The Mice Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Problems, negative consequences, frustrations and betrayals. This is one of the cards in the Lenormand that carries a negative energy, being one of those responsible for pulling some positive and all neutral cards into your aura. There is no escape, if the Mice card appears in the spread, regardless of the aspect of life consulted, it will bring bad feelings with it. Not that there are no ways around situations, everything in life can be adjusted or resolved, but you have to be aware that losses and damages are already happening along the way so slowly that it can go unnoticed, if you don’t pay attention.

This is a card of inconvenience, of wasting time or money, of things that are slowing down life or making it unpalatable. Here, trust becomes a very fine and tenuous line that can be broken with just two fingers, so easily. But, once again, you have to remember that there are two sides to everything, and despite the negativity surrounding this card, it can indeed be a reason for growth, or a way to get rid of everything that is bad for you. She can turn what’s bad into something good, if the pieces start to move in her favour.

Keywords of The Mice

To better understand the interpretations related to The Mice card, let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: decreasing, damage, anxiety, stress, complications, theft, waste, imperfection, destruction, nuisance, disability, exhaustion, fatigue, distrust

The Mice meaning

The Mice is an animal that can be considered by many as a harmless little animal. With its big captivating eyes and it’s funny way of moving its snout when it smells something it likes, it charms animal lovers, making them it’s true defenders. But, make no mistake, this little animal can bring gigantic disasters into your life, such as illness, loss of furniture and documents or anything else it can gnaw, in addition to having the power to destroy a food pantry. And just as he is the card that represents him.

Destruction, theft, losses, betrayals, these are some of the representations of the Mice card that can bring serious problems into your life capable of keeping you awake at night. Many times, these problems are already, in a way, shaping up in your path, but you didn’t realise it until now and what was before small and insignificant, begins to take on bigger and more worrying proportions. It is clear here that, if you do not open your eyes to what is happening around you today, you could end up being surreally destroyed by something that could have been avoided or circumvented in some way back there.

Disputes involving money or other matters with people you know and who are close to you are also symbolised by this card. In this case, you need to be aware of who you put your trust in. Is it really the case that that person who calls himself a friend is by his side only to help him? Or is it that she has dubious intentions and just wants to be with you solely to provide for her own well-being? These questions, however absurd they may seem, must be asked when this card appears in the reading, regardless of the area of ​​life consulted.

Blindly trusting people is not a good idea when you have the Mice appearing in the spread. This card will always ask to pay attention to anyone who approaches during the journey. Not that you can’t trust it, but it’s better to be smart not to fall into traps organised by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Be careful with robberies, corruption and malicious partners who are waiting for the right moment to outsmart you and steal what you have. It may be that, in the case of societies, this robbery is already happening and you didn’t realise it. So stay tuned.

Despite all the negativity presented by this card, it serves as a wake-up call for changes to be made in your life. Know how to recognize what is keeping you up at night, get away from things and people that are bad for you or that don’t allow you to be who you are and get rid of all the dead weight that only serves to pull you down, discourage you and prevent its growth, are attitudes that can transform all the destruction caused by the Mice into a new beginning.

You will still feel the weight of negativity on your shoulders, there’s no denying that, but you have complete power to reverse any situation and make it a learning experience. It will depend solely on you.

Love and Relationship

Something loses its strength and charm when the Mice card appears in a love reading. Therefore, if you are in a relationship, the spark and emotion that brought you together at the beginning of everything no longer exists. It is a union that has been suffering wear and tear over time for different reasons, the strongest of which is the feeling of love from the past that no longer exists, or if it exists, it is not strong enough to carry on.

You may be trying to fix things in many ways, but the more you try, the more you realise that the problems are deep and difficult to mend, and this can cause sadness, scars and bruises. The way is to try to talk and see if it’s worth it or not to keep trying. If they realise that separation is inevitable, then it must be done in the best possible way to avoid extending everyone’s suffering.

Instances of mood, feelings and bipolarity in relation to the partner are also pointed out in this card and show a darker side of the other that, many times, one wants to hide or pretend not to have seen. It’s not healthy to stay in a relationship where your partner reacts differently to identical situations. It’s like constantly walking on eggshells and it doesn’t add anything to your lives other than suffering. In this case, the separation becomes a way out to stop this bleeding that has been going on for too long.

On the other hand, you may be experiencing an incredible, wonderful, fairytale love. It seems that nothing is able to spoil what they feel for each other or the harmony that has established a strong root between you. It is a relationship where respect, love and mutual support are present from the base to the foundations, but something is not right, and this not being well can be enough to shake the structures.

Someone may be doing everything to make a break between you, geneMiceing conflicts, discussions and disagreements that were not present before. Care must be taken to understand when the problems are real or the result of invention by third parties. Don’t trust the people around you too much, as someone might want to end your romance.

If you are single, the predictions are not very good. You are in a phase of your life where you are not fully prepared to commit to a new relationship, and this could end up causing frustration on your part in relation to suitors. The best thing to do is dedicate this time to yourself. Let this bad phase pass.

There may also be people with bad intentions wanting to take advantage of you, so you can’t be too careful.

Work and Career

The work environment is stressful, this is the common feeling that surrounds those who draw the Mice card in a work and career reading. In this sense, you may be feeling exhausted for different reasons – high work demands, increased responsibility, projects that fail, a team that is not collaboMiceive, or bosses who pick on you – and so discouraged that you can no longer make sense of what you are doing. is doing, getting to the point of thinking about dropping everything.

This instability within the workplace can be very negative, but if handled wisely and stMiceegically, avoiding participating in confusion and keeping opinions about certain subjects or people to yourself, it can become an opportunity to demonstrate your potential to work and manage crises. You have to find ways to vent this anguish you feel about the situation as a whole and create an armour to protect yourself.

Staying away from everything that can contaminate your productivity and focusing on the results of projects and activities, stimulating your performance and showing your ability to present a good job, is the best way to survive this whirlwind of problems and feelings.

This card also asks you to be careful with unreliable people who approach you in a friendly way or full of good intentions just to get your rug pulled out and take your place. Lies, gossip, intrigue, everything will be used by that person to destabilise you and encourage you to make a mistake. In that case, the same advice as above is also valid here, focus on your work 100%. Detecting who intends to harm you is also good advice, as it prevents you from falling into a trap and weakening yourself against the enemy.

As it is a card of loss, you have to be careful not to lose your job, business and money. Taking on new things is not very recommended when the Mice appears in the reading, much less starting a new partnership, as the person could end up being a cheater in the future.

If you’re looking for a job, it may take a while to find something fixed and secure, but don’t be discouraged. Take the time to perfect yourself with courses, lectures and workshops. There are many free options for those looking to improve their resume and get back into the job market.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Mice card is a card that asks for patience and persistence to be able to restore lost health. This happens because this is not a card of good predictions when reading health and well-being, but, on the other hand, it helps to detect problems that are hidden or asymptomatic.

Therefore, if the illness you are facing is lasting longer than expected, it might be a good option to consult a second opinion from another professional to make sure that there are no other camouflaged points that are preventing this healing process.

Relieving stress and depression that prolonged treatments can cause through alternative therapies, such as meditation, flower essences and aromatherapy, is also a good alternative, because, in addition to restoring energy, it brings new hope and positivity. This will certainly help a lot in any type of treatment.

Now, if you believe that your health is in perfect condition, the Mice card may be wanting to advise you to slow down so you don’t end up falling further ahead. Problems such as anxiety, ulcers, gastritis and exhaustion can affect you if you continue to follow a frantic pace. The tip here is to stop, breathe, focus on what is really important and leave every thought that can put you down outside your box.

If, for some reason, you realise that you cannot master your feelings and anxieties, seeking help from a professional or family member will be essential to overcome this difficult and significant phase.

Another point that deserves attention in relation to this card are the vices and excesses. An unbalanced diet, smoking, alcohol, and even drug abuse can sound like a warning whistle for an imminent danger that will be present very soon.

Do not abuse the things that can harm you, either for your body or for your mind. Even if you don’t realise the damage this causes to your life, soon this damage will be present and in such a way that it will be difficult to recover.

  • Body parts connected to the card: psychological illnesses, psychosomatic illnesses

The Mice meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the Mice appears as a warning to prepare for possible losses suffered along the way or problems that will be the result of betrayal, ambush and traps. Redoubled attention is needed and a start to measure the trust placed in people, especially those who have recently entered the cycle of relationships. This attention should be redoubled when the card is in the central position, because in this position the negativity of the Mice is potentiated and the disappointment becomes something tangible and real.

In some readings, when cards that hold a stronger positive energy, the Mice card can be neutralised and end up meaning only delays and small setbacks along the way. Therefore, before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to observe all the cards that accompany it closely and their neutralising power.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, the Mice card will represent thefts and losses, mainly of material things, but, despite the shock that this can cause in the querent’s life, this loss will be recovered in some way. form, and the speed of this recovery will depend on the cards of support. The stronger the positive energy of the support cards, the faster this recovery will take place.

When the card is away from the consultant, losses and thefts are also announced, but this recovery, when it occurs, will take longer and, most likely, not be complete. On the other hand, the further the Mice card is from the querent, in matters related to well-being, the less likely he is to suffer any harm that affects his health, both physical and mental.

Combinations with The Mice

The Mice card is a negative card and, despite influencing the other cards and governing the same energy as yours, it can have this negativity appeased or the problems it causes solved when your support cards have great positive energy.

This means that even if the Mice card brings losses, thefts, betrayals and disasters to the reading, your supporting cards can soften the situation.

The Mice and The Cross

When the Mice card and the Cross card come together, the predictions are not the best to receive, as they indicate great suffering caused by a loss that will affect life in every way, bringing with it feelings of destruction, despair, hopelessness and panic attacks. It’s as if the eyes were blind to any way out or solution. At that moment, having the support of family and friends will be very important so that this weight does not drag you over a precipice.

The Mice and The Scythe

The Mice and The Sickle are two cards that, together, bring two distinct readings. On the one hand, it can mean a very significant loss in your life that will make you want to give up moving forward, no longer able to see a purpose to fight. In that case, it will be important to understand that losses will always happen and it will be the way we deal with them that will allow us to come out stronger and with redoubled armour.

On the other hand, it can mean the end of anguish, suffering, the end of something that led to emotional and even physical exhaustion. It’s a relief that will remove everything you’ve been enduring from your shoulders and allow you to embrace new opportunities, new challenges and take great flights.

The Mice – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with The Mice card

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Chiron
  • Card: Seven of Wands
  • Astrological signs: Libra
  • Number: 23 (twenty three)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Mice as a Person

As a person, the Mice card can represent someone unstable and stressed, who cannot deal with his own disappointments and ends up acting guided by bad faith so that other people suffer the same losses as him. He’s the type of person who can’t recognize when he’s the cause of his own problems and is always looking for someone to blame so he can get away with it and with a clear conscience. It also represents people who suffer from some of the diseases called Evil of the Century, such as anxiety, depression and panic disorder.

The Time in The Mice card

The counting of time in The Mice card is immediate, everything happens very quickly and abruptly. All actions, occurrences, consequences, whether negative or positive, tend to take from a few hours to a maximum of 23 days to be felt. With the Mice, the long term does not exist. He will always work with the here and now.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Mice card spread?

  • Are you aware of what is happening around you?
  • Can you really trust the person next to you?
  • What can you do to ease the anguish and bad feelings?
  • Is the loss you suffered really that painful, or were you just not prepared for it?
  • Are you prepared for significant losses?
  • How are you protecting yourself from betrayal, revenge, cheating and traps?
  • What are you so worried about?

Have a good read and see you in the next card, The Heart Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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