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Six of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Six of Wands card brings success and reward for past efforts being present in the near future. There is little left to reap the fruits cultivated with so much zeal and sweat and enjoy the best they have to offer. If you wait for news, this letter tells us that they are close to being given and will be positive in every way. Despite the good omens that the Six of Wands presents in its reading, it also appears to remind you that you shouldn’t let success go to your head and make you an arrogant person, especially with those who extended their hand to help you arrive. where it arrived.

Visual description and symbology Six of Wands

The image of the Six of Wands card brings a man wearing a laurel wreath on his head, riding a white horse in the midst of a crowd that applauds his conquests with joy and enthusiasm. The man carries a pole with a wreath tied on top.

  • The white horse represents the virtue, success and strength of the man who rides it.
  • The crown on the man’s head represents victory, and the crown attached to the staff he carries emphasizes that victory.
  • The crowd represents public recognition of man’s achievements.
  • The decoration present on the white horse represents the rewards.

Keywords Six of Wands

Until we go further with the six of Wands tarot card meanings in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: success, rewards, victory, public recognition, pride.

Reversed keywords: lack of recognition, fall, selfishness, failure, misfortune, lack of fulfilment.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Six of Wands interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted by the querent in each type of reading.

Six of Wands meaning

The Six of Wands is a card that represents victory, achievements, success and public recognition. You fought a lot to get where you are and this is the moment to start feeling the laurels of glory, after so much time of work. You knew how to use your creativity and talent, in addition to being committed to being rational in decision-making, which helped you to overcome challenges and obstacles more easily and achieve the goals you so desired. Not only will you receive rewards for all your efforts, but you will also be recognized for it. Your goals were achieved and the people around you noticed and are proud of where you’ve come, applauding your personal achievements, becoming the centre of attention and an example for many.

If you are going through battles and difficulties at the moment, know that the Six of Wands appears to indicate that victory is closer than you can imagine. Do not be discouraged, because, although the path still seems very long, the rewards await you ahead, along with the glory. Keep acting rationally and employing all your strength in your goals that, for sure, you will be very well rewarded.

It is important, however, to be careful that all this visibility, fame and recognition does not go to your head and make you act selfishly and arrogantly. Stay humble in your attitudes towards each other. Many have helped you on your way, don’t forget that, know how to give back.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the six of Wands brings stability into your relationship. You and your partner are ready to conquer all your goals together, as you believe in each other and support each other in all areas of life. You are building a future together and drawing up many plans, further strengthening your union. Keep sharing the small victories and the big conquests with each other, this is what will move you towards the bright future that awaits you.

If you are single, the six of Wands appear to show that great love is about to enter your life and that person will do everything in their power to make you a happy person. You are on the verge of emotional success, just keep yourself open and ready to embark on this new love.

Money and Career

The six of Wands represents success and victory. It is a letter that shows professional achievements within the company itself, a long-awaited promotion or a new job that comes after a long wait. You’re getting the rewards of hard, dedicated work, and with them comes recognition from peers and higher-ups, as well as those close to you. His determination, drive and enthusiasm were the levers to reach this level of success and successfully conclude his projects and activities. Seize the moment, but don’t let success so dazzle you that you step over others or feel better than your peers.

In the financial field, the six of Wands shows stability approaching or already established. You are working towards a more solid financial position, your efforts are paying off in the short term, and you are already starting to feel the payback effects of that work. But this letter comes with a warning so that you don’t slack your vigilance over your finances and spend money on things you don’t need.

Health and Spirituality

The six of Wands bodes well for health. If you’re going through a problem or battling an illness, this card appears to show that the treatment is working and recovery is close, so it’s important to stay positive and follow medical advice.

In the spiritual realm, the six of Wands shows that you are a solicitous person when someone needs some advice or guidance, never refusing to help others and donating to the fullest to see those you love happy and spiritually well. That’s wonderful, but don’t forget to look inside yourself and take a moment for your own spiritual journey. It is very important that you feel full to be able to help others.

Six of Wands Reversed Meaning

When the Six of Wands appears in the inverted position, it carries with it a great feeling of inability to achieve. You are feeling that you do not have the strength or skills to resolve conflicts and this ends up causing great stress, preventing you from continuing to carry out your tasks and moving forward with your projects. You’re boycotting your own success because you believe you don’t deserve it and give up the fights before you even start them. The lack of confidence in yourself prevents you from seeing all the potential and creativity you carry with you. You have to start seeing yourself with other eyes and reinvent yourself. Putting into practise the things you stopped doing for fear of failing and fighting to achieve your goals and, above all, seeking support from the people around you to move forward.

This card can also represent someone with great arrogance and who let fame go to his head, acting arrogantly and selfishly with everyone who crosses his path, being able to step on even those who want him well to remain at the top. All this pride is what will bring disgrace to life, because feeling that you are unshakable on top of the world is exactly the feeling that will make you fall in free fall. It’s time to review attitudes and realise that we are all the same, acting on behalf of everyone and not just yourself.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the inverted six of Wands indicates a relationship that is doomed to failure due to the instability in which you find yourself within it. You went through some difficulties that showed that, probably, your relationship does not have enough strength to face bigger challenges and that are yet to come. It could be because you don’t believe in the relationship as much as you should, maybe because you think you don’t get the attention you want from your partner or because you consider him inferior to the model you have in your head, or because of disappointments and broken promises by him over the course of time. path, whatever it is, it is hindering them to move forward and achieve mutual success. You haven’t been supporting each other for a long time and you have different dreams that distance you even further. You need to change your attitude, sit down and talk to your partner to find out if it’s really worth investing in this relationship or if you’re going to dedicate yourself to reversing this situation before it’s beyond repair.

If you are single, the reversed six of Wands shows the lack of self-esteem that has been afflicting you for some time. Past relationships made him believe not being able to be happy with someone and that keeps him away from new loves. Don’t let the ghosts of past relationships or the voices of those around you keep you from opening up to someone new. Allow yourself to be loved and to love again.

Money and Career

When the six of Wands appear in the reversed position, it shows the loss of something you have been working on for some time, aiming for an achievement that did not come true. This could have happened because you weren’t dedicated enough, lacking enthusiasm and effort, or simply because you didn’t have enough ambition to really want to achieve your goals. You need to realise that to achieve success you have to do your part. Sitting back and waiting for things to happen by themselves won’t do any good. You are the one who must take the steps to walk the road. If you lack courage, you may have to assess whether what you’re looking for is what you really want.

This card also represents the loss of a promotion or a new job. If so, maybe you don’t yet have the skills that are needed for the desired position and need to specialise or gain more experience to take on this new position. Try to understand why you weren’t drafted before believing yourself to be a complete failure. Sometimes it is only necessary to change small things to better fit.

In the financial field, the six of Wands in the inverted position warns of the current financial situation in which you find yourself. The time here is to reassess your finances before making any major spending decisions. You may have a break in your bills, but that doesn’t mean that the time is right for unnecessary spending. Bad times may be coming and you must stay prepared to face them. If you are in debt, then take the opportunity to review your financial life. To be able to revert the situation will take a lot of effort, dedication and work. Use your skills.

Health and Spirituality

The six of Wands in the reversed position shows that you may experience a relapse of an illness that you have been treating for a long time, or feel that your health is no longer what it once was. Some physical or mental problems may be appearing gradually, and it is necessary to seek immediate medical help. It is necessary to remain calm and follow the guidelines and treatments correctly to overcome this disease. Healing may take a while, but don’t get discouraged.

In the spiritual realm, you are listening a lot to other people’s opinion about the best spiritual path you should follow. You are being so influenced that you end up not paying attention to your own intuition, following a path that does not complete you and does not encourage you to grow spiritually. This card appears to show that your spiritual path belongs only to you and no one will know the best path to follow but yourself.

Six of Wands Yes and No

The Six of Wands is a card of good omens. She represents success, the achievement of goals after long battles and rewarding news, and that makes her a yes to any question asked by the consulent.

Six of Wands Combinations

The Six of Wands is an achievement card. In most combinations, success and victory are present in the reading, showing that the work done so far is being rewarded as expected.

Six of Wands and The Lovers

A new romance is present, renewing hopes for a future relationship surrounded by understanding, support and mutual respect. Many plans are being made and others successfully realised. Just like new lovers, relationships already established also walk towards the conquest of a resplendent future.

Six of Wands and The World

There is an atmosphere for knowledge in the air. Success in academia is pulsating and everything turns to study and learning. The moment is propitious to start new courses or continue one that has been left out.

Six of Wands and The Fool

Newly started ventures and projects in any area are rushing straight to success. Dedicated efforts in various activities have a great chance of having a closing of achievements.

Six of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Six of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Astrological signs: Leo
  • Key dates: August 2nd to August 11th
  • Kabbalah: Tiphereth – Beauty
  • Yes / No: Yes

Six of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who is very confident and who is one hundred percent dedicated to the projects and activities they are entrusted with. They are optimistic people who are not afraid to take a chance on something new, using the changes that life imposes on them as a springboard to achieve success more quickly. They are born winners and, therefore, are always considered models to be followed by their friends and family, being adored by them and, often, the centre of attention. They are always willing to help those they love and show gratitude for those who reach out to them or support them along their path.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who has a gigantic ego to the point of thinking that they are the best people in the world to have by their side. They are selfish and conceited and will do anything to stay in the spotlight, as they need all eyes on them at all times. They have a tendency to think that everything they do is right and everyone should be grateful for their existence, even if they never raise a hand to help others, not even friends and family. They are very narcissistic and don’t believe that there can be anyone who doesn’t want to be like them.

Six of Wands as Feelings

Achievements, progress, happiness, are the feelings that permeate the six of Wands and make them achieve success in all desired aspects. All relationships at all interpersonal levels overflow feelings of trust, enthusiasm and dedication, and this is precisely what makes it possible to conquer desires and advance towards a peaceful and happy future.

General questions about the Six of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarise some general issues that are related to the Six of Wands tarot card.

What does the Six of Wands tarot card mean?

The Six of Wands card appears to indicate that the time has come to enjoy all the achievements acquired after a long battle. You used your creativity, talent and rationality and managed to reach your goals with a lot of effort and now you can breathe a little easier. People’s recognition of your success is clear and you have become an example to be followed. Just be careful not to let that fame and all that success go to your head and make you a difficult, presumptuous and unbearable person for believing you are better than others. Stay humble on your path and know how to repay those who helped you achieve the much-desired success.

If you are going through difficulties, know that the Six of Wands appears in the game to say that the victory of all your battles is closer than you think. Do not give up on your struggles, because you have the extreme capacity to achieve all your goals and be very happy.

What does the reversed Six of Wands tarot card mean?

The Six of Wands in the inverted position appears to show that it is time to start seeing yourself as someone capable of achieving all your goals and no longer as a person doomed to failure. You are trapped in an image that you make of yourself as someone who does not have the ability or ability to fight for your goals and this ends up further distancing you from achieving what you want so much. It’s time to reinvent yourself, seek support from those you love, believe in your own strength, roll up your sleeves and fight. Beating yourself up over past defeats won’t help you achieve your dreams.

This card also shows someone selfish, arrogant and overbearing, able to step on everyone who crosses his path just to stay on top. Know that these attitudes will end up making you fall from your pedestal and destroy everything you’ve conquered so far. It is time to review attitudes, acting in favour of the greater good and no longer thinking only of oneself.

What does the Six of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the six of Wands shows a stable relationship with a bright future ahead. You mutually support each other in all decisions and struggles fought along the way and this guarantees the success of your individual and joint achievements. You and your partner are ready to move forward, make plans together, and shape your relationship’s destiny in a promising way.

If you are single, a new love is approaching and you need to remain open to receive all the affection and dedication that this person brings to this new relationship. She will do anything to make you the happiest person in the world.

When in the inverted position, if you are in a relationship, the six of Wands shows a relationship doomed to failure due to instability. You don’t support each other and don’t have plans or dreams that truly connect you, and that ends up pushing you further away than it should, not allowing your relationship to create enough strength to face the challenges that lie ahead. It is time to rethink the relationship and choose between changing your attitude and rethinking your goals or ending the relationship and moving on alone. If nothing is done, both will be hurt.

If you’re single, don’t let past relationships or people around you convince you that you’re not good enough. Your self-esteem is very low for listening to others. Forget them and allow yourself to love again.

Is the Six of Wands a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Seven of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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