Categories: Tarot

Ten of Cups meaning in Tarot – Love, Money, Health and more

The Ten of Cups card is part of the Minor Arcana group, and like all cards in the tarot deck, the Ten of Cups will have a different reading as it appears in combination with other cards, and according to the querent’s question. But in general, it represents a moment of extreme emotional and personal satisfaction, in all aspects of the consultant’s life. However, let’s understand better about the Ten of Cups, below.

Visual description and symbology of the Ten of Cups

In the Rider Waite Smith Tarot, the Ten of Cups depicts a happy family beneath a rainbow containing ten cups, symbols of the suit of Cups. Thus, we can have the symbolism of the Ten of Cups interpreted from the following aspects:

The happy family is dancing below the ten bowls, which form a rainbow, as a symbol of peace and good things for this family;

There is a river next to the family, symbolizing that things are flowing well for them;

There are also green trees all around, symbolizing fertility and life;

The parents are with their arms stretched towards the sky, in a posture of gratitude and receiving the happiness of the present moment in which they live with their family;

The card as a whole symbolizes wholeness and happiness together rather than in a more individual sense.

Keywords of the Ten of Cups

To better understand the interpretations related to the Ten of Cups card, let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: happiness, happy family, marriage, stability, harmony, good luck.

Inverted keywords: unhappy family, instability, divorce, conflicts, isolation.

Ten of Cups meaning

The Ten of Cups is a card that symbolizes success, happiness, comfort and achievements. You’re on cloud nine at this very happy stage of your life and everything is heading in the direction you’ve always wanted, thanks to the efforts you’ve made so far and continue to make. The fruits you are reaping today directly reflect in all areas of your life, especially in your family. You find yourself at peace and happy and share this feeling with everyone around you.

Take the time to relax, enjoy your family more and be with the people you love. It’s no use conquering the world if you can’t share with those who make your life something special and important. Nobody wins alone, so celebrate with those who reached out to you when you needed it most, be grateful and appreciate the beautiful work that extends in front of you.

As we have already said, when the Ten of Cups appears in a tarot reading, it will be pointing out positive aspects in relation to the querent’s present moment. In this case, shared success and happiness, with family or other people.

So, let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the querent in each type of reading.

Love and Relationship

In relation to the context of love and relationships, the Ten of Cups has a meaning related to stability and harmony.

For those who are already in a relationship, it can indicate that the relationship is in a great moment, with a lot of reciprocity and harmony. Thus, everything favors marital happiness and the maintenance of stable long-term relationships.

Thus, it may also be the case that the querent is ready for a larger commitment, such as engagements and weddings or a pregnancy. Or, if the querent was separated from a loved one, it indicates a reunion and union soon.

But in the case of a single person, the Ten of Cups can signify the imminent beginning of a stable and harmonious long-term relationship, or that this is the type of relationship that the querent is looking for at the moment.

Money and Career

The Ten of Cups card is essentially a card related to aspects of positivity for the querent’s career. Thus, it indicates a time to reap good fruits of your efforts, with excellent relationships at work, in addition to focusing more on your family life.

In general, the Ten of Cups will indicate an excellent phase for finances, with good results in investments in whatever else you decide to dedicate yourself to.

Health and Spirituality

In terms of physical health, the Ten of Cups signals that his efforts to maintain good health will now pay off. But if no significant changes have been made, the card indicates that you have to start, and that this will bring you only good things as a reward.

In relation to spirituality, the Ten of Cups signals that the querent is feeling very well and emanating positive energy and good thoughts. Thus, you will be transmitting this good spiritual vibration to whoever you meet.

Ten of Cups Reversed Meaning

The inverted Ten of Cups is a card that symbolizes breakups and difficulties in communication. For some reason, you are not being able to make yourself understood by the people around you and this is bringing negative consequences to your interpersonal relationships, such as fights and arguments. This can be seen, mainly, within their family nucleus, making it difficult to establish a healthy relationship with those they love most.

Distances are blocked when this card appears inverted and, if nothing is done to reverse this situation, there may be losses and disruptions for small reasons that could easily be circumvented.

But we know that the reading can vary according to the context in which the card is taken, and it can have an opposite side, or inverted, in the reading of the same card. The reversed Ten of Cups can indicate a time when the querent is not getting along with other people, is isolated and feels that everything is going wrong.

So, the letter warns of a moment of difficulties. But let’s understand what she means in more specific contexts.

Love and Relationship

For those in a relationship, the inverted Ten of Cups can indicate that the querent is in a conflicted relationship and with a total lack of harmony. Thus, it may be that the couple does not agree with what they want, which brings a series of discussions and pessimism.

For those who are single, the reversed Ten of Cups may indicate that the querent is reflecting bad feelings in their relationships, perhaps even due to the influence of their disharmonious family past.

In that case, the Ten of Cups will point to a moment to reflect on that past and how it is affecting your relationships with others in the present. Thus, it is necessary to change these negative patterns as soon as possible.

Money and Career

In relation to work, the reversed Ten of Cups may indicate that the querent is feeling isolated in his work, or that there is a lack of teamwork. Thus, there is an environment with a lack of harmony between people.

In addition, it can alert to an imbalance between dedication to work and to your family, with neglect of your personal and family relationships in favor of excessive work.

In the financial context, the inverted Ten of Cups indicates a time of risk and financial instability. So, you need to have a security reserve and avoid risky investments.

Health and Spirituality

In a reading on health matters, the reversed Ten of Cups can indicate that there is a complete lack of balance in your body. So, you need to take more care of your diet, exercise and health in general, to bring harmony back.

On issues of spirituality, the card will point to the need to be true to yourself, and allow yourself to follow a spiritual path that brings you more harmony and fullness to relate to other people.

Ten of Cups Yes or No

When the Ten of Cups is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be a “Yes”. For this card brings a context of extreme positivity and satisfaction, especially in relation to matters of love and family.

Ten of Cups Combinations

This card in general brings an amplifying aspect of feelings along with the tarot card with whom it comes combined.

So let’s get to know some combinations below.

Ten of Cups and The Hermit

When these two cards appear combined in a tarot reading, they can indicate that the querent is happy with what he has created. Thus, what he dedicated himself to brought good results and happiness.

Ten of Cups and the Chariot

This combination indicates that the querent has a great victory approaching in his life.

Ten of Cups and Six of Cups

This combination represents that the consultant is entering new challenges with a look of curiosity and almost childlike innocence of novelty. Furthermore, the Ten of Cups reinforces the feeling conveyed by the Six of Cups that your efforts in the past will pay off now.

Ten of Cups – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with the Ten of Cups tarot card.

  • Water element
  • Planet Mars
  • Astrological signs: Pisces
  • Kabbalah: Malkuth The Reign
  • Important Dates: Middle to Late Winter
  • Yes/No: Yes

Ten of Cups as Personality Types

People born under the influence of the Ten of Cups card are naturally good-natured and deeply spiritual. They are dedicated people who work hard, and avoid conflicts at all costs, which can bring them some problems in their internal harmony.

Ten of Cups as Feelings

Thus, in relation to feelings, people born under the Ten of Cups can end up being exaggeratedly perfectionist, in such a way as to become problematic. Furthermore, by avoiding conflicts, the very feelings of people born under the De of Cups are neglected, bringing frustration and inner imbalance.

General questions about the Ten of Cups tarot card

Finally, let’s look at some general questions that are related to the Ten of Cups tarot card.

What does the Ten of Cups card mean in tarot?

The Ten of Cups card means that the consultant is in a moment of complete harmony and good results, mainly in relation to his family, love, or in relation to a group. That is, the Ten of Cups represents a phase in which things flow and relationships between people will be favourable to the querent.

What does the inverted Ten of Cups card mean in tarot?

In inversion, the Ten of Cups means that the querent may be in a phase of imbalance and negativity, which pushes away and prevents good relationships with family, friends, co-workers and love relationships. Thus, the Ten of Cups can indicate a moment of isolation and pessimism.

How does he/she feel about me in Ten of Hearts?

The Ten of Cups signals that there are good feelings and a lot of harmony towards this person. Thus, it conveys good energies and positive results when they are together, whether in a relationship, at work, or in the family. That is, in Ten of Cups the feelings will always be of fullness and fulfilment, of good rewards.

What does the Ten of Cups mean in the love tarot?

The Ten of Cups tarot card means that within a relationship the consultant goes through a good phase of reciprocity, harmony and complicity. Thus, it is possible to invest in a greater deepening of the relationship, such as an engagement, marriage or even a possible pregnancy.

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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