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Queen of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Queen of Swords is cunning, cunning and strategic. She appears as a person ready to help you with valuable advice that must be listened to carefully. This is a very important ally for you to be able to follow your path without falling into the traps spread by those who want you defeated. When she appears in the game, she comes to warn you that if you only use emotions to draw up your plan, it could lead to the failure of your choice. The moment is to act with reason and analyze all the facts that present themselves, before moving on.

Visual description and symbology Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords card bears the image of a queen sitting on her stone throne decorated with a cherub, looking sternly into the distance. In her right hand, she holds her sword raised ready to reveal truths and her left hand is extended as if she were toasting the future that is right ahead, offering advice to follow the path. Clouds inhabit the sky and bring with them strong winds that we can see reflected in the trees in the background that sway due to their strength.

  • The sword raised by the queen represents truths and clarity in the face of situations.
  • The outstretched hand represents the offering of valuable advice.
  • The clouds represent the challenges imposed by the mind itself and the elevation of wisdom that allows overcoming them.
  • On her throne, the image of the cherubim represents the blessings received, the butterfly, the changes and transformations, as well as the mantle she wears and the wind over the trees, and the moon, her intuition.

Keywords Queen of Swords

Until we go further with the meanings of the Queen of Swords tarot card in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: impartial judgement, limits, honest reviews, communication, cleverness, vivacity.

Reversed keywords: external influence, insensitivity, cruelty, spite, malice, manipulation, pessimism.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Queen of Swords’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Queen of Swords meaning

The queen of Swords appears in the game to advise you to think less with emotion and act more with reason in the face of the decisions that are being presented to you at that moment. It’s time to be realistic and smart, using intelligence to outline the paths to follow towards your goals. If you let yourself be carried away by the heart, it ends up becoming dangerous and leading you to attitudes that you will regret later, so use the wisdom you have and be impartial with the advice you receive from those in your social circle. All criticism you receive should be seen as constructive and you should learn to listen to those who love you the most.

It is important to analyze all the facts before making any decisions. Research different points of view from yours, think carefully about the steps to be taken and do not act on impulse or move solely by desire. Be prudent in your judgments and you will manage to reach your destination without your feelings and emotions getting in the way.

This card also appears to warn you that you must be true and honest with yourself and others. Being frank when exposing your ideas and opinions is very important to get allies who walk beside you, reaching out to help you when you need it most. But be careful, don’t use this as a trick to collect people for your flock, because this kind of attitude will only make you suffer the hard stones of destiny.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Queen of Swords appears to warn about the distance that forms within the relationship. One of you is missing the independence that single life provides, and this is pushing you away. It is necessary to understand that a healthy relationship is made without losing the identity of the person in it. Space, time for yourself and not losing your inner self and your personality for the other is what will make the relationship thrive. You are together because you love who the other is, don’t forget that. You don’t have to change to please your partner, it will only make you feel unhappy and lost. Invite your partner to have a heart-to-heart talk. Expose your feelings so you can work together and get back to the good things in the relationship.

The Queen of Swords can also represent a person, in this case, a very lonely woman who likes to have her own space within the relationship and handpicks the people around her. That’s because she likes to be around people who are similar to herself or who respect her way of thinking. Types of affection and affection in public is something that will not be seen from her, as she likes to preserve intimacy for the four walls.

If you’re in love with someone who carries this card in their archetype, get ready for battle. Conquering this person will not be easy, it will take a lot of effort and dedication. Maybe you need to change the conquest tactics and give her a little space to decide whether or not she wants to get into this relationship with you. Hanging around too much and smothering her with your desires will only serve to ward off any possibility of them being together. The Queen is independent and strong and this needs to be taken into account when conquest.

If you are single, someone with a strong and independent personality may come your way, fascinating you to the point of wanting to drop your singleness for this person. If so, invest, because everything has to work out between you, but there’s no need to be in a hurry, take it easy, analyze the terrain and be sure if she’s the one who will make you happy. You are at a stage in your life that allows you to be selective. So take the opportunity to make the best choices.

Money and Career

The Queen of Swords appears in the game to indicate that someone in your work environment is ready to help you overcome any difficulties you are facing. This person, probably an older woman, will bring you valuable advice, and you should be open to absorbing what she has to offer. Constructive criticism will be delivered to improve your work or help with a project you are focused on, but you need to be willing to listen to those who criticize you and not take it emotionally, especially if you do not agree with the point of view presented by the other. It’s time to be rational and put emotions aside for a moment to benefit from the other’s opinion.

This card brings with it the power of communication. Take advantage of this power to convey with wisdom and clarity what you want to your colleagues and people in higher hierarchical positions. You’re ready to receive the respect of the professionals who work with you and have your efforts recognized, you just need to be effective in conveying your ideas and be astute to know how to put your feelings aside at the right time and act with your head.

In the financial field, it is time to be rational with the situation you are in. Letting despair control your actions will only hurt you. You can listen to your heart, but know when to do that and find a healthy balance between reason and feeling. The Queen warns of financial advice coming from third parties. Listen carefully and remove from them everything you find useful. Don’t be afraid to listen, just know how to filter what is brought to you.

Health and Spirituality

The Queen of Swords card appears to show a person who has many repressed feelings within him. You may be going through a more turbulent time and this may be generating negative feelings that you have locked up in your heart. You need to break free, feel what ails you, cry, scream and allow yourself to suffer in every possible way. Repressing feelings will only hurt you and will not help solve the problems that plague you. His health weakened greatly because of this attitude, his psychologically shaken affects his physique to the point of needing the help of a professional. Start the healing process within yourself by freeing yourself and seek help from experts.

More practically, as it is a card related to motherhood, it indicates success when it appears in the game, if you are trying to get pregnant.

In the spiritual realm, you may be feeling that your faith is gradually abandoning you and this is due to the fact that you are not surrendering to your own feelings and much less listening to your intuition. You may have gone from place to place seeking to strengthen your spirit and failure in your search frustrates you to the point where you no longer want to believe. It won’t help to change the location if you can’t get what you need within yourself. Your guides are with you and they need you to listen to yourself before you listen to anyone else. Feel your emotions, be a little less rational and follow your heart.

Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning

The reversed Queen of Swords points to the sense of prison you are in. You feel increasingly dependent on the people around you and this deprives you of making your own choices the way you would like. Everything seems to revolve around someone else. The lack of perspective in this regard makes him increasingly isolate himself from the people around him, believing that this is the best way out to avoid the stress of feeling trapped in the choices made by others again. The time has come to break free. Take charge of your own life and start thinking more about yourself and what will make you happy. Don’t be afraid to take risks, let alone face consequences for some future mistake. Mistakes exist and, of course, you will make some along the way, but they serve your growth and maturity, remember that. So roll up your sleeves and get to work to earn your independence.

The Queen of Swords in the reversed position can also indicate an older person appearing in your life. Distrust this person. She arrives with bad intentions and a lot of negativity. What she really wants is to harm you. Stay alert and be suspicious so you don’t end up being betrayed by your own naivety.

Love and Relationship

If in a relationship, the reversed Queen of Swords appears to show a relationship where manipulation, cruelty, lies and bitterness seep through one of you. Delicate and conflicting moments are occurring more frequently due to selfish attitudes and believing to be the voice of reason within the relationship. The fear of being alone ends up making him submit to uncomfortable situations just to want to please, further weakening what was so strong in the past. Let your guard down a little, don’t be so critical of your partner and try to rebuild what was lost. Together, you have all the weapons to be happy within the relationship again.

This card can also represent an older, bitter and unhappy person around your relationship. In that case, you have to be careful not to end up being a victim of gossip and slander by that person. She only appears with the desire to separate you and she is succeeding, because you are in such a fragile moment that any external action is capable of tearing down what you have built together. The solution is to stay away from that person as much as possible and, if you can’t, avoid listening to what they say, be sensible and draw your own conclusions. Doesn’t allow her to push them away.

If you’re single, you may be harbouring a huge grudge over your last breakup. You have to put aside the fury you feel inside yourself for not agreeing with how everything ended and use this as experience and maturity for future relationships. Don’t let the sadness of the end stop you from starting over.

Money and Career

The Queen of Swords card in the inverted position appears in the game to warn about the problems that surround the work environment involving communication between you and your colleagues or people of a higher hierarchical level. You are not getting your point across clearly and this could be hurting your leadership and projects you have been entrusted with. This poor internal communication leads to disagreements that could be avoided if you stopped to listen to what others have to say. By not being able to express yourself clearly, you often end up becoming rude and rude, which makes you be seen as a bad colleague within the work environment. Start working on communication and listen to the advice of those who are willing to help you.

This card can also represent someone who feels a lot of resentment towards you. Maybe you could have hit someone very negatively with the way you communicate and that could have been the starting point for that person to start influencing others against you through mean gossip. Try not to hurt people with the way you express yourself, think before you speak, so you won’t generate new enemies in the work environment. Being rude to others for not agreeing with your point of view is also wrong. Remember that not all of us have the same thoughts.

In the financial area, he alerts to the lack of clarity regarding issues involving his finances. That may have been what caused all of your problems and got you to where you are now. It is necessary to evaluate the situation as a whole and rationally in order to draw up a financial recovery plan and make progress. Be careful that the miscommunication doesn’t make you lose more money.

Health and Spirituality

The Queen of Swords card in the inverted position indicates poor health. You may be going through a difficult time involving physical and mental health, or simply denying basic health care. Be careful not to end up suffering the consequences of carelessness with yourself. Keep your appointments and exams up to date, follow medical guidelines if you are undergoing treatment, and consult a professional when you realize that the feelings no longer fit inside you and are consuming you. Take care.

In a spiritual context, this card in the inverted position alerts you to the fact that you are completely closing yourself off from your spiritual side. You walk in disbelief in yourself and in your ability to overcome all the obstacles that come your way and this is making you lose faith. You need to empty your mind of that negativity for a moment and begin to realize that you have the necessary strength of a survivor. Keep your faith and listen to your intuition, they will be your best allies at this time. If you are unhappy in the place where you go, maybe it is better to look for another or stay with yourself, listen to your heart and you will know the best way forward. Free yourself from what imprisons and limits you emotionally. Be aware that your spirit guides are always by your side, no matter what happens.

Queen of Swords Yes and No

The Queen of Swords is smart, cunning and clear. She warns of the need to be open to listening to advice and criticism and only then to act, always using your head and not your emotions. It is a letter that brings no as an answer to any query from the consultant, because without help it is not possible to progress.

Queen of Swords Combinations

Changes, achievements, difficulties that deserve full attention, the Queen of Swords brings warnings about the excessive use of feelings in your choices. Mind care and the use of reason in decision-making are present in their combinations.

Queen of Swords and The Judgment

Changes and business opportunities present themselves, but it may not be exactly what was expected. Excessive ambition can negatively influence decisions.

Queen of Swords and The Temperance

Advances towards the achievement of important goals. Purposes begin to be achieved.

Queen of Swords and The High Priestess

Mental health care will be beneficial to physical health.

Queen of Swords – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Queen of Swords tarot card

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Astrological signs: Gemini
  • Key dates: September 12th to October 12th
  • Kabbalah: Binah – Understanding
  • Yes / No: No

Queen of Swords as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates a sagacious, sovereign, independent and mature person. They are very observant people who spend too much time focusing on the mistakes and shortcomings of people around them and cannot look at their own imperfection, which makes being around them often uncomfortable. They are very communicative, manage to put their ideas clearly and, therefore, are excellent at occupying public or leadership positions. They are people who have an innate charm and who, when well used, manage to attract attention to themselves by making others act in their favour. Smart, they always act with their heads and know exactly what they want.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who has little or no compassion for others. They are not empathetic and always act for their own benefit, regardless of who they have to go through to achieve their goals. They are people who always jump to conclusions and end up judging without having real knowledge of the facts. They are cold, calculating and will rarely listen to their own feelings. Emotion is not part of their dictionary.

Queen of Swords like feelings

Strength and ability to overcome obstacles is what moves the Queen of Swords card. This strength often camouflages feelings of helplessness and despair in the face of any situation. This is due to hiding what you feel, afraid of hurting the other person or putting yourself in a more fragile position than you can bear. Life has been difficult so far and has brought with it the fear of surrendering and experiencing new emotions, the reason for so many internal battles.

General questions about the Queen of Swords tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Queen of Swords tarot card.

What does the Queen of Swords tarot card mean?

The queen of Swords appears in the game to advise you to think less with emotion and act more with reason in the face of the decisions that are being presented to you at that moment. It’s time to be realistic and smart, using intelligence to outline the paths to follow towards your goals. If you let yourself be carried away by the heart, it ends up becoming dangerous and leading you to attitudes that you will regret later, so use the wisdom you have and be impartial with the advice you receive from those in your social circle. All criticism you receive should be seen as constructive and you should learn to listen to those who love you the most.

It is important to analyze all the facts before making any decisions. Research different points of view from yours, think carefully about the steps to be taken and do not act on impulse or move solely by desire. Be prudent in your judgments and you will manage to reach your destination without your feelings and emotions getting in the way.

This card also appears to warn you that you must be true and honest with yourself and others. Being frank when exposing your ideas and opinions is very important to get allies who walk beside you, reaching out to help you when you need it most. But be careful, don’t use this as a trick to collect people for your flock, because this kind of attitude will only make you suffer the hard stones of destiny.

What does the reversed Queen of Swords tarot card mean?

When reversed, the Queen of Swords brings with it a strong sense of imprisonment. All decisions taken so far have been made thinking about others and never for their own benefit. The fear of being judged or making mistakes for not listening to those around you ends up generating discomfort and negative feelings so intense that it seems impossible one day to be able to free yourself from this prison. Without prospects of any change, you begin to isolate yourself from the world, seeking a little relief in the absence of outside contact, but acting in this way will only worsen your image of being incapable for those around you, giving them approval to act in their own way. name. You need to free yourself from all the ties imposed on you and start thinking about your own benefit. The time has come to take the reins of your own life and live your own destiny.

This card, in its inverted position, can also symbolize a person. In this case, you need to be careful, because this person has no good intentions and is ready to harm you in every possible way. Beware of betrayals and not end up trusting the wrong people.

What does the Queen of Swords tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, this card in the upright position appears to warn of the distance that exists within the relationship. You feel that you are losing your own identity and this suffocates you, making you feel trapped in something that no longer completes you. The problem is precisely wanting to change to please the other or adapt to your lifestyle. You need to understand that being in a relationship is about being yourself and allowing yourself to have space and time whenever you need it. Invite your partner to have a heart-to-heart talk. Expose your feelings so you can work together and get back to the good things in the relationship.

Already in her inverted position, the Queen of Swords warns of a conflicting relationship shrouded in manipulation, cruelty, lies and bitterness. Selfish attitudes on the part of one of you are hindering the growth and maturity of the relationship. It’s time to let your guard down a bit and not be so critical of your partner, so you can rebuild what was lost. The Queen can also represent an older person who is acting maliciously to end their relationship. Don’t get carried away by gossip and intrigue carried by her, her only desire is to see you apart. Don’t let her push you away.

If you are single, someone with a strong and independent personality may come your way, fascinating you to the point of wanting to drop your singleness for this person. If the card appears in the reversed position, you may be harbouring a very strong grudge against your last breakup. Don’t let the sadness of the end stop you from starting over.

Queen of Swords a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, King of Swords tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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