Categories: Tarot

Page of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Page of Wands is a card full of vitality, boundless energy and eagerness to seek knowledge. It represents the arrival of good vibes and news for those who have shown determination and strength by putting into practice projects and activities under their responsibility. The fruits may take time to be harvested, but they will be more than expected. New projects can also arise along the way and with it, new opportunities and learning.

Visual description and symbology Page of Wands

The Page of Wands brings the image of a young man wearing a tunic with drawings of salamanders and a hat containing a feather. He is standing in arid terrain with mountains in the background holding a stick with both hands as he looks up at the plants sprouting at the top.

  • The Salamander is a mythical creature that represents fire, transformation and purification. The tunic adorned with salamanders represents the opportunities and adaptability to change as the purification of the spirit takes place.
  • The arid and mountainous landscape represents determination and the strength to seek growth and achieve goals in unlikely places.
  • The feather in his hat represents the harmony between the physical and spiritual world.

Keywords Page of Clubs

Until we go further with the meanings of the Page of clubs tarot card in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: inspiration, adventures, ideas, creativity, joy, unlimited potential.

Reversed keywords: hurry, anger, laziness, self-limiting beliefs, impatience.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive into the Page of Wands interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

Page of clubs meaning

The Page of Wands shows that you have great enthusiasm and passion in everything you do and this makes you want to explore new paths through projects, travel and experiences you’ve never had before. What you feel can take you to incredible places and help you conquer your dreams, however, something inside you prevents you from surrendering to these feelings that you carry with you. Even if you feel the need to go out into the world, fear, insecurity and lack of support end up making you put the idea aside, choosing to stay in your comfort zone. You need to realize that this enthusiasm you feel is enough to make you capable of climbing huge mountains and crossing seas with strong currents. Don’t be afraid to experiment and throw yourself into something absolutely new. Use the energy of the Page of Wands to bring the new into your life and promote positive changes.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, your union is stronger than ever, with new waves of passion enveloping you and making you rediscover each other within the relationship. You are ready to have new experiences together, which increases the intimacy between you and revives the life that has been swallowed up by routine. Take advantage of this moment to get to know each other better, give each other more pain and use the free time to embark on a new idea, such as a course together, a romantic trip, exploring love more. The moment is yours and must be dedicated to your love.

If you are single, the Page of Wands shows new people crossing your path. You will have new experiences and meet someone who will move your heart, making you instantly fall in love with the adventurous spirit that he brings with him. Despite this overwhelming passion, you will not create bonds, as the desire to experience the moment will be greater than planning a future.

Money and Career

The Page of Wands is a card that brings good omens. It shows new opportunities and projects that will serve to help you move up in your career, either within the company or in a new job. Now is the time to take risks without fear, put your ideas into practice and remove projects that you were unable to carry out in the past. But be careful not to end up getting run over by your own rush. Taking your time will help you maintain the quality of your work and prevent you from getting tired before your time. It’s important to know how to employ this energy and which projects to prioritise first. Do not rush. Be consistent.

In a financial context, the moment is to maintain the balance of the accounts. Even if you have some spare money or some extra money, don’t spend it on unnecessary things, because difficult times may come when having that money or not will make all the difference. So, if you have a breather in your finances, use it to start an emergency reserve. Saving now will help you not lose your mind later.

Health and Spirituality

The Page of Clubs card appears in the game to indicate that the moment is to look at your health and start acting in favour of it. Taking care of your mind and body is essential to keep the wheel turning and not end up being caught halfway through with unpleasant news. Eat well, exercise, meditate. Changing your habits will provide you with more quality of life.

If you are experiencing any illness or waiting for news related to exams, this card brings positive news and good omens. Cheer up.

In a spiritual context, the Page of Wands shows that you are in a new moment in your life, where the desire to nourish yourself with new knowledge guides your steps to discover other universes and beliefs. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

Page of Wands Reversed Meaning

When in the reversed position, the Page of Wands shows that you are stagnant due to a lack of will to progress or not knowing how to take the first step on the chosen path. You may even be sure of what you want and know how to act to achieve what you want so much, but the lack of courage and creativity that you carry today blocks any attempt of yours to get into action. The important thing here is to find a happy medium between your actions and your feelings. It’s normal to feel apprehensive and afraid to take risks with new things, but this feeling should be used to make the right choices and not to take you away from your goal, so try to focus on your purpose and don’t let negativity interfere with your future.

This card in the inverted position can also indicate that you used all your energies in some project that you believed would work and ended up failing. Most likely, this was due to the fact that you felt more confident in the certainty of your success than in making efforts to achieve it. You need to reflect and analyse where you went wrong and use this learning as a ladder to advance in new projects.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Wands, in reversed position, shows a relationship that is falling into sameness. You are getting carried away by the boring routine and end up not having time for your relationship, making the moments together, which should be pleasant, into something boring and tedious. You must reflect on what kind of relationship you want to live and if you are making enough effort to keep your relationship alive. If you really want to continue, you will need to inject yourself with courage, take time to reconnect and rediscover yourself, otherwise the best way out will be the end, before this negative feeling is strongly reflected in other areas of your life.

If you’re single, you could end up getting involved with someone unreliable. It is necessary to be aware of the people who approach you, as some may give you false hope of starting a relationship, but, deep down, it is someone who cannot make a commitment, as he has no intention of entering into a union. Don’t get involved with anyone because you don’t want to be alone, this could lead you to undesirable problems.

Money and Career

The reversed Page of Wands shows a huge imbalance between what you want for your career and how hard you are really working towards your goals. You waste so much energy focusing on problems and complaining about your work that you don’t work to change your situation. There’s no point in victimising yourself, you need to start acting and discover what steps to take so you can get out of the stagnation you’re in and reach new heights within your career. Work to discover what stops you from taking risks and change your own thoughts. Nurturing supportive feelings will help you move forward without fear.

In the financial field, the Page of Wands in the reversed position shows great instability in your finances due to lack of planning and excessive spending on superfluous things. The fact that in the past you did not organise yourself to face future crises, today you experience this imbalance that could have been avoided. You made mistakes and it may take a while for you to fully recover, the important thing is to keep working to reverse this situation and learn from it, so you don’t make the same mistakes again.

Health and Spirituality

When upside down, the Page of Wands indicates that you don’t have the energy or drive to keep fighting. Your health may be weakened and you may not have the strength or even the faith that you will recover. The important thing, at this moment, is to remain calm and, little by little, recover the lost belief within you in order to be able to fight for a cure. Don’t get discouraged and don’t give up. Your health depends a lot on your state of mind.

This card can also indicate mental fatigue. If so, seek help from a professional or talk to friends and family for advice. Trying to move forward without looking at your health will only make you collapse faster.

In the spiritual realm, the reversed Page of Wands indicates that you are afraid to take risks and explore new ground. You don’t have to throw yourself into something completely unknown to be able to expand your spiritual knowledge. The important thing here is to get out of your comfort zone, so try to get to know a belief that is different from yours and that is followed by a friend or family member. This will help you evolve without feeling anxious and distressed.

Page of Clubs Yes and No

The Page of Wands is an adventurous card full of energy, capable of facing any challenge and coming out victorious in all the journeys it undertakes. Therefore, the answer to any querent question is yes.

Page of Clubs Combinations

The Page of Wands has a very positive energy, flooding confidence, joy and achievements in its reading, however, depending on the combination, the effect can be the opposite and be a less encouraging reading. You need to be aware of the cards around you.

Page of Clubs and The World

When the Page of Wands meets the World, it indicates boldness and important steps that must be taken in all areas of your life. Travel dawns for you and takes you to unknown lands full of opportunities, through work or a personal desire being fulfilled. Take advantage of the moment to expand your horizons, make new contacts and increase your knowledge.

Page of Clubs and The Fool

You are scattered, this is the main message here. The Page of Wands combined with the Fool shows that you are failing on your path by not being able to absorb the learning from mistakes made by you in the past. As long as you are reluctant to acquire the lessons given by the universe, you will remain stagnant and without any chance of evolving in your path.

Page of Wands and The Empress

The moment is to rescue old dreams. The Empress combined with the Page of Wands shows that, with hard work and a lot of dedication, you will be able to fulfill desires that, for some time, were shelved due to past failures. You have matured and, with that, you have full capacity to take projects off paper and pursue your goals.

Page of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Page of Wands tarot card.

  • Fire element
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Astrological signs: Sagittarius
  • Key dates: spring
  • Kabbalah: Malkuth and Tiphereth
  • Yes / No: Yes

Page of Wands as personality types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who is constantly at the centre of attention for being cheerful, high-spirited and captivating, doing everything to make this climate that they carry within themselves spread and enchant the people around them. Their zest for life gives them the courage to start new adventures without fear of taking big risks or embracing change. They are passionate and positive people, but they need other people to be happy, always seeking their approval to feel complete and full.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who is often exhausted and stagnant in different areas of his life, not being able to let his creativity come out and light up his projects and help him with his challenges. These are people who have an irrational fear of being forgotten or replaced and, therefore, act on impulse to always remain in focus, being the reason for conversations and notes. These attitudes distance them from their objective and end up, many times, being left aside for being inopportune. They often feel that life is passing them by without achieving any desired fulfilment.

Page of Clubs as feelings

Feeling connected to their life purpose makes the Page of Wands feel noble and courageous more than usual. This allows them to meet new people and increase contacts, but despite this impulse to take risks, they still feel incapable of being loved or receiving attention from others, believing themselves to be inferior to others, making them constantly seek approval.

General questions about the Page of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Page of Wands tarot card.

What does the Page of Wands tarot card mean?

You have a great passion for life, for your projects and for yourself, which awakens enthusiasm in everything you do, always aiming for the new. Exploring new paths, experiencing experiences you’ve never felt before, exploring the unknown, are desires that spring up within you and will guide you to your dreams. Even if you feel insecure or afraid to take risks and bet on the new, this is the moment to step out of your comfort zone and head into the upcoming changes. This will open doors for you and opportunities will arise everywhere. Trust in yourself and your ability to face the world, use that energy to have strength and follow without fear.

What does the inverted Page of Wands tarot card mean?

You feel uncreative and unwilling to work and expend energy to achieve your goals. It’s like taking the first step is the hardest thing in the world to do, mostly because you’re afraid you’re going to end up failing in your attempt. Don’t let thoughts like this stop you from moving forward. Focus on the new opportunities life has to offer you.

This card in the reversed position can also indicate that you have failed in some specific project in which you have given all your hopes. Even if you believed in the project, you didn’t put enough effort into it and that’s what made it go wrong. Use this as a lesson to achieve success in the new projects to come.

What does the Page of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Wands shows an incredible and unique moment involving your union. You are going through a new wave of passion that arrives to color the relationship and help you to reconnect and bring out the best feelings between you. Take advantage of this wonderful energy and take more time together, whether it’s to travel, take a course or simply date more, this will strengthen you.

If you are single, this card shows that you will meet new people and, among them, one person in particular will move you, involving you in an overwhelming passion. Despite the strong feeling, there won’t be a lasting relationship between you, so enjoy every moment together.

When in the inverted position, it shows a relationship tied to everyday life and lost in the doldrums and boredom. You will need to review the relationship if you want them to stay together. Taking time for yourselves and having fun is the best option to get away from how you are. If you’re single, be careful not to fall for the first person who says they want to have a serious relationship with you. Not all of them are reliable, let alone ready to make a commitment.

Is the Page of Wands a Tarot Card Yes or No?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Knight of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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