Categories: Tarot

Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Tarot – Love, Money, Health and More

The Seven of Pentacles tarot card is included among the Minor Arcana cards, representing for the consultant a moment of reward for hard work. If the consultant has focused his efforts on a goal, the card means that the fruits of his efforts are close to arriving.

The Seven of Pentacles can also indicate that the querent needs to express his ideas, ambitions and set goals. The card indicates a good time for focus and action, planning and finishing what you’ve already started, signalling for good results ahead. It also generally has a connotation of an imminent decision, if the querent is in a moment of decision about which paths to take in his life.

Visual description and symbology of the Seven of Pentacles

In the illustration of the Seven of Pentacles tarot card, there is a young man looking down at his plantation. Despite bearing fruit, he seems not to be satisfied. He looks at his plantation with concern and seems to reflect that he may be about to reap the fruits of his labor, but that the harvest may not be satisfactory. This card brings a positive sign even if it doesn’t seem visible yet.

More specifically, we parse the card image as follows:

Keywords Seven of Pentacles

Keywords are like summaries of what a card can mean in the tarot, making it easier to memorize. So let’s get to know the keywords related to the Seven of Pentacles card.

Keywords: harvest, reward, cultivation, perseverance, patience, finishing what you started, planning, reflection.

Reversed keywords: laziness, procrastination, waste, delays, impatience.

Now, after examining the symbology of the visual components and keywords related to the Seven of Pentacles and its inversion, let’s move on to analysing its deeper meanings in love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality.

Seven of Pentacles meaning

The Seven of Pentacles shows the rewards reaped after great effort. You’ve put in a lot of effort and worked hard to achieve your goals, and now the results are starting to be felt. Even if you still cannot see the reflection of your dedication, know that success is present and soon you will be able to admire it in every way. The time invested finally brings you a return and the feeling of accomplishment will infect you to the point of strengthening you even more to pursue new opportunities and face other challenges. Realize that the results of now are the result of a long period of hard work, so don’t give up on something you haven’t conquered yet, fight and soon you will succeed.

On the other hand, the Seven of Pentacles also represents fear of the future. You may be feeling lost and disoriented about which path to choose or how to act in the face of challenges. If this is the case, this card advises you to keep a calm mind so as not to allow yourself to fall into despair. Moving away from situations that blind you will help you see better and make the right decisions. Free yourself from fear and you will be able to take the first step towards a prosperous future. Remember: if the choices are not assertive, take a step back and try again, we don’t always get it right the first time. The important thing is not to give up.

Love and Relationships

In a reading aimed at love and relationships, the Seven of Pentacles card is positive. Indicates strength, perseverance and the cultivation of long-term relationships.

For the querent who is in a relationship at the moment, it means that their efforts in the relationship will soon be rewarded. It can also signal that a common goal will be reached by the couple, such as the purchase of a property or the arrival of a planned child.

If the querent is single, the Seven of Pentacles indicates that reflection is taking place on what is sought in a future relationship. There is a greater predisposition to patience and to better understand what one wants.

In general, the lesson of the Seven of Pentacles is that what you want, if you keep working at it, will be achieved. Good things will come to those who have patience and focus.

Money and Career

When the Seven of Pentacles appears in a reading related to money and career, it suggests a good omen. The querent is doing well at work, and his efforts will be noticed and rewarded.

It can also mean a good moment of reflection about your professional goals and your financial investments. The querent may be in a moment of decision about which direction to go in this regard, and the Seven of Pentacles points to a fruitful decision if focused and planned well.

In addition, it can alert you to the imminent arrival of an inheritance, or good results in your investments and financial gains.

The main message is that hard work will pay off.

Health and Spirituality

In a health tarot reading, the Seven’s card is usually a good card to draw. For it implies that the querent is in a good time to change health-related habits, so a new diet or exercise will be fruitful.

It can also bring the message that the consultant should focus his energy on goals aimed at improving his health, or maintaining a good lifestyle. If the querent is trying to get pregnant, it may mean that the goal has been achieved.

Overall, the Seven of Pentacles for health refers to strength, nourishment and growth.

In a context reading focused on spirituality, the Seven of Pentacles can advise you to maintain an attitude of spiritual giving. For whatever you direct to others will be returned triplicate.

It can also mean that the querent is at a decisive moment for their spirituality, and that it is time for a reflection on their spiritual paths.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

When the Pentacles card appears reversed in a tarot reading, it will usually convey a meaning of hard work without adequate rewards. It can also alert you to excesses at work and in the pursuit of your goals, both for more and for less. Namely, workaholism or procrastination.

The querent may feel that they are not receiving due recognition for their performance. Also a lack of goals in life, indecisions and the need for more reflection on their attitudes.

The Seven of Pentacles in an inverted position indicates frustration with results achieved or lack thereof. You dedicated yourself a lot to some project or activity and did not receive the return you expected, thus becoming discouraged and without hope of achieving what you so much desire. The return doesn’t always come the way we want, but you shouldn’t reject the small fruits you reap in your work. If the result was not what you expected, then you must direct your energy in other directions that will take you where you want to go. Beating yourself up for the time spent will not help you achieve the success you dreamed of, it just gets in the way. If something didn’t turn out the way you wanted, patience, it’s time to lift your head and work hard in a different way, regardless of whether it’s the same purpose or not. Reflect on the situation, take stock of the results, dedicate yourself to finding the holes that prevented you from going further. Use this as fuel to move forward.

Love and Relationships

In a love and relationship reading, the Seven of Pentacles reversed is a negative indication that the relationship may be stuck in some way. There is a lack of growth and effort together, and a sense that there is no common purpose.

In order for the relationship to last, it is sometimes necessary to take time to reflect, individual time so that they can understand the best way to continue together.

In the case of singles, the reversed Seven of Pentacles indicates that the querent may be focusing too much on his professional career or the pursuit of money. That way, you can’t develop a relationship or allow someone to enter your life.

In general, the reversed Seven of Pentacles asks for reflection on the way in which the querent directs and focuses his efforts, both to maintain a relationship and to start one. Don’t be controlling or desperate, but allow the relationship to grow and maintain.

Money and Career

In a reading focused on the financial and professional side, the inverted Seven of Pentacles brings a negative aspect, that your efforts are not bringing the results you expected.

It could mean that the querent is over-procrastinating, or even working so hard that it ends up being counter-productive in achieving their goals.

In relation to money, the reversed Seven of Pentacles indicates something negative. It can warn of bad business, lack of planning, financial flow problems and loss of investments.

The reversed Seven of Pentacles alerts you to the need to refocus your energy on what you want to achieve. You need to evaluate what you’ve been doing so far, and whether your actions are being realistic for your financial and professional goals.

Health and Spirituality

For questions related to the querent’s health, the reversed Seven of Pentacles indicates that health problems may be occurring.

The inverted Seven of Pentacles warns of bad everyday habits that may be affecting the health of the consultant. The letter then calls for an assessment of how to change this context, and make the necessary changes for your health to improve.

It could also indicate problems related to a pregnancy. But in general, it’s a wake-up call for necessary changes, indicating that there’s still time to improve your health issues, provided you act now.

In a spiritual context, the reversed Seven of Pentacles is a card that indicates unhappiness or frustration. The consultant may be experiencing a blockage, or feeling that what he seeks to achieve is not happening, undermining his spirituality.

The letter is a warning for the consultant to reflect on the energy he is emanating, and to embrace the moments of blockage as signs of the universe for necessary changes in life.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates the need to let things flow, as sometimes a change of direction can bring positive results.

Seven of Pentacles Yes or No

When the Seven of Pentacles is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be a Yes.

Combinations with Seven of Pentacles

Combining the Seven of Pentacles card with other tarot cards will support and indicate the reflections and actions that must be taken to overcome the adversities indicated by Pentacles.

Seven of Pentacles and the Fool

When this card combination appears in a tarot reading, it can indicate that effort and hard work are in excess, leading to detours. Greed, exaggeration and spending on games, for example, can occur.

Seven of Pentacles Ace of Pentacles

The union of these two cards combined indicates that the querent is in a prosperous occupation, or that prosperity will come from his current efforts. It can also mean that trading activities will be profitable.

Seven of Pentacles and Ace of Wands

The combination of these cards points to relational problems, whether affective or in financial affairs. There may be a difficulty in a relationship, or an unexpected need for a loan. However, it can also indicate the arrival of financial aid and the receipt of good news.

Seven of Pentacles – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with the Seven of Pentacles tarot card.

  • Element earth
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Astrological sign: Taurus
  • Kabbalah: Netzach – victory
  • Key dates: spring
  • Yes No Maybe. Patience is needed before acting.

The Seven of Pentacles as Personality Types

The personality of the Seven of Pentacles is influenced by the arts, nature, beauty and good social skills. They are people who are responsible for those they love, dedicated to their family and children, and who sacrifice a lot to help those in need.

In general, the Seven of Pentacles person will have an air that is both youthful and balanced between work, responsibilities and leisure.

The Seven of Pentacles personality will find it easy to create financial abundance, as long as they keep their focus on something positive and do not exert an exaggerated attachment to money.

The Seven of Pentacles as Feelings

Questioning the tarot about how someone feels about you, and the Seven of Pentacles tarot card appears, there is an indication that the person is focused on building that relationship and that feeling. It can also alert you to a moment of indecision by that person in relation to you.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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