Categories: Lenormand

The Lily Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Lily is a card governed by feelings of tranquillity, calm and, above all, knowing how to accept the timing of things. She is one of the cards that symbolises wisdom, but this wisdom is acquired over time, with experience, which is why she values ​​so much the patience that waiting requires. With the Lily card, this wait is always rewarded. There are no immediate returns here, as they, if so, are artificial and do not truly add to the crossroad.

Positively, this card will always show growth, progress, something that extends to reaching an important milestone, something that makes all the effort and dedication employed along the road here.

Peace is also one of the essences of lilies, so if you are going through a whirlwind of torments, know that the turbulent sea, little by little, begins to calm down, until you reach a state of total peace. Waiting for the hurricane to pass can be a good tip to not end up being sucked in by its strong winds.

Keywords of The Lilies

In order to better understand the interpretations related to the The Lilies card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: sensuality, morality, wisdom, peace, tranquillity, sex, experience, ethics, maturity, longevity

The Lilies Meaning

The Lilies card is easy to understand and has two distinct readings. The first reading, and the strongest of all, concerns wisdom and experience. Here, the Lilies card demonstrates all the patience and tranquillity that only experience and maturity is able to provide someone and, for this very reason, it can end up representing stumbling blocks on the way for those who do not know how to give life the time it needs to Flow.

Many times this feeling of immediacy to get somewhere will yield not so good results, so if you really want to reach

The end of problems is also symbolised by the Lilies card and is starting to be felt little by little. The peace present in this card fills your life, calming the turbulent waves and bringing bright rays of sunlight to a serene sea filled with possibilities. If the problems persist, remember, trying to solve everything at the same time will only solve nothing.

The second reading that can be had in relation to the Lilies card is related to sensuality and sexuality, a search for pleasure and for feeling graced by all the senses. However, this sensuality goes hand in hand with morality. On the one hand, we have sex, pleasure and material comfort as a symbol of the search for femininity, for feeling, for experiencing. On the other hand, a crossroad of virtues and purity. It’s almost like a formed paradox.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Lilies card will represent a relationship that is in perfect harmony. You not only understand each other, but also strive to provide your partner with peaceful and calm feelings, being the safe haven he needs at the time he needs it.

But anyone who thinks that there is a lot of donation and no return is wrong, as this care for the relationship also represents care for oneself. The respect one has for the other is a reflection of the respect one has for one’s own image. After all, by desiring and striving for the well-being of the other, you receive the same affection in return.

On the other hand, the Lilies card can symbolize a cold, dull relationship, in which there are no more emotions that motivate them to see this relationship in the same way they saw it at the beginning, as something magical, beautiful and unique.

It’s not that you don’t love each other, but you stopped showing that affection a long time ago. You have to be aware that routine is the worst villain in any relationship, so not dedicating yourself to the relationship out of laziness or lack of time will make it no longer necessary. Don’t allow what you’ve built to lose its shine and go out for good. Invest in moments of your own. They are very important for any relationship.

If you are single, the Lilies card may indicate that, perhaps, you need to invest more in your social life to make it happen. This, of course, if you are interested in starting a new romance. If so, then get out of your comfort zone, break the glass dome you imposed on yourself and go fight. Allow yourself to be conquered, even if you need to conquer first.

Work and Career

Things go without emotion, this is the main symbology of the Lilies card for a work and career reading. You find yourself completely unmotivated about your work and any issue that directly involves you. There are no problems here that directly hinder the progress of projects and activities, but this demotivation can become one of the big ones, if it is not resolved as soon as possible. After all, one of the main things that leads to late deadlines or poorly done work is the discouragement behind a professional.

To solve this problem, you can try to do things in a different way, stimulating the brain with something new and pressing the interest button in what is already routine. Even though the process remains exactly the same, the way you go about it may be different. Have you thought about changing the table of work? Add new visual stimuli? This can work miracles and boost the environment as a whole, helping you to regain that first-day energy at a new company. Another golden tip is to change your pre-work routine, such as the route you use and the order of tasks you perform each morning.

Despite this, it is important to highlight that the Lilies card is an achievement card, so, although everything is stopped at the moment and may be directly affecting production, the objectives will be achieved. The motivation employed at work will dictate whether it will be wonderful or simply good returns.

This card can also represent someone more experienced and who has a long walk within the company. It could be someone close to retirement or who has great professional stability.

If you are unemployed, the Lilies card shows a job opportunity on the way, but it will not arrive immediately. It will take a little more patience and dedication to reach the long-awaited vacancy in the job market. The tip is not to get discouraged and, if you feel the need, change the strategy being used in this search.

Health and Wellness

If you are experiencing any illness, you may need to carry out a more thorough investigation into the source of your problem. Some diseases can bring deeper origins than one really imagines, escaping the common knowledge of many professionals. Therefore, if you feel that the treatment is not having the desired effect or that you are going in circles, there is no harm in consulting the advice of another professional.

Despite this, the Lilies card shows a recovery. It won’t be immediate, because, as we know, this is a card that requires patience for things to happen. Therefore, it is necessary not to be discouraged and to remain focused on the treatment. If you feel the need, talk to someone about your feelings.

This is a card that points to problems related to geriatric diseases, such as vision problems, hearing and senile diseases, so if you are an older person, you need to take extra care in relation to your health. A balanced diet and regular exercise are essential.

Another care that must be taken when the Lilies card appears in a health-related reading is related to emotions. You may be very stressed and not know how to deal with your own feelings, which causes enormous pressure on your shoulders, affecting all areas of your life. Look for ways to relieve this stress before it becomes difficult to deal with your own anguish. If you feel the need, seek guidance from a professional.

  • Body parts connected to the card: senile disease, eyes, ears.

The Lilies meaning according to the position in the spread

also invites you to relax and enjoy the achievements that have been made so far. For this, it will be necessary to step on the brakes and realise that the Universe does not work just by rushing. Quiet moments in places that can provide a sense of peace are as important as the days of struggle.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the consultant, it talks about virtues and wisdom achieved through maturity in the face of the adverse situations that life provides. Happiness is constant and lasting, because you know how to deal with problems and obstacles along the way. Now, if the card is far from the consultant, it symbolises doubts and fears about the crossroad to be taken from now on, directly affecting the notion of the direction of life itself and the choices made.

Another reading that must be taken into account in relation to the Lilies card is whether the position it occupies is above or below the querent. If it is on top, it will symbolise that virtues prevail in the way decisions are made and life is lived. If you are below, you can point out difficulties and sadness that lead to questioning your own virtues.

Combinations with The Lilies

Even though it is positive, the Lilies card is a mutable card, that is, it is one of the cards in the Lenormand deck that is strongly influenced by the energies of the supporting cards, and may tend towards a negative reading whenever it is linked to a card with this essence.

The Lilies and The Clover

The union of the Lilies and Clover cards presents a deep feeling of security, something conquered at great cost, but which is now present to no longer escape. It’s a sense of tranquillity, of enchantment for life that blossoms from the struggles fought so far. Many were the challenges overcome and now it is possible to finally experience happiness. So, if you are still facing an amazing storm, know that it will soon pass and the sun will shine again for you, drying every tear you have shed and the sweat of the battle finally won.

The Lilies and The Crossroad

New crossroads open up when these two cards come together. Changes involving your lifestyle will bring new possibilities and experiences that will enhance your life even more. If the area embraced here is professional, then there is a great possibility that the change is related to your career. This is the right time for any kind of change, such as accepting a new job offer or migrating to a completely different area than the one you are currently in. Whatever the change, it comes to collaborate with your maturity as a person and bring good things, so don’t be afraid.

The Lilies – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Lilies card

  • Element: Earth / Water
  • Planet: Chiron
  • Card: King of Spades
  • Astrological signs: Virgo
  • Number: 30 (thirty)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Lilies as a Person

As a person, the Lilies card can represent someone more mature or of advanced age. A sage who has great experience to share with others. It can also symbolise an authoritarian person who has cold and calculating attitudes towards those around him, always relying on strategies to achieve what he wants, without wasting time. As a profession, those who work in studies and research are governed by this charter, as are those who work directly with the elderly or in an area that brings peace to others, such as spas and retreats.

The Time in The Lilies card

The Lilies card is a card where time runs more slowly. Things tend to take a long time to happen when this card appears in the spread, and may even delay. Nothing happens right away, it takes anywhere from thirty days to a year for something to come to fruition, so a lot of patience is needed as there is nothing you can do to speed things up.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Lilies spread ?

  • Do you know what gives you pleasure?
  • What virtues are important to you?
  • Is there anyone with experience who can help you?
  • When was the last time you thought about your own well-being?
  • Do you know how to be patient?
  • What can you do to increase your patience?
  • Do you have any long term plans?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Sun Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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