The Emperor (IV) tarot card is the fourth card of the Major Arcana. Emperor symbolizes power, hard work, success, and the dominance of logic over emotion and of the mind over the heart. Seeing him in a tarot reading presents a chance to grow in terms of the goals you have set for yourself.
While its feminine counterpart, the Empress, is the mother archetype, the Emperor is at the top of the masculine hierarchy. He is the father-archetype of the tarot deck. It is a very desirable card to get, especially for development signs in your professional life or in the hopes of becoming a father figure.
The Emperor’s visual depiction and symbolism
The Emperor tarot card depicts a charismatic elder ruler sitting on a large stone throne decorated with four ram heads. Like an emperor should, he is wearing a crown and a red robe over a suit of armor. He holds two objects in his hands—a globe or an orb in his right hand and an ankh in his left.

- The ram heads are symbols of his connection with Aries and the planet Mars.
- His white beard represents the wisdom that comes with age and experience.
- The crown represents power, the achievement of mind over body.
- The red rope is symbolic of his power, intensity, and energy. The armor suggests that he is guarded against any threat, be it physical or emotional.
- The globe stands for the kingdom that he rules and the ankh his reign and his right to rule.
In contrast to the Empress tarot card, surrounded by flowing wheat fields, the Emperor sits in front of a silhouette of mountains. This intensifies his determination and leadership characteristics. The Emperor is a ruler with strength and force instead of nurturing kindness.
The Emperor Keywords
Keywords are great for memorizing the Tarot card meanings, so before we jump into the cards’ deeper connotations, let’s look at them here.
UPRIGHT Keywords: control, authority, focus, discipline, structure, protection
REVERSED Keywords: tyrant, domineering, rigid, stubborn, lack of discipline
Now that the visual components and keywords are clear let’s go into the Emperor’s meanings in love, relationships, career, money, health, and spirituality.
The Emperor Upright meaning
The Emperor upright signifies the dominance of logic over emotion and the mind over the heart. According to the Emperor, stability, structure, and focus are required to manifest your ideas and dreams into reality. If you follow his advice, success in life will follow you.
Seeing the Emperor upright is a sign that success is expected if you act methodically and strategically. You may be invited to a position of leadership, using clarity and wisdom to guide others. Or it can represent a person that will influence either your professional or personal life.
Love and Relationship
Although the Emperor is a solemn man, its presence in a love tarot reading can still be positive. He represents somewhat traditional relationships, and he invites us to bring common sense and discipline to relationships and love.
If you are in a relationship, the Emperor is a sign of lasting love and traditional engagement. Being the father archetype, the Emperor can also suggest that you or your partner will take on a provider’s role. The role includes being the source of stability and security for your loved ones.
If you are single, the Emperor could be a sign that you are meeting an older man who presents security and loyalty to you. Romance might not be his strong point, but the other positive aspects compensate for that area. If you are not interested in men, the Emperor could sign that you come off as a bit cold and don’t show enough emotion towards your targets of interest.
Money and Career
The Emperor in money and career readings is a very positive card. He is a sign of success, but he doesn’t promise it to you automatically. To achieve greatness, it requires you to be hardworking and in command.
Regarding money, the Emperor calls for control, discipline, and responsibility. Ensure that you have a perception of where you are spending your money. Establish a budget, and adhere to it. If you follow his advice and discipline, you’ll likely be in an excellent financial position in the future.
In your work life, there is a possibility that you will be put in charge of something important. Just keep in mind, the Emperor calls you to lead with a firm but fair hand. His appearance can also sign that your work process is a bit chaotic or frustrating at the moment. You need to introduce new methodologies or structure to your way of working. The Emperor can also represent a senior colleague or boss that can accommodate you with support and guidance in your career.
Health and Spirituality
The Emperor card showing up concerning health matters often indicates that you’re too hard on yourself. Perhaps you’re following a very tight diet, fitness regime, or working too hard. Pushing yourself excessively will not always result in the progress you desire. The Emperor commands you to listen to your body and slow down if necessary or seek medical advice from a doctor.
The Emperor upright in a spiritual context indicates that you’ve been lacking a spiritual connection and focussing too much on the physical and material aspects of life. In these matters, it is also important to slow down and pay attention to this side of well being as well.
The Emperor Yes or No upright
The Emperor is an extremely positive card if you follow his advice of discipline, focus, and hard work. Therefore, it is a definite Yes if you are willing to do the work needed.
The Emperor Reversed Meaning
The Emperor reversed appeals to you to evaluate your association and behavior with power, control, and commitment to responsibility and discipline. The structural and strategic approach of the Emperor is no longer working when he is reversed. This can come out in emotional outbursts and unfairness or lack of discipline and incompetence to manage situations.

Money and Career
Regarding money, the Emperor reversed signals a lack of discipline. Both spending and managing your personal budget is out of your control at the moment. Don’t let this mismanagement ruin your life because the situation can be fixed relatively easily. There are even professionals to help you. Of course, the quick fix is building a monthly budget on paper, cutting unnecessary expenses, and making sure that earnings and spending are balanced.
The Emperor reversed appearing in career reading is a signal to pay attention to your engagement and self-discipline to get the job done. If you are having a hard time seeing concrete results at work, make sure you invest time planning your projects and tasks and setting goals and deadlines. Build a routine around the plan and stay consistent and dedicated to following them through. The Emperor reversed can also be a sign that you are avoiding responsibility. If this is the case, and you are not comfortable with it, perhaps another career path with more flexibility and fewer rules could be better suited.
Love and Relationship
In a love relationship reading, the reversed Emperor hints that there is a danger of a power imbalance in your relationship. Has the other become controlling, possessive, or domineering? This type of behavior will create problems and leave the other person feeling like they are trapped. Observe your own and your partner’s behavior to see if this applies to you.
If you are single, perhaps the reversed Emperor is signaling that you have been paying too much attention to your potential partners’ specific characteristics. Make sure you are not putting too much weight on their financials and not letting trusting your heart to make a decision when the right one comes along.
Health and Spirituality
The Emperor reversed in health-related readings indicates that you may need more structure if you haven’t been taking care of your health. You need to take steps to increase discipline to bring you back to good health. For those that have been following a strict program, the Emperor reversed is a warning not to take it too far.
The Emperor reversed concerning spirituality indicates that you have not been taking care of your spiritual connections. Perhaps you could try exploring new spiritual paths that could be useful for you. Just remember to listen to yourself and only follow something that feels comfortable to you.
The Emperor Yes or No reversed
The Emperor reversed in yes, or no related questions lean towards no. It represents a lack of discipline, which commonly will lead to failure.
The Emperor important Combinations
The Emperor is a strong character in the tarot deck. It is a very positive card, especially in matters related to work and business. But the success of the Emperor doesn’t come as a given. Therefore it is good to look at some card combinations what kind of insight they can offer together.
The Sun and the Emperor
The Sun is a card of good fortune, joy, and harmony. It is an omen for things to fall into place, and the universe aiding you in your path. The Emperor is also a card for success, but it relies on hard work and strategic thinking rather than luck and going along with life’s flow. Collectively they kind of have the same goal, but the ways of aiming for it are different.
Perhaps this combination is telling to have both in your world. While you are setting goals for yourself and working towards them, you should not turn your back on life’s vitality and joys.
Death and the Emperor
Death is a card of change. It is a sign that some cycle is coming to an end. The ending always makes way for a new beginning and new opportunities. Sometimes the conclusions come suddenly and against our own will. Like when we are dumbed in a relationship or fired from a job. In moments like these, perhaps the Emperor is a reminder of cold-headedness that is needed. He is the voice of reason that helps guide out of this situation to something better.
The Temperance and the Emperor
Temperance is a card of moderation and balance. It calls you to avoid extremes plus maintain calmness and patience. Having it coupled with the Emperor calls for patience in making decisions and not taking the Emperor’s strong characteristics to the heights.
Justice and the Emperor
Justice calls for responsibility, equality, balance, and fairness. Very much the same things that the Emperor represents except for balance. He is a just and fair leader who is always thinking about what is best for his people. They also both sit on a throne with crowns on their heads.
Having this combination tells me that responsibility and management in all areas of life are essential. Maybe there is a leadership position insight where you need to make fair decisions. I can’t ignore the scale on Justice’s hand to remind me of the importance of balance.
The Emperor – Element, Astrology and other associations
Here are the usual associations with the Emperor tarot card.
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Mars
- Astrological sign: Aries
- Key dates: March 21 to April 20
The Emperor as Personality types
As a person, the Emperor represents someone more experienced and well-established. Emperor personalities are assertive, brave, hardworking, focused, and strategic. They are often people who aim to the top of the hierarchical tree in everything they do.
Some of the negative aspects of their personalities are that they might have difficulties in expressing their emotions. Sometimes when their desire to rule goes overboard, they become people driven by ego. They can come out as domineering and bullying and have a hard time empathizing with other people.
The Emperor as feelings
The Emperor is not the best at expressing their feelings. It is more about rationality with him. He controls his emotions and values logic over them—mind over heart. But it doesn’t make him completely cold when it comes to feelings. He offers stability and structure to our lives, which generates a sense of security.
When seeing him in a reading, it could mean that feelings are not the seeker’s priority at the moment. They are more of a distraction, and the present moment needs focus and discipline. Alternatively, it is portraying how someone is expressing their feelings towards you. Don’t expect to see fireworks of emotion even though you are very dear and important to them.