Categories: Tarot

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning – Love, Money, Career, and Health

The Chariot (VII) tarot card is the seventh in the Major Arcana. It means willpower, triumphs over obstacles, and reaching your goals. Receiving the Chariot in a tarot reading is a signal to define your goals and concentrate your energy to take action. 

Whether in love, career, health, or other areas, Chariot is an indication that you can accomplish your goals through focus and determination. However, when the Chariot is reversed, it reminds you to consider the ways and lines you might be crossing when attempting to achieve your goals.

The Chariot visual depiction and symbolism

A crowned warrior stands inside a chariot pulled by two sphinxes, the other black and the other white. The Charioteer holds no reins, but he has a scepter in his right hand. 

  • His crown decorated with laurel leaves, and the Star symbolizes triumph, victory, and spiritual evolution.
  • His armor symbolizes that he is protected and in control of his journeys and spiritual transformation.
  • An Earth sign on his armor is a statement that his control is grounded in the material world.
  • The two sphinxes represent duality and opposing forces that will try to distract him.
  • The scepter is another symbol of control. The Charioteer doesn’t need reins because he uses his will and mind to control and direct the sphinxes.

Behind the Chariot stands a glorious town and a flowing river. 

  • The Town behind symbolizes the Chariot’s movement forward and action.
  • The river illustrates the flow toward the Charioteer’s goals and ambitions.

The Chariot Keywords

Before we propel into the Chariot’s meanings in love, relationships, career, money, and more, let’s take a look at its keywords. Keywords summarize the tarot card meanings and are excellent ways to memorize tarot card meanings. 

Upright Keywords: Control, willpower, success, action, determination

Reversed Keywords: Aggression, opposition, lack of direction

The Chariot Upright meaning

The Chariot card is all about beating the uncertainties inside you and achieving your goal through determination, focus, and willpower. So when it shows up upright in a tarot reading, take it as a sign of encouragement. It is telling that you are in control of your path, and you can succeed.  

Love and Relationship meaning

The Chariot in a tarot love reading tells that now is the time to take control of your love life. It encourages you to determine what you’re looking for in love and relationships. When you know your goals, the Chariot urges you to take action. When you are the one steering your love boat, you are likely to see rewards. Courage, heart, and drive will lead you to success.

The Chariot in tarot love meaning can also remind us to find a balance between two opposing forces. The two sphinxes look the opposite ways, which can be seen as a metaphor for silly disputes, competition, and jealousy between companions. If this sounds familiar in your relationships, you’ll need to take control of the situation. Communication is the key, but the Chariot also reminds you to steer with determination and not let anyone run you over.  

Money and Career meaning

The Chariot is an excellent card in Money and Career tarot readings. It advises you to set your goals and take action. With a clear perception of what you want from your professional life, you can focus on getting there. Motivation, self-discipline, and control is the Chariot’s recipe for success. 

If you’re looking for new opportunities, the Chariot signals you to draft a plan, take action, and stay focused—no matter what challenges may come your way. You might notice your determination and confidence tested when others try to block and distract you from getting what you want. Keep calm and push forward. 

Regarding money, the Chariot calls you to take control of your situation. If there have been any economic challenges, now it is time to face and conquer them. The Chariot gives you a motivational boost and determination to overcome those challenges. With focus and discipline, you’ll be able to improve your situation and get you where you want to be.

Health and Spirituality meaning

The Chariot upright is a positive signal in both health and spirituality readings. As the card signifies willpower, it reminds you to be determined when working towards physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. Chariot calls for accountability and encourages you to take control of your situation. 

The Chariot showing up in a health reading could indicate that you have been taking on too many responsibilities. Because of this, you are being pulled in opposite directions, and your strength and confidence are being tested. Be determined and confident in placing your limits to allow yourself to rest and stay in control. 

In a spiritual context, the Chariot calls you to be brave and try new things. Determine what it is that you want and find the potential path for you. Keep the focus on your spiritual journey, and it will take you forward. 

The Chariot Yes or No upright

In questions that could result in a Yes or No answer, the Chariot calls for action towards positivity. Therefore it is a “Yes.” Chariot upright encourages you to keep focus and believe in your abilities, to find success. 

Chariot Reversed Meaning

The Chariot tarot card reversed in a reading can help you become aware of your aggressiveness and how it can also block you from moving forward. It can also reveal that opposing forces and obstacles are taking over your life. You are meeting the challenges of indolently and sluggishly. The reversed Chariot can also indicate a lack of direction and authority over your life. They can be twisted by your obsession and impulses with your goals. The Chariot reversed should act as a reminder that you will need to tighten your grip, find a balance, and regain control of your life. 

Love and Relationship

In love and relationship, the Chariot reversed indicates a need for balance in relationships or in the quest for searching for them. 

If you are single, the Chariot reversed meaning in love could indicate that an unusually strong urge to find love has taken over you. Your attempts to find someone has gone so far that it has started to harm other areas of life. Take the Chariot reversed as a reminder that we cannot control everything around us. Nobody has a superior power to make the perfect person appear to them. Having optimism and enthusiasm is essential, but you can’t hurry love, you need patience. 

For those in a relationship, a reversed Chariot can signal that things may be out of balance. You might be overextending with some are of your life, which could be hurting your relationship. The imbalance might be the root cause of conflicts in your relationship, so it is vital to find a balance by having an open discussion. The Chariot reversed can also be a sign that you come off as too aggressive in your relationship. Are you listening to your partner, or are you using the attack as a way of defending when you meet conflicting opinions? 

Money and Career

In money and career-related tarot readings, the Chariot reversed can signal either a shortage of aggressiveness or too much of it. You might be too passive to ever get the opportunities you desire, or your obsession with your career goals is causing more harm than good. Neither approach serves you with your professional goals and desires. The other prevents you from ever getting what you want. The other just makes you an undesirable candidate for new opportunities. The reversed Chariot calls you to assess your current approach and tune your aggression level to the middle. 

Regarding finances, the Chariot reversed reminds you to be analytic and responsible with your spending. Be careful about rushing into a purchasing decision without knowing adequately what you are buying. The reversed Chariot can also sign that your financial situation is stagnated because you are not bold enough to take action. You may be too hesitant to take risks and make investments to allow your saved money to work for you. 

Health and Spirituality

The Chariot reversed in the health context also calls for balance. Suppose you are suffering from a lack of motivation. In that case, you need to understand the implications of staying on the sofa and overindulging. Try to find something that gives a boost to your motivation. A new hobby or even a sports tracker app might be what you need. If you are pumped up and really working it, remember that patience is the key to achieving your goals.

Regarding spirituality, The Chariot in the reversed position can indicate that you are ready for a spiritual journey. Let the upside-down Chariot remind you to be not to over-do it, though. It is easy to get caught up in spiritual pursuits and end up going with something that blinds you from the other paths or approaches.      

The Chariot Yes or No Reversed

The Chariot reversed under inquiries that can result in a Yes or No answer is a Maybe. It is a sign that you are either trying too hard to cause blockages or suffering from a lack of motivation. Tune your energy levels to find a balance, and then you’ll find the answer. 

The Chariot tarot card Combinations

The Chariot encourages us to use our willpower and focus to triumph any obstacles that come in the way of reaching our goals. It gives us a sense of encouragement to believe in ourselves, define our purposes, and take action when combined with other tarot cards. 

The Death and the Chariot

Death is signaling endings and a significant change in our lives. Combining with the Chariot is a signal that you have everything it takes to overcome the challenges caused by this change. With focus and determination, you will prevail in the situation and succeed. 

The Chariot and the Justice

Justice is a call for balance and accountability for actions that you take. When combined with the Chariot, we could read this as a calling to take charge and control the situation and remember to respect the playing field’s rules and boundaries. 

The Judgement and the Chariot

The Judgement, despite all its drama, is a card for awakening and new beginnings. Having it combined with the Chariot is a sign of relief. A reassurance that you can triumph the new journey ahead. It reminds you to define your goals, stay focused on them, and take action. 

The World and the Chariot

The World is a card of completion, achievement, and possibilities. When combined with the Chariot, full of self-control, I see these cards intensifying the message that you will find success and achieve your goals by continuing on the Chariot’s bath. 

The Star and the Chariot

The Star gives you a sense of hope and inspiration. You are prone to find yourself optimistic about your dreams. The Chariot next to this card is a positive sign that the goals and desires can materialize. Still, it will require work, focus, and determination. 

The Chariot – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Chariot tarot card.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Moon
  • Astrological sign: Cancer
  • Key dates: Summer

The Chariot as a personality

The Chariot personalities are focused, determined, and in control. They can gain control of a stagnant situation, get it moving, and overcome all the challenges in their path. They are somewhat fearless personalities and drive for success. Therefore you can see these personalities taking leadership positions in the work-life.

The negative aspects of their personality are that they can sometimes be overly aggressive with getting what they want. Their drive and obsession with goals and targets sometimes bend their vision and prevent them from seeing other perspectives. They might not be good at taking critique, and they might fight opposition with aggression.  

The Chariot as feelings

If you are asking the Tarot how someone feels about you, and the Chariot tarot card pops up. In that case, you are in luck if you desire this person’s attention. The Chariot has a tendency to go over their ways to get what they want. There are a determination and drive that almost seems unstoppable. They have substantial feelings towards you, and they are not likely to keep the emotions to themselves for much longer. 

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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