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Do you know the difference between tarot and oracle cards?

Tarot and Oracle decks often appear in the same searches when you are looking to buy the other. Therefore it is no surprise that I frequently get asked about the difference between Oracle and Tarot cards. 

Both Tarot and Oracle cards allow us to seek guidance from our inner wisdom to essential issues in our present-day life. While sharing the same goal, they have some distinctive differences. 

TarotOracle cards
Standard structure No set structure
Meanings and symbolism
across decks are similar
Varies based on the creator
No explanation on the cardsKey Phrases on the cards
First deck from
the 15th century
The First Oracle deck
was published in 1775
Standard size 2.75″ x 4.75″No standard size
Differences between Tarot and Oracle cards

But if all of this is new to you, don’t worry. Confusing oracle and tarot are more common than you think. In this article, I will explain in more detail about these two different tools and how to use them for guidance in your everyday life. So let’s jump right in! 

What is the difference between tarot and oracle cards?

Although both cards provide guidance to us and direct our paths by allowing us to tap into our internal wisdom, they still have essential differences. They differ in their history, structure, how they are interpreted, and what kind of guidance they give us.

But before we go to the specifics of the differences between tarot and oracle cards, let’s start by looking at them individually. 

What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards date back to 15th century Italy, where they were initially used for playing a game named Tarrochi. Since the 18th Century, they have also been used for divination purposes to do Tarot card readings.

There are several types of tarot decks with different themes nowadays. Still, there is a standard structure and common meanings respected in most tarot decks.  The mother of all modern decks is the Rider Waite tarot deck, and most decks are based on it.

In general, the tarot deck will have a fixed structure of 78 cards, which consists of two parts; Major and Minor Arcana.  

  • Major Arcana: 22 cards, which represent the learnings of the soul.
  • Minor Arcana: 56 cards that include practical aspects of daily life, generally related to actions taken or carried out in our everyday life.
  • The Minor Arcana can be further divided into four suits.
    • Swords, Pentacles, Cups, and Wands
    • Each suit has 14 cards that consist of cards from Ace to 10, and 4 “Court figures” that bring aspects of personality and personal qualities, in addition to experiences, lived or to be lived.
  • The Standard size of Tarot cards is 2.75″ x 4.75″ – there may be exceptions, but this size is most commonly used for tarot decks.

When a Tarot reader does a reading, they often use a Tarot spread to lay out the cards. The tarot spreads give the reading a structure and add additional meanings to the cards. Their position determines some aspects of the interpretation, such as past, present, and future. 

What are oracle cards?

In general, Oracle cards are easier to read than tarot cards, especially for beginners. They are very good at giving guidance to prominent themes of what is going on in our lives. At the same time, tarot cards can provide more detailed interpretations. 

The title of the oldest oracle deck is commonly credited to the Lenormand deck. Its name is derived from its inventor Madame Marie Anne Adelaide Le Normand (1774-1843). She was the most famous fortune-teller in Europe and did readings for the rich and the famous. However, older decks have been discovered that are considered Oracle decks. Most likely, they had influenced Le Normand when she created the Lenormand deck. The oldest of them is S. Hooper’s Conversational Cards, first published in 1775.

The oracle cards often carry an image together with an associated key phrase or word on them. The Oracle cards’ imagery is usually light-hearted and inspirational, making them more optimistic than some tarot decks. 

There is much more freedom of choice in the composition of an oracle deck. They don’t follow any set of rules, and therefore an Oracle deck can basically have any type of structure. 

Trying to characterize them somehow, I would point these characteristics of an oracle deck:

  • A key phrase is printed on each card.
  • Various number of cards in a single deck
  • Illustrations vary on the artist.
  • They usually come with a “Support book” for card interpretation.
  • Card size can vary widely.
  • Don’t follow a set structure

Most important differences

As we just learned, the more apparent difference between tarot and oracle is in the respective decks’ structures. Tarot has one, and Oracle cards are freer for the creator’s interpretation. But the difference is not just that.

A significant difference is the level of experience required to read each type of deck. For reading tarot, you will need more studying and expertise than for reading an oracle deck.

This is due to some factors. First, cards in the oracle deck will clarify their meanings with the imagery and key phrases printed on them. They often come with a supporting book to help deepen the interpretation and explain each card’s energy. 

Meanwhile, with the Tarot cards, there are 78 cards on the tarot deck, which all have unique meanings. To know which card is in question, each card has unique illustrations, numbers, or names for identification. There are no key phrases to support reading. 

Therefore, in the case of Tarot cards, you will need to understand the meanings and energies represented by each of your cards to do a good reading. 

However, both the tarot and the different types of oracles will be tools to direct your decisions and talk about your experiences and life. So, if you are looking for oracular guidance, there are all of these options.

Is one better than the other?

In general, every esoteric communication tool seeks to direct your paths, talk about trends and possibilities in your life. Both will speak to your unconscious, and it will be your responsibility to be open to this advice or not.

Thus, it is impossible to say that one method is better or worse than the other. Both will work to expose things that we already know internally.

We know that many people seek the oracle and the tarot waiting for answers to their future. Still, the cards will only work on your intuition and awaken your subconscious.

When choosing between these two, keep in mind the difference between tarot and oracle that we highlighted above, and select the one that best suits your desires and needs at the moment.

Should I start with tarot or oracle?

As we have already said, all astral communication methods indicate the tendencies of your subconscious at the time of reading. All cards will present perspectives lost in your unconscious on new questions or issues and provide insight into valuable life lessons.

Thus, the decision to start asking for energy guidance, whether through tarot, oracle, or other methods, will depend on your profile and what you are looking for at the moment. Remember the difference between tarot and oracle when making your decision.

For example, a person looking for a more structured approach for their interpretation may prefer to start with the tarot. Suppose you like more the freedom of interpretation, and want to start with something more simplistic. In that case, you can opt for the oracle cards.

Can I use the tarot and oracle cards together?

Despite the differences between tarot and oracle cards, reading both together is possible. The purpose of both oracular tools will always be the same, being just different means for the same purpose. Thus, it is entirely possible to be used at the same time. Using the Oracle cards in conjunction with the tarot can add a different perspective to a standard reading.

For example, there is a view that the tarot would bring a more subjective and psychological standpoint, with several possibilities for interpretation. While the Oracle cards would be more straightforward and more objective, relating more to day-to-day life.

One way of using them together is a mixed drawing technique, combining different concepts from other symbolic oracular languages. For example, below are two techniques you can corporate into your readings to use the tarot and oracle together:

  • You can draw the signifier at the beginning of the reading from the Oracle deck. This will give the reading its overall theme.
  • Alternatively, you can pull an advice card at the end of the reading from the Oracle deck.

Consequently, despite the difference between tarot and oracle cards, both have structural and iconographic characteristics that are individual and specific; they share the same objective and intention. 

Both the tarot and the oracle are complete on their own and can be read individually or together. The method and effectiveness of either reading will be designated more by the professionalism of the person who does it, their skills and intuitions, than the type of cards used.

Whether you want to use the tarot alone or in conjunction with an oracle, look for what best suits your vision and need at the moment. Always be open to what reading will provide you concerning your experiences, actions, and unconscious knowledge.

In this way, I conclude my article on the difference between tarot and oracle. I hope that you now have a better understanding of the structure of each of these decks. Also, I hope you can better understand the main points that separate these different types of cards and now know how to use them together. 

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

Published by
Eliana Sousa

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