The Lovers (VI) tarot card is number six of the Major Arcana. It represents love, relationships, and necessary choices regarding relationships. Receiving the Lovers tarot card in reading reveals that you have a beautiful, soulful connection with a person that means a lot to you. When faced with a decision, the advice of the Lovers is to trust your heart.
The Lovers visual depiction and symbolism
The Lovers tarot card imagery resembles the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The main elements are an unclothed couple in a beautiful garden, protected and blessed by an angel named Raphael, the angel of air.

- The three-character scene is a symbolization of the initial phase of the union between two opposites. The moment of bliss that affects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
- Air is associated with communication and mental clarity, which is the foundation for a healthy relationship.
Other visual depictions include a flame tree behind the man and an apple tree, and a snake behind the woman. In the background stands a phallic-shaped mountain and a flowing river.
- The flame tree represents masculine passion
- The apple tree with a snake wrapped around symbolizes the ever so familiar story of temptation
- The phallic-shaped mountain and the flowing river represents the connection between the male and the female.
The Lovers Keywords
Keywords are excellent means to memorize tarot card meanings, so let’s look at them here.
UPRIGHT Keywords: Love, unions, significant choices, harmony, shared values
REVERSED Keywords: Disharmony, fear of commitment, lack of responsibility, unthoughtful choices, misaligned values
As we now know, the Lover’s visual components and keywords, let’s advance into its meanings in love, relationships, career, money, health, and spirituality.
The Lovers Upright meaning
The Lovers tarot card signifies perfect love, unions, harmony, shared values, and important choices that need to be made. The Lovers tarot card often deals with situations related to relationships. Still, it can give insight and balance into our personal values and professional opportunities as well. When The Lovers appears upright, it is a sign that you are faced with significant decisions, or you see positive developments in your relationships with others and yourself.
Love and Relationship
The Lovers tarot card is a very desirable card to receive in a tarot reading, especially in inquiries about love and relationships. It signals a beautiful balance in relationships and complementary energies in unions. It is also known as the soulmate card, signifying a special connection between two people.
If you are in a relationship, the lovers tarot card indicates a lot of sexual energy, romance, and compassion returning to your relationship. You will feel a deepening connection physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is also a great indication of shared values and harmony in a relationship.
If you are single, the Lovers tarot card is a sign of love entering your life. And by its looks, it comes with a lot of romance, passion, and spiritual connection. You will feel like you have met the soulmate that shares with you more than just the physical attraction.
Because the Lovers also symbolizes choice and commitment, it can also propose how committed you are to your relationship. Do you prioritize other elements of your life over it?
Money and Career
Regarding money and career readings, the Lovers tarot card often suggests co-operation opportunities or big decisions that you need to make. You may be at a crossroads or shifting from one path to another, or you may need to make choices between your work and other aspects of your life.
The Lovers is a welcoming signal for a business partnership or a co-working opportunity with someone. This relationship can benefit both of you and open new opportunities in the future. The Lovers can also indicate that a relationship at work can turn into something more than platonic. If this seems to be the case, understand what you are getting yourself into. Work relationships turning romantic may complicate things.
When it comes to money, the Lovers card implies that some significant economic decisions need to be made. You may need to choose between two significant expenses that have a broader impact on your financial situation. It depends on your situation, but it can be something like choosing between buying an overseas holiday trip or buying a new car.
Health and Spirituality
Lovers in health reading indicate that relationships and personal connections form an essential part of your well-being. It can also imply that you are faced with decisions regarding your health or possibly even treatment. Perhaps you are faced with a decision about lifestyle choices that have a profound impact on your health.
In a spiritual context, the Lovers tarot card is a sign of balance and harmony. You will find a sense of balance as you gain a broader perception of yourself. You are coming to terms with who you are and what your desires are in life. This perception leads you closer to understanding your spiritual path. The Lovers can also imply that you will find a friendship to share your spiritual journey with.
The Lovers Yes or No Upright
In questions that can result in a yes or no answer, the Lovers is a very positive card, especially in inquiries related to love and relationships. If the card is upright, it is a Yes.
The Lovers Reversed Meaning
The Lovers reversed can be a signal of challenges, especially with the ones close to you. Some of your close relationships might feel stressful, and communication in them challenging. The Lovers reversed can also be a sign of commitment fears or not taking responsibility for your choices.

Love and Relationship
The reversed Lovers tarot car in a relationship or love reading suggests that coldness and disharmony have entered one of your relationships. Some issues are causing friction in your, and they must be solved to restore balance. Suppose you are considering whether to end or continue the relationship. In that case, the Lovers card reminds you to avoid unthoughtful choices and carefully evaluate the positives and negatives. You may realize that the positives outweigh the negatives, and your relationship is worth fighting for. Alternatively, you may find out that it’s time to move on.
If you are single, the reversed Lover can indicate that you fear commitment or that your expectations are off. You might feel that you are not meeting anyone who shares the same values. Do some honest introspection about your fears, desires, and expectations. This might unlock your difficulties in committing to someone.
Money and Career
The Lovers reversed is an omen of problems at the workplace. It may be an indication of conflicts between colleagues or business partners. You may need to spend extra energy on communication problems and get everyone agreeing on issues. Or there might be a person that seems to be avoiding responsibility and work, while others need to carry their weight.
Regarding money, the Lovers reversed is not a great omen. It could imply imbalances with spending and the money coming in. Or that you have been making choices that might put your financial security at risk. The Lovers reversed reminds you to always understand the implications of your financial decisions and what you can genuinely afford.
Health and Spirituality
The reversed Lovers Tarot card indicates that you are not in harmony with your physical feelings. You need to respect your energy levels and listen to how your body feels. You may be pushing too hard with your exercise and fitness routine. Sometimes you need to slow down to restore the energy so you can get back on track.
Regarding spirituality, The Lovers reversed can indicate that you have been distancing yourself from your spiritual path. You may have been centering on materialistic goals and expecting them to bring fulfillment into your life, and it has left you feeling empty. Remember to nurture your spiritual side as well. Allow it to fill that void of emptiness and restore harmony.
The Lovers Yes or No Reversed
The Lovers reversed in questions that can have a Yes or No outcome, is a No. It is a sign of challenges, especially with the ones close to you.
The Lovers tarot card Combinations
The Lovers encourages us to follow our hearts and adds an aspect of unions when combined with other tarot cards.
The Fool and the Lovers
The Fool is the card of joy and new beginnings. When combined with the Lovers, new love is in the air, and the combination calls you to accept this adventure. Perhaps it can also signify that the other partner in this union is not serious about the relationship.
The Lovers and the Strenght
Strength is an omen of triumph when we are faced with difficult situations. When combined with the Lovers who predict crucial decisions, we could read this as an encouraging message about our choice. If we trust our heart and make the decision, we will triumph.
The Temperance and the Lovers
Temperance reminds us to seek balance and indulge in moderation. Seeing the Temperance and the Lovers combination is a reminder for us to not get too carried away by a single relationship. We should not focus all our energy in one place and forget we also have friends, work, and personal interests in our lives.
The Empress and the Lovers
The Empress is the mother archetype of the tarot deck. She comes with warmth and love. When combined with the Lovers, it is a sign of a beautiful union. I see it as an indication of a relationship that could last and has the potential to be “the one.”
The Death and the Lovers
The Death and the Lovers combination could go many ways. The Death signaling endings and change, while the Lovers signaling unions and choices. This combination is an omen for change related to relationships. It can be an ending or a shift in the dynamics of the relationship. What is comforting about this combination is that it also calls for a new beginning.
The Lovers – Element, Astrology and other associations
Here are the associations with the Lovers tarot card.
- Element: Air
- Planet: Mercury
- Astrological sign: Gemini
- Key dates: Early summer
The Lovers as a personality
The Lovers is a person easily confused by choices. Facing a decision makes them bewildered. They are often personalities who decide with their heart rather than with their mind. They are optimistic and easy-going when they are not faced with choices. You feel warm when you are close to a person with Lovers’ personality. If you are in a relationship with them, they are passionate, sensual, and romantic.
The Lovers as feelings
Suppose you are wondering how someone feels about you and the Lovers appears. In that case, you are in luck. The Lovers is a very positive card when it comes to feelings. It is the soulmate card, and therefore it is a sign that you share a deep connection with one another. You align with your desires and values and be a great match physically, emotionally, and spiritually.