Categories: Tarot

Five of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

This card brings with it the strength of conflicts. Defeat is imminent and you have to accept it in order to survive the next fight that is yet to come. The wounds are still open and the feeling of helplessness takes over every part of the body leading to natural disbelief. It is necessary to act, but act with caution, always analyzing each step taken so that the winner does not end up becoming the loser.

Visual description and symbology Five of Swords

The Five of Swords card brings the figure of a man with an arrogant expression looking at his enemies who walk away in defeat, representing sadness and apathy. He owns five swords, all earned in his battle. Above him, the clouds weighing down the sky show that, despite the fight being won, things are still not well, even if the feeling of victory seems so present.

  • The two swords on the ground represent defeat.
  • The two upward-pointing swords that the man holds in his left hand represent the natural dispute and rivalry of human beings.
  • The downward pointing sword that he carries in his right hand represents the imbalance of the mind.
  • The heavy clouds represent conflicts to come.

Keywords Five of Swords

Until we go further with the five of swords tarot card meanings in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: allegation, controversy, aggression, hostility, conflicts, defeat.

Reversed keywords: understanding, harmony, resolution, retaliation, resentment, reconciliation, regret.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Five of Swords’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Five of Swords meaning

The Five of Swords appears in the game to warn about the importance of being considerate of those around us. When we truly look at those around us, it’s easier to realise that we can hurt dear people because of ambition and decisions supported by our own ego. The card symbolizes the defeat of the one who feels like a winner. The self-sabotage and underhanded behavior present in the actions taken during the conflict end up generating hostility, disagreements and irritation in others, leading to isolation. Believing that everyone is against you will only attract more insecurity and distance you from those who care about you.

Now is the time to ask yourself if it’s really worth doing everything to inflate your own ego and achieve your desires, even if your actions make you end up completely alone.

This card also warns of situations of extreme violence, such as murder, rape, robbery, abuse, and a whole series of negative circumstances that we do not want to go through. You have to be very attentive and careful so that poorly made decisions don’t end up leading to a terrible fate.

Love and Relationship

The relationship is going through a very turbulent moment. Arguments and fights intensify as the days go by and it is almost impossible to recognize the love that existed between you and your partner. You are irritated, stressed, dissatisfied with the way the relationship has deteriorated and this is reflected in the lack of respect for each other.

The lack of communication may be aggravating discussions that could have been avoided if you stopped for a moment to reflect on the situation itself, whether the conflict is really worth it or not. It is necessary to rethink the relationship as a whole. Love should not come armed with mean words and violence. Love is respect and complicity.

If you’re stuck in an abusive relationship, don’t be shy about asking for help. Seek help from family, friends and competent bodies before it’s too late. Don’t allow yourself to suffer at the hands of someone who swears to love you this way. Who loves, cares.

If you are single, the five of swords warns of the danger of meeting strangers. The moment is not good to venture into new loves. People can be what we want when we don’t really know them and your search may be taking you to dark and violent places. It takes a lot of care.

Money and Career

The work environment is riddled with negativity. Conflicts are becoming more commonplace and this brings stress, tension and hostility between co-workers, hindering progress and the activities you are tasked with carrying out. This is largely due to lack of communication and leadership on the part of those involved. It’s important to evaluate everyone’s attitudes, including yours, to make sure who or what is really causing the clashes and, thus, try to solve them in the best possible way.

You have to think before you act. Fight to defend yourself only when the certainty of the fight is present, otherwise, re-analyze all the points to resolve them with diplomacy and professionalism. Never act on the impulse or influence of others. Look at your own actions to make sure you are not the one causing the problems before defending yourself.

In the financial area, the five of swords warns of caution with your finances. Be careful who you trust, especially those you think you know best, so you don’t get ripped off or taken advantage of. If you’re going through a financial crisis, look at the situation as a whole, understand what happened and learn from mistakes so you don’t repeat them in the future. Now, you will need to make some changes in your habits to recover financially, but with dedication you will soon be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Health and Spirituality

You feel tired. This is the main message of the Five of Swords. Tired, stressed and defeated. He feels that nothing he can do will restore the lost youth or the sense of victory that he once carried with him in moments of glory. The problem is holding on to these thoughts. Feeling defeated will only serve to infest the mind with negative thoughts and develop health problems in many ways. You need to take care of yourself and stop beating yourself up for fights you didn’t win. Not all battles are won, but they all serve as lessons to strengthen us.

Be careful that disbelief in yourself does not end up becoming a trigger for self-destructive attitudes, such as alcohol and drug abuse. Do not allow yourself to get lost in the shadows, as this could be a path of no return. Take care of your health, your mind and your heart. Seek help if needed.

Remember that all the challenges you’ve overcome to date, winning or losing, served to bring you wisdom and strength to move forward. Use this wisdom to heal yourself and help others overcome these feelings.

Five of Swords Reversed

When the Five of Swords appears in the game in the inverted position, it comes to warn of a succession of violence and serious clashes that develop around old and unresolved conflicts. This violence is the result of unthinking and extreme actions. A lot could be avoided if you exchanged pride for empathy and started looking at problems from the outside. Wanting to risk everything just to soften the ego is not the best attitude to take, it can bring frustration, remorse and humiliation.

On the other hand, the card shows that the worst moment is over. The heavy clouds gradually dissipate in the sky giving way to a beautiful blue immensity. Conflicts gradually end as you allow yourself to understand and forgive who or what hurt you. It’s time to move on.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the card in the reversed position shows the end of some conflicts. The relationship’s challenges are being overcome as time goes by, thanks to the commitment and determination to find the best solution to the problems. Communication opened up and listening to the other helped a lot to overcome past wounds. It is important to keep this door of communication open, so that the peace so longed for continues to exist in the future and not just now.

On the other hand, the situation may have worsened and there is no longer any possibility of communication between you. When that happens, the best way out is for everyone to walk their own path. In the beginning it will be painful, the absence of the other will be a constant, but, with time, you will realize that happiness is more important than the habit of a presence. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, leave immediately, as the risk of extreme violence against you is pulsating. Seek support from people you trust.

If you’re single, maybe it’s time to go back and give a chance to that person you believed wasn’t right for you.

Money and Career

The Five of Swords card in the inverted position shows the end of conflicts within the work environment. A new energy begins to take effect in the place, renewing feelings and calming relationships. What used to be a stressful place goes through a process of improvement to the point where it becomes a pleasure to work.

On the other hand, this card shows the unbridled increase in conflicts. People you place blind trust in try to sabotage you to take on projects or occupy your position. Stay tuned.

In the financial field, this card shows that problems are finally starting to resolve themselves, thanks to the efforts you have been making every day. Be careful with financial transactions, the moment is not conducive to applying, as there may be some loss.

Health and Spirituality

It is possible to heal and resolve any health issue if you commit to doing your part. You have to sacrifice now to be able to live fully with health and happiness in the future. It all depends on how you handle the situation. Even if you feel that there is no more hope, believe me, no door has been closed to you yet, there is still a long way to go. Do not give up.

You must not lose faith at any time, it is of paramount importance for you to be able to move forward on your path with strength and determination. Sometimes it’s hard to find the strength within ourselves, and this is when we must lean on our spirit guides and believe in our intuition.

Five of Swords Yes and No

The Five of Swords is a card of conflict, discord and defeat. Because it is accompanied by strongly negative feelings, it will always bring no as an answer to any query from the querent.

Five of Swords Combinations

The Five of swords is such a negatively charged card that it is unlikely to bring a purely positive representation in any combination, except when it appears in the reversed position.

Five of Swords and The Judgment

You may be suffering from stress or anxiety caused by some bad event in your past.

Five of swords and The Lovers

You could be making the wrong choice without realizing it. You need to reflect on your own choices before taking the first step.

Five of swords and The Fool

Be careful with the people around you. Someone dangerous is nearby.

Five of Swords – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Five of Swords tarot card

  • Element: Air
  • Venus planet
  • Astrology signs: Aquarius
  • Main dates: January 20th to 29th
  • Kabbalah/Kabbalah: Geburah – Strength
  • Yes / No: No

Five of Swords as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates a very violent and aggressive person who seeks to be at the center of dramas behind conflicts and discussions, causing problems to everyone around him just for the pleasure of being able to disrupt the environment. They are very competitive people who are capable of anything to get what they want. He is someone who is disguised and who takes advantage of the naivety of others to get ahead in life and take advantage of others in every possible way.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who carries with him many internal conflicts and is afraid to expose them to the world. They are people who victimize themselves all the time, always thinking that the whole universe is against them, and end up relying on strong people to survive. Usually, they go unnoticed, as they carry with them the constant feeling of failure that pulls you into a lonely and deep abyss of self-flagellation.

Five of Swords as Feelings

Anger, violence, loneliness, despair, intimidation are some of the negative feelings that the five of swords card carries with it. These feelings can be old and be attached to still open wounds or be new, coming from conflicts and extreme situations that happen in the present moment. Resentment and bitterness inhabit the restless mind that seeks a way to feel at peace with itself once more.

General questions about the Five of Swords tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Five of Swords tarot


What does the Five of Swords tarot card mean?

The Five of Swords warns of the power of our decisions over those around us. Acting without thinking about the other can lead to disagreements, conflicts, discomfort, violence and distance them from those who value them most. The card symbolizes the defeat of the one who feels like the winner. The price paid to feed one’s own ego can be very high and the consequences devastating. It’s time to ask yourself if it’s really worth losing those you love for a superficial achievement.

This card also warns of situations of extreme violence, such as murder, rape, robbery, abuse, and a whole series of negative circumstances that we do not want to go through. You have to be very attentive and careful so that poorly made decisions don’t end up leading to a terrible fate.

What does the reversed Five of Swords tarot card mean?

The Five of Swords in the reversed position appears to signal about dangers involving increased conflict and serious confrontations. Acting without thinking or under the influence of others, can lead to severe consequences, bringing self-destructive feelings through frustration and humiliation.

On the other hand, the letter shows us that the worst is over. Conflicts will, little by little, appease until peace is present again. It’s time to forgive and learn from what you’ve been through to know how to deal with everything in the future.

What does the Five of Swords tarot card mean in a love reading?

The Five of Swords presents turbulent relationships with a lot of emotional and, in some cases, even physical violence. Arguments and fights are constant in the relationship and it is almost impossible to remember the times when happiness and love reigned together. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, these and other negative feelings are part of the couple’s daily life and the lack of communication causes conflicts to only increase, often for futile reasons. We need to rethink the relationship.

If you’re stuck in an abusive relationship, don’t be shy about asking for help. Seek help from family, friends and competent bodies before it’s too late. Don’t allow yourself to suffer at the hands of someone who swears to love you this way. Who loves, cares.

If you are single, the five of swords warns of the danger of meeting strangers. The moment is not good to venture into new loves. People can be what we want when we don’t really know them and your search may be taking you to dark and violent places. It takes a lot of care.

Five of Swords and a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Six of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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