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Four of Cups meaning in tarot – Love, Money, Health and more

The meaning of the tarot card Four of Cups demonstrates dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and the need to reflect on where you are and where you intend to go. It is a minor arcana card that indicates the existence of good things in our lives that we cannot notice at the moment. Therefore, its appearance can be interpreted both as a warning sign and as an alert to the opportunities that surround us.

Visual Description and Symbology of the Four of Cups

The image represents a young man with his head lowered under a tree. Right in front of him are arranged three golden cups that seem to go unnoticed by the boy. Simultaneously, in front of him appears a hand from a cloud offering another golden cup to him. Again, the object does not seem to attract the young man’s attention.

The man’s thoughtful and reflective expression and posture describe that he is unaware of his surroundings. He is only focused on his internal problems.

The three golden bowls arranged in front of you represent the existence of material goods or, at least, considerable comfort in your life. However, this comfort does not entirely satisfy him, which leads to the pensive expression that appears on his face.

The cup offered by the appearing hand represents an opportunity. However, he is not seeing the opportunities presented to him. He prefers to remain motionless and lacks the courage to move on with his life.

As you can see, the meaning of this card is twofold. It represents the inability to see and appreciate what you really have. On the other hand, the individual also fails to gain courage and motivation to change his life.

Keywords of the Four of Cups

Before we delve into the meanings of the Four of Cups tarot cards in love, money and health, let’s look at the keywords related to this card.

Keywords: apathy, discouragement, passivity, hesitation, doubts

Inverted keywords: news, innovation, change, overcoming, opportunities

Now that you know the general symbology and keywords of this tarot card, let’s see how it can bring new perspectives and understandings into your life. Depending on the situation in which it occurs or what the query refers to.

Four of cups meaning

The general meaning of the Four of Cups is linked to the need to analyse what prevents us from achieving any planned or desired result. Feelings of discouragement, frustration and lack of motivation may be causing you to lose focus and make choices that are not as good as you think, simply because you are discredited.

You are acting without passion, accepting the stagnation your life is in just so you don’t have to fight once again, as if nothing else matters and even the good things don’t make any sense to you. Perhaps, you are receiving external influences that prevent you from moving towards your dreams and end up making you miss golden opportunities, for the simple fact that you are listening more to the opinion of others than to yourself.

You have to understand that for every problem there is a solution and it is simpler than you think. You just need to stop being accommodated with things and feeling the very dissatisfaction you carry for doing nothing. Listening to your heart and mind will help you go far, so even if many are against you, believe in your inner voice. You are the owner and must guide your life.

This card also warns us to take a closer look at the world around us. You may be looking so deep into yourself that you end up missing out on the magical moments the universe has to offer. Don’t let opportunities pass by pure inattention or neglect. The feeling of not having opportunities tends to change if you adjust your attitudes and open your eyes.

Love and Relationships

If in a relationship, the Four of Cups indicates monotony within the relationship. You’re so comfortable with the way things are going that you’ve forgotten to renew and increase the love you already feel for each other. Start having more fun, make better use of your time together and get out of your comfort zone a little to enjoy life better, this will make your union stronger even more and new experiences will happen, activating wonderful sensations and, much probably unknown.

On the other hand, this card could indicate that one of the parties to the relationship is emotionally distant and is not taking the commitment as seriously. If this is the case, then it’s time to sit down and talk with your partner and expose what you feel about your union, only then decide whether or not to stay together. Planning the future of this union will only be possible when everyone is emotionally involved.

If you’re single, there are opportunities for new romances in the air, but you’re not open enough to allow yourself to see them. You are so scattered with other issues and totally ignoring your sentimental side and your love life, that you are missing out on people who could colour your life and provide you with unique and magical moments. It just depends on you starting this new romance, because love is already knocking on your door.

Various interpretations can be imposed on the appearance of the Four of Cups in a tarot reading about love and relationships. It often indicates monotony for those already in a romantic relationship, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In this case, it is possible to take advantage of the fact that the relationship is comfortable and develop other affective aspects. After all, love can manifest itself in many ways. Simultaneously, this card could also indicate that one of the parties to the relationship is emotionally distant or that the person is facing a complicated relationship in which the commitment is one-sided.

For singles, the Four of Cups often indicates that there are opportunities for love in the air, but you are not in the right frame of mind to see them. You turn your thoughts inward and are trying to mull over issues that are drawing your attention elsewhere. This is a good exercise every now and then to organise your thoughts, but don’t get caught up in it for too long as true love can pass you by.

Money and Career

The Four of Cups indicates that you are distracted in relation to your work and this is largely due to the fact that you find it monotonous or repetitive, as if you are stuck in an eternal loop and don’t know how to get out. It’s been a while since you’ve lost the sparkle in your eyes and the passion for the work and projects you’re in charge of and, even if new opportunities arise, you don’t have any courage to move forward and the fault of all that is the simple fact of not having found the root of this boredom that leads to a generalised stagnation. Maybe you need some time to reflect on how things are going and try to find what bothers you so much about your work or career, and only after doing this self-analysis will you be able to act to improve things.

On the other hand, this card can indicate the appearance of new opportunities. What drives you to take action in relation to them, because if they are not taken advantage of, they will pass, and others may not arise.

Financially, you are so preoccupied with seeing what others have, invaded by a petty feeling of envy or jealousy that you end up missing out on the great opportunities that arise right in front of you. It’s time to start valuing what you’ve achieved so far and improve what can be improved, without using others as parameters. Focus on yourself, this will help you to realise what you have and better analyse how your finances are going.

There are several interpretations for the appearance of the Four of Cups in finance and work tarot readings. It is very common to indicate that activities are repetitive and monotonous. At work, it indicates that there is no passion in carrying out activities, causing apathy and discontent, which may arise before material comfort.

In another interpretation, the Four of Cups indicates the appearance of new opportunities. What drives you to take action in relation to the opportunities that are knocking on your door, because if they are not taken advantage of, they will pass, and other opportunities may not arise.

Health and Spirituality

The Four of Cups card indicates exhaustion, energy loss and depression. You are going through a turbulent time that is directly affecting your physical and mental health, mainly because of all the pressure and stress you are feeling for not being able to solve your problems and possible conflicts.

First of all, you need to find out which area of ​​your life is draining your energy the most and work to stop this leak that is so harmful to your health. The second step will be to focus on solving problems one at a time and not letting yourself get bogged down by them. Rebalancing your life is what will bring you the inner peace you so desperately need, but it will take a little more courage and willpower to do this, so if necessary, seek help from a professional or support group to help you. express what you feel and manage to reorganise the little boxes of your mind. It can make a big difference in your life. Meditation is also a good tip for centering yourself.

In the spiritual realm, you need to be careful not to end up ignoring all the good that the universe is sending your way because you are letting yourself be trapped in a past of regrets and sorrows. Free yourself from the feelings that are bad for you to be able to absorb all the positivity given to you right now. Find your inner balance.

In the tarot reading on health and spirituality, the appearance of the Four of Cups indicates tiredness and exhaustion, indicating that an analysis is needed of which sectors of your life are sucking all your energy. Meditation can be the way to find inner peace and balance the sectors of your life.

Regarding spirituality, be careful not to ignore everything that is coming your way, analyse all the opportunities, and see which options are not as positive as you are imagining.

Four of Cups Reversed

The Four of Cups, when upside down, symbolises a strong desire for change and a fresh start. Gradually you begin to realise that life is not just made of bad moments and this realisation serves as an injection of courage to overcome obstacles and move forward towards new and enchanting dreams.

Your mind and heart are so alive and full of creativity that it’s virtually impossible not to engulf the world around you with the enthusiasm that begins to show in all areas of your life. If, previously, you felt that your life was stagnant, tied up in an endless routine, now you can let go of what held you back and let yourself venture into new discoveries, lands and horizons. Leave behind regrets, hurts and sadness of the past, focus on what really matters and abandon all the standards imposed on you so far and people who only existed to pull you down. Allow the future to be as bright as you want it to be.

Love and Relationships

If in a relationship, the Reversed Four of Cups has two distinct readings. On the one hand, it indicates that you have gone through a long period of self-reflection and are ready to leave behind the relationship that has not been working for some time. Perhaps, out of comfort or out of fear, you were not able to take the first step before finalizing this union, but today you already have that ability and the certainty that this decision must be made without resentment.

On the other hand, it could indicate that you are more present within the relationship than ever before. You went through difficult times and great trials that almost brought the relationship to an end, but the fall, which should have been definitive, only served to strengthen you even more and make you believe in the future of this union and invest your strength so that work out between you. Just don’t forget that this work must be done by your partner too. It won’t do you any good to dedicate yourself alone. Everyone must do their part.

If you are single, you are coming out of a dark period, where you distanced yourself from everything and everyone due to past hurts and sadness and that was wonderful, because this reclusive time was necessary to be able to recover and go through all the phases that a breakup stands for, getting ready to start over. New loves will now be able to enter your life without the wounds of the past getting in your way. Take the opportunity to review your social life and go out with your friends. You are ready to reawaken love.

When the four of hearts card appears reversed in the reading of love and relationships, it indicates that there are new opportunities for you to be able to move forward and find new paths, new relationships.

It is a letter with a positive message, which demonstrates overcoming a problem.

Money and Career

In a work and career reading, the Four of Cups in the reversed position brings good omens signifying the end of the stagnation in which you found yourself within the work environment. If, previously, the team was disconnected, now it is aligned in such a way that it makes room for new opinions and ideas, attracting opportunities and embracing initiatives that should not be let go. It is in this vibe that you will discover new skills and an increase in your creativity that will allow you to move forward with your projects and activities with renewed vigour.

If you feel in your heart that a change must be made, be it career, sector or plans, the inverted Four of Cups gives you a positive response so that the change is made without fear of its results. But even if the time is right for these changes to occur, you have to remember that nothing will move if you don’t do your part. You will need to renew your energy, roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath and throw yourself headlong. Change only depends on you to occur.

In the financial field, this card symbolises stability and a financial improvement that is already beginning to be felt. You managed to control your impulses, set yourself goals and work to achieve balance, and now you can already feel the results of your discipline and dedication. Today, what you have most is the result of your savings and planning in the past, so keep acting the way you’ve done so far to ensure a more prosperous future without surprises.

Now, if the four of hearts appears in the reading about money and work, it is a positive indication, signalling that new opportunities will arise, which were going unnoticed until that moment, and which could mean your financial success.

It is possible to take advantage of the situation, but it is necessary to get out of the same situation, and find motivation to pursue your dreams. Is this the best time for you to do it!

Health and Spirituality

In a health reading, the Four of Cups upside down represents positivity, renewal and well-being. If you are experiencing health problems, this card shows recovery after a period of significant treatment. What has been done so far is beginning to show results, but it is important to continue treatments and consultations, even if you feel well, so that you can reach a satisfactory and definitive cure.

This card warns of changing habits. Taking care of your health should be something constant, so doing physical exercises, taking care of your diet and mind will help you to avoid suffering from serious illnesses or minor illnesses in the future.

In the spiritual realm, it is time to abandon all negativity and thoughts that remind you of past hurts and sadness and start focusing only on the good things that the universe has to offer you. If you feel you need to change your focus and change paths, don’t be afraid, the reversed Four of Cups is a very favourable card for this type of change. Follow what your heart tells you. Your spirit guides have shown you the best way to go through it.

And in relation to health and spirituality, when the four of hearts appear inverted, it indicates that the best time has come for you to bet on changes related to your health.

Look for a doctor, checkup, change your habits and take care of your health.

Four of Cups Yes or No

If it is a reading of quick answers, in a Yes or No game, the four of hearts indicates a negative to the question, it corresponds to “No”, and asks for a reflection on what your goals and your vision of the world are.

Four of Cups Combinations

In tarot reading, there are combinations that have varied meanings. Now that you already know a little more about the four of hearts card, let’s get to know a little more about its main combinations and their meanings.

Four of Cups and The Fool

The Four of Cups card combined with the Fool card brings some reflections and doubts about the chosen paths. But it indicates that your choices were right, and even if to other people they seem crazy.

Four of Cups and The Hermit

The Four of Cups card with The Hermit card indicates the need to approach your spirituality, even if it is in an introspective way.

Four of Cups and The Wizard

The combination of the Four of Cups cards with The Magician card indicates that your dreams and your plans for the future are vague, and have no solid foundation. In other words, it’s important to rethink your goals, and set them so that you can achieve them, as expected and desired.

Four of Cups – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with the Four of Cups tarot card.

  • Water element
  • planet: moon
  • Astrological sign: Aries
  • Kabbalah: Chesed – Mercy
  • Important dates: early spring
  • Yes / No: No

Four of Cups as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone constantly dissatisfied with themselves and the life they lead because they believe that others are always at an advantage and have better possessions than theirs. These are people who are not in the habit of chasing after what they want, because they cannot have the courage to move, becoming stagnant in the same place complaining about how the universe is unfair to them. They don’t change anything in life, even though they want to change it completely. Without focus, they miss unique opportunities and don’t even realise that they passed right in front of them, increasing the victimism they carry. They are people who need to feel more loved and realise that hands are outstretched to help them when they need it, they just need to open their eyes and start seeing life as it really is, and not as they imagine it to be.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who does everything to make other people happy, even if, for that, they have to sacrifice their own happiness. These are people who often do not understand themselves because they are constantly in the shadow of others, especially under female influence, so it is important to spend time with themselves, alone, so that they can identify and be able to understand what want for themselves. It is common to see them following the example of others without judging whether it is right or wrong, just to be accepted.

Four of Cups in tarot represents a personality that is constantly dissatisfied, even if one has material conditions and comfort. And in this case, it is indicating a need for a change in personality, so that you can value life and all achievements.

Four of Cups as Feelings

In the sentimental field, when the four of hearts card appears, it indicates dissatisfaction with some sector of life, and psychological fatigue. And at the same time, it indicates a connection with the interior and introspection.

General questions about the Four of Cups tarot card

Now that you know a little more about the four of hearts, let’s see the main questions that are raised about this card.

What does the Four of Cups tarot card mean?

In tarot reading, the four of cups indicates dissatisfaction and lack of energy, but it also indicates comfort and lack of motivation, which can reflect in the lack of perception of the opportunities that are knocking at your door.

What does Inverted Four of Cups mean?

But when the four of cups appears reversed in the tarot reading, it indicates the emergence of new opportunities, which are close, but which have not yet been noticed. And it also points to a need to let go of the past, and move forward, with new horizons and new goals.

What does the Four of Cups tarot card mean in a love reading?

In reading about love, the four of cups indicates an imbalance in the love relationship, which happens when one of the parties is more dedicated than the other, and the relationship ends up becoming lukewarm and without passion.

Is the Four of Cups a Tarot Card Yes or No?

In Yes or No readings, the four of hearts always indicates a negative answer, that is, the answer is “No” to the question that was asked.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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