The Child Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Child is a symbol of innocence, lightness and joy, and, like her, this card brings with it the purity that new beginnings are capable of providing to the life of someone who is open to change. It’s knowing how to free yourself from old stigmas and conditions and allowing yourself to start over without fear or apprehension, being sure that magical and happy moments are waiting just ahead. The child is not afraid to try new things and, because he has such an outpouring of curiosity, he is able to discover new sensations and explore entire universes every second, and that’s exactly what this card says to do. To experiment. Embrace your natural curiosity and let that childlike creativity be reborn within you.

Keywords of The Child

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The Child, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: beginnings, youth, joy, lightness, innocence, immaturity, creativity, discoveries, children, fun.

The Child Meaning

The Child card symbolizes new beginnings and the arrival of great opportunities and ventures. You are entering a new phase of your life, you managed to overcome unimaginable barriers and survived the challenges that life imposed on you, preparing you with great care for this new cycle that begins, so there is no reason to be afraid or apprehensive about venture out. The moment is to take advantage of these opportunities to explore different possibilities and allow yourself to go further than you imagined you could go. You have plenty of capacity for this, just trust yourself more.

The only caveat you should have is not to let yourself be carried away by the wonders that this moment can bring you. Getting lost amid so many new things and different horizons can end up making you lose focus and go in circles. Be responsible and give yourself completely to this experience unfolding on your stage without taking your feet completely off the ground. Remember, children are naive and immature beings who place their trust in adults without any distinction and their energy will be circulating strongly around you, attracting bad wolves ready to pounce at the slightest carelessness.

Inexperience with the unknown can also end up being a negative point, if you are not prepared to pursue new knowledge and gather the necessary wisdom to travel the new winding roads and full of pleasant surprises that are lying ahead of you. Being prepared is what will allow you to enjoy everything without falling into pitfalls. Do not be vulnerable at any time to avoid attracting the attention of ill-intentioned people who are positioned in dark corners on the lookout for the steps that will be taken by you.

These new opportunities can also correspond to more tangible things like a new house, car, job, among others. In this case, you need to check the cards of support to make sure what it is about. Also, it can indicate a child itself, without distinction of gender, as this card does not symbolise the individual’s sex, and may represent older children who are entering the puberty phase or newborns. Here, it’s also worth checking the surrounding cards to make sure.

Love and Relationship

If you’re in a relationship, The Child’s card symbolises a new phase that overflows with joy for this union. You managed to overcome the worst trials and hand in hand you climbed abysses and jumped over obstacles full of thorns without fear and with a strong complicity that moves you to this day. The respect, affection and pride they feel for the achievements they have achieved together, as well as those achieved individually, is what fuels them to move forward. Therefore, be prepared to enjoy the light, intense and joy-filled moments that present themselves to you. Enjoy every moment together, laugh at stupid things, allow yourself to live the other without fear of losing yourself. You are ready to start and start over as many times as necessary to achieve the happiness you want for the future of this relationship.

On the other hand, it may indicate a lack of time to truly dedicate yourself to the relationship. Work and problems with the family can take away the pleasure of living this union intensely due to the emotional distress it is in. It is necessary to separate the areas of your life so that external problems are not taken to your intimacy and disturb this beautiful thing that you built together. Take time to enjoy each other. Plan a trip, go for a walk, do things you enjoyed at the beginning of the relationship and let fun bring lightness and charming smiles to your lives. You need to rescue the simplicity of life that we admired so much during our childhood.

Successful pregnancy is also represented with The Child. If you are trying to get pregnant, the chances of releasing this dream are more alive than ever with this card, as well as fertility treatments will have very positive results. If you already have children, then you need to work on your patience, as childhood immaturity, which is quite present in adolescence, can put your resistance to the test.

If you are single, a new love is about to cross your path. Don’t be afraid and much less drown. Let time allow him to get closer to you and feelings arise naturally. Enjoy the good things in life, go out with friends and don’t worry so much about being alone. Soon the moments of solitude will be exchanged for moments with someone very special.

Work and Career

Many opportunities open up to you the moment The Child card appears in the spread. A new phase is projected, guiding you towards a bright future, opening horizons and different doors that can be explored by you without fear, both within your work environment and in your career in general. All the efforts you put into projects and activities begin to be recognized by everyone, colleagues and people in the upper hierarchy, and attract outside eyes, which can earn you invitations to work at other companies. Winning a promotion and changing sectors is also expected as a reward for your dedication, but you need to stay focused on what you want to achieve and where you want to go so you don’t end up accepting the first thing that comes to you and getting attached to something you don’t will satisfy you in the future.

On the other hand, this card may appear to warn about your behaviour within the work environment. Having a playful personality is wonderful, there is nothing better than a person on the team who manages to relieve the pressure when things are bad, but it is necessary to know when to act with jokes and pranks, because, when released to the wind and without purpose of adding lightness to work can end up putting people in embarrassing situations or making them see you as someone immature and unfit to occupy positions of greater responsibility.

Immaturity is also a factor that must be worked on. Knowing how to listen to criticism and use it for your growth and not turn it into big unforgivable offences is the best thing you can do to grow professionally. Don’t take everything you hear personally.

If you are looking for a new job, then predictions are the best. Soon, a new job will be part of your life and will bring you many pleasant moments, in addition to helping your financial situation. The moment is also conducive to changing companies and careers. Take the opportunity to deepen your knowledge through workshops, specialisations and, if you have stopped studying for some reason, go back to studying and build your training. This will be very important for your future.

Health and Wellness

In a health and well-being reading, if you are facing an illness that requires special attention, the Child card brings good omens. New treatments and options will be presented to you with promises of a considerable improvement in your health. If necessary, seek the opinions of professionals who are different from those who already follow you and seek to acquire all the knowledge about what affects you. Having this knowledge is what will help you to look for new ways to ease the reflexes that every disease carries with you and go more quickly towards a cure. Don’t be discouraged. You are the key to your own recovery. And whenever you feel down, without cheer or with hope draining through your fingers like rainwater, seek help from friends and family, they are ready to listen to you and calm your heart. A professional is also a good option if you find it necessary.

If your health is up to date, this card appears to issue an alert. Are you really in such good condition? Or do you just have the impression of it? To keep your health up to date, you need more than not feeling pain, you need to take care of your body and mind through regular physical exercise, healthy eating and moments of pleasure and peace. Keep a care routine with yourself to avoid future surprises. Do your part.

Low immunity, urinary tract problems and childhood illnesses are also alerts issued by the card A Criança. If you are going through a pregnancy, be sure to maintain care and see your doctor regularly for proper follow-up.

  • Body parts connected to the card: chest, breasts, bladder, kidneys.

The Child meaning according to its position in the spread

When in centre or first position in the nine-card spread, The Child can symbolise an existing child, a child on the way, or success in fertilisation treatments. Any planning being carried out to increase the family, including adopting a child or teenager, is successful with this card. On the other hand, it can symbolise our inner child and the need to look at it with greater property and an open heart. Rescuing that light, playful and curious feeling we had during our childhood is the best way to overcome current problems, especially those for which we cannot see a solution. The Child can also indicate the opening of new paths and directions that lead to great opportunities.

At the Grand Tableau, regardless of the placement of this card, whether near or far from the querent, it will always indicate happiness, joy and great achievements. Important connections are made and it is necessary to remain attentive to embrace new opportunities, even if this means giving up a certain stability. By the way, it is necessary to understand that there is no stability in anything, because life is cyclical and, with it, phases begin and end all the time, depending solely on us being prepared to close windows and move walls so as not to be left lying in the middle of the route. New beginnings are always welcome when this card appears.

Combinations with the Child

The Child is an essentially positive card, as it brings with it the purity of childhood and the happiness that growth and the discoveries of the new carry with it. However, she ends up having a changeable nature, as she is capable, at times, of acquiring a certain negativity when it comes to personality and attitudes, being able to rescue immature and childish behaviours that are not suitable for adult life. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the cards of support for a more accurate reading.

The Child and The Alliance

The union of these two cards could not bring better omens. Important connections are pointed out here as boosters of new phases filled with good feelings and conquests for any area of ​​life. They can be new companies and businesses, when referring to work, pregnancy and success in adoption processes, when family, and innovative treatments and highly competent professionals who are ready to advise and direct the best paths, when health.

The Child and The Mountain

This union calls for more maturity and rationality to deal with the problems that arise along the way. Dealing with small challenges and disaffections in a brutal, harsh and impatient way is what delays growth and prevents opportunities to be present in life, as no one wants to be close to someone who is troublesome or who cannot remain sensible to remove obstacles. It is necessary to work on discernment and good conduct before expecting to be recognized for something. Getting stuck in egocentrism, so typical of a certain stage of childhood, is the worst mistake that can be made and the biggest reason that keeps you from any possibility of reaching the top of the most desired mountain.

The Child – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with The Child card.

  • Element: Earth, Air and Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Card: Jack of Spades
  • Astrological signs: Leo
  • Number: 13 (thirteen)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Child as a Person

As a person, the Child card can represent young people, teenagers and children of all ages, and could be the querent’s son or a close relative with whom he has great contact. This card can also indicate someone who has childish attitudes towards everything, acting immaturely and irresponsibly in the face of difficulties that arise along the way, or someone who doesn’t take life so seriously, always joking or thinking that everything can be resolved. by itself without any effort. People who work with children or areas related to childhood, such as social workers, teachers, paediatricians, are also represented by this card.

The Time in the card The Child

Everything in childhood happens very quickly. We grow fast, we learn at an absurd speed and we deal with more difficulties in such a short time than when we are adults, after all we have to deal with feelings, with the unknown, with entire universes in record time. A year and a few months are enough for us to be on our feet and even less for us to speak our first syllables. Everything is very fast and, just like in childhood, this card also carries that speed with it in its predictions. Here, things happen in 13 months at the latest, but normally the elapsed time is around 13 days.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of The Child?

  • What are the biggest fears of starting over?
  • What can you do to have more fun?
  • Are you being too naive and letting people take advantage of you?
  • When are you being the most immature?
  • How can you create new perspectives?
  • Will changing your attitudes help you prosper?
  • Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Fox Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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