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Knight of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Knight of Wands card is synonymous with spontaneity and adaptability to change. Knowing how to use all the weapons he has to face the challenges and problems that appear along the way makes the Knight a person ready to reap achievements and complete successful projects, thanks to effort, determination and courage. Everything happens very quickly in this card, so you have to be careful not to end up stumbling along the way.

Visual description and symbology Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands brings the image of a man wearing a yellow tunic decorated with salamanders, a helmet with red feathers and armour, ready to attack. He is riding his orange horse which rears up as if ready for action, holding a stick in his right hand. In the landscape, mountains can be seen in the distance, in an arid and dry climate.

  • The orange horse represents the rider’s determination and drive.
  • The yellow tunic represents joy and emotion and the salamanders drawn represent the opportunities that appear and the adaptability to adapt to situations.
  • The armour represents protection, challenges and taking risks in pursuit of a desire or dream.
  • The red feathers represent movement and changes that appear along the way.
  • The Wand represents energy and enthusiasm to move forward.

Keywords Knight of Wands

Until we go further with the meanings of the Knight of Wands tarot card in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: courage, energy, passion, rebelliousness, temperament, adventure, impulsiveness, freedom.

Reversed keywords: hurry, delay, impatience, recklessness, frustration, lack of self-control.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive into the Knight of Wands’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

Knight of Wands meaning

The Knight of Wands card brings success in projects and activities that have been carried out along the way. You probably didn’t expect that your effort would yield so much fruit and the surprise of this return will bring you courage and enthusiasm, renewing your energy. So take advantage and use those wins as momentum to put new ideas into practice, because you’re ready to achieve more if you keep moving. If you still have something unfinished, the moment is for finalisation to be able to enjoy the flavour that the conquest brings with it, but don’t rush, being in a hurry can end up making you fail in your decisions.

The Knight of Wands is adventurous, so when he appears in the game, he can indicate a moment of freedom, escape from everyday life and travel. Maybe you’re getting too attached to your day-to-day responsibilities and forgetting to take time out to enjoy life. Try to renew yourself in the energy of the Knight of Wands and embark on an exciting and free mood change, even if only for a weekend. This, for sure, will make you more excited and full of life to face reality and its challenges, while giving importance to responsibilities.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Wands indicates a relationship that is in a moment where emotions emerge and are strengthened every day, resurrecting the flame of passion and deepening the sense of love that led them to be together. You feel the sense of freedom that was possible when you allowed yourself to understand each other, exploring the best of each other and intensifying adventures and the chance to take risks with new things and new heights. It’s time to dedicate yourself to the union and bring more quality of life into it, leaving out everything that can get in your way.

If you’re single, you feel more confident and you’ve finally managed to break free from some of the aches and pains that have been holding you back. All this confidence exudes from you in such a way that it makes you more attractive in the eyes of others, winning over suitors willing to get to know you better. You may end up getting involved with someone who is free spirited and who will guide you to new discoveries. It could be someone from work or someone you meet on a trip. Take the opportunity to open up and allow yourself to love again.

Money and Career

The Knight of Wands is a card that presents the enthusiasm present in professional life. You may have discovered new passions or be excited about projects that have emerged to take you out of your comfort zone. Whatever the reason, the energy and adrenaline of new challenges moves you forward, seeking results and strengthening your ambition and determination to achieve success.

If you are interested in starting a new business or have the idea of ​​changing jobs, now is the time. You are permeated by the excitement of the Knight of Wands and you will have all the weapons you need to successfully leverage this change, just make sure you have analyzed the alternatives well and prepared for this new step with dexterity and strategy, so as not to end up being caught by some nasty surprise along the way.

On the other hand, this card can represent a bit of frustration within the work environment due to the lack of progress in your projects and activities. Perhaps, you are not making enough effort as you should and, therefore, things are no longer under your control, disappointing you. Don’t be discouraged. Look within yourself for the contagious energy of the Knight and use it in your work. The results will be visible soon, as soon as you change your attitudes.

In the financial field, it indicates the return of balance in your finances and a long-awaited respite for you. Money may be coming in for you right now, don’t spend it on futile and unnecessary things. A good tip is to use the extra money to broaden your horizons by embarking on a trip, as you need some time to rest after so much stress.

Health and Spirituality

The Knight of Wands is a card that indicates good or improving health. If you are fighting an illness, use all the energy and exultation of this card to increase positivity in your thoughts and thus improve your body and mind response to the treatment you are following. If your health is in perfect harmony, be careful not to end up suffering injuries or injuries due to inattention. Slow down a bit so you don’t have any accidents.

In the spiritual realm, you may be entering a different path regarding your spirituality, experiencing new things and expanding your knowledge to other areas. Take the opportunity to nourish yourself as much as possible in this new world, but stay alert so you don’t fall prey to malicious leaders out of pure impulse.

Knight of Wands Reversed Meaning

When in the reversed position, the Knight of Wands represents delays, frustrations and setbacks. You probably put a lot of effort and work into achieving your goals, but something went wrong along the way and you didn’t get as far as you’d like, leaving you angry and discredited in your own ability to achieve what you want. Don’t despair, you’ll need to have a little patience, stop for a moment and analyze the entire course to identify what you’re doing wrong that keeps you from winning and correct the error. Only then will you be able to get some satisfactory return.

This card also says that the time is not to start new things. You may be rushing ahead, believing that everything will work out and wanting to kick-start a project, but you should ask yourself if you are really sure of the steps that will be taken along the way so you don’t regret later. Perhaps, it is better to analyze the situation from other angles before making any decision. Don’t be reckless just to please the ego. Often, it’s better to wait to start something and be sure of victory, than to start in any way, rushing, and fall halfway through.

Love and Relationship

If you’re in a relationship, you may feel like there’s been instability going on for a while and it starts to affect the way you behave within the relationship. The impatience and discouragement that surround you are the effects of your lack of commitment to making things work. You surrendered to the obstacles that appeared in your path and lost the will to fight to recover lost feelings, staying together just for convenience. The important thing here is to identify what is affecting the relationship so much and try to find a solution that is good for everyone and not just for one side.

If you are single, you need to be careful with dating and new suitors. The Knight of Wands in the inverted position warns of the presence of self-interested, malicious, violent and abusive people, so do not trust everyone who approaches you, be prudent and take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety when meeting with someone alone.

Money and Career

When in the inverted position, the Knight of Wands shows a career with no future due to lack of spirit, determination and work. For some reason, you cannot adapt to the routine of a work environment and this makes you jump from branch to branch, constantly changing jobs, failing to build a successful journey within your career. It is necessary to accept that, regardless of the chosen career, there will be routine and responsibilities that must be fulfilled, if you want to achieve any objective, such as a better salary, public recognition or even building something solid. It takes more focus and determination to move forward.

This card also indicates that the time is not conducive to starting your own business or new projects. It’s best to wait a bit and calmly review the details before kicking off.

In the financial field, the moment is not good for waste. Even if you have money left in your account, the best thing to do is save it and forget about unnecessary expenses. It is also not a good card for investments, as it can represent large losses, so be more cautious than usual.

Health and Spirituality

When in the inverted position, the Knight of Wands calls for slowing down. You are stressed or anxious due to the speed that your life imposes on you and this is leading you to mental and physical exhaustion, seriously damaging your health. It is necessary to break and recover energetically, dealing with the responsibilities and challenges at your own time, without being rushed to solve the problems. If necessary, seek help from a professional. This card also warns you to be careful with diets and exercises carried out without proper monitoring, which could lead to injuries and more serious problems with your body.

In the spiritual scope, the Knight of Wands appears showing a rupture with old traditions and beliefs that he carried with him. You feel the need to look for new answers in different ways than usual and this will help you to improve your spirituality and give you wisdom. Follow without fear.

Knight of Wands Yes and No

The Knight of Wands is a positive energy card. She carries with her the determination to overcome the obstacles that arise along the way with strength and courage, knowing that victory will soon be rewarding. Therefore, the answer to any querent’s question is yes.

Knight of Wands combinations

The Knight of Wands carries with him the strength of growth and the achievements that can be collected along this path. Despite this, he presents the risks of wanting to rush into the unknown, warning to be careful with choices and attitudes. Therefore, this card carries both positive and negative readings, depending on the cards that appear with it, but they all lead to maturation in a successful direction.

Knight of Wands and The Hermit

You are about to acquire achievements in different areas to which you are devoting all your effort, struggle and sweat. You are passionate about what you do and this helps you to be patient in reaching your goals.

Knight of Wands and The Fool

You are full of energy and new ideas, ready to put old shelved projects into practice and start so many inspiring ones. Just be careful not to end up giving in to anxiety and this harming your work. You need to be clear about where you want to go to start walking your path towards your goals.

Knight of Wands and The Tower

Changes come your way, something you didn’t expect and that will take you by surprise. This does not mean that it is something negative, but even so, care must be taken not to end up making wrong decisions on impulse in the face of the new.

Knight of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Knight of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Astrological signs: Sagittarius
  • Key dates: November 13th to December 12th
  • Kabbalah: Chokmah
  • Yes / No: Yes

Knight of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who is always on the move. It is difficult for him to get used to routine and repetitive activities that do not allow him to express his personality and creativity, being always behind change in an active and sometimes impulsive way. They are people who value their freedom a lot, love to travel and always try to maintain a positive attitude in the face of challenges and problems that arise. Confident, they are always ready to deal with anything, as they carry with them a contagious energy and the courage to take risks.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone immature, childish and often unstable. They are people who hate losing and do everything to fulfil their desires, regardless of what they have to do or who they have to go over to achieve them. For them, attacking is always the best way to defend themselves against someone who tries to push them back and they end up acting this way with everyone, even if the person has no intention of starting a fight with them. They are presumptuous and never learn from mistakes believing they are always right. They don’t accept other people’s opinions or even authority. They may be criminals or become addicted to some type of narcotics or alcohol throughout their lives.

Knight of Wands like feelings

Feeling energised and passionate makes everything around the Knight of Wands rise to surreal levels, filling the air with strong and distinct feelings. He is dominated by fire and, depending on how he is guided, he can end up leaning towards overwhelming passion or dangerous hatred. Everything is always taken to the extreme, and there is a need to experiment and conquer here that can transform you into a prince or a villain, depending on how you deal with the explosion of emotions that arise at every moment within you.

General questions about the Knight of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Knight of Wands tarot card.

What does the Knight of Wands tarot card mean?

Success has embraced you and you are amazed at how much you have achieved with your work and sweat. You probably didn’t imagine reaping so many fruits and this will give you more courage and energy to move forward and give vent to new ideas, always staying in motion. If you still have something unfinished, the moment is for finalizations to be able to enjoy the successful return of projects and tasks. Just don’t be hasty. Wanting to rush to achieve victory faster can end up making you stumble and have not very good choices.

This card brings with it the free spirit of the Knight of Wands. Maybe you’re getting too attached to work and day-to-day responsibilities, getting tired and discouraged. If this is happening, it’s time to break free and grab the energy and adventurous enthusiasm of the Knight of Wands and take a few days to get away from it all and renew your energies. Allow yourself to be a little free. This will be essential to have the courage and willingness to face the challenges of reality.

What does the inverted Knight of Wands tarot card mean?

The Knight of Wands card, when in the reversed position, shows the anger and frustration you carry for the failures that hit you. You used a lot of effort in your projects, aiming for victories that did not happen, and that left you discouraged and without strength to get up and try again. It is time to reflect on what is happening and what is preventing you from being successful and putting aside despair over the mistakes made. Knowing where you’re failing will be a great learning experience and will help you achieve the victories you want in the future.

This card also warns not to start new things. You may be rushing ahead, thinking that glory awaits you just ahead if you start putting plans into practice as soon as possible, and the agony for now could end up being the shot in the foot given by yourself. You must ask yourself if you have already made an analysis of all the angles and steps to be taken to successfully put into practice what you plan. Proceeding with caution and patience will be the key to success. Don’t want to start something just to start, make sure you’re making all the right choices first. Be patient.

What does the Knight of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Wands presents a union where the rediscovery of emotions and feelings revives passion and increases love. You are willing to take risks and achieve new goals together, as you have allowed yourselves to truly show yourselves to each other and have learned from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Take the opportunity to improve the quality of life in your union, that makes all the difference.

If you are single, you feel more confident and healed from past relationships and this attracts suitors. You will meet someone with a free spirit who will win you over and take you to new experiences. Take the opportunity to allow yourself to love again.

When in the inverted position, it indicates a relationship where there is no more commitment on the part of those involved. You feel the weight of instability and are completely discouraged and unwilling to move forward, despite staying together. It is necessary to discover the reasons for having arrived this far and find the best solution as soon as possible. If single, you need to be very careful with dating. Be aware of your safety when going out with a suitor, as this card shows violent, selfish and abusive people.

Is Knight of Wands a Tarot Card Yes or No?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Queen of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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