Categories: Tarot

Queen of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Queen of Wands is a card that brings extroversion into your personality. The ability to practise activities and carry out projects without the need to seek constant help for believing in oneself, brings out the feeling of independence that this card exudes, without excluding those who want well, such as friends and family. Trusting and handing over ideas to those in her social circle is common, but they need not do it for the Queen, she is fully capable of acting alone.

Visual description and symbology Queen of Wands

The card depicts a queen sitting on her throne decorated with lions and holding in her left hand a sunflower and, in her right, a stick with leaves sprouting from its top. A black cat sits at her feet looking straight ahead as the queen turns her attention to the side.

  • The lions that decorate the throne are a symbol of fire and strength and represent the courage and power to face any challenge imposed on the way.
  • The sunflower represents satisfaction, joy and fertility and the stick, the action of moving.
  • The black cat, symbol of magic and witchcraft, represents the queen’s dark side here, something she does not present to the world, not necessarily negative.

Keywords Queen of Wands

Until we go further with the meanings of the Queen of Wands tarot card in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: courage, passion, confidence, determination, charisma, independence, self-assurance, sociability.

Reversed keywords: demanding, introspection, jealousy, aggression, difficult temper, selfishness.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive into the Queen of Wands’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

Queen of Wands meaning

The Queen of Wands shows that you are in a time of great optimism and energy. You have all the necessary determination to put your plans and ideas into practice and this helps you to face any fears that may appear when taking chances in still unknown terrains. You are dedicating yourself to many things at the same time and this may give the impression that you will not be able to finish everything perfectly, but the passion that surrounds you at the moment makes you capable of embracing the world. Just be careful not to spend all that energy on unnecessary things. The important thing here is to use it in what will really make you happy and bear fruit for your future.

On the other hand, this card can represent a chaotic moment, where you are not sure what you want and end up shooting everywhere in the vain hope of ending up hitting the right target. If this is the case, you should stop for a moment and analyze the whole situation. You will need to start listening to yourself to find what will make you happy and start working to achieve your dreams. Try not to listen to others and start self-knowledge work, this will help you decide and choose the best path to take.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, you are more open and receptive to each other than before and this allows each of you to finally be who you are, without the demands or the need to mold yourself to the other. You loved each other for who you are and not for who you became, so being able to go back to your own roots is what will strengthen your union even more. Take the opportunity to rediscover passion and new ways of loving and get out of the routine. This will add spice to the relationship.

If you are planning to expand your family, this card bodes well for pregnancy, as the queen symbolizes fertility and motherhood.

If you are single, you have fully healed from past relationships and become a person who is passionate about yourself and your freedom. That sense of independence that surrounds you will take you to places you’ve never been before and provide wonderful experiences with different people in different senses. You are in a phase that allows you to experiment without the obligation of having to give yourself completely, because it is time to enjoy life and love the strong person you have become every day.

Money and Career

The Queen of Wands brings with it the strength and determination to achieve success within the work environment. You are ready to move forward with your ideas and projects, as the energy of this card infects you in such a way that you are not afraid to take risks. All obstacles that appear in your path will be easily resolved and conflicts will not affect your work, as the passion you carry in what you do prevents you from letting yourself be influenced by negative energies and thoughts. If you are experiencing a more complicated problem, know that you are fully capable of solving it, maybe you need the help of a colleague or person in a higher hierarchical position, but don’t be shy about it, roll up your sleeves and work to solve things in the best possible way. The moment is also conducive to advancing your career, either through a new job or a project within the company itself. Grab the opportunities.

In a financial context, you will be fully capable of solving problems and rebalancing your finances with strategy and patience. It is important to act with intelligence and a lot of planning so as not to end up getting lost due to self-confidence or excessive spending on unnecessary things. Know what you’re going to invest your money in so as not to generate future losses and regrets, just trust your instincts and don’t get carried away by other people’s voices.

Health and Spirituality

The Queen of Wands represents good health and vitality. You are bursting with positive energy and this will help you tackle whatever treatment or health issue you are currently facing, promoting recovery faster than you expect. If you’re not going through any issues like that, take advantage of this energy to make your life healthier. Practice sports, meditate and rethink your diet. Taking care of yourself is the best care you can give your body and mind. If you are trying to get pregnant, now is the time.

In the spiritual realm, you are in a phase where the desire to acquire new knowledge guides you to areas never explored before. You can open your horizons, there’s nothing wrong with that, but you have to be a little careful not to let this excitement and enthusiasm take you to inhospitable places with bad people. Always listen to your intuition before jumping into the unknown.

Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Queen of Wands indicates that you are being pessimistic about your life and everything that surrounds it. For some reason, you cannot believe in your own potential and take failure as something innate, thus preventing your growth and maturity. You may have taken on too many tasks at the same time and this took a lot of energy, making you feel drained quickly, leaving everything you started unfinished, which discouraged you from wanting to move forward. It is necessary to remain calm and analyze the facts from all angles. Maybe you used energy in the wrong things because you didn’t know exactly what you wanted or maybe you believed you could solve everything at the same time, which didn’t happen. Whatever it is, the Queen appears to show that there are ways around this situation. Take time to rest and then work on improving what’s bad. Don’t get carried away by failure, they appear to teach us valuable lessons and not to become a constant in our lives.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Queen of Wands has two distinct readings. On the one hand, it can represent a relationship shrouded in selfishness, falsehood, intolerance and intrigue. Manipulation by you or your partner is taking the union to the abyss, as one is concentrating power on the other, preventing your personal growth and taking advantage for yourself. The toxicity of the union is occurring, mainly, due to the stormy temperament that leads the other to lower his head to avoid fights and misunderstandings. It may be that lack of self-confidence ends up influencing these attitudes, both for those who are manipulating and for those who accept being manipulated. Regardless of who is currently in power in this relationship, the time has come to balance this scale and realize that love is made with respect and complicity and never based on control.

On the other hand, this card may indicate that you are going through a time when you feel exhausted, with situations that occurred in other areas of your life and with the excess of responsibilities that you have assumed along your path, directly influencing your relationship. . You need to take time out for the two of you to really be together. Trying to alleviate tiredness by looking for alternatives to relax and have some fun.

If you are single, the reversed Queen of Wands indicates that you are not yet completely healed of your past relationships and therefore not ready to embark on a new relationship. The fear of being alone can end up hindering your search for a new love and make you give yourself to the wrong person. Before you go out meeting new people, it’s important that you regain your self-confidence and learn to be alone.

Money and Career

The reversed Queen of Wands shows how stressed, discouraged and tired you feel within your work environment. These feelings, combined with the lack of prospects, are directly affecting your productivity, lowering your self-esteem in relation to your career and making you unhappy within the company you are working at. You have to try to find activities and projects that give you a boost and help you find a purpose for doing what you do today. If you’re really unhappy in your job, then maybe you need to reevaluate whether it’s really worth staying where you are. If the answer is yes, then start looking for reasons to continue and tell yourself every day, it will give you strength to face difficulties.

Now, if the answer is no, then start planning the steps for this change. The important thing is not to do anything rash, analyze well and be firm in your own decisions. Remember that standing still and letting the tide take you will not help your professional growth at all and will drastically affect your personal side. Try to be more positive.

In the financial field, you have lost control over your finances in the sense that you are not making profits or taking the much-needed breather. If it is the first option, then it may be a sign that you are not knowing where to properly invest your money and this is causing losses or simply leaving your money stagnant. If it’s the second option, then you’re spending on things you don’t really need. Whatever it is, it is necessary to find a balance again in order to achieve the desired stability and, for this to happen, a lot of discipline and organization will be needed. The tip is to seek help from a professional.

Health and Spirituality

When inverted, the Queen of Wands shows poor health or is on the way to collapse. You need to be aware of your body’s signals so as not to be taken by surprise by some serious illness that is difficult to treat. Keep your exams up to date, exercise and have a healthier diet, this will help you maintain good health. It is also important to take care of your mind, so that mental exhaustion, due to overwork and responsibilities, does not bring disastrous consequences. If necessary, seek guidance from a professional.

If you are trying to get pregnant, this card in the reversed position is not a good omen, as it can represent infertility and problems with conception. You may need to consult a specialist to better assist you. Don’t give up on your dream of growing your family, you just need a little more patience. Nothing is impossible.

In the spiritual realm, this card in the inverted position indicates the presence of an older or mature woman who tries to control your spiritual path at all costs, imposing her opinion as a supreme truth that must be faithfully followed by you. Keep an open mind to the knowledge she has to share with you, but choose to absorb only what makes you feel good and better. Your spiritual path belongs to you and no one else, do not allow others to choose where you should go. Make your own choices.

Queen of Wands Yes and No

The Queen of Wands is someone successful, who fought to conquer her goals and clung to her ideals with courage and perseverance, reaching glory. Therefore, the answer to any querent question is always yes.

Queen of Wands combinations

The Queen of Wands is a card full of energy. Everything is very intense when it comes out in some combination in the game, which can be positive or negative. Whatever it is, it’s important to realize that the Queen always comes with precious advice to get through tumultuous times or achieve the expected success.

Queen of Wands and The Death

Things could get out of control in one of the areas of your life or in all areas at the same time. Regardless, it will be necessary to have a lot of patience and emotional stability to get through this storm that is brewing and will be strong and destructive, but brief. Remember that sometimes you have to face turmoil to reach fullness and this is one of those moments.

Queen of Wands and Knight of Wands

You are in a learning moment and yearn for more wisdom. Take the opportunity to nourish yourself with all the lessons that are being delivered to you, as they will be very important to break old patterns and beliefs, overcoming obstacles that appear in your path and helping you to have a bright future. It’s a wonderful time to start courses and workshops that you’ve always wanted to take, but for some reason never had the opportunity.

Queen of Wands and Five of Cups

The Queen of Cups, when combined with the Five of Cups, comes with the message that one should not ignore what happened in the past simply because one does not want to face its consequences, burying feelings and memories. It is important to understand that mistakes or traumatic moments should serve as lessons to be learned so that they do not happen again in the future. If you keep ignoring it, at some point the past will come knocking on the door and it will be much worse.

Queen of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Queen of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet Mars
  • Astrological signs: Aries
  • Key dates: March 11th to April 10th
  • Kabbalah: Binah
  • Yes / No: Yes.

Queen of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone watered by creativity that overflows ideas and inspirations and needs to constantly express themselves to feel full and happy. They are very intelligent people who take advantage of their innate ability to solve problems and get out of embarrassing or conflicting situations. They are always involved in something and sitting still does not suit them, leaving them irritable and discouraged. They love to be surrounded by friends and always expect family support in everything they do, as this support is extremely important for them to be able to move forward with a project or activity. Even if they are witty and very affectionate, they have difficulty giving themselves completely and usually hide their feelings, especially their sadness and disappointment.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who has a tendency to use a natural charm that he possesses to conquer the things that interest him, using people to move up in life or fulfill desires without really caring about the feelings of others. Liars and compulsives, they do everything to be seen and use the drama when they realize they are not achieving what they want. They often pretend to be other people, pretending to be benevolent in order to gain trust.

Queen of Wands like feelings

The Queen of Wands is adoration, ambition, courage and energy. These are feelings that tend to be intense and incorporated into all areas of life, especially within interpersonal and loving relationships. The Queen always puts the other on a pedestal when attracted by feelings of love and passion, being dominated by the will to make the other happy and, with that, being able to achieve her own happiness.

General questions about the Queen of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Queen of Wands tarot card.

What does the Queen of Wands tarot card mean?

You are completely involved with the Queen of Wands’ energy and enthusiasm in your projects and activities. Many things are being accomplished by you at the same time and you are realizing it, because the passion for what you do allows you to remain in motion, always adding value to everything you do. Just be careful not to end up using this wonderful energy in things that won’t bring you a future. Take the opportunity to think about tomorrow and the fruits you want to reap to know where and how to act.

This card also warns of the resulting chaos of not knowing what you want for yourself and ending up, because of that, working on things that won’t do you any good or won’t bring you results. You need to know yourself and understand what makes you happy, only then, choose the path you want to follow. Going out acting for the sake of acting will only waste your energy and take you nowhere.

What does the inverted Queen of Wands tarot card mean?

You are feeling exhausted and this is the result of the chaos that has settled in your life, as you have chosen to hold on to many things at the same time and have not been able to finish them off with the intended success. This cascade of events ended up leaving him frustrated and with the certainty of not having the ability to move forward in any area of ​​his life. Know that there are reasons why you are like this, it may be because you are not knowing what you want exactly and ended up using your energy in the wrong places or because the initial excitement made you take on more responsibilities than you could handle. Regardless of the reason that brought him to chaos, the Queen comes to show that there is a way out of this situation. Just take time to rest and analyze where you went wrong. Thus, you will be able to strengthen yourself and be ready to follow new paths.

What does the Queen of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the Queen of Wands shows that you have finally managed to accept each other as you are and this strengthens your union even more. The joy of being together and being able to experience new experiences makes the relationship break out of routine and rediscover itself in different ways. Take the time to hone in on the passion and spice things up more. If you intend to increase the family, the Queen brings good omens, as it is a card related to motherhood and fertility.

If you are single, you are healed and with a gigantic independence force that allows you to discover new passions and worlds. Enjoy that feeling of freedom and leave behind the obligation to be with someone and allow yourself to experience life and love.

When reversed, if you are in a relationship, this card has two readings. On the one hand, it can show an unstable union where one of the two is manipulating the partner to the point of making him lower his head and accept everything in order to avoid intrigue. If so, the letter’s tip is to rebalance the union, understanding that love is done with respect and complicity and not selfishness. On the other hand, external stress is directly affecting the relationship, causing friction due to the extreme tiredness they feel. In this case, you need to take time to be together. Look for alternatives to have fun and relax.

If single, the moment is to allow yourself to be alone. You are still not healed from past relationships and the fear of not being with someone could end up pushing you into an uncomfortable and risky relationship. It takes patience.

Is the Queen of Wands a Tarot Card Yes or No?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, King of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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