The Fox Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Fox is a cunning thief who prowls around chicken coops and knows the exact moment to attack and satisfy her hunger. Farmers, constantly, have to concentrate their forces on far-fetched exits to capture or inhibit this beautiful animal and, like them, we must be aware of our surroundings whenever this card appears in the spread to avoid being fatally stabbed.

Symbol of trickery, the Fox card means enemies close and ready to strike at the first opportunity. Enemies that act with subtlety and dexterity, through a disguised behaviour that is difficult to catch if you are not alert. Therefore, it is necessary to keep rationality and attention high so as not to be taken by surprise. On the other hand, just as the fox is positively revered in some cultures, such as the Japanese, it can represent a moment of wisdom, intelligence and good fortune. To know which face we are talking about, you need to pay attention to the support cards.

Keywords of The Fox

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The Fox, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: selfishness, work, lies, cheating, alertness, care, disrespect, betrayal, trap, family loyalty, self-interest

The Fox Meaning

A cunning, intelligent and resourceful animal, the fox manages to achieve what he wants through a lot of strategy and, like him, are the people represented in this card. On the one hand, it can represent your enemies, those who do everything to occupy the place where you are and want to have for themselves what you have conquered. They can be close and trusted people or someone unknown who arrives quietly and manages to act without attracting too much attention.

A cunning, intelligent and resourceful animal, the fox manages to achieve what he wants through a lot of strategy and, like him, are the people represented in this painting.

Whoever it is, their deeds are repugnant and serve to destabilise their world and wound it deeply to the point of knocking it to the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to be very attentive and retreat at the slightest sign of danger in order not to be drawn into the tricks that these beings are capable of setting up. As it is a card closely related to work, it is very likely that this person is targeting your job, your position or someone from your direct relationship within the company’s environment. If you have mistrust about someone, do not neglect this feeling, because he may be right.

On the other hand, the Fox can symbolize the need to get out of one’s own box, open one’s horizons and start exploring hibernated creativity, as it screams for an extreme need to change attitudes and actions focused on wisdom, intelligence and strategy to get what you want. It’s being able to adapt to the environment and situations to reach new heights and not be left behind by remaining stuck in what you consider comfortable.

However, here is a warning; you have to be careful not to end up becoming a selfish person who only thinks about his own navel or who goes over others to get up the stairs more quickly. Being a fox is getting involved with the innovative, insightful and determined side that we all have to leverage our own path, always acting with honesty and a sense of justice, and not to become that petty, cold and calculating being who doesn’t know any other tricks to climb in life beyond cheating.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, The Fox card shows a relationship that begins to show the first signs of destabilisation. Probably, you have already realised that the current feelings do not correspond so much to those that you had at the beginning of this union, but, instead of reinventing yourselves with the passage of time and trying to renew the emotions felt every spring, for some reason you allow these feelings of disappearing along with the beautiful memories, insisting on walking a path that is no longer charming.

Here, there is already a wall being built between you, with bricks so well laid that it is almost impossible to knock it down, mainly due to the lack of courage and courage that both of you support on your shoulders. It’s not that they don’t love each other anymore, it’s not about that, but the feelings have changed focus, simple as that. Perhaps there is still some way to recover this relationship, but this will only happen if there is an attitude from all parties. Talk to your partner and see how much it’s worth staying together. Sometimes, even if it hurts, it’s better to go your own way.

The fox also calls for attention to betrayals within relationships. You can be in your best phase or in a quiet moment and without many setbacks along the way, but you have to be careful that infidelity is not the escape that allows this good phase to remain high. Betrayals can happen emotionally, not just physically, and those are the hardest to spot. In this case, the card asks you to be smart about your partner and be more rational, coldly analyzing all the steps taken by him to discover the flaws and betrayals that may be happening.

Here, any illegal and incorrect action that is taking place must be nipped in the bud. Getting stuck in a fake relationship just to keep up appearances is the worst choice to make. And that goes for your own feelings about your partner, too.

If you’re single, it’s time to be alert, because people with bad intentions may end up approaching you to take some kind of advantage, using the tricks of conquest to open the way and take advantage of your feelings.

Here, there are no possibilities for anything lasting and true, as this is a passing face and casual relationships. Take the opportunity to meet new people and have other experiences. The moment can be very good and pleasurable, just keep yourself safe and don’t trust the other too soon.

Work and Career

The Fox is a card that requires extra attention when it appears in a work and career reading. It carries with it three symbologies that, even with similar edges, are distinct from each other to the point of requiring attention for a correct reading. Therefore, it is important to analyze the current situation as a whole and the cards of support in order to be able to visualize the meaning that it gives.

On the one hand, it appears to warn about betrayals and cheating within the workplace. If you have your own business, problems can happen due to a breach of trust with someone important in your life, such as a partner or someone you consider to be your right hand man. You need to know how to impose limits and not get carried away by false plans and dubious strategies so you don’t end up being caught by surprise in a big trap and losing everything you’ve conquered with your work and sweat.

Regarding the financial part, before opening access to accounts and planning, think about whether it is really worth allowing yourself to be so vulnerable to third parties. It may be more work, but before blindly trusting someone, why don’t you take care of this part yourself? Caution is the secret to not falling into traps.

Even if you are employed, have a casual job or are self-employed, the warning remains the same. All care is little. Maybe co-workers are looking at a project you were assigned to, or they want the position you occupy. Whatever it is, the moment is to remain alert and ready to defend yourself, in case the attack is imminent. Listening to small talk and replicating something you heard can end up being the shot in the foot that your enemy is waiting for. Be prudent.

On the other hand, this card can point to workaholic tendencies. It may be that the situation is a little tighter than it should be and you have committed yourself to more activities than it is possible to carry out to achieve the financial situation you need, or you have acquired a work addiction over time that may be causing serious imbalance in other areas of your life. your life. In both situations, you need to review your attitudes and analyze how much time you can really dedicate to work so you don’t end up getting sick. In the first situation, it takes meticulous planning to be able to review the state you are in without getting into burnout. You may need to find help from people in the area.

A third reading refers to those looking for a job or career change. Here, you have to be careful not to end up buying a pig in a poke. Be wise before accepting proposals and be aware that letting yourself be carried away by despair or anxiety can end up putting you in jobs that do not correspond to the reality of the offer.

Health and Wellness

Once again the Fox appears to warn against cheaters and ill-intentioned people. In this case, these are people who claim to be healers or health professionals with infallible methods and miraculous treatments, and it takes common sense and rationality to discern who really knows what they are doing and who is there just to take advantage.

When we are experiencing an illness, especially the more delicate ones, we are more susceptible to the actions of people of this type and it is at this moment that we must not let our guard down. If you realise that the results are not as expected, then it’s time to review treatments or change professionals. Don’t be afraid to get second and third opinions. Whenever doubt arises, look for another professional to better guide you.

This card also warns of silent health issues that can manifest when it’s too late for treatment. Therefore, it is very important to keep up to date with exams and medical appointments, in addition to taking care of your diet, exercising regularly and taking time out for yourself and taking care of your mind. Any change you feel, a doctor should be sought.

  • Body parts connected to the card: nose, ear, heart.

The Fox meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, A Raposa warns about the risks of opening personal plans and projects to third parties. Keeping to yourself the steps you intend to take is the best way to avoid encountering unwanted stones along the way, as there may be people in bad faith around you just waiting to know your intentions and act against you. When the support cards are negative, the alert intensifies and the dangers of falling into traps and trickery become clearer.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the consultant, risk situations involving fraudulent and bad-character people are in evidence. To avoid getting involved in these situations, you will need to carry out a thorough analysis of who you consider trustworthy. Many times the wolf is wearing the sheep’s skin and blinding us with his sweetness and good intentions. It’s never bad to be forewarned. The further the card is from the querent, the lesser are the effects of external attacks against his person. Most likely you are already calloused by life and can discern who really has a good nature and wants your good from those who are unnecessary in your life, and this protects you from traps and tricks.

Combinations with The Fox

The Fox is a card with a great negative charge, intensifying those who have the same energy as yours and influencing others to lean towards your side. The more positive the support card, the smaller the impact suffered by the evils of The Fox, but these evils will always occur, regardless of whether the other card is positive or not, so you must be prepared to face misfortunes in your path.

The Fox and The Bear

Combining the Fox card with the Bear card generates uninviting forecasts for the financial area. Big losses are predicted by the union of these cards if you don’t know where to apply your money and if you plan correctly. When it comes to work, they ask to focus on their activities and not let themselves be influenced by colleagues and people of superior hierarchy, because in the middle of the forest there may be a hunter ready to shoot the first bear that appears without pity or mercy. Moral abuses, psychological violence and role deviations are common practices of dishonest and authoritarian bosses. Do not let yourself be involved in this type of practice and, if necessary, seek guidance from professionals to end this cycle.

The Fox and The Fish

These two cards together also reveal unfavourable forecasts for the financial area. Here, unnecessary expenses are being made and drastically affecting other sectors of your life, such as the family, leading to discussions, fights and lack of confidence. It is urgently necessary to carry out a thorough financial planning and start thinking about what is really important to spend. Also beware of cheating people who may come up with outlandish and miraculous ideas to provide high gains, this can be a trap and you will end up losing what you invest before you even realise the mistake.

The Fox – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Fox card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Pluto
  • Card: Nine of Wands
  • Astrological signs: Scorpio
  • Number: 14 (fourteen)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Fox as a person

As a person, the Fox can symbolise two distinct types. One of the representations is of a discourteous, insolent, selfish and cheating person, who is capable of anything to achieve the goals he seeks, even going over people who care about him. They never think of the collective and are always trying to find ways to spread the system. The other is someone reliable, astute and intelligent who is not capable of harming a fly and uses his wisdom to reach higher levels in a quick, agile and rational way. They are creative and innovative people and often take the place of leaders, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

The time in the card The Fox

This is a card of attention and will depend a lot on your attitudes to know precisely when things will happen. In the case of traps, for example, they can stay set for months and not be triggered thanks to your preparation in dodging them. This also happens with goals and achievements, nothing will happen if you don’t take the first step and only after that step and through the willpower and determination employed that you will be able to tell how long it will take to achieve it. Here the number fourteen is present symbolising days, weeks or the 14th of the month itself.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of The Fox?

  • Are you working way beyond your own limits?
  • Is your job negatively influencing other areas of your life?
  • How can you learn who to trust?
  • Is there anyone around you ready to outsmart you?
  • Are you being cautious about your plans?
  • What are you doing to change your financial situation?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Bear Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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