The Cross is a card of mysteries, spirituality and emotional state. Although this can show a positive side during its reading, it is usually linked to burdens and problems that affect life, in such a way that it leaves feelings confused, lost and causes all this weight to lead to a hopelessness that things will not get better.

Deep lessons and great decisions are also symbolised by this card, as well as convictions and principles so rooted that they directly influence every choice made along the way. Here, religiosity is tangential and is an important part of these principles, being a very strong guide not to get lost while moving towards dreams and desires.
The spirituality present in the essence of this card refers mainly to divine guidance, redirection and increased higher consciousness, demonstrating a spiritual evolution, regardless of the belief you carry in your heart.
This spiritual evolution can directly affect the emotional side, bringing with it feelings of guilt and remorse for illicit acts or contrary to what one believes, especially when one hurts another person through them.
Keywords of The Cross
In order to better understand the interpretations related to theThe Cross card, we will list the keywords related to it.
Keywords: duty, grief, emotional loss, conviction, difficulties, annoyances, suffering, burden, despair, intolerance, pain, principles, indoctrination, spirituality, religiosity, high consciousness
The Cross Meaning
The expression that best defines this card is: “carrying the cross on his back”. This is due to the strong feeling that the Cross card carries with it about burdens, unresolved problems and excessive responsibilities. You may be feeling exactly this way when the Cross card appears in the reading, and this is especially due to the way you see the world or were taught to see it, that is, your principles and convictions.
These two feelings, which are built within us throughout our formation, and never stop being built, are what will govern within us what we consider right and wrong, good and evil, and this discernment between right and wrong. wrong can come from the family, religious or social environment.
We are always faced with situations that trigger that choice button within us about whether or not it is right to take a certain step, and this pressure, especially when we are facing something extremely important, can end up weighing us down, or end up making a choice that we do not we wanted to carry things that shouldn’t be carried by us alone.
You may be going through exactly this dilemma and have chosen to embrace the world with arms that can’t handle it, or weren’t prepared for it. That’s where the cross being carried on the back comes in. There are many tribulations, responsibilities and little things that could be distributed, or even denied, but on principle you didn’t do it.
In this case, it is necessary to relieve this pressure. Look for ways to lessen that load you carry and release the tension that is suffocating your heart. Maybe you feel responsible for everything you’ve acquired and you can’t consider the idea of sharing it with other people, but know that if you don’t, you’ll end up physically and emotionally sick. Step away from what is not doing you any good and put some of that responsibility in other competent hands.
As this is a religiosity card, the Cross card can represent greater awareness or spiritual evolution. It is not necessarily on the path you are following today, it may be that, perhaps, changes in course are necessary for this evolution to materialise. The important thing is not what religion you follow, but what your heart yearns to follow. What is good for someone else may or may not be good for you. Each one is at a particular level of spirituality, that’s why it’s important to walk your own path, be it following in the footsteps of your parents, friends or someone who inspires you a lot, or a completely unknown path.
Love and Relationship
If you are in a relationship, the Cross card has two distinct readings. On the one hand, it represents overcoming problems that have been dragging on for too long and, even if you have tried not to be affected by them, your strength has considerably shaken the foundations of this relationship to the point that you think about taking a break.
The good news here is that this bad tide is ebbing away for good very soon, and the fact that you’ve been through this together strengthens your bond even further. Your structure already had a very solid foundation, a foundation that was able to make you go through everything you went through without giving up on each other, and now it becomes indestructible. You have grown and matured a lot as a couple in recent months and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief and take new steps towards a beautiful future together.
On the other hand, this card signals breakups and endings that are extremely necessary. This is because the relationship portrayed by this reading is a completely worn-out relationship in which respect, affection, affection and complicity have been extinct for some time. Ending the relationship was not just a matter of time, it was necessary. The moment is to follow your own path, heal the sorrows and heal the wounds. Don’t be afraid to be alone. Take this time to reconnect with yourself.
An important point in this type of reading is related to karma. Everything that happens within the relationship is linked to karma, that is, the difficulties, challenges and problems faced were inevitable and the way in which their finalisation happens, with the union becoming stronger and unshakable or the definitive separation, is just as inevitable how much. There are no explanations here for what happened.
If you’re single, it’s time to heal past wounds and leave behind all the pain and suffering you brought with you from past relationships, because a new love is approaching and it will be lasting, solid and will nourish you with feelings and good things. So open yourself up to love and leave sadness outside your life. Joy is something possible and it is already knocking on your door.
Work and Career
Work becomes stifling and heavy when the Cross card appears in a career-related reading. You feel great emotional distress, mainly caused by the excess of obligations, tasks and projects that were placed under your responsibility. Allied to this, gossip, disagreements and intrigues seem to pop up throughout the environment, contaminating the energy and mood of colleagues and people of superior hierarchy. The tip is not to let yourself be shaken by these things.
Gossip and side conversations that have nothing to add to the work will always exist and, the bigger the team, the greater the chances of reaching you, even if you don’t want to get involved. Stay as neutral as possible in this regard and do not side with anyone in intrigues and confusions. This kind of thing will only hurt your income and make you look bad.
Regarding overwork, the alternative is to lay the cards on the table to your superiors and explain how these extra activities are exhausting you and hurting your work as a whole. Suggest sharing the tasks with a colleague, don’t be ashamed to ask for this help, as this will only show how much you care about the quality of what you deliver and not just the quantity of what is being done.
Despite these divergences, accomplishments and recognitions are present in the reading. Very soon, all that dedication and effort that you’ve been showing up to this point will be rewarded and the problems will be successfully resolved. So stay focused and keep doing a good job. Soon, you’ll be tasting the beautiful, sweet fruits of your labour.
If you are unemployed, opportunities come your way and it won’t be long until you are inserted into the job market again. Update your resume, improve your knowledge and ask for help from those you know.
Health and Wellness
The Cross card is a very delicate card when in a health and well-being reading, so it is always wiser to check the auxiliary cards for a fuller reading of the situation before you hammer the hammer, especially in readings for those who are struggling. some kind of illness.
As this is a spread of suffering and prolonged time, in the case of already established illnesses, it can symbolise an extensive treatment that provides unwanted side effects that will need medication to be alleviated, in a painful and intense cycle.
It can also symbolise emotional instability due to the long delay in achieving full recovery. This instability can lead to a lot of internal pain and mind-related illnesses such as anxiety and depression. And that goes for both those who are going through the treatment itself, and for those who follow it.
If this is your case, it is important to realise that maintaining an emotional balance, even if it is difficult, is essential for your treatment to have a successful completion. Positivity is miraculous and can go a long way in this recovery, so surround yourself with it. Nurture within yourself feelings of hope, light thoughts and, above all, faith in the divine, this will relieve tension and calm your heart during this very delicate moment.
Now, if you are not facing any illness and feel that your health is up to date, the spread from the Cross asks for attention to problems related to stress and excessive work. They can be physical problems, such as occupational diseases caused by effort and repetitive movements, or mental problems, such as emotional outburst. If you feel any symptoms of abnormality, step on the brakes and seek guidance from a professional. Don’t allow your health to weaken by not giving it the attention it deserves.
- Body parts connected to the spread: back, lower back, shoulders.
The Cross meaning according to the position in the spread
When in the center or first position in the nine-card spread, the Cross card asks us to be more patient about resolving problems that go on too long. To find the answers you are looking for, you have to delve into the depths of your own being, search within yourself for the best way out to resolve the difficulties that arise, and this takes a time that can be considered too long, especially when you are looking for a solution. immediate. Here, quick fixes are not the best.

Knowing how to deal with the things that weigh on our shoulders is also pointed out by the spread of the Cross. In that case, you have to learn to redistribute the weight in some way, either by sharing it with someone else or seeking guidance on how to deal with them. Spiritual guidance is important at this time and, as religiosity spreads, it can be the best way out of difficult situations. Another point is related to lessons and learning, which can come from mistakes and falls, or advanced studies, independently, it is something valuable and that should not be left aside.
At the Grand Tableau, regardless of the position you are in, the Cross card will always show very heavy burdens, challenges to be faced and problems and difficulties that cause pain and suffering. The position of the card in relation to the querent will determine how long these problems and challenges will come their way.
Thus, when the Cross card is close to the querent, it signals a short life for the problems, they being easier to solve, however, the further the card is from the querent, the longer this burden and suffering will extend, the problems and challenges being stronger and more difficult to deal with.
Combinations with The Cross
The Cross card is a negative card and will hardly be influenced by positive cards to the point of modifying its energetic nature. What happens here is that the spreads of support will dictate the intensity that this negativity will be present in the reading. Thus, the positive auxiliary cards alleviate the intensity of burdens and pain, while the negative cards strengthen them, even increasing their permanence time.
The Cross and The Birds
The union of these two cards can symbolise a load that is very difficult to carry, and a conversation between everyone involved is necessary to lighten this weight that, it seems, ends up falling only on your shoulders. Perhaps, you have embraced your problems and those of others, trying to solve them in the best possible way, however, somewhere along the way, you ended up losing control and were taken over by the darkness of not knowing how to act.
Talking and expressing your feelings will not only relieve the pressure you carry in your chest, but it will also make others realise how hard you’ve worked and how you need a helping hand to stay firm. Therapy with professionals in the field is also a tip to relieve this pressure.
Another symbology brought by the union of these cards is related to important messages that are about to arrive and trips that are essential for your growth, maturation or solving old problems.
The Cross and The Moon
Because the Moon is a card that governs feelings, its union with the Cross card symbolises emotions that are difficult to deal with. They are extremely heavy feelings that infiltrate the mind in order to suck all the positive thoughts, locking them in a lost corner inside the soul. Here, things like having hope, willpower, joy and smiles were lost in the midst of so much turbulence caused by problems, sorrows and sadness.
You have to stop for a moment and restore what was good inside you. Don’t allow bad feelings and thoughts to take over your life and take you to an abyss of no return. Crying is good, but opening up to someone and showing the wounds you have in your chest is much better, it helps you overcome heavy clouds and clear your entire sky.
The Cross – Element, Astrology and other associations
Here are some of the usual associations with theThe Cross card
- Element: Earth
- Planet: Dark Moon
- Card: Six of Wands
- Astrological signs: Lilith
- Number: 36 (thirty-six)
- Positive/Negative: Negative
The Cross as a Person
As a person, the Cross card can represent someone who has many inner conflicts and who cannot make decisions thinking about what would really do them good, as they are extremely rigid with convictions and principles that govern their family and social nucleus. For people governed by the spread of the Cross, it is very difficult to go against what they have been taught to believe is right.
Religious people who have a belief in some faith as something important in their life are also symbolised by this card, as well as people who work in some area related to spirituality, with alternative therapies and the area of mental health.
The Time in the card The Cross
The Cross card is a card that, in relation to time, symbolises events that have been taking place for some time, so when used to mark time for something that is about to happen, reading can become more complicated. In this case, the tip is to use auxiliary cards to establish the time more correctly. But, if you still want to use only the spread of the Cross, then the fixed period must not exceed one month.
Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of The Cross?
- In what area of your life are you overwhelmed?
- What are your convictions and principles?
- Aren’t you being too strict with yourself?
- What can you do to balance your life again?
- Are you asking for help when it’s needed?
- Are you taking time to take care of yourself?
- How is your spiritual life?
Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Rider Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more