The Hanged Man (XII) tarot card is the 12th card of the Major Arcana. It symbolizes suspension, letting go, and new perspectives. The Hanged Man indicates a time of concern when trying to figure out what should be done next.
The Hanged Man advises you to let things be for a moment and look at your situation from a different perspective. While you are in a moment of suspension, you can recognize viewpoints that will tell you what your next move should be.
The Hanged man visual depiction and symbolism
On the Hanged Man tarot card depiction, a man hangs upside-down on a Tau cross, a T-shaped cross. At first glance, it seems like the card is full of negativity, but if you look closely the perception changes. The cross is made of a living tree, his face is calm, and he seems to be meditating. A yellow glow surrounds his head like he is coming to a realization. His right foot is only loosely tied to the cross, and his left foot is entirely free.

- His view upside-down represents an alternative and new perspective.
- His calm and peaceful facial expression suggests a state of deep meditation, not suffering. He hangs there by his own will.
- His red pants represent passion, while the blue shirt is a representation of tranquil emotions.
- The yellow halo around his head signifies higher learning and intellect. He is coming to a realization.
The Hanged Man Keywords
Before we continue to more in-depth meanings of the Hanged man in love, relationships, career, money, and more, let’s look at its keywords.
Upright Keywords: suspension, letting go, new perspectives
Reversed Keywords: Delays and stagnation, resistance to change, indecision
Now that the visual components and keywords are clear let’s advance into the Hanged Man’s meanings upright and reversed.
The Hanged Man meaning – Upright
The Hanged Man upright in Tarot reading represents taking a break, surrendering to the moment, letting go, and gaining new perspectives. His appearance reminds us that acceptance and letting go are essential in the process of moving forward.
The Hanged Man calls you to leave behind the old thinking models and behavioral patterns that no longer serve you so you can see your world from a new perspective. In fact, it encourages us to take a break to reflect before making important decisions instead of rushing things. This will lead to a better outcome. It allows us to include new perspectives and opportunities that would have otherwise remained unseen if we didn’t stop for a moment.
Love and Relationship
In general, the Hanged Man is about new perspectives, waiting for the right time, being stuck, and sometimes letting go. Whether you are single or carrying a relationship status, seeing this card encourages you to take a moment for yourself to reflect and gain new perspectives. Instead of forcing yourself to find someone or enforce your relationship to move to the next level, now is an excellent time to take a pause and contemplate.
For those in a relationship, it could also indicate that it could be refreshing and beneficial for both of you to take some time to pause and reflect. The Hanged Man urges you to restrain yourself from rushing to any conclusions and allow each other time to contemplate. On the other hand, if you are unhappy in your relationship and the only option you see is ending it. In that case, the Hanged man reminds you that you are free to swing your feet off the loop and walk away.
If you happen to be single, the Hanged Man’s appearance can point out that you should release yourself from all situations, behavior, and relationships that feed negativity. You might be hanging on to your ex, even though you know that the relationship isn’t right for you. The Hanged Man encourages you to let go of those feelings for your ex. The Hanged Man can also be a sign to let go of the unrealistic expectations you might have for an ideal partner.
Money and Career
Regarding your career, the Hanged Man upright can indicate that you feel uncertain about what you should be doing. It feels like you are stuck in a position and can’t figure out the next move. If this is the case, the Hanged Man suggests that you surrender to the moment and take a pause. View the situation with time and different perspectives. This gives you a chance to reassess your situation and where your current path is leading to. You might discover new opportunities, which you were unable to see earlier.
When it comes to your money, The Hanged Man upright can signal that a change in perspective is needed. Avoid making big money moves and promises at the moment. This means not borrowing money and making investments. If there has been some stress about money matters, you may find that at the moment, a pause can actually bring you a new way of looking at things.
Health and Spirituality
When considering Health questions, the Hanged Man encourages to view matters from various perspectives. Instead of setting your diet goals based on how you would look, you could try placing them on the weight you feel comfortable with. The Hanged Man can also suggest taking a pause from your health routines. Sometimes a short break can help us more in the long run.
Regarding spirituality, the Hanged Man advises you to be attentive to your attitude towards yourself. Suppose you have been battling with cynical views. It may influence the way you perceive your life and spirituality in general. Try to free yourself from these harmful views and thinking patterns. If you let them go, you will much better off.
The Hanged Man meaning – reversed
The Hanged Man tarot card’s reversed meaning represents a feeling of stagnation in your life. Even if you invest a significant amount of time into something, it can feel that there is no real progress. This can lead you to feel frustrated and not believing in the future.

It can also signify that you recognize the need to take a break, but you are fighting against it for some reason. This is causing you to make the same mistakes over and over again. Only after you stop and honestly evaluate your role in your failures, you can learn from them.
Love and Relationship
If you are a single person, The Hanged Man reversed can indicate that your issue at the moment is that you have not been learning from your past relationships. You keep repeating the same negative relationship models and never stop to think about your role in the failures of those relationships. Try to take time out to reflect on what you need to fix to change it.
For those in a relationship, the Hanged Man reversed can suggest that your expectations and reality are not aligned at the moment. You must let go of your affection for how things should be and embrace what you have. Be in flow with life, even if it’s not as you expected it. Relationships evolve over time, so what is today might be something else tomorrow. So don’t rush things too much.
Money and Career
The Hanged Man reversed in career readings can suggest that you are feeling stuck with your professional path. The work and effort you have invested in your career haven’t paid out the dividends you dreamed about.
It could be that the extra hours you have worked are not being noticed, or the training you have taken hasn’t earned you a promotion. It’s easy to start feeling frustrated, but don’t let that get the best of you. Stay consistent and stay in control, and it’ll payback in the long run.
Regarding money, the Hanged Man reversed can mean that you have insecurities about your economic situation. This may be blocking you from reaching making beneficial financial decisions. Try to consult an expert and gain new insight and perspectives that way. It can lead you to a path that will pay dividends in the long run.
Health and Spirituality
Regarding health, the reversed Hanged Man can indicate that you are feeling frustrated with your health goals at the moment. The various diets and exercise routines are not working out like expected. Before you rush changing to another new one, take a moment to really look at where you are failing. Have you really been consistent with the advice you have been given?
With spirituality, The Hanged Man reversed indicates that you need to take a break. If you feel like you have lost your way with spirituality, you should take a short break to gain new perspectives. Fighting against the disconnect isn’t helpful at the moment. Just let things be and return when you are ready with a fresh mind.
The Hanged Man Yes or No
Suppose you ask the tarot questions that could result in a Yes or No answer, and the Hanged man appears. In that case, the answer you are seeking is Maybe.
The Hanged Man advises you to surrender yourself for the moment and let things be. The moment suspension will enable you to look at your situation from a new perspective.
The Hanged Man tarot card Combinations
The Hanged Man in tarot card combinations advises to let things be for a moment and investigate the situation from a new viewpoint.
The Empress and the Hanged Man
The Empress – mother archetype of the Tarot deck can represent a spark of an idea and be open to change. Combining with the Hanged Man could indicate that something is coming up, but you need to wait for the right moment. The moment in suspense is not wasted, as you try to look at the idea of change from different perspectives. When the right moment comes, you are going to be ready.
Wheel of Fortune and the Hanged Man
Wheel of Fortune is a tarot card of constant change. Combining it with the Hanged Man might be a calling for a pause that you need to hear. Instead of going from one shift to another, you need to seize the moment to reflect and study what you could do differently the next time the wheel turns.
The Emperor and the Hanged Man
The Emperor is as stable as they get. They are in control of their life, and he sets his rules and boundaries. Combining the Emperor with the Hanged Man can indicate that you are too strict with your ways. Take a moment to inspect your patterns from a new perspective. Maybe you are domineering others around you, and the Hanged Man suggests to tone it down a bit.
The Lovers and the Hanged Man
The Lovers tarot card is a card of love and decisions. Perhaps something needs to be sacrificed in the name of new love. The Hanged Man combining with the Lovers is an indication that this decision is not to be made lightly. Therefore, a break is needed to contemplate.
The Hierophant and the Hanged Man
Both of these cards support education and higher learning. The Hierophant more so about seeking advice from a trusted source. The Hanged man supports a pause to gain insight. Perhaps this combination suggests that a moment is needed to get the right information. Most likely, a trusted source is the best place to start.
The Hanged Man – Element, Astrology, and other associations
Here are the associations with the Hanged Man tarot card.
- Element: Water
- Planet: Neptune
- Astrological sign: Pisces
- Key dates: No key dates
The Hanged Man as a personality
The Hanged Man personalities are patient people who know the importance of sacrifice. Patience comes to them naturally, which allows them to see all sides of the issue. And sacrifice is their way to enlightenment. Be it in a position of suspension, the sacrifice of time is not wasted. Eventually, the right time and perspective will come, which will be their cue to move forward.
Don’t mistake the Hanged Man personalities as lazy or lucky. It may seem that they are doing nothing, and opportunities just come to them. Their suspension moments are not wasted because they use them for reflection, gain perspective, and spot opportunities.
The Hanged Man as Feelings
When the Hanged Man appears, it is a signal to reflect on your feelings and try to imagine the complete opposite. It doesn’t mean you need to feel that way, but it encourages you to contemplate different feelings. Surrender yourself to the moment, take a break, and see what it does.
If you are wondering how someone feels about you and the Hanged Man appears. Imagine what your cut feeling is and turn it around. It doesn’t mean that it will be the right answer, but it might help you gain the courage to ask and find out.