Categories: Lenormand

The key Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

Just as a key is able to unlock the right door, the card that represents it can free the way for those who know where they want to go. Obstacles are removed, stones removed and holes covered, when this card appears in the reading, making the road perfect to be trodden with tranquillity and the certainty of reaching the end of it where dreams dwell.

The Key card is a card of intelligence and problem solving. It carries with it that “eureka” feeling that makes anything cloudy clearer than pure water. Knowledge and wisdom are two great allies here, as they are the bearers of the answers that are sought, providing that desired relief.

Freedom from what hurts and prevents growth, being able to move forward without fears and fears and knowing that there is something that drives the steps forward is what guides the one who receives the Key card in his reading.

Keywords of The Key

To better understand the interpretations related to The Key card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: openings, success, destiny, clarity, revelation, unlocking, conquest, liberation, understanding, unlocking, liberation.

The Key Meaning

The paths are open and ready to be trodden. They can be old paths, those that are already being traversed, or new ones that appear as a result of embraced opportunities. It doesn’t matter which way it is, as long as it’s a path that leads you to your most intimate and true dreams.

The Key card is a card that takes away everything bad that prevents us from moving forward and progressing, so if there are problems that are taking your sleep and erasing your hopes, know that they will be solved very soon. Perhaps a little more patience is needed when things are very

New things can appear to invigorate the air around you and clear the negative charge that may be hanging over your life. The new represented by this card can also be related to something more spiritual, like a renewing force that expands from within, the result of freedom from a past that is finally left behind, in the place where it belongs. Being able to heal from wounds, be grateful for what you’ve been through and look to the bright future that extends to you, will give you an indescribable feeling of freedom and that will serve as the engine for your life.

It’s like you’re trapped in a cell of feelings, memories and bad memories that pull you into a dark, cold and lonely abyss and this card is the key you need to escape that cell. You hold the key to your freedom in your hands. Learn to use it and be completely free of anything bad that keeps you trapped.

This is also a card of revelations. They can be revelations related to how to get around a problem, get out of a mess, conquer what you want or revelations related to the spiritual and sentimental. In this second case, you are more open to listening to the voice that comes from your heart, your intuition, beyond the many mysteries that govern life. Use this for good, yours and the other, and receive the graces that the Universe has to offer you.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Key card will point to small problems that are preventing this relationship from reaching important new stages in its history, and this is largely due to the fact that you have not resolved these problems the way you should, believing that the best thing would be to simply ignore them or let time do its job, erasing their tracks.

The point is that the non-resolution of these issues is creating a distance between you that can even get in the way of coexistence and negatively affect this union. It is necessary to understand that there is no problem small enough that it can be ignored, everyone must have the due attention so that they are solved in an adequate way. Only in this way, will you be able to remove from your path any obstacles that prevent you from growing and maturing.

On the other hand, you may not have any outstanding issues left behind, but you are unable to fully open up to your partner, which can cause a major breakdown in your communication and seriously affect your relationship. Don’t be afraid to express your ideas and feelings to your partner and show that you are receptive to him in the same way. Strengthen the bond of trust that already exists between you and allow yourselves to hear and be heard.

It is important to note that, as the Key card is a path clearing card, any problems involving relationships tend to lead to a happy ending. But, you have to dedicate yourself to make this happy ending really happen, after all, the Universe cannot do everything alone.

If you’re single, new people are already coming your way and one in particular will totally capture your attention, so invest in your social life and leave behind any doubts about venturing into the new. If you are interested in someone, but haven’t found the ideal opportunity to show your feelings, know that the time is now. The Key card symbolises great chances to work out between you.

Work and Career

Key’s card brings great predictions when reading work and career. You are in an excellent phase in which you begin to enjoy the positive results of what you have dedicated your time and effort to, and these results appear in the form of recognition by people in higher positions, which may be through a salary increase or offer of positions desired by you.

Even if you feel that things are not going so well and this positivity is not a reality in your professional life, know that this situation is fleeting and a successful completion is already present in your path, just continue to perform your duties with dedication and care . You are fully capable of resolving any issue that arises, take advantage of these problems as a propulsion valve for your career and stand out among other professionals.

The Key is a way-opening card, with that opportunities may arise and will be very important for the future of your career. Don’t be afraid to start something completely new or even explore areas that are not so well known to you. If necessary, go back to studying and improve yourself, as these doors that open reveal unmissable paths that you must venture.

If you’re looking for a job, the position you’ve been dreaming of comes true right in front of you. Perhaps, the job itself is not the one you wanted, but at the moment it is very important that you accept it so that you can return to the job market. Once you’re back, don’t settle down, keep looking for work that makes you really happy. Be the change you want for your professional life.

Health and Wellness

In case you are facing any illness, the Key card asks for a little more patience during this very delicate period you are facing. Probably things are not progressing as expected, due to the treatment not being so in line with the illness that plagues him. Consulting another specialist and reviewing the methods used in this treatment is a valuable tip that the Key card brings you. Don’t be afraid to seek new guidelines, on the contrary, the more eyes that are placed on your problem, the more chances of being completely cured.

If your health is up to date, the Key card asks for increased attention to problems that may affect the throat or ear, especially if you are someone who works in an area where the voice is the main working tool. If you feel anything different from normal, especially in these areas, seeking professional help is not pure freshness, but something important to not end up letting a small pain turn into a disease that is difficult to treat.

Taking care of your soul and heart are also advice that this card brings in relation to health. Many times, we are so fixated on the idea of ​​taking care of the body, with physical exercises and a balanced diet, and we forget that our mind also needs attention. If you feel a little lost, seeking spiritual guidance can help soothe a troubled heart. Professionals who work with the mind can also be an alternative. The important thing is not to neglect your feelings and emotions.

  • Body parts connected to the card: throat, ear, ethereal body.

The Key meaning according to the position in the spread

When in the center or first position in the nine-card spread, the Key card symbolises successful outcomes of projects and activities that are already in motion. Everything that has been worked on and received the necessary attention, dedication and investment is heading towards a victorious outcome, where all desires are transformed into something concrete.

This card, when in the first position, also symbolises recognition by important people, especially within the work environment, one of the main consequences of this admiration being the offer of great opportunities.

At the Grand Tableau, regardless of the position that the Key’s card is in relation to the querent, it will always represent good luck, success and achievements. The difference is in the intensity with which this energy is present, being stronger when the card is close to the consultant and losing this strength as it moves away from him. Some scholars in the area like to interpret the card away from the querent as a sign of losses or failures, but this will depend a lot on the line you will adopt during the reading.

A very important point to be mentioned concerns the negative cards. As previously said, the Key card does not have the power to eliminate the negativity they carry once and for all, but it is powerful enough to soften 98% of that energy and transmute it into something positive.

Combinations with The Key

The Key card is a very positive card that emanates such energy in the spread that it is able to soften the worst cards that appear in the reading near it. It’s like you can lock a door that filters the energies keeping the bad ones outside. Therefore, even if the auxiliary cards do not have a very good essence, the Key card will do everything to mitigate this impact.

The Key and The Snake

The link between the Key card and the Snake card symbolises a betrayal that comes to light and can greatly shake your life, to the point of making you feel lost and completely dominated by destructive feelings. This betrayal is not only linked to love relationships, but can also occur in any area of ​​life, coming from a friend, family member or people connected to work, which will determine the source of the other cards in the spread.

Now, even if that betrayal made your world collapse overnight, you have to stand firm to overcome the heavy blow that comes with it. See this as the end of a cycle, of something that was no longer yielding good results, for the beginning of another one that arrives illuminating everything around you.

The Key and The Ring

By uniting the Key and Ring cards we have a successful relationship that extends over a long period and generates fruits that can be enjoyed by all involved in it. This is not just about love relationships, on the contrary, normally this union is established through other areas, mainly related to work. They are associations, bonds and partnerships that have the power to open paths and provide opportunities.

In the case of romantic relationships, this union can indicate the same situation mentioned above or an arranged marriage, something that does not necessarily involve genuine feelings.

The Key – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with The Key card

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Venus
  • Card: Eight of Diamonds
  • Astrological signs: Taurus
  • Number: 33 (thirty-three)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Key as a person

As a person, the Key card can represent someone who is in complete control of their own path. He is a person who knows how to deal with adverse situations and does not withdraw in the face of a challenge, as he manages to clean the environment in which he finds himself, getting rid of everything that impedes his growth. These are people who seek stability and security, especially in relationships. Professionals who work with cleanliness, such as urban cleaning in a more literal sense, and spiritual cleaning are symbolised by this card.

The Time in The Key card

This is a card from the present, from the “here and now”. Its events are immediate and, many times, are already in the full movement of realisation. But, a little care is needed in this reading, because sometimes things can take a little longer to actually happen, especially when many problems are the reason for not finding a solution. In that case, the Key card may indicate that the clarity of what must be done to solve them is immediate, and not their final conclusion. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to every situation that exists behind an issue related to time when the Key card comes out in the reading, before hitting the final hammer.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread The Key?

  • Have you freed yourself from what keeps you from growing?
  • What opportunities have you missed out of fear?
  • Do you know how to open the doors that are locked to you?
  • What can you do to build confidence in your potential?
  • Are you on the right track?
  • Is this the path you want for yourself or are you walking the path of others?
  • Do you know what you’re looking for to know where to go?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Pisces Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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