Categories: Lenormand

The Letter Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Letter carries with it a neutral energy, being directly influenced by the supporting card, so it is a little difficult to say exactly the consequences of its reading in the querent’s life without consulting the auxiliary letters, but, in general, The Letter represents the arrival of news, usually related to things that are already expected, such as results, documents and contracts.

All forms of written communication are symbolised here, so the meaning becomes broader in this sense, and can symbolise everything from small messages to large memos.

Issues related to plans and goals are also represented by The Letter. In this case, the reading tends to move towards a more positive side, that, of course, if the other cards do not contain a strong negative content.

Keywords of The Letter

To better understand the interpretations related to The Letter card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: documents, e-mail, letters, communication, contracts, conversations, expression, messages, news, forms

The Letter Meaning

This is a card that can be considered the basis of any reading of the Lenormand, as it is responsible for the arrival of answers, news and any question that is being consulted at the time of reading.

Messages coming through different types of means that need writing to be delivered, such as letters, text message and email, are the essence of this card. Therefore, if you are waiting for some news, you can be sure that it will arrive. However, as previously stated, the desired responses can be both positive and negative, it all depends on the letter that will accompany it closely.

This consultation with the auxiliary cards is also very important to decipher where the message comes from and who it is intended for. Often, we receive news that is not intended, strictly speaking, for ourselves, but for someone close to us or someone who is directly related to our issues.

An important reading of The Letter is related to false news or news coming from unreliable people. In that case, you need to pay attention to everything that comes your way, especially things that appear to be alarming or that require special attention on your part. Bad people may want to take advantage of your fragility in relation to an issue and bombard you with false hopes and expectations, wanting to take advantage of your problem. The tip here is just one: always be suspicious of everything and check every comma before accepting news as the absolute truth.

The Letter also symbolises important documents such as charters, memos, and legal documents. If you are stuck with any issue related to this, it’s good to start rolling up your sleeves and trying to resolve those issues. Don’t leave anything to be resolved later, as delay can have negative consequences down the road.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Letter can symbolise a relationship in which communication is lacking, with the presence of noise that compromises the understanding of what is being said, or, worse, nothing is being said. You need to break this cycle of misunderstandings and restore the harmony that has always existed between you, and this will only be possible when you stop trying to read between your partner’s lines and start really paying attention to each other. A frank conversation, where you allow yourself to expose what you feel and think is what this relationship needs at the moment.

On the other hand, this card can symbolise a union that is in its best phase, but that lacks that romanticism of the beginning of dating, that passion expressed in messages, glances, treats, the note stuck in the bonbon. Seeking this romanticism is what you can do to make this relationship better than it already is and allow it to grow stronger every day.

Marriages and engagements are governed by this card, so if the intention is to advance to one of these stages, the moment is ripe for it.

If you’re single, maybe someone is already in your path and admires you more than you realise. What’s missing for this person to move forward is to create the courage to declare themselves in fact, so put down your weapons and remove your armour, allow that person to feel safe to approach you, you certainly won’t regret it.

Now, if you are the one who is harbouring strong feelings for someone and you haven’t had the courage to declare yourself until now, take advantage of the fact that the Letter has come out in your spread and create the courage to do so. The moment is to express your feelings and surrender without fear.

Work and Career

Official documents, contracts, memorandums… every type of documentation that has to do with your work is symbolised by The Letter. This means that it is necessary to pay more attention to all types of official paper that comes into your hands, as you are too careful not to fall for scams from third parties. Check very carefully what you have to sign, deal personally with pending documents and be aware of how records, deeds and anything related to your company are doing.

If you don’t have your own business, it doesn’t mean that this kind of attention shouldn’t be brought to your side. Employment contracts and related documentation are also governed by The Letter and deserve due attention.

Regarding the work environment, this card can symbolise a failure in internal communication with the team. It may relate to you or people with whom you share responsibility for projects and activities. There needs to be better communication between everyone so that the work environment, and the work itself, does not end up becoming chaotic. Knowing how to understand others will only be possible when you also make yourself understandable.

In the case of news, it may be coming very soon, but it will depend on the letters that accompany it to know whether it will be good news, such as a salary increase and moving to a higher position that is being sought, or bad news, such as a company breakup or dismissal.

If you are looking for a job, The Letter can symbolise a new job proposal coming from some indication. So, don’t be shy about talking to people you know and asking if they know of any open positions, or even asking them to hand in your CV where they work.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Letter appears in the spread to ask you to seek new medical advice. It may be that the diagnosis has not been completely closed and you are still in the investigation phase of the illnesses that are affecting your health or that you are facing a prolonged treatment that has been going on for a long time. Regardless of the current situation you are in, being able to receive guidance from other professionals will be very important for the treatment to be as effective as you want.

In case you are investigating causes and seeking a diagnosis, The Letter alerts you to incoming news in this regard. In a short time the answers will be given and you will have your diagnosis closed, being able to start the adequate treatment for your case.

Now, if your health is up to date, this letter warns you to be careful with everything that involves communication, especially with your voice and body parts related to writing. Labour problems caused by repetitive movements may appear. Therefore, you need to keep redoubled attention and exams up to date. Be sure to visit your doctor if you feel that something is not right.

The Letter also represents the arrival of news related to exam results and others that are expected. In this case, it will be the auxiliary cards that will point to the energy used in them. News related to someone else’s health will also arrive and, again, it will be the letters of support responsible for saying what your intensity and energy are.

  • Body parts connected to the letter: hands, fingers, throat, oesophagus.

The Letter meaning according to its position in the spread

When in the first position in the nine-card spread, The Letter asks the querent to surrender to communication as a way of getting rid of any kind of obstacle that is delaying his path. Being open to expressing your opinion and making yourself heard is a precious necessity these days and those who don’t naturally end up being left behind. This communication may also be related to sending documents, such as applications for a vacancy that you have an eye on or making requests regarding something that directly involves you.

When in the central position, The Letter warns of the arrival of important and long-awaited news. She, by itself, does not warn if this news will be positive or not, for that it will be necessary to consult the letters of support and check the energies emanated by them.

At the Grand Tableau, when the letter is close to the querent, the news that arrives is the best possible. If the letter is far away, the news is not so good. In any case, the intensity and energy of the news will always be indicated by the letters of support, that is, it will not help the Letter to be close to the querent if the letters of support were very negative, as nothing will cancel their negativity, and vice versa.

Combinations with The Letter

The Letter card has no energy of its own. Neutral, it will always cling to the energies released from the supporting cards, so it takes a lot of attention to what surrounds The Letter and care during the reading to be able to make a successful prediction.

The Letter and The Heart

Good news is brought with the wind. They are news full of love and can range from passionate declarations and romantic messages, to nostalgic letters filled with affection and the smell of childhood. The Heart fills any news with its good and enlightened energies, so nothing that reaches you at this moment will be hazy or sad.

This relationship between the Heart and The Letter also announces wishes granted. If you have something that you strongly desire and you are working in favour of the Universe, know that the Universe smiles back at you and surrounds you with good things and well rewarded achievements.

The Letter and The Mice

It is necessary to be prepared for what is to come, because the news that arrives may not be the ones that are so expected. The Mice’s treachery and falsehood when connecting to the news brought by The Letter, ends up bringing disappointments that can cause great stress, if you are not ready to face them.

Fake news or news of dubious origin is also represented by the combination of these two cards, so be careful with everything you receive and make sure it comes from a reliable source. In any case, doubt it first and check the veracity later.

The Letter – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with the The Letter card

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Card: Seven of Swords
  • Astrological signs: Gemini
  • Number: 27 (twenty seven)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Letter as a Person

As a person, The Letter card can represent someone who is extremely easy to communicate with. Extroverted, talkative people who always have a “story” to narrate are strongly governed by this card. The professions it covers are writers, journalists, and any profession that works with words directly.

The Time in The Letter card

The Letter is one of cards that does not have precision for readings in relation to the waiting time on events and news, this happens because this is a neutral card, which needs others to have a correct reading. If we are going to think about time, The Letter will always postpone it, that is, it will never symbolise something happening in a short period of time.

If you want to specify the time, then we must take into account its numerical symbology. Since it is number 27, we can assume an answer in 27 weeks or months, or even in the month of June. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that this answer can’t come sooner or later.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Letter card spread?

  • What do you need to do to communicate better?
  • Is there someone you can turn to in times of crisis?
  • What are you keeping to yourself?
  • Is there someone you need to send a reply to?
  • Are all your documents organised?
  • Do you need to renew any pending documentation?
  • What news are you so eagerly awaiting?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Man Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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