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Seven of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Significant minor conflicts are in plain sight and it will take dexterity to get through them. It’s not about big confrontations, but even so, it will demand a reserve of energy that is stored by the calmest and lightest times until then. These are conflicts that can affect any area of ​​life and can last for a longer period than expected, but which will be overcome thanks to perseverance and strength.

Visual description and symbology Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands brings the image of a man on the edge of a column being challenged by six sticks that emerge from below. He is armed with the seventh wand of the card and appears to struggle to defend himself from his opponents. The man is wearing a green robe and mismatched shoes.

  • The man on the defensive holding his stick represents taking a stand in the face of a conflict or choice.
  • The green robe he wears represents ambition.
  • The different shoes represent both the adaptability and the indecision of which choice or path to take and the unpreparedness for the conflicts that present themselves to him.
  • The clear sky means that the conflicts that arise are not many and can be easily resolved.
  • The hill the man is on represents the advantage over his opponents.

Keywords Seven of Wands

Until we go further with the seven of Wands tarot card meanings in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: protection, challenges, defence, competition, tenacity, perseverance.

Reversed keywords: giving up, oppression, exhaustion, lack of confidence, submission.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Seven of Wands interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

Seven of Wands meaning

The Seven of Wands appears in the game to show that the time has come to fight to maintain your success. You’ve worked hard to get where you are and now you’ll have to keep going if you want to keep enjoying your achievements. You will need to defend yourself from envious people and people who want to overthrow you to take your place, but know that you have enough strength not to let yourself be overthrown. You suffered a lot in order to win and reach your goals and this moves you to remain standing, in the face of any new challenge. Stay true to what you believe in and follow your purposes, these are the weapons you must wield to protect yourself from external actions.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the seven of Wands appears to indicate that some challenges are arising and it will take a lot of patience and mutual support to get through the moment that unfolds for you. You have to be aware that problems happen in all relationships and it’s not just one or the other’s fault, but everyone’s fault. Sitting down and having a frank conversation between you is the first thing that should be done when you are facing a conflict, that way together you will be able to pass more calmly through any turmoil that tries to shake the structures of the relationship. Maintaining the relationship will depend solely on your efforts to fight for it.

This card can also indicate that people around you, friends or family, are against the relationship and are doing everything to separate you. It will take a lot of strength not to let these external actions affect how you feel about each other.

If you’re single, you may be seeing someone in sight, but this person has other suitors ready to fight for your attention, so it’s important to keep yourself in the foreground so you don’t end up being left out. If you want it, you must fight for it.

Money and Career

The seven of Wands is a card that represents the challenges and struggles within the work environment. Conflicts are about to happen and problems will arise on all sides, but you have the full capacity to deal with all of this with perseverance, intelligence and a lot of creativity. Do not let yourself be shaken by the mishaps that appear along your path, they will serve to lift you to a higher level within your work.

This card can also indicate that someone is targeting your position or some project that you have been entrusted with. You’ll have to fight not to be replaced and protect everything you’ve conquered so far.

In the financial field, the seven of Wands show success in investments and plans made for the long term. You are preparing for the future and this will bear much fruit, allowing you to protect yourself against any economic problems that may arise along the way. Keep being strategic with your finances and acting rationally.

Health and Spirituality

The seven of Wands can indicate an illness or health condition that is, or will affect, your life at the moment. It will be necessary to dedicate your strength and energy to overcome this problem and recover the affected health. Stay firm and with positive thoughts because, despite the card indicating a seriousness about the illness faced, it also symbolises success through inner motivation.

In the spiritual realm, you may suffer attacks regarding your beliefs. Don’t be shaken by people who have opinions different from yours and use the ignorance they have about their faith to attack you out of pure prejudice. Stand firm in your convictions and walk the spiritual path with which you identify, because that is what really matters here.

Seven of Wands Reversed Meaning

The reversed seven of Wands indicates that you are feeling emotionally drained from all the challenges and problems that come your way. You are choosing to give up the fight and that ends up taking you further away from your goals every day because you believe that you don’t have the ability to conquer them or think you don’t deserve them. The problem here is that you are trying to emulate other people to achieve success and end up distancing yourself from your own personality, denying who you are to yourself. You spend so much energy trying to act like others would act in a given situation that you lose the strength to really fight for what you want. Change your attitudes and start making the effort to be yourself and fight with the weapons you have.

This card in the reversed position can also indicate that you are losing control over a certain situation. You wanted to embrace the world and now you realize you can’t do it alone, and the only way out here is to step back and admit defeat. You don’t need to give up on your plans and goals, you just need to look at the whole situation with different eyes and act strategically in the face of your choices.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the reversed seven of Wands shows an effort to maintain a relationship that has already been severely shaken to the point of being difficult to make a full recovery. You cannot accept that the relationship is no longer healthy for you and you insist on defending with nails and teeth a feeling that no longer exists as before. It’s time for you to open your eyes and truly see the union that exists between you and see if the happiness you swear to feel is not just a facade to convince yourself that it’s worth trying one more time. Remember that for a relationship to work out, you both need to aim and fight for it and not just one.

In another reading, it could indicate that you are no longer able to defend the relationship from external actions taken by people who are dedicated to separating the two of you. You may feel exhausted and see no more reason to fight and you are slowly giving in to the intrigues that descend on you at every moment. Try not to be put off by others and enjoy your relationship more. Arguing over gossip will get them nowhere.

If you are single, the reversed seven of Wands shows that you are losing the fight to conquer the person you like. You are holed up in your shell and overcome by shyness that prevents you from approaching her, hindering your intent. On the other hand, it can show that you are being very invasive towards the person you have true feelings for, suffocating him due to the aggressive advances with which you approach him. Stop and let her breathe a little, acting the way you are will only drive her away from you.

Money and Career

When the seven of Wands appears in the inverted position, it can indicate that you are not being firm enough with your own convictions, causing you to end up losing leadership and positions within your projects and activities in your work. You are failing to pass credibility to colleagues and people in a higher hierarchical position, because, at some point in your journey, you ended up losing focus and enthusiasm, allowing others to take your place. It’s time to regain your strength and get back in the game, regaining leadership of your projects and tasks and protecting your position within the company. Remember that you have all the skills you need to succeed again. Don’t allow another to take your place out of sheer neglect.

In the financial field, this card in the inverted position warns of a significant financial loss due to lack of care and planning. You reached a level that you considered stable and, with that, you stopped worrying about your money, which could lead to a serious economic downturn later on. Avoid acquiring unnecessary expenses at the moment and start planning your future so you don’t end up with nothing.

Health and Spirituality

The seven of Wands in the inverted position can indicate a lack of courage or the will to continue fighting against a physical or mental illness that one is experiencing at the moment. The treatment is taking longer than expected and this ends up depleting his energies, making him disbelieve in a cure. You have to keep hope and positivity to be able to have enough strength to face this battle and win it. Perhaps you need to sit down with your doctor and be honest with him about your real expectations of your treatment and ask for alternatives. The important thing here is not to abandon the treatment, even if it continues for some time.

If you are not facing any illness, this card warns you to stay alert about your health. Not paying due attention to body and mind signals can lead to severe future problems.

In the spiritual scope, the Seven of Wands in the inverted position warns of the care that must be taken with religions or new spiritual paths taken by you. There may be ill-intentioned people wanting to profit from people’s faith, raising crowds with false teachings. Don’t be afraid to question leaders, run after knowledge and choose the path that best fills your heart and soul. There are no right and wrong choices, right is what best embraces you. Listen to your intuition.​

Seven of Wands Yes and No

The Seven of Wands is a card for overcoming obstacles and small conflicts. It shows that the querent has the strength and courage to face any misfortune that comes his way, so it is a card whose answer is yes to any question asked by the querent.

Seven of Wands Combinations

The Seven of Wands is a card that, even combined with others, continues with a strong message about facing battles and conflicts, defending what you believe in with wisdom and dexterity. Depending on this combination, it can be a negative or positive reading about the consequences faced by the choices made.

Seven of Wands and The Priestess

You must stop being a passive person in the face of the conflicts and intrigues that form around you. The time has come to face situations, fight to be seen and get your place in the sun. Only then will you be able to achieve your goals.

Seven of Wands and The Wheel of Fortune

You need to take extra care with your finances so you don’t suffer scams or end up losing money on poorly made investments. Do not lend money, the chances of you having it again are practically nil, even if the loan is made to a family member.

Seven of Wands and The Force

You must prepare for the battle to come, as your opponent appears here as a focused, intelligent and strategic person, being more powerful than you. It could be a person in authority or someone who holds more wisdom than you.

Seven of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Seven of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet Mars
  • Astrological signs: Leo
  • Key dates: August 12th to August 22nd
  • Kabbalah: Netzach
  • Yes / No: Yes

Seven of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who believes in a fairer society and does their part to improve the lives of people in a position of social vulnerability. They are people determined to change the world around them and dedicate all their strength to putting this into practice. Born teachers, they are always willing to share their wisdom with those who allow themselves to hear it, as they believe that knowledge should always be given to everyone, without distinction. Because they are smart and have a sharper intelligence, they are always ahead of their opponents and can easily survive any conflict and intrigue, always having a solid basis for their opinions and beliefs.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who does everything to have his point of view supported by the people around him and who, therefore, ends up losing credibility and being unbelieving for them. They are reckless people, who do not measure the consequences of their actions and end up getting involved in problems constantly. They are unable to create bonds or remain in the same position for a long time, changing partners all the time and being fired from their jobs for misconduct.

Seven of Wands as Feelings

Dissatisfaction with decision-making and being defensive due to disagreements that occur, make the Seven of Wands a card that conveys a sense of discomfort and distrust. You have to establish yourself in front of others first and feel the terrain and only then can you convey any ideas and feelings that you bring with you. This often generates an atmosphere of incomprehension that involves everyone, giving an initial feeling of immaturity, but, in fact, it is just a way to preserve feelings of future conflicts and hurts for having made wrong choices.

General questions about the Seven of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarise some general issues that are related to the Seven of Wands tarot card.

What does the Seven of Wands tarot card mean?

The seven of Wands card appears to warn of envious people who want to take their place of success. You’ve fought hard to get where you are and it’s not fair to lose what you’ve earned with so much sweat and work for others. Therefore, stand firm in your purposes and defend your ideas, not allowing everything you fought for to be lost in the blink of an eye. You have to defend yourself to protect your conquests and, rest assured, you have all the skills, strength and creativity to do this. Believe in yourself and you can stay on top of the hill for a long time.

What does the inverted Seven of Wands tarot card mean?

The seven of Wands in the inverted position indicates mental exhaustion in the face of challenges and problems, leading you to give up fighting for your goals. You are investing so much energy in trying to act guided by what other people would do in your place, that you end up without the strength to face the conflicts that are accumulating along your path, keeping you away from achieving the success you so desire. You just need to remember that you have all the weapons within yourself to face any misfortune, rise up and fight for what you believe in, leaving aside any other people’s opinion.

This card also indicates the loss of control over a certain situation. You wanted to take a step bigger than your leg and ended up unbalancing yourself badly. You need to admit this defeat and learn from it so you can move forward. Be more strategic in your choices and stay focused on your goals.

What does the Seven of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the seven of Wands warn of challenges to come. You need to come together more to get past these obstacles as soon as they arise. Blaming each other for the problems that the relationship is facing or will face will not help them get through what is happening to them, on the contrary, it will end up pushing them away, allowing the relationship to be extremely shaken. Keeping the relationship strong at times like this is difficult, but not impossible, and the survival of your relationship will depend solely on you.

This card can also indicate that people around you are doing everything to separate you two for not agreeing to this union. Don’t be affected by gossip and intrigue.

If you’re single, it’s time to fight for that person you’re interested in. Other suitors are in the area ready to fight for her, so don’t let yourself be repressed and make yourself visible to win her over.

When in the inverted position, if you are in a relationship, this card alerts you to a relationship that is no longer bearing fruit. You cannot accept that your union is no longer healthy and you end up putting all your energies into trying to save something that cannot be recovered. It’s time to reflect on whether it’s worth wanting to keep fighting for a relationship that has everything to make you suffer. On the other hand, you may be victims of external actions provoked by people around you. This has been going on for so long that you are giving up on defending your union. Don’t let gossip and intrigue separate you, no matter how hard it is to stop listening to them.

If you are single, it shows that you are missing all the chances you had with the person you like. It could be because he is distant from her due to his great shyness or because he is suffocating her, being invasive in his advances. Either way, you should stop for a moment and reflect on whether your attitudes are really helping you win over your loved one.

Is the Seven of Wands a Tarot Card Yes or No?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Eight of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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