The Birds Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Birds are sociable beings by nature. They are always surrounded by other birds in a gigantic song as if they have to pass all the gossip of the day in a single second. The joy and energy of these animals is extremely contagious and can be seen overflowing from this card that represents them with so much perfection. It’s as if the universe only makes sense when we’re accompanied, which is one of the purest truths. Just like birds, we are sociable beings and we cannot stay isolated for long. We need our friends, family, work colleagues, in short, we need people and, with this need, comes the particularity that unites us, speech . Meetings, dialogues, negotiations, discussions, everything that involves speech is represented by this card and takes on an extra breath due to the anxiety and frenzy that are present here. This is the typical card of communication.

Keywords of The Birds

To better understand the interpretations related to The Birds card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: excitement, verbal communication, negotiations, messages, discussions, gossip, conversations, expression, anxiety, tension

The Birds Meaning

The Birds is a card of great energy. With her, things happen quickly and, most likely, it will be impossible to sit still. Here, the world is moving in an absurdly fast rotation and you have to be careful not to end up upside down by not following the dictated rhythm. This whole dynamic can end up bringing negative feelings such as anxiety and tension, mainly because you believe not being able to meet the high expectations that seem to come up to you from every corner, but this is nothing more than a feeling caused by activities in large numbers, not consistent with reality. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an open and calm mind, a light heart and an intact focus to realise that you are not only capable, but also have all the necessary skills to follow the flight towards the horizon. Allowing restlessness to take hold of your inner self is what will cause you to lose balance during your wing flapping. Don’t let yourself be overcome by nervousness.

This is a card of communication and with it gossip, the sayings that tell me, commas in the wrong places appear like pigeons in the middle of the city and can bring misunderstandings and unnecessary discussions that, if not resolved with diplomacy and maturity, could negatively influence your path. It’s no use talking a lot if you’re not sure what you’re talking about. Speaking just because you heard someone say something is also not a good idea. Acting like this, in addition to ending up distorting facts, you could end up hurting someone or getting scabies to scratch. Always thinking before opening your mouth is the best tip this card can bring.

On the other hand, this open channel for communication can be the best thing that ever happens to you if you know how to use it. The moment is conducive to interviews, meetings, lectures and study, so take the opportunity to expose your ideas, exchange experiences and absorb as much knowledge as people have to offer.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, The Birds card brings all the embellishment that the harmony of a union is capable of radiating. You are in the best phase and, even if you have gone through difficult times, you have managed to overcome all the differences and contrary opinions, overcoming obstacles and challenges that appeared in your path. You have established your bases on respect, companionship, loyalty and, above all, on partnership. A partnership that goes beyond working together. It’s as if you noticed the other’s need and made a point of meeting it, without putting it above your own. It is a way of “making happy those you love without ceasing to love each other”. Therefore, the moment is very propitious to take new flights. Weddings, raising the family, taking some time to be alone and enjoy each other, all the plans that were drawn up for your future can be taken off paper without fear or fear of going wrong.

On the other hand, this card can indicate a warning to let go of your love. Perhaps, the feeling you have is so strong and impossible to control that you end up putting all of it at once on top of your partner, burying him under a sea of ​​emotions that can end up suffocating him. Be demanding all the time for him to show that he really loves you, is also one of the things that can end up wearing out something so beautiful that exists between you. It is necessary to know how to measure emotions and attitudes so as not to end up creating unattainable expectations, and being very disappointed, and unnecessary friction.

If single, this card brings the power of communication into play. Being open to new possibilities is the key to meeting that special someone that will make millions of butterflies flutter in your stomach. Enjoy this single period, party, meet people, attend friends’ meetings, allow yourself to explore and flirt like never before, this will allow you to approach interesting suitors. Don’t hold on to someone for fear of ending up alone. The time is to flirt and celebrate love and life.

Work and Career

Just as birds work together to cover thousands of miles during their winter season migration, it takes teamwork to achieve success in your career. Forming partnerships, listening to ideas and opinions in a fair and balanced way, embracing new projects and intensifying old plans through communication is the best way to leverage yourself within your career. Even if in many moments it is difficult to let go of your own convictions and thoughts, the collective will always be the best option to lead you to great achievements, much more than dedicating hours and hours to hard work completely alone.

Try to come to terms with your colleagues and higher-ups when you feel that a wall is being erected in front of you or that you are not getting enough attention. Being able to accept disagreements wisely and realise that your word is not always the most correct for a given moment, but being able to express it to the same extent that I listen to what the other has to say is the golden key to unlocking the pot at the end of the rainbow.

If you are looking for a job, this card points to interviews and opportunities that are present before you, but in order to conquer your step on this great ladder, you need to change old habits and be willing to learn new things, work on your personal brand and develop professionally through courses and workshops. Standing still in time will not help you get a new job, because, just like birds change places every season, you need to innovate to adapt to new work environments. Take time to analyse your resume and modernise it in order to attract entrepreneurial eyes to it. Be the difference you expect for your professional life.

Health and Wellness

In a health and well-being reading, The Birds warns of problems involving both the body and the mind. Stressful situations that are relentlessly repeated end up sucking all your vitality and throwing you into a dark and cold hole from which you can’t find a way out. This hole is mined with bad feelings and thoughts, bringing anxiety and triggering serious mental problems, such as Panic Syndrome and Depression. You have to find a way out of this hole and ways to fight stress. Seeking help from a professional or opening up to friends and family may be the best solution right now. The important thing is not to let yourself be dragged deeper and deeper.

In the physical body, greater care must be taken with the system that makes up our ability to communicate verbally. Vocal cords and throat are sensitive and are at risk if essential care is not taken for their proper functioning. Avoiding things like screaming and smoking, and properly hydrating will help you avoid very serious future problems.

  • Body parts connected to the card: mouth, throat, vocal cords

The Birds meaning according to your position in the spread

When in centre or first position in the nine-card spread, The Birds advises us to be more proactive and work towards achieving what we want. The communication channels are completely open and with them come great opportunities to form new partnerships, regain former colleagues and reinvent the wheel of life so that it turns in favour of the consultant. Being more open to experiences and getting involved in social activities will open important doors, loaded with information about steps to take. The moment is to fly after your dreams through your own song.

If negative cards are around The Birds card, then the moment is to reflect on the silence itself. Maybe things are a little difficult and talking without consent could end up making everything worse to the point of being beyond repair, so you have to calm your heart and wait for things to return to the axes by themselves without tightening the pulleys too much. These surrounding cards can also warn of exaggerations related to social events and meetings. You have to be careful not to lose your balance.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, it warns of problems that cause great anxiety and stress, and that must be overcome in order to move forward. These are internal and external conflicts that demand extra energy to be overcome, but which will be overcome in a short period of time. Therefore, it is important for the consultant to keep a calm mind and strength in order to get through this small turmoil. When distant, good news is coming from the winds. Social events, meetings and encounters with great loads of positive energies are also seen here and will help to overcome any adversity that you want to be present. If the consultant is planning a trip, the chances of it happening are very high. Short trips are the main ones indicated by this card.

Combinations with The Birds

The Birds is an extremely changeable card and is strongly influenced by the cards placed around it, therefore, in order for the reading to be carried out accurately, it is necessary to pay attention to those that support it. Regardless of the energy, negative or positive, all readings will point to communication, its absence or abundance.

The Birds and The Anchor

The union of these two cards can bring two different readings. On the one hand, they present an interpersonal relationship, mainly affective, which is built on stable and solid foundations, which contributes to harmony, clear communication and happiness of all those involved in it. On the other hand, because it indicates a huge failure in communication, which can lead to fights, discussions and friction that could be avoided if there was greater dialogue between everyone. Working through that flaw is what will help restore peace.

The Birds and The Bouquet

The energy is very positive and contagious when these two cards come together. Communication is on the rise and social events pop up from all sides leading to fortunate and important networking encounters. Accepting invitations to meetings and parties goes far beyond mere entertainment, they will lead to great opportunities, new experiences that will enhance the path and meet people who will make a difference in the future.

The Birds – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Birds card

  • Element: Air, Earth and Fire
  • Planet: Uranus
  • Card: Seven of Diamonds
  • Astrological signs: Aquarius
  • Number: 12 (twelve)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Birds as a Person

As a person, the birds can represent someone who spends a lot of time on social media as a hobby or who is dedicated to some other professional area related to technology and communication, such as digital marketing, copy, IT, influencer, among others. It can also symbolise an older person or twins.

The time in The Birds card

This is a card that can symbolise a time of 12 days, 12 weeks or 12 months for events to unfold. Depending on your reading, it can bring greater accuracy, representing the month of December, the morning period or the 12th of the month.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Birds spread?

  • Are you able to communicate with others?
  • Can you optimise your time and the energy you employ in activities?
  • How can you improve your communication?
  • How are you influencing the people around you?
  • Do you know how to separate what is important from everything you are told?
  • In what ways can you increase your concentration?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Child Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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