The Ten of Pentacles card is part of the Minor Arcana group, and will represent positive aspects of abundance in the tarot. The Ten of Pentacles indicates to the consultant good things in terms of stability and happiness in all areas of his life.
Like all cards in the tarot deck, the Ten of Pentacles will have a different reading as it is presented and according to the querent’s question, but the general character of this Minor Arcana card will be of positive significance. So, in general, it’s an excellent card to take in a reading related to family, financial and material aspects.
The Ten of Pentacles emphasizes the positive aspects for the consultant, in a phase of good relationships and stability in various aspects of life.
In the Tarot Rider Waite Smith, the Ten of Pentacles brings a domestic scene, which can have its symbolism interpreted from the following aspects:
An elderly man with white hair and beard is sitting, in rich clothes. On his clothes, the same coat of arms that adorns the wall of the house;
Two people are talking, and together is a child and two dogs. The group, together with the elderly, forms a scene of domestic harmony and stability in relationships;
The ten pentacles are harmoniously spread across all elements of the scene;
The Ten of Pentacles in general will mean a good phase in domestic and family relationships and also in the financial aspect. It’s a card that refers to stability.
To better understand the interpretations related to the Ten of Pentacles, let’s list the keywords related to it.
Keywords: inheritance, solid foundations, ancestry, family, marriage.
Reversed keywords: inheritance dispute, excluded from the will, financial disaster, bankruptcy.
As we have already said, when the Ten of Pentacles appears in a tarot reading, it will always be related to responsibilities and a context of harmony and stability.
So, let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the querent in each type of reading.
The Ten of Pentacles is a card of satisfaction and building a solid foundation in all areas of life. The rewards for what you’ve worked hard for are coming, and with them, new opportunities that will further grace your dreams and reach for the success you’ve longed for. You have dedicated a lot of effort and the fruits begin to ripen quickly, bringing stability, balance and happiness to your life. If you still have work to do, persist, give yourself completely and run away from the easy or suspicious paths, because all the return that the universe gives you will be in relation to what you fought so hard for. Do not be afraid of the challenges and problems that may appear along the way, they serve to strengthen you, mature and bring wisdom to your journey, helping you to face greater challenges that may appear.
In relation to the context of love and relationships, the Ten of Pentacles has a solid foundation meaning. That is, long-standing relationships that are maintained through stability.
It may also indicate to the consultant a phase of domestic harmony, a good maintenance of traditional family values. A time of greater commitment may also be approaching, such as engagement and marriage, or buying a home.
But it also has the warning aspect, regarding attitudes between partners, that may be conflicting by clinging too tightly to different values. It is necessary to find a form of harmony and middle ground between the couple in these aspects.
Already in the case of a single person, the Ten of Pentacles can mean that the person is about to meet a new love. It could be someone who shares your values, and with whom you will develop a long-term relationship with good stability.
The Ten of Pentacles card is essentially a card related to good earnings and financial and career stability.
So, in a reading about money and work, it signals growth and prosperity in both areas. The querent can increase their financial earnings, expand business or stabilize very well in their current career.
In case the consultant has a financial reserve, it is a good alert to start investments, make a will and settle pension values for their family members.
In general, the Ten of Pentacles will indicate in these aspects of money and work positive elements such as wealth, privilege and abundance.
In terms of physical health, the Ten of Pentacles will signal the client positively. The card indicates good health over a long period, a stability of good physical health.
In relation to spirituality, the Ten of Pentacles signals that the querent is in a phase of finding peace and happiness as a result of their spiritual journey. And you will also be able to share your blessings with everyone around you.
But we know that the reading can vary according to the context in which the card is drawn, and can have a negative, or inverted, side in the reading of the same card. The Reversed Ten of Pentacles can signify a lack of harmony and stability.
Thus, the querent may be feeling excluded and disconnected from others. In addition, you may be going through a phase of unexpected losses and changes in your life. And this should be seen as an opportunity for learning, maturing and personal growth.
When in the inverted position, the Ten of Pentacles can indicate instability, insecurity and a warning for future problems that may or may not directly influence the results of your work. You have to be prepared to face big challenges when they present themselves right ahead, and for that, you must start working hard to establish a solid foundation that will prevent you from succumbing in the future. You’ve had small problems to solve so far and the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and bad choices, and this acquired wisdom will be your greatest weapon to not be hit by bigger and unpredictable things. Now, if you’ve spent your time whining, looking for reasons or blaming others, then it’s very likely that you’ll end up facing a bad fall. Stop. Think about the attitudes and the way you have been working to reach your goals and evaluate how much energy you are using to build your future. Don’t try to act only for now, because tomorrow is knocking at the door soon.
The reversed Ten of Pentacles shows that there is a lack of stability and understanding between the couple. What may be causing a lack of domestic harmony, tension and moving towards an end of the relationship. For married people, it may indicate a divorce.
This card will often appear in a relationship-oriented reading, indicating situations of dispute, quarrels and lack of harmony. Also love for interest.
For those who are single, the reversed Ten of Pentacles may indicate that the querent is not looking for a long-term relationship, or stability in their relationships. It could be due to lack of interest or immaturity at the time.
In this case, the Ten of Pentacles will signal situations of imbalance and lack of affective maturity with others. Or that an unconventional relationship may be approaching.
In relation to work, the reversed Ten of Pentacles can indicate a negative situation for the querent. Like a job that is illegal, or bad professional agreements. It could also indicate that your current job does not bring you long-term stability.
In addition, this inverted card may be alerting the consultant who owns a business to the possibility of bankruptcy or major financial losses.
In a query focused on the financial side, the querent may be going through a phase of money-related disputes. It could be problems with an inheritance, or false wealth and abundance.
In a reading on health matters, the Ten of Pentacles reversed can indicate a sudden change in the health of the seeker. It can also alert you that your health condition is genetic and inherited.
On issues of spirituality, the card will point to a blockage, with excessive focus on the materialistic side of life. Or it can alert the taking of new spiritual directions outside the traditional one. So be open minded to new spiritual paradigms.
When the Ten of Pentacles is present in a tarot reading that can result in simple Yes or No answers, the answer will be a Yes! And everything that the querent achieves will be the result of his own efforts and merits.
Ten of Diamonds usually indicates financial and material success as well as a sense of security, stability and family prosperity. Combining with other tarot cards talks about using financial stability to achieve satisfaction in other areas of life.
When these two cards are combined in a tarot reading, they indicate a feeling of idealization about an ideal family. Be careful not to stray too far from what’s real.
It can also indicate the danger of creating very unrealistic expectations that will never come true.
This Ten card combination can signal the end of a period of doubt and the beginning of long-term stability. Big commitments are approaching, such as marriage or professional partnerships.
This combination denotes a time when the querent is feeling complete and comfortable in their current situation. It’s a good time to take care of yourself and focus on your needs.
Here are some of the common associations with the Ten of Pentacles tarot card.
People born under the influence of the Ten of Pentacles card have a practical intelligence, great ability and excellence in what they do. They like to feel that they will leave a legacy for the world and they love helping others.
When in the upright position, it indicates someone who is constantly concerned with the evolution, happiness and tranquillity of their friends, family and co-workers, becoming the basis of everyone in different areas of their lives. This concern is the fuel that adds energy and determination to all tasks and activities in your life, because you see a great purpose in this. They are people who always share their achievements with those they love and never refuse to help someone, reaching out even when it seems impossible for the other person to get back on their feet. They always have the right word to spur someone desperate.
When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who has no concern for their future and makes no effort to have stability or balance finances. They are people who are always running away from responsibilities and believe that working hard is not for them, ending up focusing on friends and family to get what they want. If someone close to you achieves something, they will always be around to guarantee their slice of the cake, as they cannot manage their own money or even pursue their own achievements. It’s easier for them to become a leech being on others than to roll up their sleeves and build their own future. When they receive something, they end up spending it thoughtlessly, as they live day after day, without any perspective of tomorrow.
There will usually be a need for trust in the flow, and there may be ups and downs with feelings.
Connection, family, union, stability, these are the words that best define the feelings of the Ten of Pentacles. It’s easy to recognize the bond that is intertwined with thick lines between people and this card, because being together, feeling loved and safe, are essential things here and should last for a lifetime. It’s not just about knowing and venturing, but building a story through initial affection. Home is what moves feelings.
Finally, let’s summarise some general issues that are related to the Ten of Pentacles tarot card.
The Ten of Pentacles card means that the querent is going through a phase of stability, prosperity and harmony in various aspects of his life.
In inversion, the Ten of Pentacles means that there is a lot of instability and lack of responsibility. It can also alert you to bad decisions and lack of maturity.
The Ten of Pentacles signals that there is a mature feeling, and that intentions and values are similar. A serious relationship may be in sight.
The Ten of Pentacles tarot card means that within a relationship there is good harmony between the couple. Both are trying hard to keep their relationship stable and lasting.
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