Categories: Tarot

Seven of Cups meaning in Tarot – Love, Money, Health and more

The Seven of Cups card is part of the Minor Arcana group, and like all cards in the tarot deck, the Seven of Cups will have a different reading as it appears in combination with other cards, and according to the querent’s question. But in general, it is a card that appears when your feelings of desire are in disharmony with your willpower to achieve what you want. However, let’s understand better about the Seven of Cups, below.

Visual description and symbology of the Seven of Cups

In the Rider Waite Smith Tarot, the Seven of Cups depicts a man looking up towards seven cups – the symbol of the suit of Cups – which float in a cloud above him. Some of these cups contain loot and prizes, while others contain more negative items. Thus, we can have the symbolism of the Seven of Cups interpreted from the following aspects:

The cloud symbolizes dreams, while the cups and their contents are man’s desires.

So, every wish that floats in your dreams has its positive and negative aspects, and you need to pay attention to what you aim for and choose those that are truly positive for you.

Keywords of the Seven of Cups

To better understand the interpretations related to the Seven of Cups card, let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: choices, multiple possibilities, opportunities, decisions, dreams, illusion.

Keywords reversed: reality, sobriety, lack of options or opportunities, lack of spiritual growth, indecisiveness, material focus.

Seven of cups meaning

The Seven of Cups is a card that represents dreams and choices that must be made. There are many possibilities to get where you want to go, but you have to be careful not to act on impulse or miss an important opportunity out of fear. Maybe you haven’t realized yet that it’s possible to accomplish anything, as long as you project your dreams into the real world. It’s no use being a dreamer and not being able to set your feet on the ground for a moment. Drifting between unattainable desires will only frustrate you and waste your energy. Keep in mind what you want to achieve and start putting everything on paper to be able to take the first step, leaving the fantasy world and fulfilling the many dreams that you carry with you.

On the other hand, you may be taking on more responsibilities than you can really handle. The fear of not being able to enjoy the infinite doors that life extends to you ends up being exactly what prevents you from achieving what you most want. Don’t let too much activity overwhelm your shoulders. Limit what is important to accomplish and discard momentary futilities.

The Seven of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it will be pointing out aspects related to the consultant’s dreams and choices. So, let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the querent in each type of reading.

Love and relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Seven of Cups indicates problems in the relationship caused by hidden desires regarding other people or a new someone who appears to shake the structures so delicately built by you, making you question whether it is even worth staying together. You need to center your thoughts rationally and not let emotions control your actions. Deciding anything by the heat of desire might end up making you regret it later. Talking to your partner, taking time out for you to be together, rescuing the romance lost in everyday life is a good option before making any choice.

On the other hand, you may be idealizing what would be a perfect relationship so much that you end up missing all the good times with the one you love. Nobody is perfect and there is no romance that doesn’t go through problems and obstacles along the way. Complicity, respect and companionship is what will help you build a solid and beautiful foundation within this union.

In relation to the context of love and relationships, the Seven of Cups has a meaning related to the potential of a relationship and opportunities.

For those already in a relationship, it could indicate that a new love interest may arise in someone else, causing problems in your current relationship. It could also indicate that you are fantasizing too much about what you idealize in your relationship, instead of facing the reality of a relationship that has passed the initial excitement stage.

If you are single, the Seven of Cups symbolizes the decisions you must make in order to connect with a new love. It could be someone’s choice among the many potential suitors that cross their path or between a specific person and their family or work. As this card is an illusion card, you have to be careful not to end up changing your feet for your hands and regretting the choices you made. Take your time, analyze all sides of the coin and listen to your heart. Thus, you will be able to build a long and prosperous relationship.

But in the case of a single person, the Seven of Cups can mean that there are many potential partners who are interested in you. So there will be plenty of possibilities for romance in the air.

Money and Career

The Seven of Cups card is, in essence, a card related to positive aspects when dealing with professional issues. Many opportunities are coming your way and infinite are the choices that open up in front of you for you to grow within your work environment and in the career you have chosen for yourself. Here, the sky’s the limit and you have complete freedom to dream big with the certainty of achieving these dreams. However, it is important to be very careful not to end up daydreaming too much among so many options and forgetting the most important thing, which is choosing the steps to be taken and starting to work so that there is actually growth. It’s no use having so many paths to follow if you persist in standing still in the same place just looking at the horizon of possibilities in front of you.

In the financial field, this card represents the many ways that exist to improve the situation you are in. If you are experiencing difficulties, the moment is to stop, put all your bills and debts on the tip of your pencil and start planning your budget. Seek help from a professional to regain control over your money.

If you are not experiencing any financial difficulties, then start planning ahead so you don’t end up getting caught by unpleasant surprises. This is also a good time to invest, but only if there is help from a consultant, as there are many options and this is not the time to take unnecessary risks.

The Seven of Cups card is essentially a card related to positive aspects for the querent’s career. Thus, it indicates that there are several professional possibilities for improvement available, warning only not to be overly thoughtful and miss something good due to lack of action in practice

In general, the Seven of Cups will indicate a good time for investments, but be careful not to make mistakes. Therefore, the letter warns of the need for well-thought-out practical actions, such as consulting with a finance professional to assist you in this good investment phase.

Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Cups card appears in the game to warn about the excess that surrounds you right now, especially when it comes to responsibilities and tasks. You are overloading your life trying to manage everything at once and forgetting that you have to dedicate time to yourself, otherwise you will end up physically and energetically drained, which will directly affect your health.

Not only can illnesses develop due to all this stress and lack of rest, but minor accidents are more likely to occur during this period, as a result of lack of attention, because, despite working on one thing, your head is already visualizing the next. You have to step on the brakes. Take a vacation or experience a weekend just for yourself. This is paramount to being in good health.

The Seven of Cups signals to the querent the possibility of doing many things simultaneously. This makes you more vulnerable to illness and accidents. So, the letter will warn of the need to reduce the workload and create time for yourself.

In the spiritual realm, you are attracted to different practices and cannot follow just one doctrine, as you can absorb what is good for you from different places. That’s wonderful, as long as it doesn’t become an endless search for answers that may lie within you. Try to focus on one thing at a time and take ownership and deepen what makes sense to you without rushing.

Regarding spirituality, the Seven of Cups signals that the querent is exploring various forms of spirituality, with various interests. However, it can also indicate that there is a need to dedicate yourself to developing more spirituality in practice, focusing on one thing at a time.

Seven of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Seven of Cups in an inverted position carries with it two distinct readings. On the one hand, it symbolizes a return to earth after a long period in the illusory world of fantasy and dreams. You finally managed to realize that you can’t live on expectations and hopes alone and started working to advance on your path and conquer what you want so much. Even if you went through a more confusing phase, not knowing what choices to make or where to walk, now you feel greater clarity that drives you to move forward.

On the other hand, you may be holding on to your dreams so much that you end up completely closing your eyes to the reality around you, ignoring facts, events and even actions that you should take, but end up putting them aside believing that they will be of no use. If that’s the case, then it’s time to open your eyes and start facing that reality. Be part of it. Take action and not be stagnant thinking about the many possibilities that the world of dreams has to offer. Dream, but do it.

But we know that the reading can vary according to the context in which the card is drawn, and it can have an opposite side, or inverted, in the reading of the same card. The Reversed Seven of Cups can mean that the querent is getting his feet back on the ground after a period of too much idealization and fantasy.

However, it can also alert a moment when the querent is lacking options, choices or opportunities, feeling trapped in a certain way. So, so that you understand better, let’s look at the meanings of the Seven of Cups reversed in each aspect.

Love and relationship

If in a relationship, the Seven of Cups in an inverted position shows a relationship strained by lack of initiative. You feel trapped by the expectations you’ve created for yourself about what a perfect relationship would be, so much so that you end up missing important moments for you and your partner. This is also due to the fact that you are not able to make choices. You feel confused, insecure, afraid to face problems and challenges and end up closing yourself in your own illusion. You need to change your attitudes and thoughts if you want to stay with the person you are, because not everyone will be able to keep up with you this way.

On the other hand, you managed to leave the fantasy of perfection and start to face the reality where we all have strengths and weaknesses. Take this moment to take action in practice and fix the problems that exist within the relationship.

If you are single, this card in the reversed position indicates that you are not able to get emotionally involved with someone, as you are too idealizing what the ideal partner would be. Free yourself from these erroneous thoughts and start truly getting involved with people without imposing expectations, you will end up being positively surprised.

The reversed Seven of Cups can indicate a time when the querent stops fantasizing about the relationship and starts to face reality. So, the letter warns that this moment of clarity is used so that the querent takes practical actions to fix problems within the relationship.

The reversed Seven of Cups may indicate that the querent is unable to enter into a relationship because he is too idealizing a possible partner.

In that case, the Seven of Cups will point to a time to be more realistic and try to relate to people that the consultant would not normally relate to.

Money and Career

The Seven of Cups in the inverted position symbolizes a workplace where the person feels trapped and with no prospect of growth. You carry with you a sense of failure and disappointment because of your career and the many opportunities you missed out on. Losing the chance to win a new position that is so desired, not having your projects accepted or not being included in a certain professional activity can be very discouraging, but it should not be seen as a definitive closing of doors. You need to learn from these situations and find ways to turn them into new opportunities. Being proactive, making practical decisions, being present and seen is what will make you move forward.

In the financial field, the Seven of Cups in the inverted position has two distinct readings. On the one hand, you are ready to face your finances head on and you can envision a more peaceful future, preparing yourself in the best possible way for that to happen.

On the other hand, you cannot dissociate what is real from the unattainable and end up betting your chips on the wrong cards due to impulse and lack of clarity. You need to be more rational and analyze the details before making any decision related to your finances. Here is also a warning not to trust people blindly so as not to end up getting into trouble and losing money.

In relation to work, the reversed Seven of Cups may indicate that the querent is feeling trapped in his professional life, with a lack of opportunities for growth. But the letter warns to take practical and proactive steps to create new opportunities for you.

In the financial context, the reversed Seven of Cups indicates a more decisive moment in relation to personal finances. Because the consultant already knows what decisions and actions to take in practice for this.

Health and Spirituality

In a health-related reading, the Seven of Cups in an inverted position warns against excesses. Eating a lot, drinking too much alcohol, smoking several packs in a single day, giving in to drugs, all this directly affects your health and will end up leading you to face serious illnesses, if you don’t start changing your habits from now on and pass to worry and take care of yourself. No one can do this for you. If you find it difficult to get rid of addictions, seek guidance from support groups and competent professionals.

The reversed Seven of Cups can indicate that the querent’s lifestyle may be affecting their overall health. Perhaps you are overindulging in food, alcohol, etc. So, the inverted card alerts you to take control again, talk to health professionals.

Excessive health care, such as crazy diets and extreme physical exercises, can also lead to future injuries or illnesses. It is very important to find a balance for your body and mind.

In the spiritual realm, the Seven of Cups in the inverted position symbolizes your tireless pursuit of materialism over the spiritual. You’re so focused on growing financially and conquering important assets in the outside world that you end up neglecting your inner world. You have to take care of the spirit like you take care of the other parts of your life.

However, the opposite can also occur, with the consultant exaggerating in body and health care in a way that does not end up being positive either. So beware of excesses on both sides.

On issues of spirituality, the letter will point to a negligence in relation to this aspect of the querent’s life. Perhaps you are focusing too much on the materialistic side of life, which will not bring you good results. So, the reversed card indicates the need to focus on developing your spirituality.

Seven of Cups Yes or No

When the Seven of Cups is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be of a neutral type. This card symbolizes choices and decisions that can be confusing.

Seven of Cups combinations

This card will generally have its power and influence increased according to the tarot card it is combined with. But there are also cases where combinations negate the basic meaning of the Seven of Cups, greatly modifying its interpretation. So let’s get to know some combinations below.

Seven of Cups and The Magician

When these two cards come together in a tarot reading, they can indicate that your manipulative side is coming to the fore. So, you have to be careful, because this can be beneficial one moment, and the next harm you in your personal relationships and at work.

Seven of Cups and the Chariot

This combination indicates that your desires to pursue new opportunities are more intense. Because the Chariot is a symbol that you must put more intention and action in the search for what you long for, so your motivation will guide you to success.

Seven of Cups and Nine of Pentacles

This combination represents that you are somewhat trapped in your desires to be accepted, but lacking the ability to move forward and think about what is best for you. Thus, you may have financial problems and lack of focus and care with aspects of your life in general.

Seven of Cups – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are the main associations with the Seven of Cups.

  • Water element
  • Venus planet
  • Astrological Sign: Scorpio
  • Kabbalah: Netzach – Victory
  • Important dates: Beginning of winter
  • Yes/No: Neutral

Seven of Cups as Personality Types

The Seven of Cups indicates someone who is constantly immersed in a world of fantasy and dreams, running away from reality whenever it suits him, especially when he has to face his own mistakes or problems. They are people who are trying to find themselves in the world and find a meaning for their lives, and, therefore, end up giving in to addictions and exaggerations for not being able to understand the reality that surrounds them. With difficulties in making decisions, they end up letting others do it, not knowing how to deal with the frustrations that this attitude entails.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone with extreme difficulty in facing the reality of things and this causes your mind to be trapped in illusions and unrealistic stories. They are impulsive people who act without thinking about the consequences, as they have a completely distorted view of the reality that surrounds them, trapped in patterns built by themselves and completely harmful. These are people who have a past with traumatic events or who keep toxic secrets.

People born under the influence of the Seven of Cups card are more likely to get lost in delusions of grandeur and withdraw from the practical and real side of life.

Seven of Cups as Feelings

Thus, in relation to feelings, people born under the Seven of Cups can carry very unrealistic expectations, and not know how to deal with the consequences of their impossibilities.

General questions about the Seven of Cups tarot card

Now that you know a little more about the Seven of Cups, let’s see the main questions that are raised about this card.

What does the Seven of Cups card mean in tarot?

The Seven of Hearts card means that the querent is in a moment of various decisions and opportunities, but that you need to be proactive and understand that your choices have consequences. Thus, you need to focus on yourself and what you want, but in a balanced way with the practical side of life.

What does the reversed Seven of Cups card mean in tarot?

In inversion, the Seven of Cups means that the querent may have reached a more practical moment, ceasing to live in a world of idealizations in all aspects of life. However, he warns against the possible excessive focus on the material.

How does he/she feel about me Seven of Cups?

The Seven of Cups signals that there are some feelings of idealization and even indecision. Maybe that person is only seeing in you what they want to see, and it is missing to take more actions in practice.

What does the Seven of Cups mean in the love tarot?

The Seven of Cups tarot card means that within a relationship there may be difficulties due to excessive idealization between people. Also, there may be new love interests making it difficult to maintain this relationship. So, you need to be careful with the lack of focus and practicality to maintain a good love relationship.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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