant may be managing to overcome a situation of profound emotional instability.
Love and Relationship
If you’re in a relationship, you went through a great moment of instability, mainly caused by simple everyday problems, but you managed to overcome all of them after a lot of effort and mutual dedication. You and your partner made mistakes, but you were willing to admit them and forgive each other. It could have been just one, or both, regardless, the healing process was done and, together, they proposed to fight for your relationship. Take advantage of this moment of renewal to rediscover yourself as a couple.
If you still carry the pain and hurt of past mistakes with you, you must learn to overcome them in order to move forward with the relationship. If you realise that there are no ways to forgive what happened, then the best thing to do is to walk away so as not to prolong the pain. The choice must come from your heart.
The inverted Five of Cups reveals that the querent will be able to overcome his fears and misgivings about his current or past relationship. In this way, the instability in the relationship will end.
If you’re single, you’re ready to meet new love. You managed to overcome the sadness of past relationships and left behind any guilt or regrets that you still carried in your heart, which allowed you to get back to your social life, meeting people and having fun with your friends. On the other hand, it could indicate that you are holding on too much to the pain of the past and this prevents you from moving forward. Perhaps, you are not able to deal with your feelings alone. If that’s the case, seek the guidance of a professional to overcome these negative feelings that consume you so much.
Five of Cups reversed can indicate that the querent has moved on and is ready for a new relationship.
In that case, the Five of Cups will point to a time of healing and renewal in terms of love and relationships.
Money and Career
In relation to work, the Five of Cups in the inverted position symbolises recovery. Whether it’s a lost project, finding a new job, switching careers after a long period of stagnation, or rebuilding a business that had sunk after the departure of a partner, partner, or significant financial loss, regardless, the tough times were important to maturation and growth as a professional and person, and now they can be overcome. What was lost along the way gradually begins to be regained, but there needs to be extra dedication, in addition to a lot of effort, to completely rebuild.
In the financial realm, you have gone through a long period of instability in which there have been many significant losses of money, bringing you to the brink of collapse. It took a while and the suffering was intense, but you can now start to breathe a little easier. Even if there are still remnants of the problems faced and many of the bottlenecks are open, you are on your way to achieving stability and this is the first achievement of many to come. But beware, in order not to end up facing all this again, it is important to organise yourself and plan wisely for the future.
In relation to work, the reversed Five of Cups can indicate a positive situation of overcoming. That is, financial and professional instability is left behind.
In addition, this inverted card may be alerting the querent to the possible recovery of financial losses that he previously had. It may also indicate that the querent will be able to improve in his profession, such as a new job after losing the previous one.
Health and Spirituality
The Five of Cups in the inverted position represents the end of a phase of great emotional instability. You are managing to deal with the feelings that have suffocated you for so long and reframe each one of them in order to transform them into strength and maturity to move forward. The way you are opening up to a more positive outlook towards everything around you can already be felt in many aspects of your life, mainly reflected in your physical and mental health.
If you are facing any type of illness that requires treatment, know that the results will be the best, just keep following all your doctor’s guidelines and allow yourself to be flooded with faith and good things.
The reversed Five of Cups can indicate the end of a phase of great instability in your emotional health. The querent is leaving the pain behind and opening up to a more positive outlook, which will be good for their overall health.
In the spiritual realm, new paths open up for you and the moment is very conducive to meeting people and acquiring new knowledge. You are ready to regain your faith after a long period of grief and sadness and your spirit guides are ready to show you the best way, just listen to your heart.
The issues of spirituality, the card will point to the beginning of a new, more positive path. The querent will be more open to learning lessons after going through a period of pain and loss.
Five of Cups Yes or No
When the Five of Cups is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be a No. There is a great sense of disappointment, lack of appreciation for the good things in life.
Five of Cups Combinations
This card will generally drain the positive side of a tarot card with whomever it is combined. But it can be very helpful in alerting and guiding you about negative feelings in your life.
Five of Cups and The Sun
When these two cards come together in a tarot reading, they can indicate an approaching opportunity. The querent will need to know how to pay attention, as the light is turning to him again.
Five of Cups and The Emperor
This combination could be a wake-up call to the death of a parent, or separation from someone you are very attached to. However, this loss can be a time to become more independent and overcome obstacles. All the things that happen in our lives and for an evolution.
Five of Cups and The Lovers
You may be going through a period of conflict and doubt in your relationship. This combination represents a potentially devastating relationship breakup. But don’t despair, there may be something positive in this suffering, ending it can help you discover possibilities that you didn’t even imagine existed.
Five of Cups – Element, Astrology and other associations
Here are the associations with the Five of Cups tarot card.
- Water element
- Planet Mars
- Astrological Sign: Scorpio
- Kabbalah: Geburah – Strength
- Important dates: late autumn and early winter
- Yes/No: No
Five of Cups as Personality Types
The Five of Cups indicates someone who suffers greatly from painful memories of his past. The fact that she is in constant regret and resentment, ends up making her not allow herself to be happy, thinking that she doesn’t deserve the good things that the universe has to offer and frequently putting herself below everyone and everything. They are people who cannot see the bright side of things and, therefore, cannot mature from their mistakes or learn from the adversities of life. Victimists, they are always blaming others for the evils that plague them and cannot admit that they themselves cause them by clinging to sadness and past hurts sunk in constant negativity.
When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who is wrapped in a gigantic cloud of negativity to the point of being able to bury the only happy moments that life tries to provide. The way he is reluctant to accept good things, never finding himself worthy of happiness, leads his mind to serious problems of depression, anxiety and panic, with great risks of hurting himself to try to end so much suffering. They are people who always try to drag those around them into their melancholy and gloomy little world, attributing their problems and unhappiness to them. Without succeeding in the things they do, they feel sorry for themselves and fail to realise that the biggest reason for so much failure is themselves, as they are constantly boycotting themselves.
People born under the influence of the Five of Cups card are naturally pessimistic, and easily focus on the negative side of situations. They cannot throw themselves into new situations, as they are too stuck in the past.
Five of Cups as Feelings
This card deals mainly with our emotions, but with the more negative emotions and feelings such as regret, pessimism, sadness and frustration that we have for ourselves or with others. In general, the card represents emotionality, and will look for culprits instead of paying attention to your personal faults and moving on.
General questions about the Five of Cups tarot card
Now that you know a little more about the Five of Cups, let’s see the main questions that are raised about this card.
What does the Five of Cups card mean in tarot?
The Five of Cups card means that the consultant is in a moment of emotional instability and pessimistic feelings.
What does the reversed Five of Cups card mean in tarot?
In inversion, the Five of Cups means that there is an onset of stability and a more positive outlook for the querent.
How does he/she feel about me? Five of Cups?
The Five of Cups signals that there are many feelings of negativity, such as anger, remorse and fear. There may be fear of new emotions due to attachment to bad feelings from the past.
What does the Five of Cups mean in the love tarot?
The Five of Cups tarot card means that within a relationship there may be difficulties due to an excess of negative feelings. Or that the querent is too trapped in pessimism to let himself into a new relationship.