Five of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Five of Wands card is a card of conflicts and battles for a greater purpose. You have to be aware of what’s to come in order to be able to defend yourself and not end up falling due to distraction or not being prepared for the challenges that come your way. Victory can be found after an arduous confrontation, but the possibility of defeat cannot be ruled out, so it is necessary to prepare. The other cards in the reading will help to show which area of ​​your life will be most affected by conflicts.

Visual description and symbology Five of Wands

The Five of Wands card brings the image of five men raising their own sticks as weapons, giving the impression that they are fighting each other, but without actually hitting or hurting anyone. This scene makes us realize that there is not a real fight going on, but something that is leading them to distrust each other, putting themselves on the defensive and generating conflicts due to the discord that exists between them.

  • The five sticks are being used to strike each other, this represents the presence of conflicts and competition between people.
  • The clothes of different colours that people are wearing represent disunity and the lack of teamwork. There is a very strong difference of opinion.
  • The irregular terrain where people meet represents the difficulties that are projected along the way.

Keywords Five of Wands

Until we go further with the five of Wands tarot card meanings in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: conflicts, competition, diversity of opinions, aggression, rivalry, misunderstanding, ego clash.

Reversed keywords: conflict prevention, agreements, release of tension, truce, cooperation.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Five of Wands interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

Five of Wands meaning

The Five of Wands is a card that represents intrigue, arguments and friction. There is a tension present in your life that has been building over the days and is about to explode in the form of intense conflict, most likely due to a dispute of egos, pride or long-repressed frustration. There is a communication problem that lasts for a long time and prevents you from being heard by the other person or being able to understand the messages and advice that reach you. The difference of opinions is very strong and harms interpersonal relationships, not allowing an agreement to be reached between the parties involved in the conflict.

This card also shows that there is no cooperation between people and teamwork is null. Even though we are aware that we need the help of others to progress, the lack of tact and clinging to our own opinions ends up not allowing this growth to happen. Chaos is established, as everyone wants to be heard and no one wants to listen.

You have to open up to the other. Allow yourself to listen to what they have to say and consider whether what you think is really the best thing for the group. Discussions must be healthy and exist to move the wheel and not as a lever that prevents things from progressing. Understanding that everyone has a fundamental role will help you to give up your own convictions for the greater good.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, small conflicts between you may be happening because of the difference in opinions. You need to look at the terrain before getting into some kind of argument that goes against your partner, because if the moment is not conducive to a frank conversation, such as one of you having a bad day or being stressed for some reason, it could end up in unnecessary discussion. Consider whether it’s time to raise some issues you don’t agree on. Don’t be hasty. The moment is to maintain harmony and listen to each other.

If you’re single, it’s very likely that you have to compete for that person you have a strong feeling for. She can have many suitors and that makes things a little difficult, but it doesn’t stop her from getting her intention. But beware of the weapons you intend to use to conquer it. Acting in an untruthful way can harm you, as you will end up chasing the person away instead of bringing them closer to you.

The opposite may also be happening, and you may have many suitors. If this is the situation, then be careful not to end up alone because of your indecision or because you want to take too much advantage of the attention you receive from them all.

Money and Career

The Five of Wands card may indicate conflicts or intrigues in the work environment, which may lead to strikes and chaos. There are many divergent opinions, overestimated egos and different personalities that end up causing problems and hindering the company’s progress. Despite the bad climate that is installed, problems can be solved with a good conversation with the team and colleagues. You will need to keep an open mind in order to be able to listen to the demands that come to you and know how to filter what in fact should be taken into account or not.

If you are aiming for a new position, or even a job change, the letter warns of the high competitiveness involved. Many are eyeing the vacancy and will do everything to win the place. Don’t despair, work your best and show the value you have to add to the company.

The Five of Wands is a card that commonly appears to people working in sectors such as sales, public relations, finance and sports, as it is a card strongly linked to competition. In this case, it shows the natural dispute that exists within these sectors, such as customer acquisition, for example.

In the financial field, the Five of Wands shows difficulties that are being or will be faced by you at the moment. However, this instability is temporary, if you start acting from now on to get around the situation. If you are not currently facing financial problems, this card indicates discussions with someone involving money.

Health and Spirituality

The five of Wands shows that the levels of stress you are in can end up causing serious problems in your physical and mental health. It’s time to stop and take a breath before you collapse and end up in a hospital. There is a high risk of having a heart attack or stroke due to your nervous state.

This card may also be warning of serious accidents involving aggressive or contact sports.

If you are undergoing any health treatment, the Five of Wands does not bring good omens. It may still take some time for the treatment to really take effect. Don’t give up and keep following all medical guidelines.

In a spiritual context, the five of Wands indicates that you managed to overcome the doubts and anxieties that plagued your soul in the past. This gives you more freedom to expand your horizons and receive the peace and harmony you are looking for so much.

Five of Wands Reversed Meaning

When the Five of Wands appears in the reversed position, it indicates the end of conflicts, fights and disagreements. You may be avoiding getting involved in discussions that you consider futile, or you may have learned to deal with opinions that differ from yours, reaching agreements and mediating conversations to find mutually agreed solutions. Regardless of the reason, peace and harmony begin to be present in their interpersonal relationships. If the reason for this tranquility is because you are running away from conflicts, be sure that this escape will not have bad consequences for your future. Not facing the problems can lead to much bigger discussions that could have been avoided in the beginning.

This card can also indicate that you feel tired of facing so many problems and conflicts that you are getting involved in. They end up draining your energies a lot, preventing you from using them in other more important matters, in which case, stop and evaluate the battles that are worth fighting and leave behind those that will not add anything to your life. Don’t let others be the reason for your lack of progress. Arguments should exist only when they are healthy and serve your growth, never slow you down.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the inverted five of Wands indicates that conflicts and discussions may be coming to an end and the relationship is entering a new moment, much more peaceful than the previous one. The important thing here is not to keep hurts and resentments with past actions, so that these feelings don’t end up influencing the future of your relationship. If you still have some unfinished business, the time has come to talk openly with your partner and solve the problem once and for all. It’s no use wanting to move forward if you still feel trapped in former situations.

Now is the time for change, to let the turbulence dissipate and enjoy the peace that comes after the storm, but for that you need to learn to see the individuality of each one within the relationship and accept the characteristics that each one brings with them. Using these differences to add value to the relationship is much more fruitful than using them to further distance you.

This card in the inverted position can also indicate an abusive relationship, as negative feelings can be potentiated here, representing violence, fear, intimidation and physical and verbal aggression. If this is the case, seek help from competent bodies and people you trust within your circle of coexistence, they are ready to help you out of this situation. Don’t forget, those who love take care.

If you are single, the reversed Five of Wands shows that you do not feel confident about new love at the moment. It could be because of shyness or because he still carries scars from past relationships. Regardless of the reason, the card comes to show that it’s time to put aside that insecurity and allow yourself to love again. Suitors are all around you, you just need to open yourself to the new feelings that are blooming and be reborn for love.

Money and Career

When the five of Wands is in the reversed position, it shows that the conflicts and problems that have been damaging the work environment are beginning to move towards a successful conclusion. The team gradually begins to structure itself again, working as a team and carrying out work demands more calmly, leaving aside all the competitiveness of the past. It could be that you are changing jobs or industry and this is bringing the stability and reliability that you so desire.

In the financial field, the five of Wands in the inverted position can have two meanings, depending on how it appears in the reading. On the one hand, it can represent an increase in financial problems, which ends up generating conflicts and friction with people close to you. On the other hand, it can represent the end of financial problems and the light at the end of the tunnel, after so long of battles to re-establish balance in your finances.

Health and Spirituality

The inverted five of Wands shows that you are experiencing pain at the moment that is preventing you from carrying out a specific activity. These pains may be lasting too long, as you believe you don’t need professional guidance. It can be physical or soul pain, the important thing here is to realize that the longer you take to find the reason and treat the problem, the more that pain will end up intensifying and causing injuries that may be irreversible in the future.

This card also warns of the need for changes in your habits. Starting to exercise, eat better and take time out for meditation and holistic treatments will increase your quality of life, preventing health problems from affecting you in the future, in addition to helping in the treatment of illnesses, if you are facing any in the future. time.

In a spiritual context, the inverted five of Wands indicates that the moment is propitious to study and increase your knowledge involving your spiritual side. You may be feeling ready to tread new paths and discover new parameters involving different religions and that is wonderful. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, to go after the answers you want so much and always question yourself about everything that is offered to you. The wisdom you gain along this path will help you deal with the problems that may appear in all areas of your life.

Five of Wands Yes and No

The Five of Wands brings with it the feeling of anxiety and discomfort due to the conflicts and obstacles that arise in life. Therefore, this letter brings a no as an answer to any question from the consultant. But, despite the negative response, it also shows that the person can reverse the situation if he starts to act and believe in a way out.

Five of Wands Combinations

The Five of Wands is a card that brings competition with it. This competition can be beneficial or not, depending on the combinations it will have with other cards. If, on the one hand, there are strong conflicts generated by envy, dispute over ego and pride, on the other hand, competition can take on a healthy form, being used as a means of maturation and growth.

Five of Wands and The Hanged Man

You feel excluded to the point where you want to drop a project because you believe you are not being heard by others. There is, in this combination, a strong feeling of competition and rivalries. You will have to sacrifice at some point along the way to achieve your goals.

Five of Wands and the Moon

There is an illusory sense of competition and rivalry. You are creating enemies in your own imagination, which ends up causing you to start unnecessary battles.

Five of Wands and The Devil

There is an atmosphere involving intrigue, envy and gossip. Be careful not to be the cause of all the disputes that are arising around you, due to pride and materialism.

Five of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Five of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Astrological signs: Leo
  • Key dates: July 22nd to August 1st
  • Kabbalah: Geburah
  • Yes / No: No

Five of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who has great self-doubt and is always struggling with that insecurity that prevents them from progressing in all areas of their life. They are people who are constantly on the defensive and, because they don’t trust their own instincts, they end up transmitting this distrust to the people around them. They do not accept changes and any deviation from their routine ends up becoming a big problem to be solved, as it further increases the insecurity that inhabits their mind, leaving them visibly irritated and stressed. They are people who tend to act exaggeratedly in the face of problems and have great difficulties in dealing with authority in general.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who has very low self-esteem and who often underestimate their own potential. They are people who have great difficulties in sharing thoughts and emotions and, constantly, end up pushing people away from them because they remain so closed. The lack of confidence in oneself, makes the people of this card, in the inverted position, end up being easily manipulated by third parties, being dominated by them to the point of withdrawing even further into their own cocoon. They are people who need to learn to love themselves and to receive love from those who are special to them, so they will be able to realize the gigantic strength they have within themselves and deal with the difficulties that appear in their path, instead of giving up because they felt defeated before. of time.

Five of Wands as Feelings

Emotions are out of balance, there is no harmony, as there is a feeling of distrust and threat in the air. A desire to break free emotionally is something strong and much needed, but actions are running in the opposite direction, making any progress in this direction difficult. It is difficult to get rid of irritation and the constant feeling of being manipulated, which also makes it difficult to relate to anyone in a healthy way.

General questions about the Five of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Five of Wands tarot card.

What does the Five of Wands tarot card mean?

The Five of Wands card brings the feeling of intrigue, discussions, friction and conflicts that could be minimized, or even non-existent, if the parties involved learned to listen instead of just wanting to be heard. There is a big dispute of ego and pride and the difference of opinions increases the abyss between people, generating a big communication problem that impedes progress.

This card also shows a lack of cooperation and teamwork. There is no whole, as everyone is clinging to their own convictions, creating chaos that could have been avoided from the beginning if people were open to different opinions. You have to listen to what they have to say and consider whether what you think is really the best for the group and understand that everyone has a fundamental role to play and not everyone will have the same opinion as yours.

What does the inverted Four of Wands tarot card mean?

The Five of Wands card in reversed position appears to show the ending of conflicts, frictions, arguments and fights. Harmony and peace gradually become part of your life. It could be because you’ve learned to deal with them or because you’re running away and avoiding getting into friction. If the reason is the latter, it is important to realize that running away from problems can lead to even bigger ones in the future. So make sure your choices won’t affect your development and progress.

This card could also indicate that you feel tired of facing so many problems and arguments. Your energy is being used to ease these conflicts and this ends up exhausting you physically and mentally. The time has come for you to start choosing which battles you should invest in and set aside those that will have nothing to add to your growth. Analyze all the facts and consequences before jumping headlong into a fight.

What does the Five of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the five of Wands appears to show that many conflicts are happening in your relationship that could be avoided if you listened to each other, instead of getting into an unnecessary duel of opinions. Consider whether the moment is conducive to a frank conversation about a certain subject that generates different views between you, many times the day has been bad or the person feels stressed, in which case the conversation will end up in a discussion that will lead to nothing.

If you’re single, you may have to compete with other people to get who you want. You just have to be careful with how you approach it so you don’t end up losing this competition. If you are the one who has many suitors, then it’s time to make up your mind or you could end up alone. Wanting to make the most of the attention you receive from everyone can end up leaving you with no attention at all.

In the inverted position, if you are in a relationship, the card indicates the end of conflicts, giving way to harmony and peace within the relationship. It is time to close past issues and solve problems that are still pending in order to be able to, together, restore the peace you have dreamed of. Use the difference between you as a positive value to add to the relationship, this will bring you closer together and prevent unnecessary discussions from occurring. On the other hand, it may indicate an abusive relationship, as negativity can be enhanced when in the inverted position, indicating violence, fear and aggression. Do not suffer. Seek help from competent bodies and people who want you well.

If single, it shows suitors around you. You need to open up and let go of shyness or the scars you carry from past relationships in order to be able to surrender to this new love.

Five of Wands and a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Six of Wands Tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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