The Dog Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Dog is a card that carries positivity in its reading and, like the animal it represents, symbolises loyalty, friendship and trust. Having the Dog in your spread is the certainty of a more hectic social life and the presence of people you can count on by your side, ready to protect you from danger and offer the best advice.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the support cards, because if any negative card is close to him, it can transform the lightness of his energy into something to worry about. In this case, bad people can take advantage of your low defences to gain your trust and act on their own behalf. This movement is somewhat subtle and, most of the time, it is too late when the penny drops.

Keywords of The Dog

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The Dog, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: loyalty, friendship, respect, reliability, obedience, followers, support, devotion

The Dog Meaning

The Dog is a direct representative of a family member, friend or someone with whom you feel free to open your feelings. He conveys the assurance of his undying loyalty. They are people you can count on with your eyes closed in the certainty of being well supported when you feel your world crumble or small fissures are noticed along the chosen path. In fact, for these people, no matter what path you choose for yourself, they will always be by your side supporting you and offering the right words in moments of greatest indecision. They are natural advisers, but more than that, they are people who truly care about you.

It can also represent someone who constantly needs to be admired by others, mainly due to low self-esteem, in a constant process of feeding the ego. It corresponds to followers, fans, or even friends and family who raise the flag of support for the other as a way of showing that they care and deserve your attention.

But, as said before, when the Dog is accompanied by negative cards it tends to show the traps placed by bad people. In this case, the card warns to keep your ears open, like a good watchdog, and be careful not to fall for someone’s lip, especially if you’re the type that needs validation in everything you do. This person will know how to say exactly what you want to hear, building a false trust, and will take action, damaging your plans and preventing you from progressing.

In a more literal reading, this card can represent a pet when combined with other animal cards, and can be any type of pet, from a goldfish to a parrot.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Dog’s card points to a relationship with a strong foundation and sustained by loyalty, trust, friendship and companionship. You understand the meaning of mutual support and are always ready to support each other at any time, regardless of the choices made. The coolest thing here is that you always aim to walk a path that brings joint benefit, never doing something that is just for personal fulfillment, because, for you, happiness will only be complete when your partner is also in the same tune, feeling the same happiness , thus creating an incredible, unique and lasting connection between you.

This card often represents the person’s soul mate, so when aligned with a current relationship, even if there are small conflicts to be resolved, which is completely normal in any relationship, it tends to present the partner as someone predestined to yes. Someone who completes you on every level.

If you are single, the pure feeling of love can arise in your heart in relation to some very close friend and for whom you have complete trust and loyalty. It may be that this person is already giving you small signs that he likes you or you feel something for that person, but you are afraid to go for an attack for fear of losing the beautiful friendship. If this is the case, know that this relationship has everything to work out and, in addition to love, you will have a companion, friend and lover by your side.

Now, if you don’t have anyone who is of interest to you in your social circle, it may be that a person with the characteristics of the Dog appears in your life and establishes a healthy and loyal friendship with you, leaving later for a wonderful loving relationship and full of good experiences.

Work and Career

Harmony and teamwork is what most characterises the work environment when the Dog card appears in the spread. Projects and activities in general are carried out with perfection and quality, as there is an incredible connection of ideas, effort and dedication on the part of everyone involved. Each one does their part aiming at a greater result and any internal competition that could exist to conquer spaces and higher positions, does not exist, or at least it is not visible, because there is an awareness that it is no use to be at a high level if there is no support and support needed to carry out the work.

Recognition for your commitment within the company or career is also notable when the Dog card appears, and it comes both from colleagues and from people at a higher hierarchical level, directly reflecting on your mood, energy and the way you deliver to the requested demands, in an exchange that reflects positively on your work, providing the much-desired stability.

If you own a business, the Dog card appears to demonstrate trust and loyalty on the part of partners or service providers. If there is any doubt about the nature of those who share responsibility for your company with you, they can be discarded, as they are good-natured people who are always wishing the best for you. This is also an investment card, so if you plan to increase your business and expand your service network, this is a very good time to do so. There is greater security about what you do and this prevents unpleasant surprises from arising along the way.

If you are looking for a job, know that this search will soon be stopped and, most likely, the job you dreamed of will be won thanks to the commitment and help of a friend or family member. Referrals are the key to getting back into the job market, so don’t be shy about asking your acquaintances if they know of anyone who needs your services.

Health and Wellness

In a health and well-being reading, the Dog is a very favourable card for anyone who is undergoing some kind of treatment and facing complicated or debilitating illnesses, as it points to a successful recovery, even if a little longer. slower than expected. Surgeries also receive positive forecasts with this card, being performed successfully by competent and dedicated physicians.

Incidentally, this card represents health professionals from any area. If you are in contact with someone, know that this person is working hard to help you overcome the problem you are going through.

A warning that the Dog’s card makes is in relation to health problems related to the lack of physical exercise. If you’re a sedentary person or someone whose only activity is running at the weekend or playing soccer with friends, know that it won’t take long for your body to start to take charge for the lack of attention it receives, and that charge will come in the form of injuries and illnesses. Don’t let billing time come to start thinking about your own health. Start with a daily walk or choose some activity that makes you feel good and practise it daily or for a short period of time.

You also need to pay attention to your feelings and emotions, as stress and pressure buildup on your shoulders can lead to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Seek help if you feel mentally drained and look for options that help you relax, such as taking time alone to meditate or going out with friends to distract yourself.

  • Body parts connected to the chart: pharynx, larynx, tongue, mind

The Dog meaning according to its position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, the Dog reminds us of the importance of taking time to care for our friends and family. It doesn’t have to be in person, because often the day-to-day rush doesn’t allow you to be with the one you love, but a phone call, a text message or even a comment on some publication on the social network will help to positively feed the relationship, not allowing them to disappear with the seasons.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is near the querent, it symbolises the reliability, loyalty and affection of friends and family. They are capable of everything to help when that support is most needed, being a strong and very important base for personal growth in all areas of life. If the card is far from the consultant, a warning to be careful with malicious people beeps loudly and you have to be very careful who you trust. Keeping plans and strategies to yourself is a good alternative to not end up getting tripped in the middle of the course.

Combinations with The Dog

The Dog is a positive card and will always bring a reading related to people in direct contact, such as family and friends. When followed by negative cards, it has the power to soften situations that could have catastrophic consequences.

The Dog and The Sun

The Dog symbolises the loyalty of the people around you while the Sun, the light they place on your path. Here, the union of these two cards represent conquests and successful completions thanks to the help of those who wish you well and always believed in your potential. Sometimes, it is difficult to perceive this help, especially if it comes through small pieces of advice, but it exists and will be the main responsibility for building your success as a person and as a professional. In the latter case, this success will come about through partnerships and productive businesses carried out with people of extreme trust.

The Dog and The Clover

Although both cards have positive energy, their combination warns of tense and conflicting moments with loved ones. You may be facing some difficulty in communication, you had a significant fight with a friend who is very dear to you recently, and this is keeping you up at night and making you sad, or something will happen that will shake the structures of this friendship. Whatever it is, it will be something fleeting and transient, not causing major damage to the relationship.

The Dog – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Dog card

  • Element: earth
  • Planet: Uranus
  • Card: Ten of Cups
  • Astrological signs: Aquarius
  • Number: 18 (eighteen)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Dog as a Person

As a person, the Dog can represent someone loyal, companionable and trustworthy. He’s the kind of person who spares no effort to help those he loves and is always brightening the environment when he notices some kind of aura dominating the place. You know those people who always have a kind word or valuable advice to get us out of rock bottom and that fills our chest with hope? So this is Dog.

This card can also represent the person’s pet or some animal that the person has a great affection for. In this case the card must be aligned with the card representing some other animal. Remembering that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog. It can be any type of animal that you are emotionally attached to.

People who work with animals are also symbolised here. They can be veterinarians, trainers, biologists, among others.

Time in The Dog card

As it is a card closely linked to loyalty and, consequently, to friendship, the events announced tend to take place on a special date for a very dear person, such as the birthday of a great friend or an event prepared by someone you care about very much. appreciation. The number eighteen, the number that represents the Dog, is also present in the time count. As such, events can happen within eighteen days, weeks, or months.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the card The Dog?

  • Can you recognize the help you receive from people who wish you well?
  • How can you be more supportive of others?
  • Do you take time out of your day to take care of yourself and those you love?
  • Have you been keeping in touch with family and friends?
  • How can you become a more confident person?
  • Should you really trust everyone who claims to be your friend?
  • How do you protect yourself from false friends?
  • Have you hugged and shown your affection to your pet?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Tower Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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