Categories: Tarot

King of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The King of Swords is a card that brings with it the strength of logical reasoning as its greatest weapon to face the difficulties that arise along the way. Influencing people around you through attitudes and advice is one of the most striking features of this card. It may be that unexpected help comes your way to throw light at the end of the tunnel, or you find what you need within yourself. The important thing here is to realize that intelligence, strategy and reason must be sharp if you want to overcome any obstacle.

Visual description and symbology King of Swords

The King of Swords card brings the image of a king sitting on his throne facing forward, bringing his sword in his right hand in an upright position and pointing to the sky, slightly inclined, symbolizing his determination to solve problems and conflicts. He acts with reason and has flexibility in his choices. The king wears a blue tunic, a symbol of his search for spiritual knowledge, and, on top, he wears a purple cape, symbolizing his intellect allied with altruism. Behind you, the clouds and trees are no longer swayed by the force of the wind and stillness takes over the landscape.

  • The sword that the king holds represents the balance between the conscious and the unconscious, reason and intuition, the power to see both sides of any situation.
  • The blue robe represents spiritual knowledge and the purple cape intellect and compassion.
  • The butterflies that adorn her throne represent transformation, the crescent moons represent the balance of opposites, and the angel, guidance.
  • The clouds and still trees represent stability and clarity in the face of challenges and change.
  • The birds represent the information that is available to face any situation.

Keywords King of Swords

Until we go further with the meanings of the King of Swords tarot card in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: reason, intellect, truth, authority, morality, integrity, discipline.

Reversed keywords: dishonesty, manipulation, being irrational, oppressor, acting in bad faith, misuse of power.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the King of Swords interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

King of Swords meaning

The King of Swords appears in the game to indicate that the time has come to use your intellect to achieve your goals and implement the plans that are in progress. It is necessary to remain focused on your goals and the situation you are in today, analyzing the facts and facing all the problems that arise with mental clarity, leaving your emotions in control so as not to be negatively influenced by them. Acting with an open mind and placing reason over the heart will be of great importance in decision-making. Take time to reflect before taking any steps, and always be honest with yourself and others.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, it shows a relationship where the intellectual challenge is a constant between you and your partner, pushing each other to give your best at all times, and all this in search of a high standard, often unattainable . Maybe it’s time to stop charging yourself so much and focus on what really matters in your relationship. Trying to reach perfection is a very arduous path that does not always yield good results, leading to unnecessary and exhausting stress. Employ your energies in experiencing good times next to those you love and not wanting to seem like the ideal couple.

If you are single, you may end up meeting someone who is not very romantic, but who values ​​ethics and respect in their relationships, hardly showing their emotions. Also, it can indicate a man who is happy with his single life.

Money and Career

The King of Swords appears to advise you to remain calm within your work environment. Make sure you have all the facts before making a choice and be strategic and practical about it. The moment is to show up and, for that, you will need to use all your intellect and skills. Don’t wait for people to see you as you would like, work to be seen by them, without losing your integrity and your principles. You don’t have to change who you are, just show your best. Drawing up a routine and structuring your tasks is also a good way to achieve success in your projects and progress in your career.

In the financial field, the moment is to stop and really look at your finances. Big decisions should only come after market research and pricing. Don’t act on impulse, this can bring great future financial losses. Be realistic with how much you have, how much you earn, and how much you need. That way, you won’t create holes in your pocket.

Health and Spirituality

The King of Swords brings with it habits as great allies for your health. Setting up a daily self-care routine is the best way to avoid physical and mental health problems in the future. Go to the doctor regularly, exercise, sleep the essential time to recover from a day’s work and eat at the right times and in a healthy way, don’t leave it to worry only when some pain appears, the time to take care of yourself is now .

If you are experiencing any illness, this card indicates the need to seek expert professionals to assist you in your search for a cure. Do not be discouraged and follow medical advice.

In the spiritual realm, the King of Swords warns of the need to stop your studies for a moment and start practising the spirituality that you carry within you. Nurturing yourself with books, videos, meetings, meetings and cults is wonderful, but having all this knowledge will not help if you don’t put it into practice. Listen to your intuition and practice your faith, whatever it may be.

King of Swords Reversed Meaning

The King of Swords in the inverted position symbolizes the lack of logic to face situations and the contempt for the integrity of others and one’s own ethics solely to satisfy selfish and self-centred desires. The desire to always win and greed are at work, causing people around them to start acting in bad faith just to win a place on the podium. Keep your eyes open and trust guarded, don’t hand your plans or desires over to just anyone. Use your intellect to find out who is really on your side for wanting you well and who is there just to get to the top by riding on your back.

This card could also indicate that you are cheating to win first place, acting as if the world owes you something, because you know that all your choices will bring consequences in the future, and they will not be comfortable at all. It’s no use sitting at the big table and not having someone to share bread with. Selfish and petty attitudes drive away the people we love and bring loneliness with you. Is it really worth putting the stones in your own path? It is time to review your attitudes and priorities.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the King of Swords shows a troubled relationship, shrouded in selfishness, control and even physical and psychological abuse. You need to put your heart aside for a moment and think logically if this relationship is healthy for you. Unconditionally loving someone who is not a good partner for you can end up putting you in embarrassing, cold and dangerous situations. Don’t allow yourself to be belittled to live the fire of passion. Be rational.

If you’re single, it’s time to evaluate the suitors that come your way. Don’t let your heart command all your choices so you don’t end up regretting it. Know first, trust later, and only then give yourself to someone.

Money and Career

The King of Swords card in the reversed position shows that you are acting solely on emotion, making irrational decisions that, in the long run, will bring negative consequences for your career. You must not allow outside energies to drive you crazy and shake your structure. You have enough wisdom to make the best choices, just don’t allow feelings to blind you to the path you should take. It is necessary to find self-control, better organise your routine, this will help you to progress. Keep a cool head.

In the financial field, what you lack is the discipline to keep your finances up to date. Spending on impulse and not acting with your head makes you throw money away and increase debts that could very well be avoided. Don’t despair, stay calm and focus on the problem to be able to solve it rationally.

Health and Spirituality

The King of Swords, when reversed, indicates that you are feeling helpless and hopeless about your health. You may have sought professional help, but ended up with more questions than you had in the beginning regarding the situation you are in. Don’t be afraid to question.

In the spiritual realm, you have arrived at a time when a lot of information has reached you and is waiting to be put into practice. Because of this, you feel a little lost about the best path to follow and you can be led by false teachings by the simple anguish that nourishes your heart. Calm down, your intuition is your best adviser, you will know how to filter the acquired knowledge and choose the best path to follow.

King of Swords Yes and No

The King of Swords represents decisions. The perspicacity with which he acts makes him a rational being and little carried away by emotions. All choices are made after weighing both sides of the same coin. Nothing can be left out, and only after all voices are heard and consequences are analyzed will you have the necessary wisdom to choose the best path. Therefore, the King of Swords carries with it a maybe to any querent’s question.

King of Swords Combinations

The King of Swords is a card that brings a very great duality. If, on the one hand, it presents altruism, empathy, helping others as a way of achieving one’s own achievements, on the other hand, it denotes the negativity present in selfishness, greed, presumption that moves the individual to go over everything to conquer your desires.

Three of Swords and The Strength

The moment is one of impatience and feeling pressured to find a way out.

King of Swords and The Sun

Being a selfless person, working to help people succeed in any area of ​​their lives is what will make you achieve your own success. It also represents a father figure, affectionate, ready to cherish.

King of Swords and The Empress

It represents an affectionate mother, but driven by rationality. He is capable of anything for his son, including putting his own desires aside to see his son prosper.

King of Swords and The Lovers

Intellectual compatibility is strongly present within relationships helping to connect and build a full and happy future.

King of Swords – Elements, Astrology and Other Associations

Here are the associations with the King of Swords tarot card

  • Element: Air
  • Venus planet
  • Astrological signs: Libra
  • Key dates: January 10th to February 8th
  • Kabbalah: Chokmah – Wisdom
  • Yes /No: Maybe

King of Swords as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone very upright, sensible and rational. They are people who use their intelligence to do good and help others, advising and guiding them to solve their problems with wisdom and tranquillity. They don’t brag about their high level of knowledge and aren’t driven by greed or ego, but rather maintain an unshakable reputation. They are very successful people and reach the top thanks to the rationality with which they make their choices, not letting emotions get in the way of their decisions.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone of a negative nature. These are people who cannot maintain long-term relationships because they cannot deal with their own emotions. They are hostile people, who are always on the defensive and do everything to benefit in every situation, even if, for that, they need to cause harm to the other. Selfish, they cannot think beyond their own navel, being cruel and unpleasant with people who wish them well, humiliating them in every way for not being able to accept a view different from theirs.

King of Swords as Feelings

Thirst for knowledge, refined intellect, search for balance between reason and emotion, these are the most striking characteristics of the King of Swords. He needs to find a way to feel the other without being afraid of the consequences of those feelings. His sophisticated intelligence makes him a strategist and, with that, he tries in every way to find a thousand reasons for the emotions he brings with him, but without getting too carried away by fear of the unknown. He always seeks to be with people of equal intellect.

General questions about the King of Swords tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the King of Swords tarot card.

What does the King of Swords tarot card mean?

The King of Swords appears to show that it is time to use intelligence and cunning to put your projects and plans into action. You are very close to achieving your goals, but for this to finally happen, you need to act with dexterity and keep your mind focused and open to everything around you. It is necessary to look at all angles of the situation to only then draw the necessary conclusions to be able to act for your own benefit or for those you love. Don’t be afraid to take risks, being rational you will be able to draw up the best strategies for your plans. Keep emotions in check, they can jeopardise your decisions.

What does the reversed King of Swords tarot card mean?

When in the inverted position, the King of Swords appears to warn about people around him who are using presumptuous and petty attitudes to satisfy their own desires. This person is acting in bad faith by thinking of ways to get what they want, using it as a stepping stone to success. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived. Be rational and keep your foot in the back.

This card could also indicate that you are acting selfishly and betraying those who have placed their trust in you to gain what you believe is rightfully yours. These attitudes of yours will have negative consequences in the future and you won’t have anyone by your side to console you, because everyone will have already moved away because they were hurt along this miserable journey that you are building for yourself. It is time to review your attitudes and priorities.

What does the King of Swords tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the King of Swords appears to show a relationship where the parties demand a lot from each other, trying to give their best all the time in search of a high and unreachable standard of perfection. You need to stop acting that way and focus on the pleasurable moments you spend together. That must be the true value between you.

If you’re single, you’ll meet someone rational who has difficulties showing feelings. Despite not being a romantic, he is respectful and values ​​ethics in his relationships. It could also indicate a man who loves the single life.

Already in the inverted position, this card warns of a relationship shrouded in selfishness, control and abuse. We need to start acting rationally. Your heart may want to stay within this relationship, but how healthy is it being for you? Don’t allow yourself to be hurt by a crush. Be rational.

If single, be careful with whom you relate, don’t give yourself to anyone and keep reason before trusting who you just met.

King of Swords is a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Ace of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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