The Bear Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Bear is a catalyst card for the auxiliaries, that is, it is a card capable of enhancing the energy of the others, amplifying their meanings, which can be a little worrying when the subject requires greater attention. Thus, when combined with negative cards, it assumes an alert position, signalling enemies, dangers and challenges that could change the course of things. Already, when aligned with positive cards, it represents achievements and consequent results of willpower, determination and work. This amplifying ability makes Bear gain a certain neutrality in its overall symbolism as a unique reading.

Keywords of The Bear

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The Bear, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: power, leadership, strength, authority, dominance, influence, impatience, instability, competition, leadership, courage

The Bear Meaning

Power. This is the word that characterises the card The Bear very well. This power can be represented in different ways during the reading, it can be in the way it enhances the auxiliary cards, representing someone in your life, such as bosses and people in leadership positions, a profession that requires physical skills or even your own personality and lines of reasoning and thought. It is very common to place this symbol of power over a female figure, but it does not necessarily mean that it is one when this card appears in the reading. Here, the interpretation will always depend on the cards that accompany it, even though many places claim the female figure as its official representative. The important thing is to remember that the Bear is a card with fluid symbology and wanting to stick to some rules in a rigid way can end up generating misinterpretations. This goes for the whole reading itself, but especially with cards that have the same energy as The Bear.

An important point to be highlighted here is that the Bear is a neutral card and will depend on the others to acquire an energy corresponding to its reading. Therefore, this power mentioned can appear either on the positive side, representing a mother who protects her offspring or someone who fights against the evils of society, or negative, representing selfish enemies, strategists and bullies. In the latter, this power can mutate when you begin to act to inhibit the actions of those who wish you harm. The Bear will always appear as a way of showing the person’s potential to get out of a certain situation, it will only depend on how you receive the message and work to change it. Determination, hard work, and a positive attitude help mitigate what could be your undoing.

An important alert here is to be careful with people who are bad-natured, false, envious and who have dubious intentions towards you or something related to your work and family. Don’t blindly trust people, they won’t always be there for your good, even if they appear to be. Caution and zeal with whom you share certain information is never too much.

Another representation of this card refers to the comfort zone installed to generate a false sense of well-being and happiness. Are you really happy where you are? Being stagnant in the same place for fear of taking chances and falling is the worst decision that can be made for life itself. Don’t run the risk of being run over by her. Be more proactive, leave laziness and fear aside and throw yourself into the new, explore horizons and build new stories. Even if there are falls, they are there to make us stronger. The Bear asks you to wake up from the hibernation you are in before it’s too late.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Bear card presents two different types of reading, but which end up having the same end result, a relationship in disharmony and doomed to unhappiness. This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that there is a constant struggle for control between those involved. Here, each one has a unique and irreversible opinion about everything, which ends up causing fights and discussions for not being able to listen to the partner. It is a dispute to know who has the absolute truth at all times and in such an intense way that intolerance takes over everyday life and can turn into physical and psychological violence in a matter of seconds. A tiny spark is enough to set the whole house on fire and destroy something that started pure and naive, and while these attitudes persist, sadness will be a constant in your lives.

There is no one to blame here, because even if one of you is not starting the fights, you end up embarking on them with the same intensity. It is very important to understand that there is no love if there is no respect for those you love and respect is something you earn with love. Everything is a link and breaking it makes the relationship a failure. In this case, you need to have a sincere conversation with your partner and start listening to what the other has to say. If they realize that nothing will change, then separation is inevitable in order to be happy again.

If you are suffering physical and psychological abuse and aggression from your partner, seek help from family, friends and professionals. Many people are prepared to welcome you and help you out of this situation. Do not confuse possession with love and never accept any kind of aggression. Who loves, cares.

On the other hand, this disharmony may be happening because of self-indulgence. You may have gone on autopilot in such a way that you don’t realize how negatively it affects your life. Staying in a relationship because you feel comfortable with it is not a good option, as it will not take you anywhere. It is also important to evaluate your own feelings. If this accommodation is solely due to not wanting to start something new or losing some financial stability achieved and there is no longer any feeling that connects you positively to your partner, then the only viable option is separation. Don’t be unhappy to have a false sense of happiness. You can do more and deserve more. Be alone, get to know yourself, strengthen yourself and you will find someone special.

Now, if you have love and good feelings still alive and pulsating for those by your side, then it’s time to rescue the old days. Travelling, going out to places they like and bringing back good memories, meeting friends at home, enjoying life will help them overcome common problems and strengthen the bonds that unite them. In addition to giving you a good shake and rekindling the flame of passion that was extinguished. Enjoy yourself and each other.

If you’re single, it’s time to socialise more. Find friends, go to parties, fill your schedule with good and pleasant moments with people who are good for you and leave behind all the bad memories of failed and tempestuous relationships, only then will you manage to be open to new passions.

Work and Career

The Bear is a card that appears in a work and career reading to warn of two very important points that could negatively affect your productivity or long-awaited results, if it isn’t already affecting you. The first point refers to envious people who act in bad faith to win their place or simply disrupt the progress of things. They are the type that stay in the back, wanting to know everything, acting as a friendly shoulder or a great advisor and, most of the time, do not raise any suspicions, implying that they only want your good, but, deep down, the only interest that have is being able to find the exact moment to knock you down the stairs and occupy the level you occupy today. That’s why you always have to keep your eyes and ears open to be able to catch the slightest sign of smoke before the fire spreads and the blow is strong and accurate. In this case, the best thing to do is to concentrate your strength and attention on the projects and activities you are responsible for and not listen to small talk, gossip or anything that arises to divert attention from what really matters.

The second point refers to overwork. Spending a lot of time dedicating yourself to this area of ​​your life can end up affecting all the others and lead you to a huge imbalance that could lead you to suffer severe consequences for neglecting them. Embracing more activities that you manage to do to please people of the higher hierarchical level can also end up being a shot in the foot, because, in addition to not being able to achieve what you want so much, you can end up physically and emotionally exhausted. Value the quality of a job well done in a comfortable time, only then will you be able to demonstrate your skills and abilities to those who are interested. Balance yourself and you will be able to go further.

If you are unemployed, The Bear’s card asks for a greater effort to be used on your part in search of this new job. You may even think you’re doing everything, but the truth is that maybe you’re hitting a knife and that’s exactly why you can’t get back into the job market. Maybe it’s not a good idea to change areas, careers, take a technical or preparatory course, or even look in places not sought before. Changing tactics is a smart option at this point.

Health and Wellness

In a health and wellness reading, The Bear card desperately cries out for a change of habits. Problems related to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are pointed out here and require attention, because even if you don’t notice any signs of your body today in relation to the harm that the way you lead your life, it won’t be long before you start to feel the reflexes and when it does, it may be too late. So, don’t neglect your body. Exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet. By doing these two simple things you will avoid obesity and related illnesses.

Now, if you are a person with healthy habits, maybe you are putting your mind aside and, by doing so, you open the way for psychological illnesses to appear, especially those related to stress and anxiety. Looking at your emotions should also be part of the care you have for yourself. And if you feel like you need someone to talk to, seek guidance from a professional. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek help.

If you are facing any kind of illness, this card asks for patience, as the treatment may end up taking longer than expected. Healing may not be impossible, but it will take longer than you want and that could end up taking away your hope and faith. Do not let yourself down and continue to follow the treatments indicated by your professional. If in doubt, seek a second opinion. There is nothing wrong with listening to another doctor or specialist.

  • Body parts connected to the card: digestive system

The Bear meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, the Bear asks you to turn your gaze to the people around you. Being present in the lives of those you love and care about is the best way to show support and, perhaps, that’s exactly what they need right now, an optimistic word, friend and support to be able to move forward and rise in case of fall. Allowing yourself to be an inspiration to other people is one of the greatest qualities the bear carries with him and he teaches us to be like him. If you are in the central position and surrounded by negative cards, then the warning signal sounds with the presence of enemies and ill-intentioned people wanting to stock up on your good will to rise in life in a dishonest way. Beware of false friendships and collegiality is the advice here.

On the Grande Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, a path of success and victories over obstacles is highlighted. Any project, plan, or idea that is in the works is moving towards a positive conclusion. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain focus and hard work as allies during the finalisation of these processes. When away from the consultant, this card changes energy and acts negatively, warning people of bad nature ready to act and cause irreparable damage. Not trusting too much is the advice in this case.

Combinations with The Bear

The Bear is a card influenced by the auxiliary cards, being able to bring positive and negative symbologies in its reading, depending on its position in the spread, which characterises a certain neutrality. Despite this, it is a card that will always bring positive energy in the background, because even when something bad happens or an enemy approaches, the bear shows us that we have full capacity to reverse this type of situation through the natural force that we have. exists within each of us.

The Bear and The Sun

The radiant glow of the sun’s rays illuminates the sleeping bear, waking him from his hibernation to life and guiding him along an enlightened path, rich with opportunities. Here, the certainty of success for everything that is accomplished with effort, dedication and, above all, heart is notorious and tangible and there are no obstacles big enough to prevent successful results from happening. It also symbolises a great financial phase, so if you are going through some kind of difficulty, know that this phase tends to improve, just maintain discipline and draw up an effective and concrete strategy. Be more rational and don’t let emotions dominate your choices.

The Bear and The Heart

Love is in the air, but maybe it’s not as good as you thought. The Bear combined with the Heart warns of a possessive feeling capable of bringing more tears than smiles to those who are called by it. Being controlling and wanting to have power for himself is what makes the Bear a potential predator, and he is not the kind of partner you expect to walk along with you throughout your life, so you need to pay attention to notice when the Boundaries between what is healthy and what is not are crossed. Distance yourself from any violence dressed in beautiful words of forgiveness. On the other hand, this union of cards can point to leaders and people of authority who have strong empathy and are loving with their subordinates.

The Bear – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Bear card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet Mars
  • Card: Ten of Wands
  • Astrological signs: Aries
  • Number: 15 (fifteen)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Bear as a Person

As a person, the Bear can represent someone’s biotype, being able to be a strong person who has physical activities, mainly bodybuilding, a daily ally in his life, or the opposite, a sedentary person with overweight and obesity. It can also symbolize an authority figure, a father or a mother. Many associate the Bear with the feminine and do not consider the father a representation of him, but this is not a rigid rule to follow, it will depend more on the reading as a whole. Another option is someone who works in an area linked to woods or forests, such as an environmental engineer, biologist and botanist.

The time in The Bear card

The Bear is an animal that hibernates during the winter to hunt during the other seasons of the year and this is how events behave when this card appears in the reading. The probabilities of the delay happening are largely due to the fact that a rest period is needed before harvesting achievements or starting new projects and activities. For the Bear, it’s no use wanting to run over time, without the necessary rest time he can’t have the strength for his own survival. Here, events occur within 15 weeks or months, depending on what the ancillary cards have to say.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Bear spread?

  • Are you being controlling?
  • To what extent are you letting power dominate your decisions?
  • Are you paying enough attention to your body and mind?
  • Have you been doing physical activities?
  • How can you increase your inner strength and use it to your advantage?
  • Do you recognize your strengths?
  • Do you know what you must do to lead with conscience, respect and empathy?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Star Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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