10 simple ways to clear and cleanse your tarot deck

Tarot cards are energetic and personal tools that deserve special care. Sometimes you might get a feeling that your tarot deck’s energies are in imbalance, and you need to cleanse and clear your tarot deck. This article will teach you how to remove negative energies from your tarot cards and restore balance. 

Tarot cards can channel energy and manifest information through them that we hold inside. I believe in energies and feel that readings are more accurate when my cards are loaded with positive energy. Therefore, clearing and cleansing of tarot cards are indispensable, whether your deck is new or used. 

There are a few different methods for clearing and cleansing that you can use. Some of them require some extra ingredients like salt, crystals, incenses, or candles, but not all of them. Continue reading and learn everything you need to know about cleansing and clearing your Tarot deck. You will also receive some tips at the end of this article to help you take care of your tarot cards. 

Why and when to cleanse and clear your tarot cards?

All tarot readers want to give readings that leave the seeker feeling more confident and informed about their situation than before consulting the cards. Sometimes, this can be difficult even for experienced readers because something feels off between the reader and their cards. 

This sensation can be due to many reasons. I often feel disconnected when I have not used a particular deck in a while or have accidentally mishandled them for some reason. Whatever it is that has caused the imbalance in energies, it is good to perform a cleansing for the cards.

For most tarot readers, cleansing and clearing mean the same thing. I will use it here, interchangeably. For many, cleansing and clearing tarot cards is also a part of the deck’s caretaking routine or when coming into contact with a new deck. Whether the new deck came from the factory or from someone else’s hands, most readers will want to cleanse and energize their cards. 

Simple Ways to Clear and Cleanse your Tarot Cards

So whether you have a new deck in your hands or just feel some imbalances with energies, it will be a good idea to clear and cleanse your deck. 

Below I have included 10 of my preferred ways to cleanse and clear tarot cards. It is worth noting that these methods don’t count on all the existing ways out there. Some readers have very unique processes, and you can always come up with your own personal techniques. The most essential thing in Tarot is that you feel that it works. I hope you will get some inspiration from the ones below. 

Salt Cleansing

This is one of my favorite cleansing methods, and it is super-accessible. It is like letting your cards bathe in a sea of small crystals, which will load them with positive energy. I am sure you will want to give this method a try. 

The best thing to do is to use salt with large grains. The larger crystals are usually in salts like Kosher salt and Himalayan salt. You can find them sold in most supermarkets. You can even buy large chunks of them and create your own crystals by carving them straight off the pieces.

To do a salt cleansing:

  1. Place a good pile of salt on a plate. 
  2. Set the deck on top of the salt crystals. 
  3. Let the cards rest overnight in contact with the salt crystals, and you’re done. 

Next morning your deck will be completely ready and free of negative energies.

If you can’t find salt with large grains, you can also use regular salt and place the cards inside a ziplock bag. This will prevent the salt grains from damaging your cards when entering between the deck. The contact, in this case, would not be direct, which hinders the cleaning a little.

Crystal charging

This method is one of the simplest and most symbolic ones, and I believe it is also one of the most used among tarot readers. I love having crystals around and energizing my space. Therefore, I like to always place a few crystals close to my tarot deck as well. 

Quartz, Selenite, and others with similar composition are perfect crystals for this. If you have some of these crystals around your cards, you can do the cleaning daily. 

If you own a storage box for your tarot cards, it is good to place some crystals in the same box. When you put your tarot deck inside, it’ll be ready and energized the next time you use it. If you keep your “go-to deck” on your table, you can simply place the crystal on top of it whenever you do not use it.

Remember that some crystals have pretty sharp edges. They can damage the cards if they are in the same box, and something shakes them around.

With Incenses

Cleansing with incenses is also a popular method. The smell of scents also creates a pleasant mood and setting for reading the cards. I burn incense sticks in my readings space at least once a week. You can use any incense, regardless of the scent. What matters here is that it is a pleasant experience for you. 

To Cleanse your cards with incenses, you simply carry your deck on through the smoke that comes off the sticks. Cleansing can be done with the entire deck at once or one card at a time. 

Tapping the cards

This method is easy and quick to do. It works almost like a mantra. The idea here is to energize your deck with your personal energy. You need to focus on the idea of ​​getting rid of the bad vibrations and replacing them with good vibrations. It is essential to do this when you have a good day, and your energies are positive. 

To perform this method, it is as the name states. Hold the deck in your other hand and gently tap on the deck with your other hand. Concentrate on positive thoughts and imagine them entering your deck. 

I added a sample prayer at the end of this article that can help you in this process. 

Blowing on the cards

Just like the previous method, you are transferring a part of your personal energy onto the cards. Therefore it will involve a certain amount of concentration and dedication. 

To do this, try to clear your mind and concentrate on positive energies. Close your eyes and hold the deck in your hands and bring it close to your face. Then simply gently blow positive energies from inside your body into the deck. You can do this with the entire deck at once or with individual cards. 

The meditation technique, which we will go through shortly, will explain how you can reach the meditative state and send positive energies to your cards.

Sunbathing your tarot cards

Sun is the ultimate source of energy. It has given life to all beings on our planet and bathes us with good energy every day. Everyone has access to sunlight, making it the perfect “cleaning accessory” for your tarot cards. The Sun’s rays can burn off corrupt energy and load all cards with positive astral energy. 

To do this, all you need is to place your cards in the sunlight and let the sunrays energize them. Just make sure you don’t overexpose your cards to the sunlight. Depending on where you live and what time of the year you are doing, this will determine how long you can keep your deck in the sunlight without damaging your cards. I am originally from Brazil, and I have also lived for some years in Finland. I can tell you that there is a vast difference between the places regarding the intensity of the Sun. 

If you want to intensify the process, you can also use crystals and incenses. Complementing the ritual with several methods makes it more exciting and full of positive energies.

Full moon bath

Finally, we have one of the most challenging methods (due to the moon’s availability), but one of the most powerful that exists. Cleansing the Tarot Cards using full moonlight is unique and incredible. The full moon’s energy, alone, can promote countless changes in the world and recharge all of us with good vibrations.

The problem here is that the full moon only appears every 29.5 days, and if you don’t have time, you may have to do the cleaning by other means beforehand. 

This cleansing method is peculiarly interesting when we want to energize the cards to make the circulation aimed at a specific Zodiac sign. The moon and its phases talk directly with each house of the Zodiac.

To perform the cleansing, just place your tarot cards in a place where the moonlight can reach them. A window sill is often perfect for this. Leave the cards there overnight, and your cards will be energized in the morning. To enhance the effect, you can place crystals around your deck.  

Shuffling the cards

Shuffling your tarot cards is a great way to connect with your deck as well as a way to clear your deck. When you are touching your cards, you interact with your deck physically and, therefore, transform your energy into it. 

With each new reading and each new question asked from the tarot deck, it is necessary to do a shuffling. Not only will your cards be in a randomized order, but they will also be loaded with brand new energy. 

If you are just getting into Tarot, I have written a tutorial on shuffling tarot cards. If you are using a so-called giant deck or the deck you are using does not match your hands’ size, it will be challenging to mix appropriately. Therefore I also wrote this article about shuffling large tarot cards.   

Meditation with the cards

Meditating is an incredible and very immersive way to open up to our unconscious. It can balance your energies and make you more concentrated on the moment, and give you more diligently on what you are doing. It is as if the barriers and boundaries between the outside and inside are reduced. Placing you in a more coherent state and expanding your awareness.

When you try meditation with your tarot cards, it creates particular energy that affects your intuition. Your senses will be able to harmonize and align with the cards’ powers. 

How to do this method: 

  1. Create a quiet and noiseless environment. You can light incenses and spread some crystals around. This can help enter the meditative state. 
  2. Breathe deeply through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Repeat this a few times until you feel more at peace.
  3. Close your eyes and try to make the energies and thoughts flow in your mind.
  4. Focus on your deck and then on a particular card that you feel a connection to.  
  5. Try to interpret the world of the card you chose little by little, understanding what it means.
  6. Try to acclimate yourself to the deck’s energy and continue the meditation process until you feel in fullness.

It is also worth remembering that there is no right and wrong here. You should find the best way to align yourself with your meditative wave.

Keeping your cards safe

The care you give your cards is reflected in their conservation and the cards’ aesthetics over time. And the care you provide also influences the energy the cards carry. 

If you leave them lying around while you are not using them, there is a good chance something will damage them. Maybe you spill coffee on them or place a book on top of them that will bend some cards. Personally, if I or someone else mishandles my cards by accident, I feel their energies are affected. Therefore, I want to keep my cards safe whenever I am not using them. 

I have a specific box for my tarot cards, and I recommend everyone getting one. And if you like to keep them with you on your travels, it is good to carry them in a special pouch. It doesn’t matter what kind of box or bag you have, but I’ve listed a few examples below to give you some inspiration. 

Accessories to care for your tarot cards

So some precautions must be taken with your tarot cards. For that, some items are indispensable. Below I’ve listed four of them:

Storage Boxes

Specialized Tarot storage boxes can be found from some online shops, but you can also make your own. I bought a couple of wooden boxes from a vineyard to store mine. The ones with a lined interior are best because they offer some cushioning to your deck. 

Check these beautiful options at ETSY. 

Pouches or bags

I use bags for my cards whenever I take them with me on my travels. They protect them from being squashed by keys or other sharp items when I put them in my purse. If the inside is velvety, even better.

There are plenty of different options at ETSY.


Ribbons are a charm, we have to agree. They are fitting when you leave the cards on a table looking perfectly organized. However, remember that for transportation, they won’t offer much protection. One precaution that you should take when using the ribbons is the strength you put in each knot. 


As we could see above in this article, the use of crystals is fascinating when cleaning your deck. It can also be used inside your Tarot card storage box so that the crystal can cleanse them every time you store your cards. 

It is good to look for crystals that do not have many sharp points and are suitable for cleansing and clearing, as is the case with quartz crystals.

Common questions

Below, I’ve listed some frequently asked questions around this topic that keep coming up. So in case, you have wondered about these, here are my personal takes on them.   

Do I have to cleanse my tarot cards?

I would say “have to” is too much when talking about anything related to the Tarot. The beauty of Tarot is that you can do whatever you feel works for you. Basically, there are no rules.  

However, I feel that it is highly recommended to incorporate some of the rituals listed in this article into your own Tarot practices. They free the cards of negative energies and make you connect with your cards. 

In one way or another, if you want to get the best out of using your cards, you want to give exemplary care to your Tarot deck.

A simple prayer for tarot cards

If you want to eliminate negative energies and consecrate your tarot cards with a simple prayer, I made one for your tarot cards below. Just say clearly what you want with them, and try to express that with respect. 

“I, <say your full name>, bless these cards to bring light where before there was darkness.

I, <say your full name>, bless these cards to bring guidance and wisdom for me and for those who seek my advice, aiming for the good.

I, <say your full name>, dedicate these cards to the service of all who seek wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual growth, bringing peace and understanding.

I, <say your full name>, dedicate these cards to the development of my intuition and the constant search for improvement as an oracle. So that I can understand the meaning of the card’s messages and convey what I learn here with truth and compassion.

So, because this is my will and my desire, let these cards be blessed.”

Is there a difference in how to cleanse tarot or oracle cards?

Whatever the type of deck, you can do the clearing in the same way we went through in this article. All of the methods here can clear the cards of negative energy and better channel positive energy through your deck to your readings.

So whether you have a Gypsy, Oracle, Marseille, or Egyptian Tarot: all the tips and guidelines for cleansing and clearing your cards will work.


Furthermore, this was my article on cleansing and clearing your Tarot cards. I sincerely hope that I have been able to inform you of all the details regarding these methods and feel comfortable giving them a try on your own.

Taking good care of your cards will create a deeper connection between you and your deck. This will help you give more accurate readings, and of course, it will also increase your deck’s lifetime, which can accompany you for many years to come. 

A big hug and good readings to all!

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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