Major Arcanas – Keywords

The standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each with its own image, symbolism and history. It is divided into two sections, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Today in this article we are going to look at all the major arcana cards in the tarot.

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, representing life lessons, karmic influences and the great archetypal themes that are influencing your life and your soul’s journey to enlightenment.

The word Arcanos is the plural of Arcano, which means deep secret. The alchemists of the Middle Ages considered the arcane to be the secret of nature. Therefore, tarot cards represent a collection of secrets that underlie and explain our universe.

The Major Arcana cards are often considered the most important cards in the deck. They do not belong to any of the four tarot suits: Wands, Diamonds, Cups and Swords.

If you place the Major Arcana cards in numerical order from 0 (the Fool) to 21 (the World), they form a symbolic story. This story is also known as the Fool’s Journey. The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana and makes his journey through each card. Along the way, he meets new teachers and learns new life lessons. Eventually, the Fool completes his journey with the World card.

The Fool’s journey describes and explains our individual journey of self-development, leading from initial realization (the Fool card) to integration and realization (the World card) You can consider it a general life path or use it to examine a certain area/period of your life.

The Major Arcana in One Reading

The Major Arcana tarot cards are not bothered by everyday events and people you encounter daily. They appear when something extraordinary happens, something important, and an opportunity for a life-changing lesson. Therefore, you should pay extra attention when a Major Arcana card appears on your page, as it suggests big themes and lessons. A Major Arcana card is always given extra weight in a tarot reading and will often set the stage for the entire tarot reading. The other cards will relate to the main meaning of the Major Arcana card. When a tarot reading is made up predominantly of Major Arcana cards, you are experiencing life-changing events that will have long-term effects.

Before we get started, if you don’t already have a tarot deck, check out some of my favorite Rider-Waite decks below.

Each card and the archetypes

Most of the Major Arcana cards are easily recognizable and their meanings are intuitively clear to anyone familiar with Western culture and tradition. The Empress, the Magician and the Devil are examples of characters that are well-established symbols in our culture. However, the Chariot, Wheel of Fortune, and Hanged Man are examples of Major Arcana cards that are a little less well known.

The good news is that you only need to take a look at the descriptions of these cards to recognize what they represent. Below you will find all the Major Arcana cards in the Rider-Waite tarot deck, but the descriptions and keywords apply to many other tarot decks as well.

0 – The Fool

The Fool card shows a young man standing at the edge of the cliff, looking ready for an adventure. He looks up at the sky and seems unaware or indifferent that he is just one step away from falling off the cliff into the unknown. He is with his dog, ready to go on his journey. Read more here.

Up right meaning

  • Trip
  • Carelessness
  • Adventure
  • Innocence
  • Freedom
  • Hope
  • New journey
  • Originality
  • Spontaneity
  • Lack of commitment

Reversed meaning

  • Risk
  • Apathy
  • Indecision
  • aimlessly
  • Liar
  • Without fear
  • Immaturity
  • Imprudence
  • Emotional disorder
  • Irresponsibility

1- The Magician

A young man with an infinity symbol above his head is behind a desk. A wand in his right hand raised above his head while his left hand is pointing towards the earth. Four objects were on the table – a wand, a cup, a sword and a coin. Read more here.

Up right meaning

  • Action
  • Vision
  • Initiation
  • News
  • To control
  • Resourcefulness
  • Creative power
  • Manifestation
  • Self-discipline
  • Inspiring action

Reversed meaning

  • Illusion
  • Undecided
  • Cheater
  • Handler
  • Bad planning
  • Untapped talents

2 – The Righ Priestess

A crowned woman covered in a blue robe is seated facing two pillars. Unlike many of the tarot cards, it does not involve taking action or making a move, but encourages withdrawal from involvement. When the High Priestess appears in a tarot reading either upright or inverted, she usually indicates that now is the time to slow down, listen to yourself and trust your intuitions. Read more here.

Up right meaning

  • Hidden
  • Intuition
  • Mystery
  • Wisdom
  • Spirituality
  • Feminine energy
  • Deep emotions
  • Divine knowledge
  • Things to be revealed

Reversed meaning

  • Falsehood
  • Secrets
  • Lovers
  • Superficiality
  • Repressed emotions
  • Things yet to be revealed

3 – The Empress

A beautiful woman has substantial maternal and nurturing influence. Therefore, its appearance in a tarot reading is an excellent omen for anyone seeking harmony in relationships or starting a family. Nature, with a focus on vibrations and physical activity, is linked to a reading influenced by the Empress. Read more about the Empress here.

Up right meaning

  • Beauty
  • Creativity
  • Abundance
  • Communication
  • Sensuality
  • Maternity
  • femininity
  • Fertility
  • Achievements

Reversed meaning

  • Laziness
  • Parent company
  • Creative block
  • Excess of vanity
  • Dependence on others

4 – The Emperor

While his female counterpart, the Empress, is the mother archetype, the Emperor is at the top of the male hierarchy. He is the father archetype in the tarot deck. It is a very desirable card to obtain, especially for signs of development in your professional life or in hopes of becoming a father figure. Read more about the Emperor here.

Up right meaning

  • Focus
  • Structure
  • Protection
  • Discipline
  • Leadership
  • Strategy
  • Authority
  • Security
  • Stability

Reversed meaning

  • Tyrant
  • Hard
  • Stubborn
  • Inflexible
  • Domineering
  • Centralizer
  • Lack of discipline

5 – The Hierophant

The priest in a tarot reading encourages you to look to conventional solutions. It signals you to follow the ways you know are working, the path to knowledge and education. It also invites you to connect with your spirituality and discover answers through your faith. Read more about the Hierophant.

Up right meaning

  • Studies
  • Tradition
  • Wisdom
  • Counseling
  • Spirituality
  • Mentor or teacher
  • Conventionality
  • Seeking guidance

Reversed meaning

  • taboos
  • Stiffness
  • Ignorance
  • Prejudices

6 – The Lovers

Lovers reading reveals that you have a beautiful and deep connection with a person who means a lot to you. When faced with a decision, the Lovers’ advice is to trust your heart. Read more information about the Lovers here.

Up right meaning

  • Love
  • Unity
  • Decision
  • Choices
  • Harmony
  • Partnerships
  • Duality
  • Relationships
  • Meaningful choices

Reversed meaning

  • Doubts
  • Decisions
  • Detachment
  • Disharmony
  • Thoughtless choices
  • Fear of commitment
  • Lack of responsibility

7 – The Chariot

The Chariot is an indication that you can accomplish your goals through focus and determination. However, when The Chariot is reversed, it reminds you to consider the paths and lines you may cross when trying to reach your goals. Read more about the Car here.

Up right meaning

  • Action
  • course
  • Trip
  • Success
  • To control
  • Determination
  • Opportunities
  • Move on
  • Willpower

Reversed meaning

  • Opposition
  • Aggression
  • lack of direction
  • Scattered energy
  • Quick change
  • Lack of control

8 – The Strength

Strength represents inner strength, such as bravery, generosity, persuasion, and sustained composure under pressure. Its meaning reminds us that inner strength must be in control of our earthly passions and desires. Read more about the strength.

Up right meaning

  • Instinct
  • Courage
  • Patience
  • Persuasion
  • compassion
  • Resistance
  • internal force
  • Sensuality
  • Self control

Reversed meaning

  • back off
  • Inertia
  • Weakness
  • Insecurity
  • Low energy
  • Raw emotions
  • Lack of self control

9 – The Hermit

The Hermit represents introspection and virtue. When the Hermit appears in a tarot reading, it suggests that you need to go your own way and do some personal contemplation. It will help you understand yourself and discover everything you are looking for. Read more about the Hermit here.

Up right meaning

  • Reflection
  • Studies
  • Seclusion
  • Patience
  • Wisdom
  • Meditation
  • Insight
  • Spirituality
  • Deep Search

Reversed meaning

  • Loneliness
  • Avarice
  • Sadness
  • Paranoia
  • Withdrawal
  • Isolation

10 – The wheel of Fortune

The Wheel means a change of luck, unexpected events and progress. It reminds us that everything happens in cycles, and change is a constant and inevitable part of life. When you’re at the height of your success, make sure you appreciate it, because what goes up must come down. The same applies in reverse. Read more about Wheel of Fortune here.

Up right meaning

  • Trip
  • Karma
  • Destiny
  • Good luck
  • Progress
  • Life cycles
  • Opportunities
  • Quick changes

Reversed meaning

  • Bad luck
  • Delays
  • Control
  • Instability
  • Setbacks
  • Unwanted changes

11 – The Justice

Justice represents balance, fair decisions, truth and karmic justice. It reminds us to be impartial in judging and bring about a fair result for all involved. It’s about righting our wrongs and getting what we deserve – all actions have consequences. Sometimes its meaning is also associated with making firm decisions and living according to the choices we make. Read more about Justice here.

Up right meaning

  • Justice
  • Balance
  • Be fair
  • Reconciliation
  • Legal negotiation
  • Responsibility
  • Karmic justice
  • Dispute resolution

Reversed meaning

  • Coldness
  • Injustice
  • Be unfair
  • Legal flaws
  • Dishonesty
  • Lack of balance
  • Irresponsibility

12 – The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man advises you to leave things as they are for a moment and look at your situation from a different perspective. While you are in a moment of suspension, you can recognize views that will tell you what your next move should be. Read more here.

Up right meaning

  • Sacrifice
  • Limitation
  • detachment
  • Letting go
  • Stagnation
  • Have no control
  • New perspectives

Reversed meaning

  • Games
  • Drugs
  • Delays
  • Indecision
  • Stagnation
  • Dependencies
  • Resistance to change

13 – The Death

Death in a reading may be saying that you need to cross over your past in order to move forward with your future. Let go of any toxic appendages and surrender to the present. Transformation can be painful at first, but it will ultimately lead to a more positive future. Read more here.

Up right meaning

  • End
  • Change
  • Detachment
  • Renovation
  • New beginning
  • Transformation

Reversed meaning

  • Losses
  • Undoing
  • Transitions
  • Toxic mentality
  • Resistance to change

14 – The Temperance

The Temperance meaning is about balance, peace and patience. It’s about blending opposites and achieving unity. When it appears in a tarot reading, it’s a sign to get in touch with who you are and what you value. Now is a fruitful time to resolve your aspirations and set goals. Read more about Temperance here.

Up right meaning

  • Peace
  • Balance
  • Reflection
  • Harmony
  • Balance
  • Patience
  • Serenity
  • Cooperation
  • Moderation
  • Tranquility
  • Creative work

Reversed meaning

  • Excesses
  • Slowness
  • Discord
  • Precipitation
  • Imbalance
  • Disharmony
  • Imprudence
  • Impatience
  • overindulgence

15 – The Devil

The Devil, who embodies human desires, especially those relating to the material world and physical pleasures. It represents somewhat negative human feelings such as temptation, addiction, obsessions, dependency and depression. In a tarot reading, he encourages you to look at these negative feelings and analyze how they limit your different areas of life. Read more about the Devil.

Up right meaning

  • Betrayal
  • Temptation
  • Slavery
  • Sexuality
  • Materialism
  • perversity
  • Dependency
  • Negative thoughts
  • Money/power/sex obsession

Reversed meaning

  • Addiction
  • Obsession
  • excesses
  • Control
  • Detachment
  • Freedom
  • Independence
  • Lack of control

16 – The Tower

The Tower appears, expect the unexpected – massive changes, eruption, destruction and chaos. You will have to let go of the past, which could mean losing money, security or happiness in the short term. But despite the drama that accompanies this letter, you too can take advantage of the emerging change. The fall of the Tower opens up empty ground for something new to build on. Full meaning here.

Up right meaning

  • End
  • Doom
  • Anger
  • Loss
  • Break
  • Undoing
  • Suffering
  • Rapid and radical change

Reversed meaning

  • Trauma
  • Illnesses
  • Obstacles
  • Reconstruction
  • Volatile situations
  • Postpone the inevitable
  • Resist change

17 – The Star

It is a letter full of optimism, hope for the future and renewed faith. If you are going through a difficult time and the Star appears in your tarot reading, you can feel calm and optimistic about the times to come. Consider it a sign of optimism – like a light at the end of a tunnel. You will soon regain your motivation and reach the top again. Read more here.

Up right meaning

  • Faith
  • Dreams
  • Inspiration
  • Balance
  • Hope
  • Meditation
  • positivity
  • Spirituality

Reversed meaning

  • Bad faith
  • discouragement
  • Despair
  • lack of faith
  • Pessimism
  • Naivety
  • Negativity
  • hopelessness

18 – The Moon

It is a card of imagination, intuition, dreams and unconsciousness. The Moon tarot reminds us that things are not always as they seem. It also encourages us to connect with our intuition and subconscious mind and allow it to light our path. Read more about the Moon here.

Up right meaning

  • Risk
  • Illusion
  • Intuition
  • Mystery
  • Doubts
  • secrets
  • Fertility
  • Maternity
  • Subconscious
  • lack of clarity

Reversed meaning

  • Fear
  • Betrayal
  • Jealousy
  • Insomnia
  • Disappointment
  • Anxiety
  • Exposed secrets
  • To be mistaken about something/someone

19 – The Sun

When the Sun card appears in a tarot reading, the card indicates happiness, fulfillment, success and joy. Today is your day in the sun. You are radiating positivity and this brings pleasure to everyone and everything you come into contact with. Enjoy your time in the spotlight and enjoy it with confidence. Full meaning here.

Up right meaning

  • Happiness
  • Happiness
  • Success
  • Pregnancy
  • Trust
  • Optimism
  • Vitality
  • positivity
  • Achievements
  • implementation

Reversed meaning

  • Sadness
  • Lies
  • Failure
  • Difficulty
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Pessimism
  • Unmotivated
  • Without vitality
  • Overconfidence
  • Inability to enjoy

20 – The Judgement

When The Judgement tarot card appears in a reading, it tells you that it is now time to analyze yourself and your actions. This self-reflection will help you better understand where you are in life and what steps you need to take to move forward in a positive direction. Read more.

Up right meaning

  • Rescue
  • Reflection
  • Awakening
  • Absolution
  • Renovation
  • Judgment
  • Rebirth
  • New beginning
  • reckoning

Reversed meaning

  • Boredom
  • Doubt
  • Indecision
  • Depressed
  • vicious cycle
  • Uninspired
  • Wait for help
  • Fear of change
  • Ignore a life lesson

21 – The World

It’s a beautiful letter that marks the end of a meaningful journey or long-term project. The world tarot card represents wholeness, completion, and unity. Its appearance is a sign that soon it will be time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Read more about the World.

Up right meaning

  • Victory
  • Trip
  • Success
  • Realization
  • Conclusion
  • full circle
  • New beginning
  • Celebration
  • Harmony

Reversed meaning

  • Burden
  • Delays
  • Disappointment
  • Stagnation
  • End of cycle
  • Incompleteness
  • Lack of completion
  • Failed plans

While his female counterpart, the Empress, is the mother archetype, the Emperor is at the top of the male hierarchy. He is the father archetype in the tarot deck. It is a very desirable card to obtain, especially for signs of development in your professional life or in hopes of becoming a father figure. Read more about the Emperor here.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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