Categories: Tarot

Page of Cups meaning in Tarot – Love, Money, Health and more

The Page of Cups card is part of the Minor Arcana group, and like all cards in the tarot deck, the Page of Cups will have a different reading as it appears in combination with other cards, and in accordance with the querent’s question. But in general, it represents a moment when the consultant needs to welcome his childish side and release his inner child. However, let’s understand better about the Page of Cups, below.

Visual description and symbology of the Page of Cups

In the Tarot Rider Waite Smith, the Page of Cups brings a young man dressed in blue. He holds a bowl containing a fish, which is facing the young man as if talking to him. Thus, we can have the symbolism of the Page of Cups interpreted from the following aspects:

The way the young man curiously watches the fish seems to refer to the innocence and curiosity of childhood and youth;

The fish, in its apparent need to communicate, represents a symbol of knowledge and knowledge sharing with a young and innocent soul, which is the young

Keywords Page of Cups

To better understand the interpretations related to the Page of Cups card, let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: inner child, idealism, spirituality, innocence, good news, romance, art.

Keywords reversed: childhood trauma, abuse, bad news, emotional vulnerability, neediness.

Page of Cups Meaning

As we have already said, when the Page of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it will be pointing out positive aspects in relation to the present moment of the querent. In this case, good news and happy invitations to events such as weddings, or even an engagement proposal, etc.

Furthermore, it also symbolizes the need to embrace your inner child, while also indicating a new level of emotional maturity.

So, let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the querent in each type of reading.

Love and Relationship

In relation to the context of love and relationships, the Page of Cups has a meaning related to good developments and news.

For those who are already in a relationship, it can indicate happy proposals such as marriage or even pregnancy. It can also alert the consultant to allow himself to be lighter, more romantic and looser in his relationship.

But in the case of a single person, the Page of Cups can mean the beginning of an approaching relationship, and that it is necessary to let that person approach. It’s time to take risks and let things happen.

Money and Career

The Page of Cups card is, in essence, a card related to aspects of positivity and good news for the querent’s career. Thus, it indicates a time to focus on your happiness at work, and take proactive steps towards changing things, rather than just dreaming about what you could have.

In general, the Page of Cups will indicate an excellent phase for finances, with good investment results, but there is a warning about the need to take active measures in terms of planning.

Heath and Spirituality

In terms of physical health, the Page of Cups signals to the consultant that he will receive good news. That is, if there are attitudes in favor of changes, the results will be positive for the improvement of your health and treatments that you may be doing.

In relation to spirituality, the Page of Cups signals that the querent has growing intuition and psychic abilities, in tune with his dreams.

Page of Cups Reversed Meaning

But we know that the reading can vary according to the context in which the card is taken, and it can have an opposite side, or inverted, in the reading of the same card. The reversed Page of Cups can indicate a time when the querent will not receive good news and results in his life.

So, the letter warns of a moment of difficulties. But let’s understand what she means in more specific contexts.

Love and Relationships

For those in a relationship, the reversed Page of Cups can indicate that the querent is facing disappointment in love. For example, the end of an engagement or a relationship, divorces and breakups in general.

For those who are single, the reversed Page of Cups can indicate that the querent is suffering from unrequited love.

In this case, the Page of Cups will point out a moment of alert so that the querent does not end up with feelings of revenge or escapist promiscuity.

Money and Career

In relation to work, the Page of Cups reversed may indicate that the querent will receive bad news or results in his work, or that there is a lack of integrity in the way it is being done.

In the financial context, the inverted Page of Cups indicates a time to avoid all types of investment risks, as they could cause financial instability.

Health and Spirituality

In a reading on health issues, the Page of Cups reversed can indicate that there are attitudes that can cause your body to lack balance. Thus, you need to take more mature care of your diet, exercise and health in general, to bring harmony back.

On issues of spirituality, the letter will point to the need to remember the physical world as well as the spiritual. It takes balance between the search for your spirituality and your emotional, mental and physical everyday life.

Page of Cups Yes or No

When the Page of Cups is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be a “Yes”. Because this card brings a context of positivity and satisfaction with results.

Page of Cups combinations

This card generally brings an aspect of positivity along with the tarot card it comes with.

So let’s get to know some combinations below.

Page of Cups and Ace of Diamonds

When these two cards appear combined in a tarot reading, they can indicate that the querent is about to follow a new professional path. In addition, it can also indicate a new position within the type of work that the consultant already does.

Page of Cups and Death

This combination indicates that the querent has a new horizon of possibilities ahead of him, in which some current aspect of his life will end for another to begin and take him far.

Page of Cups and Five of Spades

This combination represents that the querent will be facing a great conflict in his life, which is already deeply rooted and will now awaken. You have to recognize that this conflict is necessary, and weather the storm.

Page of Cups – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are the main associations with the Page of Cups.

  • Element: Water and Air
  • Mercury planet
  • Astrological signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Kabbalah: Malkuth – The Kingship
  • Important dates: Summer
  • Yes / No: Yes

Page of Cups as Personality Types

People born under the influence of the Page of Cups card are naturally intuitive and see the world around them in all its dimensions.

Page of Cups as Feelings

So, when it comes to feelings, people born under the Page of Cups can be very creative and emotional. Thus, it is possible that shyness is a characteristic feeling, and they need presences that make them feel special.

General questions about the Page of Cups tarot card

Finally, let’s look at some general questions that are related to the Ten of Cups tarot card.

What does the Page of Cups card in tarot mean?

The Page of Cups card means that the querent is in a moment of positive news, emotional maturity and good decisions. At the same time, it also indicates the time to embrace your inner child.

What does the reversed Page of Cups card mean in tarot?

In inversion, the Page of Cups means that the querent may be in a phase of imbalance and negativity, with bad news looming and bad results from their actions.

How does he/she feel about me in the Page of Cups?

The Page of Cups signals that there are positive feelings and that they will bring good results if you invest in these emotions. Thus, an unexpected request may be approaching, or an evolution in feelings between people.

What does the Page of Cups mean in the love tarot?

The Page of Cups tarot card means that within a relationship the querent goes through a good phase of positivity and understanding. Thus, a new moment in the relationship may come, or a new love that will bring only good feelings.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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