Categories: Lenormand

The Coffin Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

This is one of those cards that one is afraid to see in the spread, directing them directly to the darker feelings that surround death as a whole. Even though it’s such a feared card to draw, the Coffin doesn’t necessarily bring bad meanings. Depending on the cards around you, specifically those with strong positive energy, it can indicate the end of a cycle in a successful and very welcome way. That is why it is very important to pay attention to the cards of support in order to have a more accurate reading, because, just as it can mean brilliant endings, as previously mentioned, it can also bring the warnings that one avoids so much, such as illnesses, death, losses and absence.

Keywords of The Coffin

To better understand the interpretations related to the coffin card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: finalisation, death, transformations, conclusion of a cycle, loss, illness, recovery, obstacles, mourning, sadness, rest

The Coffin meaning

Even though it looks like one of the scariest cards in the Lenormand, The Coffin is a card that specifically deals with endings and cycles that are closed so that new ones can begin. Even when its symbolism is death itself, which is something very specific and difficult to interpret, it exists so that new souls can inhabit our earthly world. Therefore, although the pain exists, it is necessary to learn from it and feel it in order to be reborn. Knowing that after each ending there is a fresh start is what will bring strength to move forward and rebuild in each new phase that begins.

You are going through a period of growth and internal maturation and the endings that are presented here serve as an emotional process that you must undergo in order to learn to open your hands and let things fly away, to the destination that the universe wants. you have, and be ready to allow so many new ones to enter your life.

Perhaps you are struggling to let go of someone or something you love very much and that is natural. We’ve all been there. But, you have to understand that, even if it’s painful to change, changes are necessary to move forward. The moment is of mourning, of feeling of loss, emptiness and absence. It is a moment that, perhaps, it is necessary to seek introspection so that closure is assimilated, felt and overcome.

On the other hand, you may have been waiting for this ending for some time and you are not being blindsided by it, as you have already prepared all the groundwork for it to happen. If this is the case, then enjoy and continue to follow each step you planned. The new phase that he so longed for is finally present in his life and comes with a feeling of accomplishment, accomplishments and success. It could be the end of a painful cycle that went on too long or a project you couldn’t wait to finish, whatever it is, this card confirms the end.

Anyway, the main message of this card is that life is cyclical and filled with endings and beginnings, and it is up to each one of us to accept and evolve with it, growing in every way and in the best way possible.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Coffin card shows a troubled relationship that is heading towards a conflicted and sad end. You lost the respect you had for each other halfway through and replaced good coexistence with arguments, fights, and aggression. There are no ways to rebuild any feelings, as you managed to transform any good that could still exist between you into negative feelings. Here, the qualities turned into major defects. It’s as if staying by the person’s side was a constant martyrdom. The worst thing about this whole situation is that, even seeing that you are hurting each other, both remain tied in this relationship as if it only existed and nothing beyond the walls erected by yourselves.

The time has come for you to realize that life is more than suffering and there is no happy ending if you persist in hurting each other. The finalization of this union is not only a prelude, but a necessity for them to regain happiness in their lives. This card carries with it the promise of new beginnings, so grab that feeling of hope and start over away from everything that makes you suffer.

If you are single, it is time to leave behind everything that is stagnant in your life. Don’t be afraid to end the cycle that keeps stopping you from falling in love again, and be ready to rediscover love. There is someone waiting to enter your life. Allow yourself to love again and you will be surprised.

Work and Career

When it comes to career and work, the Coffin card symbolizes big changes. The moment is one of transition and transformation within the work and career environment, thanks to the completion of cycles that are presented to you. A new phase is present and with it many good things are ready to happen, but you need to do your part and let the previous phase end. Don’t try to stop something from meeting its end, if you do, the beginning will become something unattainable and everything you so long for will distance itself more and more from you every day. Embrace change with joy and the certainty that it will bring the best to your professional life.

This card can also signify the end of a project or job change. If you are looking for a vacancy in the job market, know that this card brings good omens, as it symbolizes a change in the current situation. Maybe it’s not your dream job, but it will help you take new flights and reach higher mountains with every wind.

As a finalization card, if you are in doubt about ending something, such as a project, an investment or even a business or partnership, it points out that this step is taken without fear. Getting stuck in something because of fears about the future will only serve to stagnate you in the same place, sinking little by little, as in quicksand, with each vain attempt to move. Free yourself for the energy to flow and lead you to new horizons.

Health and Wellness

The Coffin card brings an alert to take care of health. More serious illnesses and accidents are pointed out by this card that asks for increased attention to any sign that the body presents that something is wrong. Changing your habits, exercising regularly, eating healthy and taking time out for yourself  will help a lot so that you are not affected by any disease, or, if it is inevitable that this occurs, it will alleviate the consequences that it will bring to your life .

Mind-related illnesses are also strongly symbolized here. The stress of everyday life, the pressure on your shoulders and the uncertainties that surround thoughts, filling them with fears and ghosts, may be contributing to the so-called Evil of the Century disorders directly affecting you. Depression, Panic Disorder and Anxiety are some of the diagnoses that may appear if you do nothing to change the critical condition you are in. In this case, the tip is to look for alternatives to relieve the weight of the heart and mind. Meditate, travel, walk outside, read a book, do something that gives you pleasure so that the scale of everyday life balances out and neither side weighs more than the other.

If you have been facing an illness for some time, then this card represents the end of the illness. Keep following the treatments indicated by the health professional and nourish yourself with good feelings, positive energies and a lot of hope, because victory is closer than you think.

  • Body parts connected to the card: digestive system, mind and emotional system.

The Coffin meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, The coffin card tells us that the time has come to make a choice. Some situations, someone or something specific is leaving the querent on the fence and remaining as it is is not an option. You have to choose between giving up and going on a new journey or leaving things as they are, being patient for them to be resolved in their own time. Regardless of the choice to be made here, it must happen for things to flow in the best possible way.

At the Grande Tableau, the card the coffin usually indicates illnesses that must be faced by the querent, which may be with himself or affect someone close to him and whom he loves. When the card is away from the queue, the illness being faced does not seem to be so serious and small changes in habits can help in a quick recovery. When you are close to the consultant, this card alerts you to serious illnesses and long treatments that require specific care.

Combinations with The Coffin

Even if it contains some positive meanings, when paired with other cards, O Coffin manages to turn most readings into something negative, being the supporting card responsible for the seriousness of the mentioned situation, and may, in some cases, symbolize healing through the loss. The negative that turns into a positive through acceptance.

The Coffin and The Star

You are going through a troubled moment in which you feel hope slipping away like water between your fingers because you believe you have completely lost direction. Even if you feel that there are no perspectives for positive changes for the situation you are in, the union of these two cards presents the opposite. Here, you can see improvements in many aspects and a great relief from the pressure you feel on your head. If you are experiencing illness, recovery is symbolized here.

The Coffin and The Way

When the cards The Coffin and The Path meet, an alert signal for changes in direction and attitudes is lit. It is necessary to rethink choices made and plans drawn up so as not to end up in a dead-end hole due to lack of attention or sheer stubbornness. New paths should be seen as an excellent option to progress in life. Don’t be afraid to act differently than you’ve been acting so far.

The Coffin – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with the coffin card.

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Pluto
  • Card: Nine of Pentacles
  • Astrological signs: Scorpio
  • Number: 8 (eight)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Coffin as a person

As a person, the card coffin can represent someone cold and calculating, who spares no effort to achieve what he wants, often showing himself to be distant from people in his inner circle and having great difficulties in dealing with negative feelings and outside frustrations. This card can also point to a person of advanced age, with hypochondriacal aspects or who has some kind of limitation or poor health, both physical and emotional, and who needs specific treatments.

The Time in the card The Coffin

Although The Coffin card is a card of transition, changes and endings, they do not necessarily occur in a short period of time. It is necessary to consult the cards of support to determine exactly when the situation will occur, which could be in a closer period, from 8 days to 8 weeks, especially when dealing with abrupt endings and unexpected breakups, or in the long term, from 8 months to 8 weeks. 8 years, in case of delays and major indecisions.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of the coffin ?

  • How do you deal with the changes that life presents you with?
  • Are you prepared for any kind of change?
  • What do you need to leave behind in order to move forward?
  • Can you overcome this loss alone?
  • What do you need to change in your life to get out of inertia?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Bouquet Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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