Categories: Lenormand

The Crossroad Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Any road leads somewhere, but it’s very important to know where you want to go in order to choose the road that will take you there. Basically, that’s what the Crossroad card is about, knowing how to make choices and accept the changes that come with it in order to grow, mature and advance on your journey, towards the achievement of everything you want. Often, we must leave behind people, situations and places we love to brave the unknown, and this can be terrifying, but very necessary.

Can you choose to stay on your routine ? You can. But, with this choice, the possibilities become so minimal that it becomes impossible to harvest more than has already been collected so far. You have an entire universe of options open to you, you can go right, left, move forward, the options are endless and yours alone – yours alone and no one else’s – and choose wisely to move with the wheel of life and not being stagnant in the same place is the most precious tip that this card has to offer you. Don’t forget, the choice must alCrossroads be made, regardless of whether you want to make it or not, after all, choosing not to change is also a choice.

Keywords of The Crossroad

In order to better understand the interpretations related to The Crossroad card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: choices, change, decisions, direction, separation, travel, opportunities, independence, hesitation, journey

The Crossroad meaning

Free will. This is a card from the Lenormand deck that will depend solely on you for something to come true or not. You have many Crossroads ahead of you and, even if the temptation to choose more than one is enormous, we know that it is impossible to be in two places at the same time, so the moment of choosing which Crossroad to follow is as important as necessary.

Procrastinating this choice is standing still in the same place without having any perspective of the future different from your present one, but yes, you can choose to remain in the same place if that pleases you, but you must measure whether it is really worth risking a world of opportunities on your own of fear, apprehension or any negative feeling that prevents you from taking the reins of a new Crossroad.

Most likely, you’ve begun to feel the weight this decision is placing on your shoulders. The pressure is enormous, even more so if people in your social circle impose a response to the movement of life, in the here and now, and do not give you the time to assimilate, analyze and choose what you want to do. It can be very trivial things, like whether or not to accept a job proposal, whether or not to move in with your partner, to start a diet or not, or more philosophical and opponents like the choice of career to follow, lifestyle to adopt or friendships that are worth persisting. It doesn’t matter, choices are present in your life and you must let that pressure leave your body. When you manage to get rid of the fear of the unknown, it will be easier to make your decision and surrender to the new journey that begins.

Life is cyclical and with it everything changes all the time and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Absorbing this truth will be the best Crossroad to face what lies ahead. It is time to choose, even if it means choosing to remain as you are, but choosing. Destiny is now and only you have power over it. Be patient, take your time, but don’t let others make the choice for you or you’ll end up regretting it for the rest of your life.

The Crossroad card is a card of opportunities, so if you are waiting for answers about endings regarding any situation, it will happen in a positive Crossroad, if you make the first move with dexterity, wisdom and focus.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, some important decision making surrounds that relationship. You are at an impasse related to some matter that involves this union and, for some reason, you are procrastinating this decision. It is important to realise that this type of attitude can end up damaging the feelings you have for each other by replacing them with fear, apprehension or doubts about the Crossroad to be taken.

Sitting down and having a heart-to-heart talk, putting the cards on the table and together starting to take action is the best solution for you at the moment, otherwise there will be so much pressure on your shoulders that it could end up making this relationship fall apart, without giving up. chances to resolve what needs your attention so much. It could be something related to money, raising the family, choosing the place where they will live or whether they will live together or not, regardless, if nothing is chosen the heavy cloud of indecision that will form over you will turn into discussions and disagreements.

Don’t be afraid to make a choice, to listen to what the other has to say and be able to consider it as a good possibility. The important thing is to do it together and do it now.

If you’re in a relationship where sadness and tears have become a constant and nothing you’ve done so far has changed that situation, then it’s time to choose another Crossroad to follow. As painful as a separation is, it is often the only option capable of rescuing each one’s happiness. Don’t stay with someone for fear of ending up alone.

If you are single, this card announces new suitors entering your life and lighting your Crossroad. You are in a perfect phase to receive a new love, but you don’t need to be in a hurry, staying with someone just to not miss the opportunity is not cool either. You have plenty of time to make the right choice. Be wise, listen to your feelings and learn to see each other in their true form, so the certainty of being with someone perfect for you is more guaranteed.

Work and Career

The Crossroad card presents many career-related opportunities when in a work-related reading. You’ve dedicated yourself a lot up to this point and your effort is beginning to generate wonderful results that you can now taste. Endless possibilities are presented to you as a result of the Crossroad taken here and, regardless of your choice, they guide you to new achievements and recognition.

The confidence you have for the success achieved so far is what will help you to move forward, ready to face new challenges and obstacles that, by chance, may appear in this new journey that begins. You can be sure that all the positive energies that take over your being today will guide you in making the next decisions and there will be no regrets about this new cycle.

If you are not facing any significant advances or have not noticed movements beyond the normal in your career, know that your Crossroad begins to change little by little and soon a crossroads will form in front of you waiting for some important decision that will provide you with unique opportunities. and wonderful. Don’t be afraid when this moment comes, keep faith in your ability and know that you are more than ready to face something innovative and unknown in your work and increase your level of responsibility within your area.

New proposals involving projects, activities, positions and change of sectors may come to you and you must act with intelligence and wisdom to know the best Crossroad to follow when it comes to your career. The decision should come from you and no one else, so focus on yourself and leave behind any other people’s opinion that may reach your ears.

If you are looking for a job, job opportunities may come your Crossroad in the next few days, providing you with peace of mind and the long-awaited respite. Most likely, there will be more than two opportunities and you should be smart enough to make the choice that best suits your needs.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Card of the Crossroad advises you to look for alternative treatments as a Crossroad to complement those that are already being carried out, especially treatments aimed at calming the restless mind and spirit. Managing to remain calm during the process, no matter how tortuous and long the road to healing may be, is the best Crossroad to face challenges and maintain the strength to move forward.

If you feel that the prescribed treatments and remedies are not working or are in any Crossroad unreliable, don’t be afraid to seek a second opinion. Being sure about the treatment to be faced is of paramount importance for it to work, so whenever you feel doubt about something in relation to treatments or the illness you are facing, ask your doctor and the professional who accompanies you.

This card also asks for caution for small accidents caused by poorly made and, above all, irresponsible choices. Having wisdom when making choices is not being boring or giving yourself the luxury of something unnecessary, it’s keeping safe during your journey. Opting for unhealthy habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle, for example, can also bring future health problems. There’s still time to start taking care of your body and mind, don’t leave it for when it’s too late.

  • Body parts connected to the card: circulatory system, arteries

The Crossroad meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the message brought is that we should not hesitate in the face of the choices that life puts in our Crossroad. Deviating from them or delaying decision-making can lead to bad consequences, such as the loss of great opportunities and delay in growth, regardless of the area. Leaving behind all the negative emotional burden that comes with past situations and traumas is also one of the important messages of the Crossroad card. Good things are bound to happen, so there’s no need to dwell on what doesn’t serve you anymore.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, it is necessary to pay attention to the supporting cards, as it will depend on their energy for a more coherent reading. If they are positive cards, the reading will indicate positive changes that are about to happen in the consultant’s life, but one must be open to receiving these changes without fear or apprehension of the unknown. Now, if they are negative cards, problems may be occurring due to poorly thought out decisions made without any prudence. In this case, it is necessary to be prepared to face these consequences in the best possible Crossroad, as they are inevitable.

When the card is Crossroad from the querent, it can indicate a very profound change in life. The further Crossroad, the more intense and striking this change will be, like the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new phase. It can also indicate an escape from a problematic situation that is difficult to resolve. Here, supporting cards can indicate the level and which area of it refers to.

Combinations with The Crossroad

The Crossroad is a neutral, mutable card and, as such, will depend heavily on the supporting cards to have a positive or negative reading about it. Regardless of that, it alCrossroads points to changes, choices and Crossroads that should or should not be taken in the consultant’s life.

The Crossroad and The Birds

The union of these two cards appears to warn of negative consequences caused by bad choices. You didn’t know how to wait for the right moment or you didn’t pay due attention to the details of each option that was offered to you and ended up changing your feet for the simple fear of missing an opportunity that you believed to be unique. Now, it is necessary to centre the mind and try to reverse the situation in the best possible Crossroad. Remembering that running aCrossroad from the consequences is not a viable choice here, and could make the situation worse.

The Crossroad and The Coffin

Life is made of cycles, and the combination of these cards appears precisely to confirm this. You are going through a very important moment in your life where a Crossroad closes for the opening of a new road. You have to be aware that this change is positive and necessary, so there are no reasons to harbour fear or fear of something going wrong.

On the other hand, this union may be alerting you to one last call regarding some choice that must be made and you’ve been pushing with your belly this far. There is no more Crossroad out. If you don’t make that choice, the Universe will make it for you and there’s no point in regretting it later.

The Crossroad – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Crossroad card

  • Element: Earth
  • Venus: Planet
  • Card: Queen of Pentacles
  • Astrological signs: Libra
  • Number: 22 (twenty-two)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Crossroad as a Person

As a person, the crossroad can represent someone indecisive who cannot take the lead for fear of making the wrong choice and regretting it later, alCrossroads keeping options open or procrastinating as much as possible in making a decision. It can also represent someone with multiple personalities or who uses masks before society to show himself different from what he really is.

Because it is a card related to the Queen of Diamonds, the Crossroad symbolises a mature, powerful woman who has complete control over her own life, without needing other people’s opinions to follow her Crossroad. In terms of profession, it is common to relate this card to people who drive a motor vehicle, a mediator, especially linked to legal issues, or a referee and sports judge.

The Time in The Crossroad card

Changes occur all the time and at all times in people’s lives and, with the crossroad card, the intensity of these changes gains a new level and starts to represent a greater urgency for them to happen. Choices must be made as soon as possible so that the wheel of life can spin positively, so events related to this card tend to happen within 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Crossroad?

  • Which choice will brighten your life the most and bring about good things?
  • Are you being rational in the face of your choices?
  • What options do you currently have?
  • Are you ready to get out of inertia and make the necessary choices?
  • Is it time to take a chance on something new?
  • What changes should be made in your life to get out of stagnation?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Mice Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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