Categories: Lenormand

The Book Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Book is one of the most mysterious cards in the Lenormand, because it can bring two distinct symbologies that are mainly related to the way it is portrayed in the card itself.

Some decks feature the Book card with the representation of its image open, while others have it closed. This representation of the image can directly influence the moment of reading, because, while the first image symbolises revelations, the second symbolises secrets.

This is not a rule that should be taken strictly, as many scholars claim that the image does not directly influence the reading, but the cards of support do. However, I believe it is very important to point this out here so that, at the time of reading, you can feel comfortable to follow these precepts or not.

Another symbology that the Book card brings heavily employed in its energy is the power of wisdom. This power can be expressed through the search for knowledge, work with research, artistic or intellectual expression, everything will depend on how the path is open ahead. Despite this, this wisdom will always prove useful and it is your duty to know how to use it to your advantage.

Keywords of The Book

To better understand the interpretations related to The Book card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: secrets, writing, discovery, knowledge, education, intellect, wisdom, studies, books, unknown

The Book Meaning

Knowledge. The Book card is a card closely linked with wisdom and learning, whether as a literal form, representing college, courses, collegiate, or a figurative form, representing maturation as a person or a deeper personal search.

In the first aspect, knowledge becomes the gateway to achieving goals and dreams. You have to dedicate yourself to studies and research, improve what you know and learn new things so you don’t end up being left behind. We live in a technological world, where things change very quickly and all the time and, precisely because of this, if you don’t follow the wheel, you can end up being run over by it. Even young people should be concerned about their own improvement, whether it’s learning a new language or getting better.

Research can also be related to projects and activities. It may be that you are not able to put some things into practice due to lack of skill, aptitude or mastery, and that is where research becomes an allied tool to put things in motion.

In figurative reading, wisdom is closely linked to self-knowledge. Knowing who you truly are can be very challenging. We often see ourselves through the eyes of those we live with and end up having the wrong idea of ​​who we are. Being able to realise this and start working on this self-knowledge will help you to better understand your own fears, qualities, defects and what is preventing you from achieving what you want so much. The tip is to give yourself some time. Look inside yourself and reconnect with your inner self. It will not be an easy task, but it is necessary to start it as soon as possible.

The Book is also the card of secrets. Secrets can be hidden or revealed. Things that will surface and have the power to move the stability of your life for better or for worse. In the case of unrevealed secrets, they can be yours or someone else’s and that directly involves you. You need to consult the auxiliary cards to be sure who is the bearer of the secret and the power they have in your life.

In a negative bias, the Book card can represent arrogance and snobbery. You may feel superior because you have more knowledge in a certain area or on a specific subject, and this not only ends up turning people away from you, but also causes you to be frowned upon by other experts or people in your own field. It is important to realise that wisdom is not to be used as something to be shown, but rather as something to be shared.

This card may also be wanting to warn about the dangers of opening up all your plans and projects. There are things that are best kept to ourselves and shared only with trusted people who really need to know, especially for those plans that are in the pre-production phase. Spreading to the four winds everything you do or want to do can end up getting in your way and opening up for ill-intentioned people to outsmart you and leave with the laurels of glory in your place.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Book card can indicate a relationship that, even if it has many virtues, lacks romance, sentimentality. It’s like you don’t want to show the other what you feel or you can’t find the right moment to express yourself, I stick to gifts on commemorative dates and nothing else.

It is necessary to realise that a relationship is much more than sharing a story with someone else, it is being together, present, it is always showing the love, respect and affection that one has for the other. There’s no need to become sappy and say “I love you!” every minute, but sending a bouquet of flowers without it being a birthday, organising a candlelit dinner or surprising your partner with new lingerie, are ways to reconnect with the love they carry in their hearts. Be romantic, even if you consider romanticism something out of fashion.

The Book can also indicate problems in the relationship. In this case they may be consequences of revelations that have shaken this union in such a way that it seems impossible to actually reconcile. Even here, the relationship is between people who are highly compatible, which makes the union long and lasting. So it’s worth trying to talk to your partner, express what you feel and listen to what he has to say. Dialogue is the best solution for you at the moment.

If you are single, the Book card can symbolise a person who harbours grandiose feelings for you, a secret admirer who may be afraid to show these feelings for fear of not being reciprocated.

This card can also represent someone who doesn’t feel the need to embark on a romantic relationship at the moment or who is very selective.

Work and Career

You need to self-recycle! This is the golden tip delivered by the Book’s card. Standing still in time believing with all your might that you know everything you need to know to do your job will not help you to evolve.

Yes, you need to evolve, and for that you need to go back to studying, go after courses in your area, or even in different areas, if you allow it to renew. This is not only important to improve your performance at work and help you to do it in the best possible way, but it is also a way to prevent you from being left behind by the minds attuned to the world that is emerging every year. . There is a huge aura of professional growth here, but you have to do your part to make that growth really happen.

On the other hand, the Book card can show that you are exactly the type of person in tune, the one who is always looking for innovation, who does not wait for the wheel to start turning to chase after knowledge. If you have a problem, you act directly in search of a solution and this attitude of yours is seen with good eyes, both by colleagues who always seek your advice, and by people in higher hierarchy. Rewards for these efforts and dedication will soon be delivered and the expected results in projects or activities you are involved in will also be successfully achieved.

If you are unemployed, the Book’s card appears to advise you to invest in your training to get the long-awaited vacancy in the job market. If, for whatever reason, you dropped out of school halfway through, the time to return is now. There are many ways to go back to school, social and government projects can be a hand in the wheel at this time. Now, if you have completed your studies, an improvement course and market news in your area is a good choice to improve your resume.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Book’s card appears to alert you about the need to consult a specialist or look for a professional who can solve your doubts and provide you with the best treatment. Perhaps what you are following at the moment is not the most suitable, or there are alternative treatments that, combined with the current one, can help you achieve a cure for your disease. Either way, you need to get all the information you can about what you’re going through, how it affects you and, most importantly, what path to take to resolve it.

This card also warns of problems involving memory. Illnesses involving feelings and the mind can also lead to the loss of it, so if you feel that you are forgetting some things or exchanging words a little more frequently, the tip is to seek the help of a professional.

If you realise that the problem is being caused by a burnout due to the great day-to-day demands, then start thinking about slowing down a little. Take a few days off. If not, try to reduce the pace of hours focused on duties and implant in the middle of them something that gives you pleasure and relieves the tension you carry. This can help you avoid more serious health problems.

Occult, hidden problems or problems that do not seem to have a certain diagnosis are also symbolised by the Book. For that reason, even if you feel perfectly fine, keep your exams up to date.

  • Body parts connected to the card: brain, mind.

The Book meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the Book advises to seek knowledge and dedicate oneself to studies. Any problem that is impacting the path will only be resolved after a lot of research and search for information. With the Book in the spread, all things must be put on an investigative level, that is, everything must be questioned and all questions deepened until the truth becomes something tangible. Questioning yourself is also part of this package.

Now, in relation to consultations involving questions about something specific that is in progress or that is desired, the Book card always appears to say that it is still too early to know the result of the actions taken.

On the Grand Tableau, when the card is near the querent, the Book card makes reference to revelations. Some secret has surfaced or is about to. It may be a secret that the querent himself keeps with him or he will be faced with a discovery involving secrets from someone close to him.

When the Book card is away from the querent, matters that are being kept under wraps, either by the querent himself or by third parties, tend to stay that way for a long time. Supporting cards can be used to find out what it is about, but care must be taken not to end up sinning in the reading.

Combinations with The Book

The Book card is extremely influenced by support cards, so we say that it is one of the mutable cards in the Lenormand deck. Your reading will always be based on the energies emanated by the cards around you.

The Book and The Child

As we have already seen, the Book is a card of knowledge, therefore, when aligned with the Child’s card, it can represent a new branch of interest, an area of ​​study not yet explored and which arouses not only curiosity, but also a passion for learning. pursuit of that knowledge.

Unrevealed beginnings are also represented by the union of these cards, in which case, most likely, it will be something that is not expected to happen, but which appears as a new possibility, with good fluids and energies.

The Book and The Clover

When aligned with the Clover card, the Book card acquires the symbology of the unexpected and revelations. As Clover’s energy represents good luck, the revelations provided here make great reference to this energy, so we can say that these are good surprises, capable of filling life with happiness and joy.

If there are desires and plans that are somehow forwarded, the combination of Clover and Book cards reveal that these goals will be successfully achieved.

The Book – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Book card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Neptune
  • Card: Ten of Diamonds
  • Astrological signs: Pisces
  • Number: 26 (twenty-six)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Book as a Person

As a person, the Book card can represent someone educated, wise, who has the gift of the word and is always involved with some kind of study. It can be a teacher, researcher, decipherer, in short, someone who is always surrounded by books and never seems to get tired of obtaining and transmitting knowledge at all times. People who work in the literary market are also represented by this card, such as authors and editors.

The Time in the card The Book

Associated with studies, this card, by representing time, can mean that things must happen before something really comes to fruition, as well as a book that, to reach the end, one must first know the whole story, page by page. Rushing events can lead to significant losses along the way, so be patient.

In a more practical way, this card marks the 26th of each month, 26 days, weeks or even months for what you ask to actually come true.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Book spread?

  • What do you need to learn to grow on your path?
  • Do you keep something a secret?
  • What are you letting go of impatience?
  • Do you know where to find the truth you are looking for so much?
  • Is this the moment to act or to remain passive and observe your surroundings before taking the first step?
  • Are you being discreet about your strategies and plans?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Letter Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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