The Anchor Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Anchor is a heavy object and, just as it is used to anchor large ships, its card symbolises discipline, rigidity and immobility, but in a good way. Because it’s a positive card, it represents the achievements achieved by things that are built over a long period with experience, focus and a lot of work.

The Anchor is a card of perseverance, which is why it will hardly show success for something that started a little, it takes time for things to actually end in a positive way, as it is no use just throwing the anchor overboard, you need to know where to stabilise the ship, depending on the weather conditions and, most importantly, whether it is sufficient for this stability to be achieved. If everything is right, safety is guaranteed, both for the ship and for the areas of life.

Of a material nature, the rewards obtained from financial profits are visible with the Anchor card and any business that has a story to tell, receives the good fruits of its sowing.

Keywords of The Anchor card 

To better understand the interpretations related to The anchor card, let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: stability, persistence, willpower, success, determination, constraints, consistency, security, resilience, durability

The Anchor Meaning

Standing firm, that’s the main feature that the Anchor card features. You need to stay focused on goals and targets to achieve what you want. Jumping from branch to branch, without actually completing tasks and activities, believing that this is the fastest way to get where you want, is the biggest mistake here, as it will only serve to make you waste unnecessary energy. Determination must be present in every walk along the chosen path, and it begins with completing each step, one at a time, without rushing, so as not to end up stumbling.

This does not mean that changing paths in the meantime is totally harmful, far from it, if new choices must be made and previous decisions reviewed, you must do them, but in a conscious and rational way. What the Anchor card means on this issue is that, at times like this, one must always be a strategist and know how to discern between wanting to change to take shortcuts and shorten the road as much as possible or because it is something extremely necessary for the end result to be achieved. be successfully achieved.

Another point made by this card refers to tenacity and perseverance. It may be that everything mentioned so far is far from representing you and, instead of thinking about taking shortcuts, you use that energy to find solutions to all the problems and adversities that arise in front of you, trying to stop your growth. . You are the representation of the strength that the anchor has to stabilise a large ship and it will be this strength that will lead you directly to the fulfilment of all your desires.

However, in a negative way, this blind determination may be preventing you from seeing the countless opportunities that the Universe offers, because you are too focused on following your plans and established goals. In that case, you need to learn to be more flexible, as this way of thinking can end up causing you to suffer unnecessary falls and, worse, end up achieving something you didn’t really want, just because you don’t want to change your mind.

To know the intensity and consequences of this tenacity and determination, it will be necessary to consult the auxiliary cards.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Anchor card shows a stable relationship, however this stability can represent two different sides.

On the one hand, it can show a union where the commitment is genuine and the feelings remain as alive as they were at the beginning of that relationship. The only problem is the lack of new. Even if the waters are calm and there’s nothing to worry about, you have to keep the flame of the relationship burning.

Showing your partner your feelings and how much he means to you is not something just at the beginning of dating, but something that must be nurtured throughout the entire journey together. How about inviting him to revisit an important place in your history? Or just make your favourite dessert? Maintaining this affection is as important as the stability created in this relationship.

On the other hand, this stability can symbolise a comfort in relation to the current situation, to the point where you no longer feel the love you felt for the other. Not that this feeling doesn’t exist, but perhaps it is no longer enough to maintain this relationship and it exists just for existing. Here, the fear of change is something tangible and makes you accept to persist so as not to end up alone. Don’t be afraid to take roads other than your usual one. Settling in this way is detrimental to everyone involved.

Another strong symbology of the Anchor card in relation to relationships is aimed at the stagnation of the relationship. This stagnation is a consequence of the lack of romanticism, affection and care and, even if they feel love for each other, the lack of this demonstration to the partner can lead to a cold relationship, where the pleasure of being together no longer exists. You know those tips given above? They are also worth, and a lot, for this particular case. Retrieve the flame and keep it burning.

If you are single, the Anchor card calls for greater attention to your past. Maybe you are harboring grudges and hurts that prevent you from moving forward and embarking on a new relationship. It is necessary to heal the wounds that you carry from previous relationships to completely open yourself to another relationship, only after that, your heart will be ready to welcome someone new into your life.

Work and Career

When in a work and career reading, the Anchor card also symbolises stability. It can represent a job that the person has been in for a considerable time or a strong desire to find a job that can provide just that, a permanence for years, giving them a feeling of security.

If you are in a long-standing job, the Anchor card may call for a move to be made on your part. It is very likely that there is no longer a taste and passion for what is done, being trapped in an environment just for convenience, in a tiring routine that is repeated day after day. The fear of having to face the new and start from scratch also makes the idea of ​​changing work or career something unthinkable. However, it is not necessary to actually perform this exchange.

What this card asks is not to stay immobile in the same place, that is, to upgrade your career, without having to change jobs, is already a way to carry out this much needed movement. Going back to studying, attending workshops and lectures, staying informed of current innovations in your work area is an excellent way to break the routine and still conquer good chances of growth.

For those who own a trade, company or venture, the Anchor card brings good predictions. The fruits of dedication in building this path are beginning to be reaped and with them new opportunities are present. Partnerships and societies started under the influence of this card, as well as new works, tend to have a very firm basis and extend over a long and successful time.

If you are unemployed, you will need to re-evaluate the way you are looking for work. It is necessary to carry out new movements so that you can conquer your precious vacancy in the job market. Making new contacts, improving your curriculum with new courses and asking for help from those you live with can help you a lot in this search. With the Anchor card, in addition to winning a job, it will provide you with the stability and security you so desire.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Anchor card points to a recovery very soon. A recovery that will provide good health for a long period, but it will be necessary to maintain a routine of exams and consultations with professionals for a while to guarantee the success of this recovery.

Therefore, even if you feel much better and want to leave some specific medication aside or not follow the recommended diet, it is extremely necessary to remain with the indicated treatments. Otherwise, health may deteriorate again.

The same goes for those who are in good health. Maintaining care is paramount in order not to be taken by surprise with news related to illnesses and diseases. Exams and preventives should be carried out periodically and any sign that something is not going well should be investigated as soon as possible. Although this is a stability card, it can point out this imbalance, so attention should be redoubled.

  • Body parts connected to the card: hip, pelvic bone, feet, heels, legs.

The Anchor meaning according to the position in the spread

When in center or first position in the nine-card spread, the Anchor card has two distinct readings. On the one hand, she asks that changes of any kind be avoided at the moment, as this movement could undermine what has been built so far, in addition to not generating such good opportunities, even if that is very tempting. On the other hand, change is something that is necessary to be able to access new doors and mature plans and achieve goals, being an extremely important tool to achieve success.

With these two readings so divergent, what will really point out the meaning that the Anchor card presents in the spread will be the auxiliary cards. It is necessary to pay attention to the meaning of these cards in order to get the reading right, otherwise the advised course of action, if performed incorrectly, could have negative consequences on the consultant’s life.

On the Grand Tableau, when the card is near the querent, it points to successful business and ventures. All plans that were drawn up with care and are in full development are heading towards a positive conclusion and generate the expected results.

On the other hand, when the card is far from the querent, there is an imbalance that may be caused by the querent’s lack of flexibility in changing. This lack of versatility can lead to problems and considerably reduce the entry of opportunities.

Combinations with The Anchor

The Anchor card, even though it is a positive card, is directly influenced by the negative energy emanating from some cards, and it is always necessary to pay attention to the auxiliary cards in order to carry out a correct reading. Even so, the positive energy of the Anchor card, in some cases, is able to soften the bad consequences brought by others. Everything will depend on the current situation of the consultant’s life.

The Anchor and The Crossroad

The union of these cards can symbolise two types of readings. The first represents security about choices made. Any decision taken so far has been made strategically, with a view to strengthening what is in progress to reap the best possible results in the future. Each step is carefully studied and taken, which helps to successfully reach the established objectives and goals.

On a second reading, the fear of the unknown causes one to remain stagnant in the same place without evolving, directly impacting growth and maturation. This attitude only serves to keep opportunities out of your life, preventing you from achieving what you’ve always dreamed of because you don’t want to change.

The Anchor and The Star

When the Anchor card meets the Star card, the deepest desires we carry in the soul are fulfilled. Here, success is achieved and it is far from being a passing thing, as it is not a question of superficial conquests, but of dreams nurtured within oneself and which one has been working on for a long time. The focus on achieving goals and the determination to carry out each task, overcoming obstacles along the way, is what will guide you to achieving what you most desire.

The Anchor – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with the Anchor card

  • Element: Water 
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Card: Nine of Swords
  • Astrological signs: Capricorn
  • Number: 35 (thirty-five)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Anchor as a person

As a person, the Anchor card can represent someone who is very sure of himself and who is in complete control of his own life. They are calm, centered people who always think before acting so as not to end up changing hands, taking rational, conscious and responsible actions. Regarding professions, this card represents people who work in areas related to the sea, such as ports, docks and beaches. Professions linked to navigation are also represented by the Anchor card.

The Time in The Anchor card

The Anchor card is a card that represents stagnation, so time here is completely stopped. This does not mean that what you want will not actually happen, but that it may take longer than expected to materialise. With the Anchor card, the minimum time for something to be accomplished is one year, and this time can extend to an extremely long period.

Questions to ask yourself when you appear in the spread of The Anchor?

  • What gives you a sense of stability and security?
  • Do you know what you can do to stabilise yourself in the face of an adverse situation?
  • What can you do to stay protected?
  • Do you feel your life is stagnant?
  • Are you ready to face some change in your life if it becomes necessary?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Cross Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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