Four of Wands Tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Four of Wands is a card of transition, of positive endings and new beginnings. She comes to remind us of the importance of celebrating the small achievements and successes achieved along the way, knowing how to value the simple things in life and understanding that to conquer big goals you have to fight and overcome the small obstacles. This card brings good vibes to relationships and significant changes of place, such as residence, for example.

Visual description and symbology Four of Wands

The Four of Wands card brings the image of a couple dancing under a wreath full of flowers and fruits that is tied to four sticks attached to the ground. They bring flowers in their hands and celebrate happiness. In the distance, a group of people are in front of a castle during a party or celebration.

  • The four poles with the wreath of welcome resemble the characteristic canopy of the traditional Jewish ceremony, representing a stable community.
  • The two people in the foreground represent friendship and fellowship.
  • The flowers that people lift up represent the celebration of the success of their achievements, as gifts received for their efforts.
  • The castle in the distance represents the abundance and comfort of the home, and the bridge on the left side, a new cycle of life starting in its best phase.

Keywords Four of Wands

Until we go further with the meanings of the four of Wands tarot cards in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: joy, celebration, achievements, stability, encounters, harmony, homecoming.

Reversed keywords: conflicts, transition, instability, transience, lack of support.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Four of Wands interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Four of Wands meaning

The Four of Wands is a card that carries with it all the symbolism of family and home. The moment is perfect to get together with loved ones, friends and family, and celebrate the simple moments that life has to offer. It is a card that brings celebration as a strong feeling, both in concrete aspects, such as weddings, events, parties, and in the sentimental realm, by recognizing small victories and celebrating them, filling your mind with positive thoughts.

The period you are going through is one of stability, balance and happiness and this pushes you to believe in the projects that you still have to carry out and put them into practice. Prosperity is knocking on your door thanks to the efforts you put into your tasks and the time has come to receive the rewards with pride and satisfaction for the work done. Take the opportunity to gain more allies, a well-built team will be of great help for what is yet to be accomplished.

This card also indicates a time to put down roots and dedicate yourself a little more to your family. Being by their side and receiving their support will give you the security you are looking for to keep progressing.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the four of Wands represent a happy family life. It brings in its reading the level of advancement within the relationship, such as engagement, marriage or living together, birth and baptism. A strong and concrete foundation was established based on trust, stability and security, which will now allow you to create deeper roots than the ones you have already been developing. You have strong support from your friends and family regarding your relationship and this gives you security and makes living in a community something happy and prosperous.

If you are single, you are making the most of your social life at this stage, going to meetings, parties, celebrations, it makes you feel good about yourself and will give you the opportunity to find someone special, a new love. It could also be that a love from the past returns to your life and this reunion comes with new feelings.

Money and Career

The Four of Wands card is a stable card that denotes security in the work area. Things are going well and your projects are no longer stagnant as they used to be. You have the support of colleagues and people at a higher hierarchical level to put your ideas into practice and this gives you confidence and courage to continue your tasks. There is a strong team atmosphere that works together and with determination for the benefit of the company, not overloading anyone, which makes for a pleasant and peaceful environment in which to work. This is reflected in all areas of your life, as you feel enthusiastic and happy.

It can also indicate fraternal meetings and parties with co-workers held by the team itself in order to unite the group more.

In a financial context, the four of Wands appear showing the much-desired stability. You knew how to look at your situation and prioritise some issues, working hard to resolve them. This attitude has allowed you to make good choices and have long-term financial planning that will provide you with peace of mind in the coming future. Take advantage of the moment of respite to present who you love and increase family and social ties.

Health and Spirituality

The Four of Wands shows that your health is in order. You are taking care of your mind and body properly, or working hard at it, and the result can be seen in the willingness with which you go about your daily tasks. If you are going through an illness, know that even if you believe your recovery is slow, the cure is closer than you think. You have to stay positive and mindful of treatment.

In the spiritual realm, invitations to participate in events, meetings and courses may reach you. Take the opportunity to increase your knowledge and build a firm support network. You feel like you are part of a community within what you believe in and this strengthens your faith. Keep that feeling with you, as it will help you to overcome any misfortune that comes your way.

Four of Wands Reversed Meaning

When the Four of Wands appears in the reversed position, it comes to indicate that chaos is in place. There is such a lack of harmony in your home that the structures of coexistence are very shaken. The atmosphere surrounding the home is tense, and it seems that at any moment conflicts can erupt into turbulent storms, causing pain, hurt, and anger. You may be feeling that you are misunderstood by those who should support you the most and this distances you from your family in search of a more solid foundation, even if for that you have to be alone and leave the home you live in today.

Your self-esteem is very shaken and it will take some time to regain the security and stability you so desire. Be careful not to let these feelings pass into your relationships, because, unconsciously, you could end up exploding with the wrong people, placing blame on the other that does not belong to you.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the reversed four of Wands warns of a failed relationship where unhappiness has become a constant due to endless conflicts and fights. This brought about insecurity, instability and hurt for you and your partner. One of the reasons could be the family itself, which is at odds with the course of your relationship and, instead of supporting your choices, they end up putting obstacles in your path, making you fight for reasons that are often futile.

You too may be going through a complicated and difficult phase. Maybe your relationship just needs some time to recover. Reflecting on what is causing you so much pain is the first step towards restoring peace between you.

If you are thinking of getting married, this is not a good time to do so, as the four of Wands in the reversed position does not carry good omens for a future together.

If you’re single, you might be feeling lost about your future. This is reflected in the way you behave in society, damaging relationships and pushing away any suitors.

Money and Career

When the four of Wands appears in the inverted position, it indicates a toxic work environment, where there is no collegiality and no support for your projects and ideas. The people he lives with are constantly trying to outsmart each other in a gigantic ego fight that directly affects him, discouraging him and undermining his mind with negative energies. Try not to create this heavy atmosphere for yourself and concentrate on doing a good job. Don’t let lack of support become an excuse for not doing your part well.

On the other hand, this card can indicate a specific point of tension. Something that has been happening for a short time, but has a great force capable of undermining relationships within the work environment. Remember that misfortunes will always arise when we are working on some activity, do not let this affect your relationships to the point of jeopardising the progress of the project.

In the financial field, the four of Wands in the reversed position indicates that things are not going very well. The lack of financial planning is hampering your growth and attracting debts that could be avoided and this is closely linked to your personal relationships. Maybe you borrowed money from a family member or made a bigger purchase than you could for a loved one and that caused a hole in your financial life. Be careful not to end up helping people who don’t really need your help, and make sure you always stay within your budget.

Health and Spirituality

The reversed Four of Wands can indicate that you are experiencing a period of unstable health. Maybe you haven’t gone to seek medical help because you consider what you’re going through to be of no great importance, and if that’s true, it’s time for you to get rid of that kind of thinking and seek the help of a professional before it ends up getting worse. . Your mind may also be suffering from the external pressure that is on your shoulders, and if you don’t take time for yourself and take care of your inner self, you will eventually collapse. Take care of your body and mind, it’s time to look at yourself.

If you are going through an illness, this card in the reversed position shows the need for specific help and care and family assistance to fully recover. Don’t deny the help of those who want you well.

In the spiritual realm, this card shows the cancellation of meetings, ceremonies or rituals that you were already prepared to participate in. You can also indicate an invitation to participate in courses or ceremonies of some religious current that you don’t know yet. Do not accept. You will not feel comfortable and will not meet your need for knowledge that you seek so much.

Four of Wands Yes and No

The Four of Wands is a card of new beginnings and endings completed with success and happiness. Therefore, this card is a yes sign to any query from the querent.

Four of Wands Combinations

The Four of Wands is a card that, on the one hand, carries the energy of renewal and prosperity in its upright position, and on the other hand, the negativity present in conflicts and discord, especially in the family, when in the inverted position. This very contrasting duality brings different types of reading to it, so it is necessary to be very attentive to the card that accompanies it in order to be able to read it accurately.

Four of Wands and The Hermit

It’s a time of spiritual renewal, listening to your intuition and looking within yourself. The reconnection with your faith will provide you with moments of peace and tranquility.

Four of Wands and The Moon

The reward you’ve been waiting for may not come as expected, causing great disappointment.

Four of Wands and the Fool

Conflicts and problems within the family nucleus affect the psyche and harm the harmony of the home. These are turbulent periods that bring many negative feelings with you, such as heartache, sadness, frustration and hate. Avoid unnecessary discussions.

Four of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Four of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Venus planet
  • Astrological signs: Aries
  • Key dates: April 11th to April 20th
  • Kabbalah: Chesed
  • Yes / No: Yes

Four of Wands as personality types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who is always with the astral up there, seeing the positive side of things and bringing a good mood to all the conversation circles that are part of it. They are people who love to celebrate life and always find an excuse to gather friends and family. Typically, they avoid carrying burdens heavier than they can handle and tend to deny tasks with great responsibilities. They are sensitive people who are always ready to give valuable advice when it is most needed.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who leads a life surrounded by drama. They cannot avoid conflicts and usually end up acting without knowing what the facts really are. They are people who care more about the outer appearance than the personality of the people around them and end up getting involved with those who have more status in society or who can give them the glow they so much seek. Some focus on the needs of others and end up sacrificing their own happiness, with low self-esteem and a constant need to prove their worth.

Four of Wands as feelings

Happiness, balance, tranquillity, these are the feelings that surround the four of Wands. They are contagious feelings that fill the environment, making any negativity evaporate in a matter of minutes. This attracts new people to your life, adding value to life and increasing the joy of experiencing the small and simple things. The four of Wands always bet on the happiness of being in the company of the other.

General questions about the Four of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Four of Wands tarot card.

What does the Four of Wands tarot card mean?

The moment is to gather with those you love, friends and family, and celebrate together the victories and achievements that you have accumulated along the way. This card brings with it the celebration of life in its different forms: physical, such as parties, weddings and meetings, and mental, through the inner recognition of your work and the power to feel proud and satisfied, filling yourself with positive energies to continue in front.

It is a period of stability and balance. Prosperity rewards him for the efforts employed in his activities and invites him to continue working on his projects, without being discouraged. Have trusted people by your side who love you.

This card also indicates a time to put down roots and dedicate yourself a little more to your family. Being by their side and receiving their support will give you the security you are looking for to keep progressing.

What does the inverted Four of Wands tarot card mean?

The four of Wands card in the inverted position brings with it the pain, hurt, anger and hatred of a home broken by the fights and intrigues that exist between loved ones. You feel that the atmosphere you live in is tainted and there is nothing you can do to receive the support you so desperately seek. You find yourself with low self-esteem and this brings instability and insecurity to your life, which hinders your growth. You need to reflect on the situation and rethink your options, maybe it’s better to walk away so you don’t get hurt anymore. Be careful not to end up bringing these very negative feelings you are experiencing into your relationships. Use them as motivation to break the chain and break free.

What does the Four of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the Four of Wands appears with the force of happiness emanating from all fields of your affective life. The relationship has a solid foundation and will allow you to move to a new level, such as marriage or moving in together, engagement, birth or christening. Family and friends support this relationship and this gives you security and strengthens your union even more.

If you are single, you are making the most of your singleness and it does you good to bring new love with you. It could also be that a love from the past comes back into your life.

When in the reversed position, the four of Wands warn of an unhappy and failed relationship. Fights and conflicts happen all the time bringing pain, hurt and anger. Perhaps, one of the reasons for you to find yourself in this position is your own family. They may be against your union and doing everything to end it. You may also just be going through a difficult time, if so, a frank conversation and some time to breathe are essential for the relationship to be able to recover.

If you are thinking of getting married, this is not a good time to do so, as the four of Wands in the reversed position does not carry good omens for a future together.

If you are single, you may be feeling lost and this is affecting all your relationships, preventing you from finding new love.

Four of Wands and a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Five of Wands Tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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