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Nine of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Nine of Swords is a Minor Arcana card and carries with it the weight of guilt and regret. Irrational fears disturb sleep, bringing nightmares and night terrors that inhibit the person to continue forward. Anguish and despair are very present in life and become more powerful every day, with such grandeur that it is almost impossible to see yourself living without them. You have to be careful not to hold on to these feelings and believe that your life is completely connected to them. It is possible to breathe relieved again, just be able to leave behind the guilt of the past and assume forgiveness as one of the ways to move forward.

Visual description and symbology Nine of Swords

The nine of swords card brings the image of a person sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, appearing to have woken up in the middle of a terrible nightmare. Fear is visible in the language of his bent body, as if he wants to protect himself from something frightening. On his bedroom wall, nine swords hang horizontally, symbolizing the weight he carries in his thoughts, and on his bed you can see the figure of someone being defeated by another, reinforcing the idea of ​​turbulence and negativity.

  • The quilt that the person uses to cover himself during the night, bears the image of astrological symbols and roses, representing the need to protect himself using his own inner strength.
  • The person, in the position he is on the bed, represents the fear and anguish that plague him.
  • The image of the duel represents internal and external conflicts and disputes.
  • The nine swords represent the problems you are facing and the worries on your mind. The way they are attached to the wall, symmetrically and horizontally, represent the habits that generate conflicts.

Keywords Nine of Swords

Until we go further with the nine of swords tarot card meanings in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: restlessness, anguish, fear, discouragement, discouragement, nightmares.

Reversed keywords: help, recovery, shame, guilt, deep fears, inner conflicts, doubt, secrets.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Nine of Swords’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Nine of Swords meaning

The nine of swords card is a card that carries fear as its main feeling. Worries involving past or current conflicts plague the mind so much that it becomes virtually impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Despite this, it does not necessarily represent the conflict itself, but the way it affects you. What could be really happening is that you can’t overcome obstacles because you believe they are bigger than they really are, in other words, turning a glass of water into a storm. These thoughts of disability end up hindering development in all areas of your life. The fact of not being able to fight the battles that present themselves, or that are accumulated by giving up in the past, ends up turning peaceful nights into moments of frenzy. The burden you carry may not be that heavy, it’s your own thoughts that weigh it down.

This card can also be associated with some trauma from the past, something that keeps you awake out of fear or regret for actions taken without thinking. Perhaps you are blaming yourself too much for things that have already happened and have no turning back, and this is doing more harm than good. It’s time to forgive yourself and try to understand what really happened. Forgiving the other for illicit actions or violence against you can also be a path to take to overcome the event. Freeing yourself from everything that haunts you will make you breathe easier and transform this anxiety that you carry into strength to move forward and make the necessary decisions to overcome any challenge.

It is time to look at your own mind and start taking care of it so that you are not boycotted by your own thoughts.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Nine of Swords indicates that you are not feeling happy right now. Anguish and feelings of guilt are impregnating the relationship and generating conflicts that end up leaving the structures shaken. Maybe there are secrets, or even betrayals, that are keeping you up at night and, if this is the case, it’s time to get out everything that suffocates you. Nightmares will continue to occur, as long as you are unable to open yourself up to forgiveness or to truly forgive the other’s mistake.

Like other cards in the suit of swords, this Minor Arcana can symbolize an abusive relationship. The emotion has been shredded through violence, be it physical or psychological. The time has come to stop being afraid of the situation you are in within this relationship and get out of it as soon as possible, before things get more complicated. Seek help from people you trust and don’t believe your mind that insists on telling you that this person loves you. Who loves does not hurt.

If you are single, the Nine of Swords shows the still pulsing remorse from a past relationship. This feeling is repressing you and preventing you from giving yourself completely to future relationships, which is being very harmful. It’s time to heal, leave what happened where it belongs, the past, and live with new loves. Open yourself up to new partners and you will definitely find the person who will make you happy again.

Money and Career

In the context of work, the nine of swords represents the unhappiness in which you find yourself facing your career. You are going through a stressful moment and the affliction of not being able to solve the problems that are accumulating, ends up making you feel incapable, reaching all the limits of your body and mind. Perhaps these problems are not so difficult to solve, perhaps the pressure you feel on your head is blinding you to the point of not being able to see the obvious. Things may be bad, but not as bad as you think they are.

This card shows that, in order to change the external situation in which you find yourself within the work environment, you need to change your internal attitudes. Reversing the thoughts of failure to positive ones will help you to better deal with conflicts. And, if you realize that there’s nothing else to do and this job is draining your energy more than benefiting you, it’s time to change jobs, or even careers. Something must be done.

In the financial area, the nine of swords points to the great stress you are under due to your financial situation. Now is the time not to despair and take back control over your finances. Anxiety is the biggest enemy to rebuild financially.

Health and Spirituality

Insomnia, migraines and anxiety-related mental and physical health issues are warning signs when the nine of swords appear in the game. Stress is violently dominating him and this is leading him to a future breakdown if he doesn’t start taking care of his health. Be careful not to indulge in addictions such as alcohol, drugs and medication, this is not the solution to calm your mind. It is necessary to seek professional help and treat yourself appropriately.

This card also indicates difficulties in getting pregnant, hormonal problems, problems with childbirth or even miscarriages. Seek medical help and keep your exams up to date.

Exercises based on holistic therapy can be a good option to get rid of the stress that builds up. Having faith and keeping a calm and positive mind will help you stay healthy to win the battles that stand in your way.

Nine of Swords Reversed

The Nine of Swords in an inverted position still symbolizes something like its upright position. Nightmares that interrupt your sleep may be associated with stress and anxiety from unresolved issues in your past. There is an aggravation here of the problems and conflicts that you left behind because you believed you were unable to deal with them. You need to deal with them urgently so you don’t end up with serious mental health issues from stress and anxiety.

This card in the inverted position also warns to be very careful with gossip. Don’t trust the people around you too much, some are doing everything to harm you and take advantage of your current state to affect you more easily. Shield yourself from external actions and work to resolve your issues one by one, without rushing, but with the certainty that you are doing the right thing. Not all the difficulties you face are issues that cannot be resolved calmly and rationally.

On the other hand, when in the inverted position, this card brings hope for a prosperous future and a way out of the darkness that inhabits the mind. Suffering is present in your life, but it does not have the strength by itself to dominate it, it is you who are providing this strength to it. You need to understand that hiding out of fear of failure will only make you suffer more. There is still a long way to go before you can actually free yourself from all this suffering, but the first step needs to be taken by you to be able to move forward. Do not give in to despair. Use your rational side.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the reversed nine of swords can indicate that, if there have been betrayals and secrets kept throughout the relationship, which can surface causing conflicts and generating a lot of stress between you and your partner. This card shows that it is time to be honest with each other and face the truth that unfolds in front of you. If you have cheated on your partner by lying or being unfaithful, you have been found out and this causes you extreme remorse. Instead of staying in a dark corner blaming yourself and crying for the accomplishments, talk openly with your partner and try to find the best solution for you. He’ll be pretty hurt, so give him the time he needs to heal. Respect this time.

Now, if you suspect your partner, under any circumstances, this card in the reversed position appears to confirm everything you believe about them.

If you are single, it represents the period of darkness and negativity being gradually replaced by light. You are ready to let go of all the remorse and guilt you still carry with you from your past relationships and this will make you open to new relationships. Take the time to love yourself. Forgiving and loving yourself are very important attitudes that will bring you much happiness in your future.

Money and Career

The inverted nine of swords arrives with two very different reading possibilities.

On the one hand, it is possible to perceive an improvement in the work environment. Most likely you managed to find solutions to generate this change or opened up to frank conversations with colleagues and people in higher hierarchical positions, which contributed to this improvement. Continuing to build a healthy environment depends on you and the people you live with every day. Mutual respect and being open to resolving conflicts in a mature way will help maintain peace in the workplace.

On the other hand, the problems may have escalated to the point where the air has become undrinkable. The feeling of walking on eggshells in a war zone makes him feel very unhappy and powerless. Even if you tried to talk, you can see that not everyone had the same willpower to resolve internal conflicts. Don’t let this stress finally settle in you, try to find alternatives to release anxiety and reduce the tiredness that consumes you today.

This card can also indicate the loss of a job or the helplessness felt by not finding something better, or even by still being unemployed.

In any case, it is necessary to pay attention to the cards that appear in the game next to the nine of swords in the inverted position, they will be the ones that will point to which of the sides this card goes.

Health and Spirituality

The Nine of Swords in the reversed position will need to be read along with the support cards, because, as with issues related to work and money, it brings with it two very different reading options.

In a reading, the card can symbolize a serious picture of mental health issues such as Anxiety Disorders, Panic Syndrome, Depression. If not treated correctly, they can quickly evolve into more serious issues and conditions that can become irreversible in the long term.

On the other hand, it can indicate the cure for past mental health problems up to now. The treatment was carried out and the search for the necessary help was carried out. Little by little, stress and anxiety become things of the past and you can breathe easier, helping you to overcome the new challenges that lie ahead in the future.

In the spiritual sphere, this card in the inverted position points to the return of faith and belief in oneself. You begin to overcome the darkness and move towards the peace you so yearn for. The light is right in front of you and you manage to go to your meeting thanks to the willpower you had in not giving up. Keep believing in yourself and nurturing your faith. She will show you the best way to overcome all conflicts and problems.

Nine of Swords Yes and No

The nine of swords card carries with it many negative feelings related to anxiety, sadness and remorse. The anguish that she presents when she appears in a game ends up making the answer to any querent’s question always be a no.

Nine of Swords Combinations

The nine of swords, like most cards of this suit, carries a lot of negative energy with it, even when the reading appears to be positive, it will bring with it a more charged energy.

Nine of Swords and The Fool

You feel extremely worried about a new situation. His immaturity and the irrational way in which he sometimes makes decisions makes him feel unprepared to deal with her.

Nine of Swords and The Hermit

You find yourself in a period of isolation due to the great anxiety that dominates you.

Nine of Swords and The Lovers

You are feeling that the relationship is not going very well and this has been keeping you up at night.

Nine of Swords – Elements, Astrology and Other Associations

Here are the associations with the Nine of Swords tarot card

  • Element: Air
  • Planet Mars
  • Astrological signs: Gemini
  • Main dates: 1st to 10th of June
  • Kabbalah: Yesod – Foundation
  • Yes / No: No.

Nine of Swords as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates a very sensitive person. This sensitivity makes her a victim of people with dubious intentions, mainly for not trusting her own instincts for fear of unrealistic regrets. They are people who have difficulties moving forward and leaving people and situations behind. They feel that, by doing so, they are being cruel, which is not true. Comfort, routine, order and security are essential for this person not to become destabilized, which can happen very easily, especially when he feels that he does not have control over external actions. They are pessimistic and tragic and tend to believe that things will always end in the worst possible way.

When in the inverted position, it indicates a person who is committed to his own point of view and firmly believes that he is correct in all the things he does and the decisions he makes, even when the result of his actions are negative. She never gives up. They are people who victimize themselves all the time and believe that the world treats them unfairly and inconsistently. He cannot accept the fact that people have different opinions and that they will often be confronted because of this. Hypocrites tend not to take responsibility when they realize that their decisions have led them down bad paths.

Nine of Swords as Feelings

Sadness, apathy, loneliness, fear, despair, regret, are feelings that the nine of swords card firmly carries with it. There is a great deal of difficulty in dealing with the guilt and shame of actions taken in the past and this becomes a fear of being judged, making acceptance of loneliness the only way to avoid being pointed out by third parties. You have to learn to accept what you’ve done and truly forgive yourself in order to move forward and reach out and ask for help when you feel the weight of the world is crushing your heart.

General questions about the Nine of Swords tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Nine of Swords tarot card.

What does the Nine of Swords tarot card mean?

The nine of swords is a card that does not represent a conflict itself, but the fears and anxiety caused by past and current conflicts that accumulate in your life, tormenting your sleepless nights and bringing disbelief in a milder and more peaceful future. You feel as if your life is going to remain stagnant in the moment, with all this distress becoming something natural, and the vision of a bright future is, in your head, nothing more than a fairy tale told to children. What’s happening is that you can’t open your eyes to the reality of your situation. Nothing you face today, or failed to face in the past, is big enough to stop you from fighting and winning. The fact is that you are allowing yourself to be dominated by your own mind and this ends up hurting you more than you may realize.

Past traumas may be the key to such negative thoughts. If this is the issue, it’s time to get rid of those fears you carry and seek help from those around you, or even a professional, to overcome what you carry in your chest and crush your heart. Forgiving yourself for making mistakes or forgiving those who hurt you will make you feel better about yourself and gradually dissipate the clouds that hang heavy over your head.

It is time to look at your own mind and start taking care of it so that you are not boycotted by your own thoughts.

What does the reversed Nine of Swords tarot card mean?

As in its upright position, the nine of swords in an inverted position warns of problems caused by excessive stress and anxiety caused by unresolved issues from the past that have accumulated over time and that, little by little, begin to get worse. It’s time to deal with them all. Leaving the past behind without, however, closing unfinished business will only serve to spoil your sleep and invite more nightmares. Don’t be afraid to face problems, you have all the skills you need to deal with them, just take your hands off your face and see them with wide open eyes. The solution is in front of you, don’t be afraid to find it.

This card also asks you to take a step back from the people in your circle. Some people may be taking advantage of this turbulent moment that you are, emotionally, in order to outsmart you or take advantage of you. Be careful not to fall into gossip and external actions.

On the other hand, this card in the inverted position brings hope for a prosperous future and a way out of the darkness in which your mind finds itself. Suffering still exists, but if you fight, roll up your sleeves and start acting rationally, you will be able to overcome them and live in peace again. Just take the first step. It is time to be completely rational.

What does the Nine of Swords tarot card mean in a love reading?

The nine of swords in the upright position is a card that appears to warn of irrational fears that haunt the mind. If you’re in a relationship, feelings of guilt and remorse for past attitudes may be negatively influencing the relationship to the point of causing friction and conflicts that end up covering all the happy moments you’ve spent together so far. Getting out what suffocates you will help you get rid of the nightmares that plague you every night. Perhaps, these nightmares are plaguing your nights for keeping secrets from your partner, betrayals can also have its guilt bias. Be careful not to end up suffering more than you should by feeding on this. Forgive yourself and forgive the other.

Like other cards in the suit of swords, the nine can symbolize an abusive relationship. If this is the case, it’s time to wake up and realize that living this nightmare is not synonymous with receiving love from someone. Who loves takes care of the other and does not hurt him. Seek help from people you trust.

If you are single, the remorse brought on by past relationships is preventing you from indulging in future relationships. Heal from the past, things that happened don’t need to happen again, it’s up to you to change your story and evolve. You have everything to find the person who will make you happy again, but for that to happen, you must break free first.

When in the inverted position, it can indicate that betrayals and secrets have come to light. If you’ve cheated on your partner by lying or being unfaithful, it’s time to face the truth. You’ve been discovered and there’s nowhere else to run. Talk honestly with your partner to find the best solution together.

Now, if you suspect your partner, under any circumstances, this card in reversed position appears to confirm everything you believe about them.

Nine of Swords and a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Ten of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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