Page of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Page of Swords has an analytical and strategic personality. He appears in the game to deepen issues that must be resolved with attention and focus, and important decisions that can no longer be postponed. She also warns about changes brought with the wind, some already long awaited. Your energetic nature puts life in a faster motion and you have to step on the brakes so you don’t end up getting lost along the way, leaving unfinished things behind.

Visual description and symbology Page of Swords

The image of the Knave of Swords shows a young man standing on a rocky precipice holding his sword in the position of someone who is ready to rebut any criticism. Behind him, heavy clouds are carried by the wind that blows hard, the same wind that can be seen swaying the trees on the horizon.

The wind represents the arrival of news and gossip.

  • The ground the young man is on is green, representing the fertility of new ideas sprouting in his mind, bringing positive changes. The fact that it is a precipice represents the determination to go in directions never gone before.
  • The young man has his body turned to the right and his face to the left, representing the initiative to focus on everything that happens around him.
  • The sword pointing towards the sky represents mental energy.
  • The birds above her head represent freedom.

Keywords Page of Swords

Until we go further with the meanings of the Knave of Swords tarot card in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: communication, curiosity, knowledge, inspiration, mental agility.

Reversed keywords: cynicism, sarcasm, restlessness, lack of planning, haste.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Page of Swords’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health, and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Page of Swords meaning

The Page of Swords appears in the game to symbolize the anxiety you carry to put into practice an idea or a project that you idealized a short time ago. You have so much passion invested in your plans that the world around you seems to light up every time you talk about them, and all this excitement will help you to express yourself with ease about the steps to be taken towards their realization, receiving help and support from those that are around you. The Knave is a communication card, so don’t be afraid to share what you have in mind with people, just be careful not to end up running over words due to the enthusiasm that fills your being and leaving you as a misunderstood person.

More practically, the Page of Swords can represent the arrival of news regarding justice and finance, such as an agreement or a judicial gain. He also appreciates being careful with gossip and people he trusts, they may be around him with bad intentions.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Swords shows a relationship given over to conflicts and petty arguments. You’re so focused on defending your own ideas that you end up turning small disagreements and differences into big battles. This attitude is wearing down the relationship and making the coexistence between you something boring. Fight only for what is really worthwhile and avoid raising issues that will lead to unnecessary discussions. For a relationship to work out, you need to listen to the other’s opinion and reflect on it, even if you don’t agree right away. Knowing how to accept the difference that exists between you will make the relationship mature.

It is possible that one of you is feeling left out for some reason, believing that your needs are not being seen as deserved, and this ends up being the trigger for great revolutions within the relationship. You have to ask yourself if the needs are really not being met due to the neglect of the other or if it is not the result of poor communication between you. Talking about what ails you with honesty and respect is the best way to end unnecessary arguments.

If you’re single, the Page of Swords appears to say that it’s time for you to socialize more, go out, meet old friends, go to places you’ve never visited before, only then will you be able to find someone new. But, be patient, if you’re looking forward to starting a relationship as soon as possible, this letter signals that it still takes longer than expected.

Money and Career

The Knave of Swords shows that you have many bright and innovative ideas and are eager to put them into practice in your work. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious and move him to put into practice what he is planning. Everything goes in your favor, you just need to keep your mind focused and organize the action plan calmly so you don’t end up running over your own thoughts and getting your feet in your hands.

This card also points to new experiences in other careers or studies, expanding your knowledge. It could be a new job, going to college, going back to school or even changing activities within your work area.

If you are waiting for the result of a job interview, the news may be good, but it will take some time to arrive, so don’t get hung up on expectations, start acting and look for alternatives while waiting for that return. Do not stop.

In the financial field, the Page of Swords appears to warn of the negative consequences that may occur if you continue to act as the holder of the absolute truth regarding your finances. You need to put that thought aside and start listening to the advice of more experienced people before venturing into a different area or putting your plans into action. It is also time to plan your future through investment and retirement funds. Seek help from a trusted financial manager.

Health and Spirituality

The Page of Swords appears in the game to indicate healing. You find yourself in a time when your mind is clearer for all the things happening around you and this will benefit your health directly, especially if you are undergoing any treatment. The feelings that once suffocated you and brought you anxiety and anguish, today no longer affect you, because you allowed yourself to forgive and forgive those who hurt you in the past, replacing traumas with strength to move forward. Just be careful that the feeling of well being doesn’t make you drop treatments and care, you still need to look at your health.

In the spiritual realm, the Page of Swords appears to show that the time is for rescue. You have moved away from your spirituality in the midst of the practicality of your day to day life, often denying the voice of your intuition to listen only to reason. The moment is to reconnect with your spirit guides and your inner voice. Being rational and practical does not mean giving up your faith. The two sides can work very well together, each in its own time.

Page of Swords Reversed Meaning

When appearing upside down, the Page of Swords can represent bad or disappointing news coming your way. She warns to turn your attention to things and people around you. You may be surrounded by a lot of negativity, and if you don’t stop fantasizing and keep your head in the clouds, you will end up being affected by these feelings. The time has come to start facing reality, even if it proves to be harsh many times.

This card also alerts you to the way you are expressing yourself. A lack of communication or the way you address other people could be hurting them without you even realizing it. You must measure your words and reflect before wanting to impose your ideas, not everyone has the same vision as yours and, therefore, the great importance of knowing how to debate without hurting someone with the sword. Beware of false promises, don’t try to be nice by saying what you want to hear. The word is powerful and misuse of it can have disastrous consequences.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Swords in the reversed position appears to warn of mind games and psychological pressure within the relationship, coming from your partner. This person is often apathetic with everyday situations and cold or violent when things seem to go a little out of what he considers normal. Making a storm out of a teacup extremely easily can be the first sign that it’s time to stop and get defensive. It’s not right to be mistreated just for wanting to expose opinions or suggest activities that are out of the routine. Think about whether it’s really worth suffering with the consequences that his paranoia puts on your relationship. Maybe he is reflecting back on what he suffered in another relationship, and you realize that, but in no way should this be taken as an excuse for the attitudes and conflicts he causes. You have to be tolerant, but not lower your head to the other. Talk and try to listen to each other. Healing past wounds is a difficult task, but very important for your relationship to prosper again.

If you are single, this card in the reversed position can indicate someone approaching you and calling your attention in a special way. This person may want you to fight to win him over, very likely there are other people in his sights, the important thing here is not to submit to the whims of the other for the pure desire to be together. A healthy relationship is made by everyone and not just by one.

Money and Career

The reversed Page of Swords indicates that you feel at a loss as to what next step to take. You have a lot of wonderful plans, projects and ideas, but you can’t decide on what to do and how to start. The excess of options is consuming him, leaving him discredited in the success of his attempts. The problem is that you are giving yourself too much in the wrong way. It is necessary to focus on one project or idea at a time, analyze all the alternatives and only then put everything into practice. Going out doing a little bit of everything will leave things unfinished creating stress that could be avoided and not progressing anywhere within your career. Pure waste of time and energy. Work on balance and focus, this is the best advice that the Page of Swords has to offer you right now, be consistent in your choices and dedicate yourself to one project at a time.

In the financial area, news involving your finances that you have been waiting for is coming, but most likely, it will not be what you expected. Don’t let this get in the way of your plans, instead of depending on something external to learn how to manage your money better, start working towards it. Search. Run after knowledge and put your hand in the dough. The moment is to act and not stand still waiting for the answers to fall from the sky

Health and Spirituality

When in the reversed position, the Page of Swords points to a mental strain caused by overwork and lack of time for yourself. You feel confused, uncertain about the future and anxious and this is causing anxiety to start to be part of your life. Letting yourself be carried away by despair will only bring physical and, above all, emotional health problems. You need to look inside yourself again and slow down the pace before you collapse because you have too much to do and can’t handle it all. Take time to meditate and reflect on what really makes sense to you in your life. Don’t waste energy on empty things and seek help from a professional when you feel emotions are out of control. Keep Calm.

In the spiritual realm, this card in the inverted position appears as a warning to people of bad nature who are approaching you with the title of religious leader. Do not allow yourself to fall for the lips of this type of individual, he only prowls around you to take advantage, manipulating you in the worst possible ways. Your faith is within you and not in the hands of those who promise you worlds and funds. Listen to your intuition and the advice of your spirit guides, they are ready to guide you along the best path.

Page of Swords Yes and No

The Page of Swords is a card of change, clarity in the face of challenges, intelligence and logical thinking. This gives the card the energy of yes as an answer to any question asked by the querent.

Page of Swords Combinations

The Page of Swords is a card that brings the message that life is cyclical and, like it, everything changes all the time. It shows that you have the ability to overcome any challenge and achieve your dreams and desires, through hard work and dedication. This success can be directed to different areas of life, depending on the combination of this card with other suits.

Page of Swords and The High Priestess

You need to be more strategic and logical in all the decisions you have to make, avoiding unnecessary problems. Curiosity and creativity are on the rise, guiding you to the arts.

Page of Swords and The Judgment

You have arrived at the moment on your path when your mind is clearer and more open, and with that, you are ready to find your purpose in life.

Page of Swords and The Lovers

A good company is present in your life and together you enjoy the best, enjoying every moment you are together. It can also indicate a reunion with high school sweethearts.

Page of Swords – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Knave of Swords tarot card

  • Element: Air
  • Planet Earth
  • Astrological signs: Libra
  • Main dates:Autumn
  • Kabbalah: Malkuth – The Reign
  • Yes / No: Yes.

Page of Swords as personality types

When in the upright position, it indicates a person who has free thinking. Nonconformist, he has a great passion for independence in all areas of his life. They are always in search of the new and self-expression. They are very curious and intrigued by the things around them, trying to understand the workings of what they still don’t know and the best way to implement the discovery in their lives, making many people consider them eccentric and peculiar.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who feels lost in almost every moment of his life. They try at all costs to find their purpose and end up forgetting to live, trapped in constant anguish because they don’t know what they want. They are people who have a lot of difficulty with changes and do not adapt to them very easily, which ends up harming their progress and growth. They are extremists and tend to exaggerate in relation to everything that surrounds them, being often dramatic and victimizing, imposing a non-existent power of destruction on insignificant problems that could be easily solved. They need to learn to have empathy for others and compassion, as these are feelings that they hardly carry with them when dealing with others.

Page of Swords as Feelings

Curiosity, creativity, willpower, these are the feelings that prevail most when the Page of Swords card appears in the game. The thirst for knowledge and the desire to explore the new, exploring all existing possibilities, makes the person open to experiences and changes, even yearning for them. New relationships, new horizons, new worlds, that’s what moves the Page of Swords.

General questions about the Knave of Swords tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Knave of Swords tarot card.

What does the Knave of Swords tarot card mean?

The Page of Swords is the card of new ideas. You are very excited about some new project and it is positively impacting the world around you, making people start paying attention to you. Take advantage of open communication to fearlessly express your ideas and plans, this will help you organize your thoughts and receive help and support from those around you to make it happen. However, be calm and clear when expressing your ideas, letting anxiety dominate you can end up affecting communication and making you one more misunderstood person in the world.

In a practical way, news regarding justice and finance is coming to benefit you, such as settlements and judicial gains. Beware of gossip and who you place your trust in, there are bad people ready to steal your plans.

What does the reversed Page of Swords tarot card mean?

The Page of Swords, in the inverted position, appears in the game to warn of things and people around it. You need to force yourself into reality and put aside the fantasy you’ve been harboring for a while so you don’t end up getting tripped up by life through other people’s attitudes. Bad or disappointing news may be coming, don’t despair and act with reason.

This card also alerts you to how you are expressing yourself to other people. You don’t realize it, but at times you end up being rude and hurting those who love you. Beware of the way you communicate and false promises. Trying to please by saying only what you want to hear to be diplomatic, is not acting thinking about the other. Always be frank and think before you speak, there are ways and ways to say the same thing. The word is powerful and misuse of it can have disastrous consequences.

What does the Knave of Swords tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Swords shows a relationship given over to conflicts and unnecessary discussions caused by the voracity of wanting to defend your own ideas, turning small differences of opinion into big fights. This attitude isn’t getting you anywhere, it’s straining your relationship and making you tired. Remember that you need to listen to the other’s opinion and reflect on it, even if you don’t agree, so that you can have a healthy and sincere conversation between you. Avoid raising issues just because you don’t agree with the other, have arguments and weight which fights should be fought.

If one of you feels that the needs you feel are not being given due value, you need to ask yourself if they really aren’t being met because of the other’s negligence or because of a failure in communication between you. Talking about what ails you is the best way to end unnecessary arguments.

When in the inverted position, it indicates a relationship where the partner is cold, calculating, apathetic and paranoid. Many arguments are started over small things by the feeling of paranoia he carries with him from past relationships. You have to realize that you don’t deserve to be mistreated by your partner just for wanting to expose your ideas and opinions, mutual respect is the minimum for a relationship to work. Weigh the pros and cons, have a frank conversation and make your unhappiness very clear. Don’t allow yourself to be a punching bag.

If you’re single, it’s time for you to get out of your hole and get back to socialising, this will bring someone new into your life. But be patient, a new relationship can take time. In your inverted position, someone is getting your attention and that person may want you to fight to win them. Be careful not to submit to the other’s whims out of pure yearning to be together.

Page of Swords is a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Knight of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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