The Man Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Man is a card that brings masculine energy as part of its essence, symbolised as a real person. Therefore, this card can represent both the querent himself, if he is a man, and someone very important in his life, when the querent is a woman.

In general terms, this is a card of celebrations and happiness in the emotional field, that is, when it is not actually representing a person, it will be talking about happy moments and achievements. New things arising in life are also symbolised by this card, and they are things that bring positive results.

The Man card Keywords

To better understand the interpretations related to The Man card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: the querent himself, someone male, male influence, male energy

The Man card Meaning

The Man is the card used to represent the querent during a reading, but this only if he is someone of the male sex, otherwise, the Man card will symbolise the masculine energy, which may be represented in the form of someone from his life – a very important man, as a husband, brother, father – or simply as a pure essence, an essence that leads to masculinity, a logical, aggressive and physical energy. An energy capable of moving the person towards their goals in a rational way.

In this more abstract sense, this card symbolises the realisation of dreams and goals, as long as you roll up your sleeves to achieve them. If you haven’t taken any steps towards your desires, the time to start acting in favour of what you believe in is now, because there is a feeling of courage and determination here that can and should be used in your favour.

It is also time to be more rational. Therefore, if you have to make any kind of decision that will directly impact your path, make them consciously, not letting yourself be carried away by emotions or even external opinions. run over things and end up falling flat on your face. Being realistic about things is exactly what will help you achieve your goals.

Now, if you are facing any difficulties in your life at the moment, the energy of the Man card appears to bring stability, that is, regardless of the problem you are facing, all paths lead to a successful resolution. But, it’s worth remembering that you are the only person capable of getting around any bad situation that directly affects you. It’s in your hands to make the change, and for that, it’s important to know how to master your own feelings and act with your head centred and your feet firmly on the ground. Following your emotions is always good advice, but not in this case, as the Man card will always ask you to follow reason.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Man card shows a very stable relationship that was built with a lot of love, respect, affection and complicity, which guaranteed strong foundations and the necessary solidity to face any type of crisis that may have penetrated the path of you.

You trust each other, and that trust is what makes problems easier to resolve, further strengthening your relationship. Dialogue is also one of the very important pillars built by you, helping you to share feelings, dreams and desires with each other, which allows you to understand your partner’s needs and help you to face your own fears and fears.

If you are facing any upheaval within the relationship that makes you disbelieve in this union, know that the Man card appears to calm you down. There is nothing that can destroy what you have built so beautifully. There’s nothing to worry about. Talk to your partner, this will be the best way to restore things between you.

If you are single, very soon someone will enter your life and play a very important role in your path. The masculine energy surrounds this person and he will awaken in you sensuality and interest in exploring the new. If you are afraid to get involved again, because of scars from past relationships, know that this person will come into your life to heal you. So, don’t be afraid to surrender.

Work and Career

The time is to work hard and with purpose, this is the energy represented by the Man card when it appears in a work and career reading. It will take a lot of focus and discipline, as work will enter a very productive phase, which will be beneficial for everyone, both for the company and for your professional growth.

Taking advantage of this moment to make a name for yourself and be seen by those in higher office is the best way to get through this intense period. The tip of this card is to be as rational as possible, but without leaving the emotional aside, after all, no one will want you to explode in the middle of your living room for neglecting your feelings. Using strategies and logic in the projects and activities you are involved in is also advice in this card, as they will help you to conquer new opportunities and what you want for your professional area.

If you are looking for a job, the Man’s card warns about the need to remain focused on the search for the dream job. Maybe you still haven’t got your place in the job market, because you got discouraged too quickly or you’re using your energies in the wrong place and area. Try to focus on what will really bring you back.

Health and Wellness

The Man is not a very significant card on its own when it comes to a health and well-being reading, as, being neutral, it will end up being guided by the energy of other cards that appear in the reading in support of it.

Therefore, if you are facing any illness, the chances of recovery are great and the recovery time is very fast. That, of course, if you don’t have any other negative cards that might end up pulling the energy of the reading for you. But, in general, the predictions are positive, not showing any kind of worsening in the clinical picture or significant consequences related to treatments and medications.

If your health is up to date, the Man’s card asks for care for the emotional area. There may be overload due to stress and tensions caused by excessive rationality. Even if this is a rational card, it’s always important to find the balance point so you don’t end up suffocating yourself by repressing your feelings too much.

If you feel that you are losing your own emotional control and can no longer deal with trivial things, seek professional help. Opening up to friends and family is also a valuable tip to face turbulent times.

For men, one of the care that should be taken is with the male reproductive system. So keep exams and preventatives up to date. This could prevent serious and irreversible diseases.

  • Body parts connected to the card: male reproductive system, mental and emotional problems.

The Man card meaning according to the position in the spread

When in center or first position in the nine-card spread, the Man card will always represent someone of the male gender, regardless of their position. This happens because this is a card that ends up pulling the reading towards the person, whether the querent or someone close to him. Therefore, the reading must focus on what the querent is looking for. Asking him to focus on someone specific that he wants to know a little more about is what will help in reading the Lenormand deck. To know the characteristics of this person, the cards of support should be consulted.

On the Grand Tableau, the Man card will also represent a real male person. If the querent is the person portrayed by the card, then his position is what will determine the rest of the reading. In that case, the Woman card will usually represent his partner or someone with feminine energy who is very important to him.

Combinations with The Man

The Man card is a neutral card and therefore directly receives the energy of all other cards. As it is a card that represents the male figure, in combinations it will always indicate someone of the male gender, with temperament, characteristics and personality being indicated by the cards with which it is combined.

The Man and The Tower

The union of the Man and Tower cards represents someone of the masculine gender who possesses great wisdom. It could be an older person, an expert, or someone who has a certain amount of authority, like a parent, grandparent, or even a teacher. He is someone who helps you on your path, because he transmits this wisdom to you through very precious teachings that you recognize, receive with respect and affection, and try your best to apply them in your life.

On the other hand, this combination of cards can also symbolise someone of the male gender who is very lonely. A more closed person, who is not in the habit of exposing his life for self-preservation, or who has no one to share his story with.

The Man and The Heart

The Man card united with the Heart card represents someone very close, a very loving man, a dear friend, a passion… There are endless possibilities, but they all involve the feelings connected to a person of the male gender who is extremely important for your life. Someone you know you can count on and that the understanding between you is so unique and great that you manage to communicate even when you are not together. There is a strong connection, a connection that can come to represent a male soul mate, and not just in a loving sense, it is something that transcends that feeling, it is something spiritual.

Man – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Man card

  • Element: Fire 
  • Planet: Mars
  • Card: Ace of Cups
  • Astrological signs: Aries
  • Number: 28 (twenty eight)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Man card as a person

As a person, the Man card will only represent someone male. It could be the consultant himself or someone very important in his life who strongly carries this masculine energy.

The Time in the Man card

Traditionally used to indicate a real person, the Man card is unlikely to indicate the time of something when reading the Lenormand deck. Even so, if he comes out on a question involving time directly, we can say that he marks something that will happen very soon, this card being linked to the 28th of each month.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Man card spread?

  • What are the important male influences in your life?
  • Are you using logic and rationality in your decisions?
  • How much are you letting emotions guide your choices?
  • Are you connected with your masculine energy?
  • Is there a male figure who can help you?

Have a good read and see you in the first card, The Woman Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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