Categories: Tarot

Six of Pentacles Meaning in Tarot – Love, Money, Health and More

The Six of Pentacles tarot card is included among the Minor Arcana cards, representing for the consultant a moment of gifts, acquisition of wisdom and generosity. It also generally has a positive connotation, indicating that there is always support and help if needed in your life.

Due to the suit of Pentacles, it can indicate material gains, receiving donations and financial aid. Thus, for the consultant who is experiencing financial difficulties, it may mean that his situation will change positively.

The Six of Pentacles can also indicate that the querent is in a position of power, or that he is currently highly respected by others and those around him. Also, when this card appears in the tarot, it can mean that the person is very inclined to help others.

Visual description and symbology of the Six of Pentacles

In the illustration of the Six of Pentacles tarot card, there are six gold coins, which represent the card’s connection with the earth element. The card brings a person in a position of power, holding coins, a scale. She is donating her wealth to someone else in a lesser position.

More specifically, we parse the card image as follows:

The Six of Pentacles places generosity between the figure holding the coins and the figure receiving them.

The person in a position of power holds a scale, highlighting the need for balance in relationships and generosity.

Keywords Six of Pentacles

Keywords are like summaries of what a card can mean in the tarot, making it easier to memorize. So let’s get to know the keywords related to the Six of Pentacles card.

Keywords: generosity, giving, money, community, prosperity, power, gratitude, being valued, justice, equality, charity, support, sharing.

Keywords reversed: lack or abuse of generosity, subservience, inequality, lack of charity, extortion, debt, dependency, despair.

Six of Pentacles meaning

Now, after examining the symbology of the visual components and keywords related to the Six of Pentacles and its inversion, let’s move on to analyzing its deeper meanings in love, relationships, professional career, money, health and spirituality.

In general, the Six of Pentacles will represent positive developments related to generosity, community service, financial gain and prosperity. However, the card also serves as a reminder that your prosperity can only be achieved through hard work, sharing your good fortune with those around you.

This card is a card that represents charity, generosity, gratitude and community spirit. You are in a moment where you can enjoy a long-desired stability, and you can even afford to invest in material things that you didn’t think you could have before. This prosperity you are experiencing today has not turned you into a materialistic or stingy person, on the contrary, you are very grateful for what you have and you repay that gratitude to those who helped you get here and those to whom you have a lot of affection. Being able to help others and your community is the most beautiful thing you can do with your wealth, and doing it from the heart is what makes it all the more special.

If you are experiencing difficulties, especially financial ones, know that the Six of Pentacles appears in the reading to indicate help arriving to help you out of the situation you are in. It can be through financial help, a new job, emotional support, whatever it is, it will be of great importance for you to be able to restructure yourself and start to grow. Don’t be shy about accepting help from others, one day you will be able to help someone else too.

Love and Relationships

In a reading aimed at love and relationships, the Six of Pentacles is a good card to draw. For the querent who is currently in a relationship, it means that there is a good balance of kindness and generosity between the partners.

It is necessary to keep this balance always balanced in the relationship, in which the two parties donate and receive in the same proportion within the relationship.

If the querent is single, the Six of Pentacles may indicate that someone new may appear in his life, and that person will be generous and good for a relationship. It could also mean that investing in good deeds and feelings towards yourself and others will bring fruit in a new person in your life.

In general, the lesson brought by the Six of Pentacles is that the universe will reward you as much as you give of yourself.

Money and Career

When the Six of Pentacles appears in a reading related to money and a professional career, it suggests the possibility of new job opportunities. Or that the querent will be more valued in his current occupation.

It could also mean that someone in a position of power might be generous to you. Thus, it can refer to a financial bonus at work, or even new businesses that will prosper.

The main message is that your efforts will pay off and you can now reap the rewards of your hard work.

Health and Spirituality

In a health tarot reading, the Six of Pentacles card can indicate a general improvement in your well-being. It can also convey the message that the querent will be supported when needing help from others to resolve health issues.

For example, if you need to seek medical help, you will have good results in your search for a cure.

In a context reading focused on spirituality, the Six of Pentacles can advise you to share your reflections and advise others. It could also mean that the querent needs to hear advice and gain wisdom from other people.

The Six of Pentacles alerts you to the benefits of communicating and sharing your wisdom and reflections on your spirituality with others.

Reversed Six of Pentacles Meaning

When the Six of Pentacles card appears reversed in a tarot reading, it will usually carry a negative meaning, such as lack of generosity or excessive greed.

The querent may be being abused by people in positions of power, or being misled by someone else’s lack of generosity. In general, the inverted Six of Pentacles warns of abuse of power, lack of balance in relation to others, with self-serving and greedy actions.

The Six of Pentacles upside down gives a reverse reading to that shown in its upright position. Here, generosity is not well regarded, as it exists only to obtain one’s own benefits, delivering something to someone in order to obtain a return that one so desires, such as a new position or a privileged status, for example. Secondary intentions are visible and may be coming from you or someone close to you. If it’s someone else, be careful not to end up getting tangled up in a cat bed that’s hard to get out of. Keep your eyes open and don’t lend money or give away places to third parties, you could end up getting frustrated and losing a lot because of this. If you are that person, it is high time to review your attitudes. Wanting to benefit over others through false benevolence will only serve to drive people away from you and make you disliked by those you try to impress. This card also warns to beware of scams, bad people and false promises. Don’t trust too much so you don’t end up being passed backwards.

Love and Relationships

In the love and relationship reading, the reversed Six of Pentacles is an indication that the relationship is not going well. There is a lack of balance between partners, where one may be dominating or abusing the other. In order for the relationship to remain, it is necessary to understand what is unbalancing the balance and correct it.

In the case of singles, the reversed Six of Pentacles indicates that a potential partner may be being pushed away because of greed and spiteful attitudes. It can also alert you to a situation where another person is abusing your generosity and goodwill.

In general, the reversed Six of Pentacles asks for reflection on balance within already established relationships and also those that are potentially starting.

Health and spirituality

For questions relating to the querent’s health, the Six of Pentacles reversed indicates that a delay in accepting or seeking medical advice and help may worsen an existing health problem.

The inverted Six of Pentacles warns of the need to seek help and listen to what others have to say, for the sake of your health and well-being.

In a spiritual context, the reversed Six of Pentacles is a card that indicates one-sided generosity. The querent may always be looking to help others, but never receiving in the same way.

The card is a warning to observe the intentions of others to advise you, or to know how to direct your wisdom and advice to the right people, who will not take advantage of you.Health and Spirituality

For questions relating to the querent’s health, the Six of Pentacles reversed indicates that a delay in accepting or seeking medical advice and help may worsen an existing health problem.

The inverted Six of Pentacles warns of the need to seek help and listen to what others have to say, for the sake of your health and well-being.

In a spiritual context, the reversed Six of Pentacles is a card that indicates one-sided generosity. The querent may always be looking to help others, but never receiving in the same way.

The card is a warning to observe the intentions of others to advise you, or to know how to direct your wisdom and advice to the right people, who will not take advantage of you.

Six of Pentacles Yes or No

When the Six of Pentacles is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be a Yes.

Combinations with Six of Pentacles

Combining the Five of Pentacles card with other tarot cards will support and indicate the reflections and actions that must be taken to overcome the adversities indicated by the Five of Pentacles.

Six of Pentacles and the Hanged Man

The combination of these two cards in general alerts to the need to think very carefully before speaking or advising others. It is necessary for the consultant to maintain his spirituality and calm, planning in advance the actions he will take from then on.

Six of Pentacles and The Fool

The combination of the Six of Pentacles and the Fool card can warn of overspending money on games, entertainment or without realizing it. The combination calls for attention and planning in spending, so that there are no exaggerated financial losses.

Six of Pentacles and Ace of Spades

When these two cards are drawn in combination, the meaning is positive. Indicates the arrival of a great and good opportunity for the consultant, which can be translated into financial gains, prestige or relationships.

Six of Pentacles and Ace of Wands

In this combination between Ace of Wands and Six of Pentacles the message is positive. In general, it will signify the arrival of a donation, charity or subsidy for the querent. It may also indicate that the querent should be generous by making donations and charities to other people himself.

Six of Pentacles – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with the Six of Pentacles tarot card.

  • Element earth
  • Planet: moon
  • Astrological sign: Taurus
  • Kabbalah: Tipharet – Beauty
  • Main dates: spring peak
  • Yes/No: Yes

Six of Pentacles as Personality Types

The Six of Pentacles personality is very aware of what he gives and what he receives in return in his actions and relationships. These are people who easily rebalance themselves in the face of adversity and are quick to deliver justice.

In general, the Six of Pentacles person is very appreciative of art, beauty and is determined in their professional careers. However, it can be weakened in its objectivity by low self-esteem.

The Six of Pentacles personality will be balanced and focused on his personal responsibilities, and secure in his values. They give and receive in equal measure, keeping the balance in the balance of their lives.

Six of Pentacles as feelings

Questioning the tarot about how someone feels about you, and the Six of Pentacles tarot card appears, there is an indication that there is a need for help for that person to show their feelings. The querent should take advantage of opportunities that arise to facilitate this communication.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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