The House Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The House is a card that reconnects us with our origins and roots. Is a card that represents the family in every way, going far beyond its traditional meaning. It is the house, the home, the warmth that inhabits our heart and thoughts, a fulcrum that helps us to get back on our feet and face the challenges. It is the energy of balance of our mind and body.

This card appears to make us understand that when our life is balanced, it prospers, advances, manages to open sensational horizons capable of providing us with all the things we desire and, to achieve that balance, discipline, attention, determination are needed. , focus and consistency. This is a card that brings solidity and success, if you are ready to work towards it.

Keywords of The house 

In order to better understand the interpretations related to The house card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: family, security, home, tradition, roots, warmth, cosiness, privacy, conservation, domestic affairs, stability, comfort, protection, balance, success

The House Meaning

The house or sometimes the balance, represented in this card, can symbolize both the physical aspect, such as the person’s home or place of work, as well as feelings and sensations related to loved ones and friends or people to whom one cares.

When this card appears in the game, it is a sign that you are in a satisfactory and convenient moment, where there is great security in all aspects of your life, which guarantees you the confidence to remain where you are, because, in a way, it’s very convenient. You feel that things have gone as they should and there is no doubt that you are occupying the place that belongs to you by right and effort, especially in relation to your role within the home, but perhaps you need to start putting the weights back on the scales to see if this stagnation inside the bubble of comfort is really advantageous for your life.

It is important to pay attention here, because the way in which the feeling of comfort surrounds you, providing an unparalleled well-being, can end up making you give up moving towards your dreams and desires, believing that it is more guaranteed to remain in the zone where you are. is found than risking unknown and often uncomfortable paths. Stability is a wonderful thing when you’ve managed to reach the highest level you want. If you’re not where you’d like to be, then it’s time to go out and explore without fear of risking the security that surrounds you until then. You have to open your mind if you really want to move forward in life. Remember, your home will always be in your heart and you have complete autonomy to take it with you wherever you go.

Love and Relationship

The House is a wonderful card to read when it comes to love and relationships, as it indicates a secure, comfortable and stable relationship.

If you are in a relationship, your union is so beautiful and magical that it surrounds everyone around you with the positivity with which you face life and the way you have built, and continue to build, your story together. You have the same interests when it comes to your home, which helps a lot to face everyday issues and those unforeseen events so common to appear when you share life with someone else. Frictions will always happen, it’s something natural, but it’s the way you deal with them that reveals the gigantic strength that exists in your connection. It’s more than love, it’s companionship, respect, complicity, working together, it’s knowing how to feel what the other feels and listen to what the other has to say. It has surrendered completely.

If you’re single, you can be sure that life has the best in store for you when it comes to relationships. You may even have gone through tumultuous relationships before, but you don’t carry that with you, which helps you create new legitimate and loving bonds with people you like and it is exactly this attitude that will help you to find love again. A love that will be respectful, safe, and long term. And, even if it doesn’t last forever, it will be a love that will have its signature graceful, beautiful, and unforgettable in your life.

Work and Career

In a reading of work and career, the letter from The house carries with it two distinct readings. On the one hand, it symbolizes safety and protection within the professional environment. You are in a very prosperous moment thanks to the way you work as a team, with respect and valuing the role that each one has for the smooth running of projects and activities. You are in tune with everyone, including those who occupy a higher hierarchical position, and you have the space to express your opinions and ideas without fear of cross or malicious judgments. There is a great positivity in the environment that embraces everyone and pushes them to achieve even greater goals with each new project completed. If there are still doubts about the way your colleagues see you, know that, for them, your potential and creativity is of inestimable value, very important to move the wheel. Continuing to give due credit to those who helped you, and will still help, is what will keep you well liked by your colleagues.

On the other hand, this card may indicate that you are neglecting your family to give your full attention to work, which ends up causing friction in your home that could very well have been avoided if, instead of focusing on resolving professional issues, which could be resolved by others or even postponed, you were more involved with your family. It is very important to find the balance between these two areas of your life so as not to lose the harmony that still exists within your home. Paying attention to the family, being present and listening and welcoming those you love is just as important as providing for your livelihood.

In a more practical reading, this card symbolizes companies and businesses that are family-owned or whose society is strengthened by ties that extend beyond the professional. It can also indicate jobs involving houses, such as home secretary, engineer, architect, real estate sectors. If this is the case, it is necessary to consult the card of support to find out what is revealed regarding these sectors and people, but in general they are very favourable predictions.

Health and Wellness

In the same way that we take care of our home, we must take care of our body and mind. This is the main advice of The House card when it appears in a health and well-being reading. You may even believe that you are in good health and have no illnesses that affect you to the point of seeking a doctor, but it is important to realize that it is not wrong to wait until you get sick to start worrying. Changing your habits, eating right, starting to exercise, taking time out to meditate and have fun are some of the things you can do for yourself and those you love. After all, when we love, we care, and there is no better way to do that than to be an example to be followed by others.

If you are one of those people who are always aware of their physical and mental health and are constantly taking care of themselves, congratulations, the benefits can already be felt by you, as this card offers you good and stable health.

If you are going through an illness, know that recovery is not something improbable or impossible. Stay positive and follow your doctor’s instructions correctly to achieve the desired cure. In case of doubt, or believe that the treatment is not providing the expected results, it may be a good idea to consult a second opinion from a competent professional. Don’t be afraid to seek help or solve your doubts with those who accompany you. It is important to be safe throughout any treatment to achieve positive results.

  • Body parts connected to the card: bones, spine, mental health.

The House meaning according to your position in the game

When in the central or first position in the nine-card game, The House indicates that the moment must be dedicated entirely to the family and the home. If you allow time to take care of those you love and provide them with magical and unique moments, it will renew your energy and provide a well-being capable of moving mountains. This dedication must also be carried into the workplace, the second home, thus ensuring productivity and a successful integration of all. On the other hand, this card may be showing that the time has come to build something solid, more meaningful and that has deep roots capable of bearing good fruit for a long period. Not leaving for later what you can do today is one of the important tips here.

On the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the consultant, it symbolizes prosperity and success in all areas of life, especially those related to family and business. Take the opportunity to put new projects into practice and establish stronger foundations for those in progress. Now, when the card is far or below the querent, then the moment requires caution so as not to end up falling into traps caused by broken trust and false promises. Opening a business with family members is not a good option at this time, as the ties here are far apart and the risks of it not working out are very high.

Combinations with The House

The House is a card that is strongly influenced by those positioned around it, and can, for example, symbolize a happy family or a home broken by misfortunes. Therefore, it takes a lot of attention in your reading to be able to understand when it comes to something positive or negative.

The House and The Tree

These two cards combined point to a solid family foundation built with deep and thick roots that overflows with affection, love, security and understanding, feelings that are capable of providing great support for difficult times and unexpected challenges that may arise along the way. . This solid base can also be seen in the work area, where healthy and strong connections were, and continue to be, built, positively influencing the future within a company, sector, and, mainly, in the financial area.

The House and The Whip

A disaffected home, that is the main message that appears in the combination of these two cards. The family is separated by conflicts, fights and discussions and this ends up affecting all areas of life, especially mental and physical health. This lack of support from the family nucleus causes discouragement to continue with goals and plans, causing the person to give up trying anything new. Unexpected setbacks and problems are also seen here.

The House – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The House card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Moon
  • Card: King of Cups
  • Astrological signs: Cancer
  • Number: 4 (four)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The House as a person

The house represents an attentive, loving man who is very connected to his family, and he is often the basis of the family nucleus. This card can also represent a homebody who prefers more reserved and intimate activities or someone who stands out for his affectionate and caring relationship with other people. We have also symbolized here people who work in interior design, decoration, architecture, housekeeping or real estate agents.

The time in the card The House 

This is a card that may indicate a slightly longer period than expected for things to happen, mainly because, many times, the delay is due to the fact that there is no acknowledgment by the consultant that their own attitudes should be reviewed or started to get out of the place where you are, reverse some situation or even kick-start something. The stagnation coming from the person himself is what most causes the extension of this time. Here, the time can vary between 4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months and even 4 years, depending on the card of support.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of the  house ?

  • Where does my home dwell?
  • Do I need to restructure my home life? How am I supposed to do this?
  • Do I really feel at home?
  • Have I built a solid foundation to advance my goals and face challenges?
  • How are my decisions affected by my family?
  • Should I cling to old traditions or should I start building my own?
  • How does tradition affect my decisions and current situation?
  • What changes do I think and which ones should I make in my home and family?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Tree Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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