The Garden Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Parties, social events, gathering with friends, small groups, celebrations and large crowds. The Garden card brings with it the good and productive energy that diversified encounters can provide to anyone willing to embark on the discovery of new horizons, possibilities and, above all, meeting new people.

It is a card of socialisation and with it comes an increase in the network of contacts in all areas of life, from professionals to the personal. A network that only contributes to growth and maturity.

Carrying the romantic aura that ancient gardens exuded when serving as a place for passionate lovers to meet, this card also represents peace, quiet, rest and refuge. That moment or space when solitude is necessary to calm the mind, soul and body.

Keywords of The Garden

To better understand the interpretations related to The Garden card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: parties, public relations, socialising with other people, culture, teamwork, society, socialisation, social networks, gardening.

The Garden Meaning

The Garden is a card of celebration, whether in the sense of being with the people you love, for whatever reason, or to announce important achievements in your life. If you own a business and are planning to launch a product, such as books, courses, authorial crafts, or want to start in this universe by opening your own venture, the moment is very opportune to ensure success in the new endeavour. Pla

Partnerships and announcement of partnerships that will bear great fruit are also symbolized by this card. They can be partnerships related to the affective area, such as marriages, living together or introducing a new partner to the family, or professional, with new partners or colleagues, whether they are very close people or just someone they know. With the Garden, commitment can be made without fear of failure or bad results, as all people’s energies are aligned in perfect harmony.

Another strong symbolism is related to the public and society. If you have plans to carry out a project or activity that brings some kind of return to your community, know that the Garden card appears to give the good news of success.

Love and Relationship

When this card appears in a reading for love and relationships, it appears to remind us that every relationship should be tended like a garden. The fruits harvested will be those that we sewed at the beginning and that we took care of with the phases of the moon and, therefore, if you are in a relationship, it will symbolize exactly what you cultivated.

If you and your partner were companions, nurtured true love throughout your journey, were frank with each other and did not annul each other in the face of the partner’s desire, then the relationship presented here is a stable, harmonious union and from which the fruits generated they are sweet and very beautiful to be appreciated.

You managed to build foundations so strong that there will hardly be challenges or difficulties to torment or tear down what exists between you, just as the roots support the great trees of a beautiful garden, not allowing any wind to be able to bring them down. Leaves can be plucked throughout the seasons, but you have to remember that they fall for new ones to appear, so if you feel like you’ve lost your old partner, because he’s moulded himself to new times or acquired other habits, know that this is only him transmuting himself with life. Loving each phase of the partner and allowing yourself to be loved equally is the secret to a long-lasting and joy-filled relationship.

Now, if you and your partner were disrespectful to each other, did not know how to build dialogues between you, losing trust or adding insecurity within the relationship, day after day, the result is a union doomed to failure. But, just as a garden taken over by weeds can be restored and bloom beautifully in another spring, this union can find peace and constant joy, if only you do your part and take care of each other with love, affection, respect and much more. mutual support. If you realise that there’s nothing else to do, then don’t be afraid to end this cycle and start a new one. Sometimes you have to remove all the plants, take care of the soil and sow again from scratch.

If you’re single, it’s time to socialise. Going to parties, meetings with friends, meeting new people, allowing yourself to explore different possibilities and paths. Having fun with people who are dear to you is the first step to free your heart, heal the wounds that may be open and allow yourself to love again.

Work and Career

The harvest has begun and with it are coming the good fruits of a careful, strategic sowing and completely thinking about the results that we wanted to achieve. You’ve put a lot of effort into your company or your own business, you’ve dedicated extra hours, you’ve been inspired by new knowledge, courses, workshops, lectures, and you’ve done your best to ensure everyone’s success, and now you can begin to receive the laurels of glory and enjoy all the positive return that is rightfully yours.

Projects and activities that were carried out with focus and determination begin to end successfully, bringing prosperity and new opportunities, as you gained prominence for your work and with this prominence comes new responsibilities, new projects and activities. Your hard work is paying off and you can, and should, celebrate with all those who have helped you along the way.

Teamwork is also symbolised by this card, and if you don’t feel comfortable with a colleague or are afraid of sharing tasks because you believe it’s better to do everything alone, it’s time to overthrow these old paradigms, let go of fears aside and open a channel of receptivity and dialogue with everyone, colleagues and people of superior hierarchy. You’ll be amazed at how much you have in common and how you can complement each other’s projects by working together as a single unit.

Expanding your network can be a good thing right now. The Garden is a card of social relationships, so going out, participating in corporate events, whether from your company and branch or not, and meeting new people can be the biggest move you will make for your professional success. Standing still in time or forgotten in the corner of a room alone will not add anything to you, apart from loneliness and professional stagnation. The moment is to go out, learn and relate.

If you are looking for a job, the advice in this card is to lose your shame and ask your acquaintances for help. Allow them to reach out and provide you with a greater possibility of reversing your current situation. Networking is the best way to find a job.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Garden card brings good news. The cure for the disease may be closer to occurring than expected and with it comes a strengthening of health as a whole, with a full recovery.

If you notice, for some reason, that the current treatment is not working, it might be good to look for alternatives to complement what you have been doing with the help of your doctor. Palliative, natural and energetic treatments, such as reiki, meditation and floral therapies are excellent alternatives. In addition to strengthening your health against the side effects that may occur due to more invasive treatments, they will also help to calm your mind and heart, increasing your faith and helping you to go through this period with more tranquillity.

If you are in full health then there is nothing to worry about. The Garden only reinforces this good health and rules out any type of serious illness or one that requires increased attention on significant advances. But, it is important to point out that, even if you enjoy good health, you should not neglect your body and mind for a moment. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking care of your emotions and mind is the best way to help your body stay healthy.

  • Body parts connected to the card: immune system, phobias (mind)

The Garden meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, the Garden indicates success, prosperity and achievement. The consultant finds himself in the spotlight in some way, whether professionally or personally, and begins to enjoy a good harvest thanks to the work and dedication done so far. To know exactly what it is, you need to consult the cards of support. It also indicates meetings, conventions, gatherings and any type of manifestation involving more people, known or not, and that will add value to the consultant’s life and help in the realisation of projects.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, it indicates a popularity that can be seen in your life in a real or virtual way. This popularity is responsible for opening many doors and new opportunities are present at all times, symbolising a busy social life full of possibilities. New friendships that bring more joy to the querent’s life are also symbolised in this situation. When the card is far away, it may be that the friendships cultivated are not so reliable and certain people are around just to take some kind of advantage. It is necessary to review the social circle.

Combinations with The Garden

Despite being positive, the Garden is a card very susceptible to the influence of supporting cards, and may present some readings with more nebulous or confused energy or with a slightly negative content. Despite this, this negativity is not strong enough to the point that its consequences cannot be reversed, everything will depend on how the consultant will behave in a given situation.

The Garden and The Tree

A strong tree with thick roots firmly rooted in the earth, such is your life these days. You fought and made a lot of effort to conquer the space you are in today and there is nothing that can take you out of there, so leave any concerns about that behind and take this moment to appreciate the good fruits that your tree of life offers you.

Reconnecting with nature and Mother Earth is also one of the advice brought by the union of these cards, it can be through a few days in the countryside, walking through the park or participating in a retreat.

The Garden and The Whip

You have to be attentive to the people around you. Don’t let the bad influence take you out of your way and make you miss precious opportunities by listening to someone who is not at all concerned about your well being. People who generate conflicts and plant the seed of discord are very well represented by this combination of cards, therefore, there is little care. Avoid getting into fights or participating in intrigues involving third parties, this will only bring bad things into your life.

The Garden – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Garden card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Uranus
  • Card: Eight of Swords
  • Astrological signs: Aquarius
  • Number: 20 (twenty)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Garden as a Person

As a person, the garden card can represent someone in great social ascension and who draws attention to himself through his attitudes, actions and, mainly, work. It can be from a digital influencer to a person who is connected with the media in general or who has a prominent position in their community. People who work outdoors or with nature, such as gardeners, landscapers, botanists and floral therapists, are also represented by this card.

The Time in The Garden card

Associated with the number twenty, events governed by this card tend to happen within a period of 20 days, weeks or on the 20th of a month. As it is a card linked to the celebration, it may be that the events take place in some fraternisation, meeting or important meeting.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Garden card spread?

  • Are you paying attention to your friends?
  • How is your social life?
  • Are you building a healthy network?
  • When was the last time you met new people with the same interests as yours?
  • How is your public image before society?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Mountain Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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