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King of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The King of Wands brings good luck and prosperity if you trust your instincts and don’t give in to the first big challenge that comes your way. Ascendancy is innate to the King and is reflected in all areas of life as long as he is sure of himself and in control of his own destiny. Knowing what you want and how to act to achieve it is what makes the King a leader ready to solve any problem.

Visual description and symbology King of Wands

This card features the image of a king wearing an orange cape with drawings of salamanders, a lion necklace and a crown shaped like flames of fire. He is seated upon a golden throne adorned, also, with lions and salamanders, holding a stick with shoots sprouting from its top.

  • The stick represents man’s ideas and ambition in pursuit of his goals.
  • The throne represents prestige and success and its crown reinforces the passion that lies behind this prestige.
  • Salamanders represent the force of transmutation and the fact that they are biting their own tail represents the ability to be reborn and recreate, allowing them to move between obstacles that appear in their path.
  • The lion represents courage in the face of change.

Keywords King of Wands

Until we go further with the King of Wands tarot card meanings in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: leadership, entrepreneurship, boldness, control, vision, honor, optimism.

Reversed keywords: haste, domination, cruelty, impulsiveness, impotence, tyranny.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive into the King of Wands’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

King of Wands meaning

The King of Wands is a card that presents energy focused on putting small and long-term ideas into action in a very practical way. You have the experience and determination to accomplish everything you have in mind with perfection and strategy, which will bring you great returns. This is because you know exactly what you want for yourself and what you will do to achieve your goals. You have complete control over your own life and you are not allowing outside energies to settle in and get in your way. You lead all sectors that involve you and feelings, infecting everyone around you and making them increase the admiration they already feel for you. No matter what challenges will come your way, you have set your mind on something and are ready to risk everything to accomplish what you want with great enthusiasm and courage. Keep believing in your potential and fighting for the battles that appear. You already have the passion in your hands, just put yourself into action, and success will come before your eyes very soon.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the King of Wands card shows a relationship where affection and respect are constant ingredients in your coexistence, because you admire each other and understand the need to have freedom even though you are within a relationship. relationship. You worked to build the foundation that supports this union today and you are proud of it. Even if some discussions and disagreements occur during the walk, you manage to sit and talk, always listening to each other without wanting to impose on your partner’s opinion. The only warning this card brings is to be careful not to smother your partner. The King likes to be flattered, but cannot deal with excessive affection or displays of need. It is not necessary to prove every day what you feel, this is already visible.

If you are single, the King of Wands indicates that you are so busy with chores that you forget to take time out for your social life. Taking advantage of being alone to dedicate yourself to growth in other areas of your life is very good, while it does not serve as an excuse for not wanting to relate to someone new for fear of suffering, as it happened in the past. It’s important to balance things out and allow yourself to open up to love again. If you have someone in mind who has won your heart, the King warns you of the need to give that person freedom so as not to end up losing the chances you have by suffocating them.

Money and Career

The King of Wands shows that he has reached a higher level within his work, mainly in relation to the admiration and respect he has earned from colleagues and people of higher hierarchical level. You fought hard to show, not only a quality work, but how good you are at what you do and this was the starting point to leverage your career. You still have a lot to conquer and you are heading in the right path, as your broad vision and the power to think strategically, knowing exactly where to risk and when to retreat, show how far you are capable of going.

On a financial level, the King of Wands indicates a healthy balance in your finances. Even if you have gone through difficult times, today you recognize the importance of planning your money, knowing how, when and where to spend it, as well as saving whenever possible. Keep working along these lines and focusing on your long-term goals. This will ensure that your finances are always healthy and that you do not fall in the face of a crisis.

Health and Spirituality

The King of Wands points to good health and improvements in treatments that last for some time. You care about yourself and tend to balance all areas of your life, taking pressure off and not letting stress overwhelm you, which helps keep your mind healthy and your body active. In case something affects you, the tip of this card is to take some extra time for yourself and relax. Don’t get carried away by the wave of exaggeration, it can end up throwing you over the rocks and you will feel this reflected directly in your health.

On a spiritual level, this card shows that you are making progress on your spiritual path. You are open, receptive and very thirsty for knowledge, which makes you travel many different paths and you are not content with simply going with the flow. This is wonderful, but care must be taken not to end up stumbling along the way because of this rush and eagerness to know and know everything.

King of Wands Reversed Meaning

When in the reversed position, the King of Wands has two distinct readings, but with the same end result: you are not able to carry out your intentions or achieve your goals. A reading presents the difficulty faced in completing projects and activities that were put into practice by you. The lack of enthusiasm and enthusiasm is the main reason that takes you away from your purpose every day, because you no longer believe that you are capable of achieving something for yourself, much less success. It may be that the lack of experience to put practices into action is causing more problems and challenges than you expected and this leaves you feeling discouraged and in disbelief. You need to be more proactive and get your hands dirty without fear of taking risks. Don’t keep thinking about what the other person would do in your place, go and do it. Only then will he be able to leave the place where he is.

On a second reading, you could be being very arrogant with the people around you. Your arrogance and feeling of superiority is pushing away those who have a genuine intention of helping you. Believing fully that you have the ability to do everything yourself will only serve to delay you further. It’s time to review your attitudes.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the King of Wands in the inverted position indicates a relationship in which you are stuck on what you dream of and not on what you manage to achieve within this union. You can’t sit down to envision a future together, it’s like you each have your own plans and the other is just a decorative item that must be taken along. If you can’t think of what’s good for both of you, then maybe it’s time for each of you to go your own way, otherwise you could end up very hurt.

This card can also indicate an abusive partner. If you are facing a relationship where you feel threatened or suffer physical and emotional abuse, it’s time to step out and protect yourself before it’s too late. Seek help from family and friends, they are by your side and will support you in facing this situation.

If you are single, you need to be very careful when interacting with people you are not familiar with. This card warns against abusive, bad-natured and ill-intentioned people who are lurking, waiting for the right time to act. So if you want to date someone, make sure you stay safe. Don’t trust kind words from someone you don’t know, they can carry big risks.

Money and Career

The King of Wands in an inverted position indicates a strong tendency not to trust one’s own instincts. You are afraid of making mistakes if you hold onto the reins of decisions you must make in your work and career and end up letting others decide for you. If you really believe that, acting like this, you will be able to achieve success in your projects and activities, you are wrong. Letting other people be your steps will make them seen and you will remain in the same place, stagnant and without a future. You need to change your attitude and start to see that you have the ability to manage your responsibilities on your own, just believe in yourself a little more and start working towards it.

In the financial field, you are very confident that the game will turn and luck will embrace you in relation to your money. Wanting the universe to work in your favor without, however, doing your part, will only contribute to you remaining tight and without expectations for the future. You need to reorganize your finances and find balance, and for that, you need to roll up your sleeves and start working on your behalf.

Health and Spirituality

When in the inverted position, this card indicates overwork and responsibilities that are leading you to mental and physical exhaustion, weakening your health. You have to stop and breathe for a moment before the low of your immune system ends up causing serious problems and long-term illnesses. Seek help from a professional if you realize you won’t be able to handle the pressure you’re feeling on your own. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Eat a balanced diet, exercise and, most importantly, take time for yourself.

In the spiritual realm, you are straying from your path and losing your faith, because you demand a lot from yourself and from those who want to help you in your search for spiritual knowledge. Wanting to have all the answers is a mistake, as not everything in the universe can be explained. Relax a little, rescue lost faith and increase your knowledge without the charge of needing to know everything about everything. Your spiritual path must be trodden with tranquility and balance.

King of Wands Yes and No

The King of Wands is a card that carries the energy of confidence and determination, as well as the courage to take risks and throw yourself into the unknown, expanding your horizons in any aspect of life. By having such significant positivity, the answer to any query from the consultant will be yes.

King of Wands Combinations

The King of Wands is an action, movement and energy card that moves life. Therefore, she always brings advice for the consultant to leave the stagnant position he is in and start working to get out of problems, face challenges, or achieve success. Everything will depend on the letter that will come with it. Regardless, things must always remain in motion.

King of Wands and The High Priestess

You have to open yourself up to receive advice and the help you need so much to face your problems. You may believe that you don’t need help to face the challenges, but the truth is that you are increasingly distancing yourself from the people who love you by acting with this thought, which will end up leaving you withdrawn and unhappy. An outsider’s view of the problem is exactly what you need to get out of it right now.

King of Wands and The Magician

When combined with the Magician, the King of Wands is a warning to get moving and work towards achieving your goals. Starting something new has everything to succeed, but it will depend solely on you rolling up your sleeves and making the magic happen. Use the King’s energy to take dusty projects out of the drawer and put them into practice.

King of Wands and The Sun

The King combined with the Sun brings up issues related to parenthood. They are problems that will have to be solved in relation to your children or your own parents, depending on the situation, and that will need all your attention so that everything ends well. This is the moment to dedicate yourself to your family and resolve any outstanding issues that may still remain in the family cycle.

King of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the King of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet Mars
  • Astrological signs: Leo
  • Key dates: July 12th to August 11th
  • Kabbalah: Chokmah
  • Yes / No: Yes

King of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who is always prepared to take risks and never goes over people to conquer what he wants, using only his own potential and self-confidence. They are people who are always trying new things and adding new values ​​to themselves through these experiences. Excitingly, they live by encouraging those around them to find their own inner king and go out to fight their battles without fear, ready to make others feel special and teach them how to value themselves and recognize their qualities.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone with a quick temper who always loses his temper over insignificant things. They are people who have a very high ego and think they are better than others, even though they haven’t achieved much in life, because they spend more time dedicating themselves to climbing above others than actually reaching the top. They have difficulties taking responsibility, so it’s common to see someone from this card jumping from branch to branch in relation to work, never feeling really satisfied. Whenever they meet people they know, they end up doing everything they can to make the conversation revolve around themselves, which makes them feel more and more alone. In extreme cases, they can be violent and indulge in addictions such as alcohol and drugs.

King of Wands like feelings

Feeling powerful and strengthened makes the King of Wands always ready to face any challenge and protect those he loves. He has respect for those around him and shows great recognition whenever he can visualize the potential that can be achieved by the other, stimulating him and being by his side. Feelings of gratitude also flow in abundance about the King of Wands.

General questions about the King of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the King of Wands tarot card.

What does the King of Wands tarot card mean?

You are determined to carry out all the ideas and plans you have in mind. The passion you put into your actions and the energy that overflows from within you will help you to achieve everything you want, as you are completely enveloped by the vigor of the King of Wands. The people around you admire you and use you as an example to be followed, because you managed to take control and leadership in all areas of your life, enchanting those who follow you. Challenges will come your way, but you are ready and able to solve all problems with agility and dexterity. Keep acting strategically and you will soon reach your goals successfully.

What does the inverted King of Wands tarot card mean?

The King of Wands in reversed position appears in the game to indicate that you are not achieving your goals. It could be because you are being very snobbish towards the people around you, thinking that you are the owner of the absolute truth and refusing the help that is so necessary for your growth right now. Or you are not able to finish your projects due to lack of experience or because you give up halfway due to lack of energy and tiredness. Whatever the reason, it’s time to rethink your own attitudes and try to find solutions that alleviate the problems you’ve already created, so that you can evolve and move towards success.

What does the King of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the King of Wands shows a stable relationship where love, partnership and complicity prevail, leading to the maturing of the union as they walk the path with freedom and respect. You’ve learned to listen to each other and that helps you face life’s challenges. It is only necessary to take care that excessive affection and attachment does not get in the way, as the King needs independence and cannot stand feeling suffocated.

If you are single, you must give freedom to that person you are interested in. Cornering her wanting to conquer her will only drive her away from you. The King also warns of the fact that he wants to take on too many responsibilities in other areas of his life to avoid a new relationship out of fear. You need to break free and get back to socializing.

When in the reversed position, if you are in a relationship, The King of Wands advises you to review this union. You are in a moment where each of you plans your own future and tries to fit the other without listening to what he thinks about it, as if the relationship were not an essential part of this path. Maybe it’s better for each one to go it alone, before they end up getting hurt. If you are in an abusive relationship, then it’s time to escape. Seek help from those who want you well and from competent bodies, they are ready to support you.

If you’re single, be careful about dating someone you don’t know. The King of Wands warns of the danger of dating strangers. Always stay safe and avoid isolated places.

Is the King of Wands a Tarot Card Yes or No?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Ace of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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