The Bouquet Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

It’s wonderful to be able to receive a bouquet of flowers when we feel down or hopeless, the world becomes colourful and fragrant again and our strength is renewed in a matter of seconds, and that’s exactly what this card brings when it appears in the reading, a moment invigorating, of peace, happiness and success. It is the rainbow after the storm, the dawn revealing itself over the night, the end of struggle and martyrdom. An ending that comes with the certainty of achievements and achievements. The Bouquet brings the much-desired relief and renews the charged air, even being able to transform the negativity of the cards around it into good energies or soften them considerably.

Keywords of The Bouquet 

To better understand the interpretations related to the bouquet  card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: happiness, accomplishments, cordiality, charm, joy, youth, social life

The Bouquet meaning

The Bouquet card is a card that radiates happiness, shine, peace and achievements. You fought a lot to get here and only you know everything you suffered and what you had to give up to chase your dreams, however small they may seem. Now, after so much struggle, you finally start to feel

Take this moment to thank those who have helped you along this long journey. Recognizing that nothing is achieved without the help of those we love, or even strangers, is the best gift we can present and this, of course, will help you to create strong connections for new challenges and obstacles that, by chance, may arise. to emerge.

This card also represents the happiness of being with someone you love. Go out for a walk, travel, meet new people, recognize old friendships and see family members with whom you lost contact. Allow yourself to have fun, enjoy the pleasant moments of life and spread your joy wherever you go. Positive energies always attract good things to our path, so be happy in the way that pleases you the most and you will attract to your path all the best that the universe has to offer you.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the bouquet   symbolizes a happy union wrapped in complicity, respect and inexhaustible love. You’re not together by chance, you’ve built your history and relationship over time, firming that love on foundations so strong and true that your structures have become difficult to shake. Of course there are discussions and disagreements along the way, this is natural in any relationship, the difference here is that you deal with it in a healthy way, listening to what the other has to say and reaching a solution together. Take the opportunity to spend more time with each other and have fun.

If you are single, this card signals a time of discoveries and pleasant moments. You feel good about yourself and you’ve overcome all the pain and sadness of past relationships, which makes you ready to start something new. Take your time. Take advantage of this fullness in which your soul is and go out to have fun, meet new people, laugh and relax. Love will find you when you least expect it.

Work and Career

When the card the bouquet  appears in a career reading, it symbolizes harmony in the work environment. The team is in tune and this is clear in the way everyone deals with the difficulties and obstacles that appear ahead, knowing the exact moment to act, thinking about the collective and rationally. This can be seen in the way the projects are moving smoothly and towards success, achievements that encompass all the activities that are being developed by the company and in which you are directly involved.

These good winds can be felt by people in the upper hierarchy and colleagues, who have come to look at their work with more interest. The good relationship you have with everyone, the respectful and optimistic way in which you address customers and other people is what will provide you with growth within your company, so continue to act cordially and do not allow gossip or bad words to affect your posture .

Here, new opportunities are present, providing you with new expectations and a lot of good things that only add to your career, so don’t miss out on the chances to develop further in your area. If you are the owner of your own business, take advantage of it, the moment is of satisfactory returns and projects coming to fruition successfully.

Health and Wellness

When it comes to health, The Bouquet is a card of good predictions. If you are experiencing any illness, regardless of its severity, this card will always represent the improvement in the condition. Perhaps, the cure may be far away, but that doesn’t mean it’s something impossible to achieve, on the contrary, this card always signals the hope of recovering lost health. Therefore, continue to follow the medical guidelines and, if necessary, consult new opinions about your case. The important thing is not to lose optimism and faith. Good thoughts and being surrounded by people we love help a lot in these moments.

If you are up to date with health, it is good to maintain healthy habits. Performing regular physical activity, taking time to take care of your mind and eating properly is what will ensure your health remains at its best. Don’t relax by believing that you are in good health with your body and mind. Care must be constant.

  • Body parts connected to the card: joints, muscles, nerves.

The Bouquet t meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the bouquet  symbolises moments of satisfaction, creativity and optimism. Dreams are fulfilled and desires achieved when this card is present, representing strong positivity capable of neutralising the negative cards around you. Because of this, she carries the yes as an answer to any querent’s question, always signalling a happy and satisfying ending. This card also reminds us of the importance of being grateful for everything that life gives us, because even when we are going through great storms, life gives us priceless opportunities, and it is up to each of us to see them and seize them.

At the Grand Tableau, as it is also known, this card will always represent happiness, support and achievements, regardless of its position in relation to the querent. There is no level for the positivity of this card here, it will represent the same intensity whether or not you are close to the querent. Whatever the struggle faced, it has a happy ending.

Combinations with The Bouquet 

The Bouquet is a card that exudes positivity in great power, directly influencing the support cards, being able to neutralize them or considerably alleviate the negativity they may carry with them, that is, even if problems are predicted by the auxiliary cards, they don’t have enough strength to get in the way.

The Bouquet and The Tree

Balance, harmony, birth, joy. These are the words that best represent the combination of these two cards. If you are waiting for news or waiting for the result of an issue or project, know that these will be positive. Health is also represented in the best way here, with satisfactory results for treatments and control over the body and mind, which provides great well-being.

The Bouquet and The Dog

The Bouquet when aligned with The Dog represents true, strong and extremely trusting friendship. It could mean reuniting with someone you haven’t seen for a long time and who you miss a lot, rewriting an old story with new chapters, or someone new who appears in your life giving you a peaceful friendship, full of positive feelings and with whom you will feel extremely comfortable to share secrets, plans and dreams. Whoever you are, you are sure to find yourself in good and wonderful company.

The Bouquê – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with the The Bouquet card

  • Element: Air / Water
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Card: Queen of Spades
  • Astrological signs: Sagittarius
  • Number: 9 (nine)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Bouquet as a person

The Bouquê represents a person with a fun and cheerful personality. They are the kind that are a pleasure to have around, as they manage to scare away any negativity in a matter of seconds. If you are down, this person is the one who will lift you up and show you the path full of flowers and possibilities that lies ahead of you, guiding you by the hand without charging anything in return. Romantic by nature, they will always do everything to make the loved one feel welcomed, fulfilled and desired.

Time in the card The Bouquet 

The Bouquet card can represent a time of 9 days, 9 weeks or 9 months to achieve what you want, however, as it has a great positive essence, it does not necessarily mean that success will only happen at the end of the journey. Achievements must be felt little by little, with spirits that are renewed every day and news that provide an air of certainty about great achievements. This card may also indicate spring or September as the expected date.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of the  Bouquet ?

  • Can you feel grateful?
  • When was the last time you showed your gratitude to someone?
  • Do you share the wisdom you have?
  • Can you see the opportunities that life gives you?
  • How has your social life been lately?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Scythe Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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